"You don't need to be surprised about this, and you don't have any mistakes. It should be said that girls bravely pursue their own happiness. As long as they don't hurt others, then there is nothing wrong. Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness. Yes, it's not just me, but you too, can you really suppress your feelings? If you can, then my efforts won't be able to take effect." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu tilted her head with a cute smile, her temperament She made such an action in an elegant and quiet manner, and even Michitome Hiodo, who was also a girl, was electrocuted in an instant.

"Can I know your motives? To be honest, the reality is too absurd. I feel like the protagonist of a prank. I am afraid that a group of people will suddenly come out and yell at me, you are being tricked." Bingtang Michiru smiled bitterly and said, today's events are so magical that she can't believe others.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Michitome Bingtang, who was a little tired, and knew that the other party must have quite a few doubts about many things. She is not the kind of person who likes to sell things, and many things are not unspoken, she simply does not intend to hide.Besides, it's not a shameful thing, and naturally it's not a problem that everyone can't talk about.

"Many things can be controlled, but feelings cannot be measured with tangible data, just like I like Li Wei, I know you are the same as me, but I have to go first, so I am in his beside you, and you can only watch."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's words made Bingtang Michiru feel a little sad, yes, everything has to be said first, so why does she have the privilege for a latecomer like her?People are selfish, especially emotionally, so for the current situation, Bingtang Michi stayed confused.

"But everything is not without accidents, just like the situation with you and me now, if I am selfish, I can indeed reject you from this circle, but I can't do it, because you are the same as me , have the same feelings. And you are different from other girls, if they are other girls, then they will try to separate me and Li Wei, but you are different, you will feel that you are a third party, you will feel guilty, and you will suffer. This is where you are different from others." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a serious face.

"What am I...different from others?" Michitome Bingtang fell into contemplation, she was just following her instinct, and she didn't want to hurt Shiyu Kasumigaoka, she couldn't do such cruel things.It is true that love needs to be fought for by herself, but if it is to use disgraceful means to "fight" with other girls, she would rather suffer the damage herself and let the matter come to an end.

· · ·

"Yes, your kindness, your sincerity, your tenderness. You are better than you think. When you treat the world tenderly, the world will not treat you tenderly, but the people around you will I am lucky, and now I want to share this luck with you." Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu smiled gently.

0 ...

This world is neither gentle nor correct, so gentle people are always hurting themselves, like Michitome Bingtang's choice, Shiyu and Li Wei, but it means that she gave up the competition and quit the emotional whirlpool.This is simply unreasonable for Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu. She wants to help others and highlight her greatness at the cost of hurting herself. So what has she become?The villain is the villain?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu firmly believes that a good girl will eventually have a good destination. She has found her own destination, but Michiru Bingtang is still confused, she must wake up Michiru Bingtang.Realize that there is a best of both worlds in this world. The world is not a simple zero-sum game. Not everything has to be decided. Sometimes, "win-win" is the best choice.

"You really don't mind? I'm a third party! If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be any trouble between you and Li Wei, sorry... I know what I'm doing, although thank you for your kindness, but I ..."

Michiru Bingtang was interrupted before he finished speaking, Kasumi Hill Shiyu said solemnly: "No, but this is the only way to make everyone happy, we are like his wings, only when the wings are complete can he be able to soar.".

chapter 140 .

Michiru Bingtang was surprised by the bold statement of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and it should be said that she was not surprised, because this kind of thinking was quite rare even in ancient times, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu was not afraid to share Li Wei's love with her at all.

Bingtang Michiru felt that the whole person was in a daze, an unreal feeling of winning the first-class lottery jackpot lingering in his mind, the feeling of worrying about gains and losses, indescribably sour.Looking at the smiling face of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, Michiru Bingtang knew that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was not joking, but said things seriously, which still made her feel incredible.

"Aren't you kidding me, today is not April Fool's Day." Bingtang Michiru remembered April Fool's Day, but thought about it at the wrong time. If it was April Fool's Day, even if it was at this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly shouted. "I lied to you" doesn't matter, Michiru Bingtang is really afraid that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is playing tricks on her.

