Although this dream seems absurd, it is the most real thought in Li Wei's heart. Everyone has a hobby, and doing what they like is undoubtedly the greatest happiness for him.Everyone's happiness is different. Some people like power, and their happiness is watching other people bow down to them, so such people will work hard to climb up in the power system.Some people like money, and they directly get into the eyes of money. For such people, making money is the most pleasant thing in the world. For such people, power and beauty are just spice in life. My favorite is still money.Some people like beauty/color and the feeling of conquering beauty, but because most women nowadays worship money, they often need to meet the first two conditions if they want to achieve the third achievement.

Li Wei's words belong to the third type of person. He enjoys the feeling of conquering one beauty after another, and he wants to conquer more. This is Li Wei's greatest hobby. As a god, he has enough capital to Fulfill your dreams.

As if taking an oath of sovereignty, Li Wei's hands moved upwards, hugging the delicate fragrance/shoulders of Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Michitome Bingtang, like a rooster who had won the battle, arrogantly in the crowd. The single dogs exited the stage with envious eyes.Li Wei, who has a keen ear, can hear what others say about him, but Li Wei doesn't care what others say. If people want to live freely, they can't care too much about other people's opinions.Although people live for a face, they care too much about other people's eyes. In the end, it's himself who suffers. Li Wei was originally swearing his sovereignty. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Bingtang Michitome are his Li Wei's women. Go play in the mud.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"Damn it, why can such a gloomy guy have a girlfriend, but I don't have one, it's so unfair, Lord God!" a young single dog complained dejectedly, he came here originally wanting to Looking for his other half, he originally saw Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Michitome Bingtang, and wanted to summon the courage to chat up.But in the middle of it, Li Wei killed him directly and hugged the two girls, which made his teeth itch with hatred, and what surprised the single dog was that the two beauties/girls/girls did not resist this. The rude person who was killed suddenly, on the contrary, looked intimate, and he felt that his three views had been hit hard.

0 ...

It's not just him, the other older single dog on the side is also sighing. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the single, but he also thought of being slapped by the hot dog food, which really made him sigh, now Young people are really stronger from one generation to the next. The blessing of Qi people only existed in ancient times. There are a few modern women who can accept and share their love with others. This is always the kind of small probability thing.

Just as Li Wei was about to leave, the two lily fox immortals hurried out, respectfully handed the method of making the red rope into Li Wei's hands, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

"They seem to be very afraid of you." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed as she looked at the two fox immortals who came and went in a hurry.

"They are not afraid of me, but now is the peak period of shrine activities, and they must go back to preside over the overall situation. The red rope is really wonderful. It can tie people's marriages together, and they will not be separated for the rest of their lives." Li Wei looked The paper origami in his hand was amazed.

"I want to be tied to you like Michiru." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pulled Li Wei's clothes corner and pretended to be pitiful.It is impossible for her not to be jealous. From the perspective of law, she has seen that Li Wei and Michiru Bingtang have been tied together by a red thread, and she also wants to be with Li Wei forever. .

chapter 143. I am a man who wants to become the king of the harem

"I know, I have already got the method of making the red rope. I have to say that the local gods and demons are quite talented. Although their strength is not strong, some of the slanted things are really easy to use." Li Wei also It can be said that I have learned a lot from local gods and demons. In many cases, strength cannot be used as the only criterion for measuring a god and demon, just like these gods and demons in the world of "Passerby Girl" who control local laws, although they are still It's not enough for Li Wei to play with one hand, but some of their inventions are still quite inspiring to Li Wei.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu heard Li Wei's reply, and then leaned on Li Wei's shoulder with satisfaction.Although this red line is almost the same for her as it is for Li Wei, it can be cut off artificially, but this red line "one three three" is a kind of declaration, she is Li Wei's person, and Li Wei is also her other half.This is a declaration of sovereignty, and it is also a warning to others that she already has a better half. Don’t approach it at will. The warning here is not for ordinary people, but for some gods and demons. After all, those who can perceive the red line are beyond The existence of the limit of ordinary people, she is mainly guarded against these existences.

Li Wei nodded. He knew that he would have quite a few women in the future. This red thread was enough to twist him into a ball of wool, but he would definitely be able to do this red thread, and he would do it better than the pair of lily fox fairies. Perfect and powerful, even gods and demons will be restrained.Li Wei's words can refer to the "coercive force" that forcibly twisted Belludante and Ulude to make this kind of red rope. Li Wei's physique is very special. Although he cannot directly use the coercive force, he can Apply a small amount of coercive force to an object to achieve unimaginable effects.

