Li Wei's words made Bingtang Michiru put down his worries. Since Li Wei said there was no problem, then there was really no problem (money is good), after all, Li Wei did not bother to lie about this kind of thing.But Li Wei is telling the truth. The Sony game department is now besieged by him and Nintendo, and life has always been difficult under both sides. Li Wei relied on one trick to eat all over the sky, a "Titan Journey: Black "Tide" is on the rise, and its quality has overwhelmed all the games on the market. Even Sony's God of War series has been turned over. Although one of the two parties is a PC and the other is a home console, the impact is also huge. Sony's game department is fundamentally Don't dare to gamble.And Nintendo (Ren Hell) also took part in the siege of Sony with its own "The Legend of Zelda: Generations" and "Mario Adventure", plus the old-fashioned company B and the New Year merchandiser Ubisoft also participated In this siege, Sony was besieged by many parties, and now it is not Li Wei who should be worried, but Sony's talents. .

chapter 146. we are the big guys in the industry

"That is really a good show to watch. Recently, there have been a lot of negative news about Sony, and the quality and content of new games have shrunk. This matter has now made Sony's diehard fans dissatisfied with Sony. , there must be someone playing the rhythm here." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put his hands in front of him with a happy expression on his face.

Because of the posture of her hands, her ou/pie also looks more plump/full and attractive. Li Wei swallowed his saliva and forcibly turned his eyes away, but he saw the huge pair of jade/ Rabbit, I thought to myself that this diversion was a complete failure.He could only forcibly stare at the computer screen to calm himself down. Li Wei was relieved by the small advertisement of the comedian popping up in the browser's pop-up window. Seeing the funny face, he was finally able to control himself.

"It's really terrible..." Li Wei secretly said in his heart, he is now eating the marrow and knowing the taste, and it is easy to turn yellow in his mind without knowing it. It can be said that he is now a walking humanoid planter, and he can't wait 24 hours a day. Shuang Wai Wai. "I didn't intervene in this matter. It should be the people from Nintendo behind the scenes. It's been a day or two that they haven't dealt with Sony. Now that they can take the opportunity to beat the underdogs, it's impossible for them not to be moved."

"Sony and us deserve to work against each other. After all, this is a super masterpiece made by the teacher, but the super existence of the RPG sector that wants to crush the entire game industry is simply not comparable to Sony's half-finished product in a hurry. The plot is made by the teacher and the Kasumigaoka Xue/Sister plays the role, the music is composed of the efforts of German Orchestra and Mizhi Study Abroad/Sister, and I also do my best in art, and I still can't make a good game under such circumstances, that's really - it's strange !"

Ying Lili has a proud face, and she feels very proud/proud to be able to participate in such a masterpiece. This is a rare qualification, enough for her to play for more than ten years.In the future, when she brags, she can boast that she is also the production staff of "Titan Journey: Kuroshio" and the chief art designer of the entire game. What a great qualification.Relying on this qualification, she is qualified to aspire to the top of the book world, because most of the authors who draw fanbooks actually want to become professional business authors, and Yingli Li took Li Wei's ride and directly It has reached the end point that all fanboy artists desire.

Seeing Ying Lili's tail was about to be lifted into the sky, Li Wei used his hand to strike at the right time and tapped her on the head lightly to calm her down.

"But we can't take it lightly. Although we have STEAM behind us, we must know that Sony is a large cross-border international group. If other departments provide public relations or financial support to the game department, we will also be very passive." Michiru Bingtang said with some worry, that's her personality, she must think of a more complete way to think about things. Facing such a situation, she can't be optimistic at all.

"It doesn't matter, Sony will let them continue to toss. The quality of the two sides' works is too different, and there is no comparison at all." Li Wei habitually wanted to keep Shiyu Xiazhiqiu and Michi Bingtang next to him. into his arms, but he suddenly thought that Ying Lili was still here, his arm froze as soon as he raised it, and he could only put it down helplessly.Many times, Li Wei likes to hug the two girls from left to right, and that feeling makes him feel very comfortable and fulfilled.