"How is it possible, even you said it yourself, today is not April Fool's Day, but I am very serious. Don't you have any intentions in your heart? Hurry up and accept my kindness before I regret it." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu laughed.

Bingtang Michi kept her mouth shut, her heart was racing, and she felt that the whole world had turned into slow motion. She recalled the bits and pieces of getting along with Li Wei in her mind. Before she knew it, she had fallen deeply into the big picture of Li Wei. In the pit, but even if she can't "repair to a positive result", she still has no regrets.She is really flattered by what Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is proposing now, and the strong sense of unreality is also one of the reasons why Michiru Bingtang is not sure about the reality.

"This...does it really matter? And don't you say what Li Weijun said?" Bingtang Michiru said a little nervously.

"I don't need it at all, I know his temperament very well. For a girl like you, he has absolutely nothing to say." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pouted and said, this is also a cheap Li Wei, let him enjoy Qi Renzhi blessing.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knows about Li Wei's character, and Li Wei sometimes seems a little sentimental, but Li Wei is not a scumbag, because Li Wei's feelings for girls are extremely sincere.Although Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu wanted to complain that Li Wei was a big radish, but Li Wei's fuss was based on the premise that he would be fully responsible.

Therefore, Li Wei is actually a strange person, just like ordinary people will try their best to love one person, but Li Wei has real feelings for plural girls. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was a little uncomfortable, but she could feel the gentleness of Li Wei.

It is precisely because of this that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka doesn't mind Michitome Bingtang joining this "little family", because getting along for a period of time can be regarded as observing what kind of person Michitome Bingtang is. Shiyu Kasumigaoka is not a bad person, she is. After observing everything secretly and making sure that there is no harm to herself and Li Wei, she was willing to accept new family members.

This is a very simple truth. Even if it is a "vibrant social group", those "kind people" will have an observation period to assess whether the newcomer is eligible to join. After all, no one wants to include a time bomb into the family. /organize.And so far, the performance of Bingtang Michiru is not perfect, but it can be regarded as remarkable. The most important thing is the advantages of Bingtang Michiru itself, which makes Shiyu Kasumigaoka feel satisfied.

"Thank you...Thank you." Bingtang Michi pressed down the anxiety in her heart. This answer is undoubtedly the best result for her. Although she still has to learn how to get along with other people, at least the beginning is good.

"There is nothing to say thank you for this kind of thing, everyone is the same, they are all pursuing their own happiness, and no one is more noble than the other. And emotional matters, there is no right or wrong at all, no matter what happens, there is no reason to say , In that case, why should I stick to the rules? The world is never black and white, so I always think of ways to get the best of both worlds.”

Michitome Bingtang admires what Shiyu of Kasumigaoka said. Because of her empathy, she will never be as free and easy as Shiyu of Kasumigaoka. She is willing to accept other people into her two-person world. Everyone is selfish.It is precisely because of this that Bingtang Michiru feels that she is small and ugly. If she was in this position now, she would never have let Shiyu of Kasumigaoka join so easily. Naturally, she has a feeling of admiration for Shiyu of Kasumigaoka. .

Just like what Shiyu of Kasumigaoka said, there is no so-called right or wrong in the emotional world, at least for unmarried men and women, everything is possible.Because everything for unmarried men and women has not yet been finalized, even if they turn around in place, there will be no so-called ethical or family problems. This is just a matter of your own wishes, even if others gossip, it is untenable.

Moreover, Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiang is not a person who will be afraid of gossip. For her, it is good to be herself wonderfully.People live for a better life for themselves. Of course, it would be best if they didn't hurt others, but if others were malicious to her, she would fight back brazenly.Because many people can't see that others are better than themselves, once they find that people who are better than themselves are in trouble, then these people will like to see the unfortunate person to death, so that he will never turn over. day.