Li Wei can't understand his physique, because his physique can't even be penetrated by high-level beings like Beludante and Ulude, and there must be a huge secret hidden. A King Solomon is at best a demigod. Although Li Wei's previous life, King Solomon, was also a great existence, there were limits, and Li Wei found that his current potential was a bottomless pit. As long as he was willing to squeeze, he could always move forward.The only trouble is that his progress is not fast, at least much slower than Belludante and Ulud expected.

This "late bloomer" physique also makes Li Wei very distressed. Using MOBA games as an analogy, he is an absolute late bloomer, an existence that can easily carry the audience when he develops, but he seems to have been imposed "experience". -50% "DEBUFF", although the same level is absolutely invincible, leapfrog challenges are not a problem, but Li Wei's growth rate makes him feel distressed.It's so slow, although it's not much different from other gods and demons, but in terms of Li Wei's own psychological expectations, the gap is really too big. This is also the second world Li Wei will choose a daily world. The reason why he came here, because he is now in a slightly higher-end world, he doesn't know if his strength can stand up in that dangerous environment.

Using the two heroes in League of Legends to compare Li Wei's words, the most appropriate are two, one is commonly known as the dog's head, the single dog's desert death god, and the other is enough time, stacking the number of Q layers can kill the opposite BUG with one Q.But Li Wei's situation is most relevant to the evil little mage, that is, the number one bug of the little method, the dwarf method, because of the passive reason, a super bug that can infinitely stack spell strength.Li Wei is like this, as long as he is given enough time to develop, he can overturn the audience alone, provided that there is enough development time.

Of course, it's not that there is no way to speed up cultivation, that is to find a world with gods and demons, hunt gods and demons with good strength as supplements to speed up his cultivation, but Li Wei feels that his current strength should not do this kind of death. It's a matter of time, taking one step at a time is much more secure than taking a risk of death.Compared with finding a difficult world to die as soon as he came up, Li Wei still likes to take it step by step, first find a low-difficulty world as a transition, and then challenge the high-difficulty world when he is sure.  … ....

Seeing Li Wei's contemplative expression, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gently held Li Wei's palm, she and Bingtang Michiru looked at each other, and each grabbed/grabbed Li Wei's hand.For the two girls, the rough feeling was solid and secure. The slender little hands were wrapped by the slightly rough big palms, and a sense of satisfaction arose in the hearts of the two girls.

"Sorry, I lost my mind and thought of something." Li Wei came back to his senses, feeling the warm soft/soft touch in his palm, looking at the concerned eyes of the two girls, he was a little embarrassed, he should be The person who shelters them from the wind and rain can't show such a messed up appearance.A pure man, he wants to protect women, hide behind a woman's back to live, he can only live with his head in his crotch, this is the warning given to Li Wei by the father, the old Li family does not support motherfuckers.

Li Wei has also always remembered this sentence, and implemented his own way of being a pure man. The education of his parents is very useful. At least as he grows older, Li Wei finds that more and more things are handled by his father. That's right, so he admires his father more and more. Sure enough, the 0.4 experienced old driver is different. Although he overturned the car, the old driver is the old driver.Seeing the girl leaning on his left and right, Li Wei felt a burst of pride in his heart, but he would not be satisfied. His harem dream had just begun, so how could he feel complacent because of this small achievement.

Li Wei is a ruthless man who dares to marry goddesses like Belu Danti and Wu Lude. Naturally, he is unwilling to stop. Maybe it is unfair to the girls around him, but his feelings There is no so-called fairness in things, he is so domineering and greedy.He clenched his palms a little harder, feeling the softness/smoothness of that slender hand, the satisfaction and overflow in Li Wei's heart. .

Chapter 144. The Curiosity of Ying Lili

Once the relationship is established, the way of getting along will naturally change.If it is said that the relationship between Li Wei and Bingtang Michiru used to be more than friends and less than lovers, then now that this layer of windows has been pierced, many things naturally no longer need to be covered up, but in front of Ying Lili, Li Wei and the three will still be restrained. After all, in the eyes of the three, Ying Lili is just a child who has not grown up. If she behaves too much in front of her, it is likely to cause bad negative effects to her growth. influences.

This tacit understanding, the three of Li Wei can still maintain it, but if Ying Lili carefully observes, he can still perceive the relationship between the three of them in some small details.However, Ying Lili is often rambunctious. Although her observation skills are good, she does not pay attention to the people around her, so she is still in a rather confused state in the relationship between the department and the office.