After taking Sony out and criticizing it, it was time for afternoon tea, which has become a tradition in the department.After a person eats a meal, the blood of the whole body will be concentrated in the stomach to speed up the digestion of food, and the blood of the brain will also flow to the stomach, so many people will feel tired and sleepy after eating, which is very unfavorable for mental work. Yes, so the department has developed the habit of taking a lunch break.

The lunch break is not necessarily a nap, but also drinking tea and some snacks to help digestion. After Bingtang Michi left a sage helper with good cooking skills to join the department, Li Wei felt that he had become more lazy, it should be said yes He has been left to be lazy by Bingtang Michi.

"What activities are there in the last few days? Or is there anything interesting in the school?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stretched, leaned on Li Wei's body, and said lazily.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"If you want to talk about interesting things, it's not that there is nothing. A boy named An Yilun has set up a game production club. He wants to make a GALGAME debut, but now he can't even get the manpower." Li Wei smiled and said that Li Wei didn't have any bad feelings towards the male protagonist of the original novel. It should be said that Li Wei didn't look at each other with the right eyes at all. After all, the gap between the two sides is too huge.

When Li Wei said this, Ying Lili was shocked and raised her head to look at Li Wei.She doesn't know yet, An Yilun has also pulled up the shelf of the game production department. Recently, she is addicted to learning and doesn't pay much attention to the outside world, so she doesn't know anything about An Yilun.Because An Yilun also failed to entangle her at the beginning, she never bothered/entangled her again, and disappeared without a trace from her life, so she didn't pay attention to the other party's affairs anymore.


Yingli didn't expect An Yilun to be so tenacious, and under such circumstances still put up the shelf of the game production department.

"Oh, I know about this. That little guy is quite tenacious. In the case of extreme lack of funds and manpower, he still recruited a few people, but they are only at the level of amateurs. I want to make a Excellent GALGAME, it's not that simple. It's impossible for them to make a masterpiece that shocked the industry." Shiyu Kasumigaoka shook her head and said, because of the signing event, she also has no regard for An Yilun. The first impression was very bad, and An Yi Lun also had trouble with Ying Li Li before, and she didn't like An Yi Lun even more.

But when it comes to An Yilun, it is not only Ying Riri who has a weird expression, but also Michitome Bingtang's expression, because An Yilun is also her distant cousin, but the communication between the two parties is in the countryside when they were young. Now Haven't spoken to each other for over ten years. .

chapter 147

Hearing the news of An Yilun here, Bingtang Michiru was still a little surprised. After all, in her impression, An Yilun was not very courageous, and now it is possible to form a game creation club. Pretty good.And forming a game club requires not only its own professional production ability, but also sufficient leadership for the team. A game supervision, his own game production ability does not necessarily need to be strong, but there are a few points that must be possessed .The first is the control of the game script. Except for pure competitive games, other games need a plot. No matter how absurd and strange the plot is, the production supervision must be well understood.

The second point is the ability to control the team. To put it bluntly, it is the "four-nine-three" leadership. If the leadership is not good, then the production team will not be cohesive, and naturally it will be difficult to make a good game. How can we move forward if we can't cooperate well with each other?Therefore, she was so surprised when she heard that An Yilun had also become a game production studio.

"But what that kid wants to do is a GALGAME. At the beginning of production, he was ambitious and wanted to gain a firm foothold in the industry. He was a little arrogant." Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed, for the boy who made her a little disgusted, she I can't remember clearly, but when she heard the news, she still wanted to laugh.Is it really a game for children to play at home? Even GALGAME is quite difficult to make. The core of GALGAME is copywriting. If there is no good story, then everything is empty talk.