This kind of jealousy exists all over the world, so Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu only wants to be himself, because people live for themselves, not for others to see, and the life that needs to be evaluated by others is also Lamentable.So even in this matter, the way Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu handled it was simply deviant. If Taoist guards saw it, it would be another war of words.

For Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, caring too much about other people's eyes will only make herself and the people around her miserable, and she also despises those who are affected by the outside world's eyes, but Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has never read "The Space of Fate", Otherwise, it will go to heaven in minutes. .

Chapter 141. The enviable blessing of Qi people

"You guys seem to have a good chat. I waited there for a long time and didn't see you. I can only come to find you. Is the chat over?" Li Wei looked at the two girls who were facing each other. It's almost like a masterpiece painted by the most outstanding painters.

The two girls stood opposite each other, the one with long black hair was wearing a classical and elegant traditional pink kimono, while the girl with short purple hair on the other side was wearing a short school uniform with a modern style of white and brown. The fierce collision of modern times makes for a beautiful picture.Li Wei looked a little stunned. He really wanted to draw this picture, but he didn't have a pen and paper beside him.However, Li Wei has already imprinted this scene in his mind, and he will draw this scene of the two when he has pen and paper.

This interlaced sense of modernity and antiquity is a fatal attraction for Li Wei. This is a kind of exquisite beauty/sense like an illustration. It is like a painting coming into reality. When Li Wei came back to his senses, the two A young girl has come to his side.Li Wei just reacted, and found that both his arms had been caught/held, and two beautiful/young/girls, one classical and one modern, hugged his arms and showed him the most gentle smiles.

667 "Um...how do I feel in danger..." Li Wei looked at this smile with a creepy feeling. He found that his waist was hurting. He pinched it on his waist, like trying to twist the button of the microwave oven, and started to twist it hard. Although it didn't hurt much, Li Wei always felt weird.He could feel that the two girls were a little jealous, but Li Wei didn't dare to say anything. After all, he was in a harem, and if he couldn't stand even being pinched, it would be impossible for him to live in the future. .

Li Wei can also understand the slight jealousy of Shiyu Xiazhiqiu and Michiru Bingtang. After all, the two girls like him very much, but they have to share their lover with others, which is inherently unfair to them.On the other hand, no man can accept sharing his woman with other men. This kind of thing can cause people to die in minutes, so the two girls just pinched him. Li Wei can understand it completely.It can even be said (bhed) that they can pinch whatever they want, and it is enough to make the jealousy of the two of them disappear.

Thinking about his own father, Li Wei felt more balanced in his heart. At the beginning, his father was almost beaten by a hatchet, and he was so miserable.Although the confidante of the year still lived near Li's house, he would attack and attack from time to time "harassment: Li Wei's family, but in general, his mother is the biggest. Li Wei thought that he could build a harem, it was already It's not easy enough, but this is just the beginning. Li Wei is a man who wants to become the king of the harem. How can he give up because of such a little difficulty. However, the harem is not built in a day, so Li Wei still needs to continue effort.

Li Wei stretched out his hands, grabbed the slender waists of the two girls, and pulled them to him.Two different warmth, two different body/fragrance, the two girls gave Li Wei completely different feelings, the indifference and elegance of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and the enthusiasm of Michiru Bingtang turned into speechless at this moment. Jiao / shy.

"If you want to pinch, there will be time in the future. I can let you pinch at any time." Li Wei smirked, the strength in his hands was two points heavier, so that the two shy girls couldn't break free from his shackles.Li Wei likes this feeling very much. The girl's body is soft and fragrant. It's very comfortable to hold like emerald and warm jade. Only people who have held a girl can experience this kind of comfort. I feel, especially such a beautiful/young/girl, to be able to marry a person is a great happiness for ordinary people. Li Wei is still in the rhythm of double/flying. It can be said that he is a model of winners in life. This kind of blessing is really true Not something ordinary people can enjoy.