Three days after the Tsumada Shrine, the interior of the department returned to its former serenity, and the one that had changed was 16, and the one who knew best was still Li Wei himself.Bingtang Michiru has good living habits and is very good at taking care of people. Li Wei is a lazy person in life, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's words are better than Li Wei's, but they are only ordinary people's standards. On the contrary, Bing, who came from a traditional family, Don Michi has his own hand in caring for people.Bingtang Michiru's observation of details is very good, so she can know what Li Wei needs. The cooperation between the two will not be worse than the cooperation with Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, and the cooperation between her and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is also Pretty good.

The two girls didn't have any idea of ​​being jealous, because they didn't need it at all. On the contrary, they had to join forces to fight against Li Wei.Otherwise, both of them would end up losing consciousness for [-] minutes, and Michiru Bingtang finally knew why Shiyu of Kasumigaoka didn't mind her coming to share Li Wei's love, because Li Wei was really scary in that respect, a People are naturally unbearable, so she knows that sometimes sharing is not a bad thing.

It's not a big deal to get used to this kind of life, that is, you need to prepare more materials when cooking, which is not a problem for Michitome Hiodo.

Life still has to go on, what to do or what to do. Although the relationship between several people has made great progress, in fact, when they get along, there are still some small problems that need to be solved.However, whether it is Michiru Bingtang or Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, they can understand such a situation. After all, their personalities are too distinct, and it is a very good situation to be able to get along to this extent.

The so-called life is sometimes accommodating each other in many things, especially the difference in living habits. When two people get along with each other, they must first consider each other's ability to accept each other, but the advantage of this is the small disputes in life. Disappeared, because after accommodating and understanding each other, they can feel each other's feelings.Doing what you want to do to others is not only the way to get along with strangers, but also an important principle for maintaining stability within a family.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michiru are both very smart girls. They know that Li Wei doesn't like seeing them have small frictions, so they are very sensible.After running-in, the two can also see the advantages of each other and learn from each other's strengths.

"Huh? Michi study abroad/sister, your skin has improved a lot?" Ying Riri looked at Bingtang Michitome who was making coffee, and curiously stepped forward to touch the slippery/tender skin on the other's arm, if It is said that although the previous ice hall Michitome was beautiful, at least it was still within the scope that Yingri can understand, then the current ice hall Michitome has gradually moved closer to Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, becoming more and more beautiful.Slowly transitioning from "fan" to "immortal", that kind of gentle and pleasant temperament makes Ying Lili, who is also a girl, feel heartbroken.If Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is the most suitable girl to be a lover, then Michitome Bingdo is the type who is suitable for being a wife. She can go to the hall and enter the kitchen. The music is very good and she is very good at taking care of people.

Bingtang Michiru is not as "cold" as Kasumigaoka Shiyu, more warm and approachable, and occasionally makes some harmless jokes with you.When Ying Lili and Kasugaoka Shiyu got along, she felt that she was getting along with a perfect sister who could not be surpassed. Staying with Michi Bingdo was like being with her family, and she would not feel restrained at all.The two were hot and cold, but Ying Lili liked both sisters very much. In the department, she was the youngest one. Li Wei, the elder brother and teacher, and the two sisters almost spoiled her.

"This kind of touch, the so-called blow/bomb can be broken, it's really amazing... Is this a special 080 skin care product? I feel that the time changes so much in a few days." Yingli Li was curious He poked at Bingtang Michi's slender hand, which remained white, and was amazed.

There was a blush on Bingtang Michiliu's pretty cheeks, what skin care products did she use, all this was due to Li Wei.What with Li Wei is equivalent to a very advanced dual cultivation, she has gained great benefits in it, first of all, the strengthening of her physique, and then the repair and optimization of her body shape. The reason why her skin is so good is entirely by virtue of it. Thanks to Li Wei's hard work.

"I'm so envious. It would be great if I could be like Mizhi studying abroad/sister. Is there any secret here?"

Ying Li Li broke the casserole and asked to the end, but Michitome Bingtang couldn't hold it back. How could she be embarrassed to say that she got such a benefit by having a relationship with Li Wei, this will teach bad children.Although Eiri is already a high school student, in the eyes of Heido Michitome, she is a child who has not grown up.Shiyu of Kasumigaoka sat on the side and watched this good show. Although Michiru Bingtang looks decent and decent, she is actually a traditional thin-skinned girl. Once the bottom line is touched, she is like a cat with fried fur, which is very interesting. . .

Chapter 145. Confidence

However, Yingli was still unable to ask the secret of Bingtang Michiru, because Li Wei directly came forward to help Bingtang Michiru out of the siege. Although Yingli was dissatisfied, she could only listen to Li Wei obediently and continue to practice painting.However, Li Wei did not let her practice blindly, but instructed her some small skills, so that the details of her paintings could be improved to a higher level.

Bingtang Michiru breathed a sigh of relief, Eri Ri's questioning made her feel unavoidable, she didn't know how to answer the question of Eri Ri, after all, her eloquence was not as powerful as Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, a few words would be enough Flickering that Yinglili can't find the north.Bingtang Michiru glared at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who smiled like a fox who stole a chicken, and blamed her for not helping her out, but looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's forcible smile, Bingtang Michiru knew who was on the other side. Determined to be a melon eater.

Although the two are "comrades" in the united front, they still tease each other many times, but this will not affect the relationship between the two. This relationship beyond sisters makes them good enough to wear a pair of Pants.

"Don't make a fuss, CM is about to start, and then we'll have to be busy." Li Wei said with a sigh as he looked at the two like a cockfight.

"Isn't there someone from the organizer's STEAM side to help, what else do we need to do?" Michiru Hiodo asked with some puzzlement.

"It's not because of the issue of the game's release. TGS is very dissatisfied with our counterattack, so they have been smearing us. Even if STEAM and CM help us, we still suffer in general. After all, STEAM is a foreign country. 's platform, the influence of Neon is not enough, and CM is most famous for fanbooks, not games, so we are always at a disadvantage in the confrontation' ~."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sat in front of his computer, clicked on the browser favorites, and news popped up.Bingtang Michi stayed forward and watched the news on the computer. The more she read, the worse her face became. The big boss behind TGS is Sony. Because of the problem of overlapping and conflicting game positioning, there must be a battle between Li Wei's new game and Sony's new game. Now Li Wei's small studio is suppressed by propaganda.

"It doesn't matter, we are different from Sony. Sony mainly faces the internal market of Neon, while we log in directly to STEAM and cooperate directly with G fat. To be honest, I made this game just to fulfill my own willful wish. I never thought about making money at all, it doesn't matter even if it is subsidized, I am satisfied that more people can play this game. But Sony is different, they are for the purpose of making money, so their burden will only be It’s even heavier, and in terms of development costs, the bulk of our game’s cost is just a piece of music, and the rest is done by ourselves, which basically doesn’t cost anything.”

Li Wei explained that he couldn't sit still and say nothing, seeing Michiru Bingtang's worried look.

"Sony's containment of us is just for commercial purposes, but we have an advantage that Sony does not have, and that is an absolute technical advantage. I have seen Sony's new games, and I can only say that it is ok. If your game is against the stage, then it is still a good game, but if you face us head-to-head, our game can blow Sony's shit. Coupled with the power of the arm, we are not afraid of Sony at all, and we have a good eye. It can be seen that the absolute gap between the two games cannot be made up by propaganda at all.”

Li Wei knows that the other side will let the navy and the media bring the rhythm, but if Sony can do it, will he not? You are the first day of the first year and I will be the fifteenth. If you dare to hack me, I will dare to expose your bottom line, although Sony is a great business A large multinational group, but from the previous item in the game, it is really not Li Wei's opponent.Because the technology used in Li Wei's games is beyond the technology of this era for at least 7 years, and it is simply not something that Sony can catch up with. The reason why Li Wei set the game platform on the PC is also because the performance of modern PCs is very good. , its hardware is enough to support the application of these new technologies. The only disadvantage is that it does not support Microsoft operating systems before WIN7. If you want to play Li Wei's games, you must be WIN10 or WIN[-]. Li Wei did not consider too much system adaptation. The ability to play these two systems is enough to popularize the game.

Li Wei is not Sony's opponent in a full-scale confrontation with conventional means, but simply wrestling with Sony's game department is really easy and enjoyable, and it is easy to hang up Sony, otherwise Sony would not be so nervous Li Wei Dimension's new game.Because the Sony game department saw the terrible potential of Li Wei's game, which would hinder the grand strategy of the Sony game department, it had to use these methods to delay the official launch of "Titan Quest: Kuroshio" as much as possible. Don't let the two games collide on the release time, otherwise the Mars will hit the earth, and only Sony will suffer. After all, the quality of the game can't do the opposite.

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