"Let go, there are still so many people watching..." The shy Bingtang Michi stayed looking at the strange and curious eyes of the people around him, trying to break free from Li Wei's arm, who knew that Li Wei He hugged her tighter, bowed his head and kissed her pretty face gently, Bingtang Michiru blushed with shame, and could only bury her head in Li Wei's mouth, like an ostrich.But the sight of the people around will not be reduced because of her avoidance, because the combination of one man and two women is very rare. This kind of winner in life can be said to be the public enemy of all men. It's the kind of super beautiful/young/female with a plump figure and a chubby figure. Li Wei's behavior can be said to make all the men present feel the same hatred.

Especially single people who are looking for their love here, were directly blinded by Li Wei's "big move" and fed a belly of dog food. It has to be said that it is really a sad story.But Li Wei's treatment is something they can't envy. First of all, his own conditions are unable to attract the opposite sex, let alone go further and enjoy the blessings of Qi people.Li Wei is the kind of existence that can really attract women. The biggest request a girl has for her other half is not power or money. What a girl needs is just a sense of security.It’s just that every girl needs a different sense of security. Some girls like their men to be strong and able to protect her in times of danger. Some girls like their men to have a successful career and be able to serve the family in daily life. People provide a better living environment, and some girls like their men to spend more time with them, simple and warm.

Li Wei's words are a collection of most of the advantages, but relatively few disadvantages, so for discerning girls, the attraction is very strong, and it can even be said to be popular.Because Li Wei himself has Asachel's blessing, this blessing and Li Wei's own physique, even if he does nothing, the girl will still have a good impression on him. If Li Wei takes the initiative, then the girl He couldn't escape Li Wei's clutches at all. .

Chapter 142. Criticize the single dog! ! !

For Li Wei's behavior, many single dogs want to protest, but they can't find any pain in Li Wei's behavior.Although Tsumada Shrine is also a public area where people come and go, it is a holy place for couples, so hugs and kisses between couples are not prohibited at all. Although everything Li Wei did is eaten by everyone The single dogs of dog food were jealous and gritted their teeth, but Li Wei's behavior was not discouraged by the shrine staff.

There are many more examples like Li Wei, and there are many intimate couples around, which is almost blinding the eyes of single dogs, but Li Wei's side is more dazzling.First of all, everyone else is a double, but Li Wei's side is the enviable one dragon and two phoenix, one dragon and two phoenix, the key is that the appearance and figure of these "two phoenix" are top-level beauty/girl/girl, Suddenly, there is a kind of anger that a good cabbage has been arched by a pig.

Li Wei doesn't care about the angry eyes around him. If you have the ability, you can also find such a beauty/girl/woman. You can't get anything just by looking at it.To be honest, the average appearance of people in the anime world is higher than that of the three-dimensional. Even if it is a passerby here, if it is placed in the three-dimensional, it is considered to be a handsome level, not to mention the beauty of the heroine. /Female.It is true that both Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michiru are the kind of "important characters" with world luck, so they are blessed with unique conditions and naturally far surpass others, but this does not represent the world of "Passerby" There is no unknown existence that can compete with the two girls, such as this unknown beauty/young/girl who is no worse than Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, there must be in this world, although there are not too many.

But even if he didn't lose to Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, Li Wei still didn't have much interest, because he has a special hobby, that is, "character collecting habit". In the past, he had the habit of collecting figures of his favorite characters. In addition, I have plenty of money in my hands, so there are a lot of anime female characters in the house.But at that time, Li Wei did not have the ability to travel through the world, so he could only imagine the plastic villain, but now that Li Wei can enter the animation world, naturally he no longer needs to do this kind of thing.Even after Li Wei went back, he was going to smash all his beautiful/young/female figures, because his collection addiction has been upgraded from collecting plastic villains to collecting real people.

That's right, Li Wei has a "gathering addiction of female game anime characters", which is the definition Li Wei gave himself, and this disease is also summed up by himself.Li Wei is not very interested in other things, but he has a dream, that is to build a huge harem composed of important female characters in game animation, and then he can indulge in the sea of ​​flesh/lust every day, 24 hours a day The pop/pop/pop, this is Li Wei's dream.

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