"The game genre of GAKGAME has begun to gradually lag behind the times. Now even the GALGAME industry is looking for a new way out. If he rushes in at this time, he will probably be hit and smashed. But human beings are such creatures. It’s all about eating a quarrel to grow a wiser, only when he falls and hurts, will he know where his mistake is, and it is too impulsive to start rashly without being prepared.” Li Wei said An Yilun's courage is still supported, but this style of rushing forward regardless of recklessness is unacceptable.

An Yi Lun Ye's game production team, he just glanced at the list a little, and then checked the information of each member on the campus network. Li Wei can say with certainty that An Yi Lun Ye's game is likely to be stillborn. middle.Because the team he created has many problems, if all the problems cannot be solved, once all kinds of conflicts break out, the whole team will fall apart.

An Yi Lun's studio, he is also a programmer and a script assistant. The copywriting script of the game is a boy in the second year of high school, and the drawing of the game is a girl in the first grade, although the difference between the level and the English pear is that It is huge, but it can be considered barely passing. Although it is far behind the industry giants, it can be considered to have stepped on the passing line and will not let people directly abandon the pit because of the problem of painting style.The music for the game is currently lacking. The person in charge of the music for the game is a third-year high school boy. However, due to academic problems, it is impossible to stay in the studio for a long time, so the progress of music production can be said to be appalling.

There are three girls who are responsible for dubbing the characters, but one of the important characters is in a love triangle with the game's copywriter and artist, so she quit the studio when she was sad, and until now that important female character has not been able to find a suitable CV .Seeing this, Li Wei almost laughed out loud, and An Yilun was also really miserable. He encountered all kinds of unfortunate things. In addition to the running-in problems and internal disputes of the entire team, the production of the game The progress has been terrible, and it is unknown whether he will be able to finish the game by the end of the year.

In contrast, An Yilun is just a small fight. There is a lack of venues, equipment, funds, and people. Coupled with various internal problems, An Yilun must be in a mess right now.If you want to make a game, unless it is an ultra-small indie game, otherwise a team is very necessary, because not everyone can be like Li Wei. Teamwork... But An Yilun is about to lose control of the whole team now, and the people below are disobedient, he can't do anything, and he has to find a way to find a reliable musician and Dubbing, this can keep him busy for a while, even if his action is amazing, he has been exhausted by tossing recently.

Li Wei is neither sympathetic nor gloating about what happened to An Yi Lun. Does he have the habit of being angry with ants, but because he was unhappy watching the animation at the beginning, Li Wei was able to cover the entire game by himself. , or build the team up.As for Yi Lun himself, if you want to make games, you should find someone else, but Li Wei did not expect that An Yi Lun would be so tenacious, just like Xiao Qiang Ming, he really established the studio When he got up, let's not say that the game was successful or not, but Li Wei had to give a thumbs up because of his mobility.

This matter is quite good to talk about. Although it is not very kind to talk about others behind their backs, there is an old saying that peers are enemies, even if they are not 5.0. It is also a melon-eating crowd with the mentality of watching the fun.

At the end of school, Bingtang Michiliu received a call, but when the phone rang and brought it in front of her, she looked at the unfamiliar number on the screen, she was a little puzzled, in order to cut off the circle of the past, she had changed the phone, and now this number, Only the family and Li Wei, as well as Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Ying Lili know, no outsiders should know.Seeing this unfamiliar number, her first reaction was whether it was a scam call.

But she still chose to connect. Now she is not afraid of ordinary things, even if it is a scam call, she can't help her. After a moment of hesitation, she answered the phone. .

chapter 148 .

"Excuse me, is it Michiru's cousin?"

"You are..."

The voice was very unfamiliar, and Michiru Bingtang couldn't figure out who it was, because she had four or five cousins, and there were two or three cousins ​​in the distant room. She really didn't hear who it was.

"Cousin Michiru has forgotten me, I'm An Yilun, we met when we were young."

The voice on the other side was a little nervous, and Michiru Bingtang could hear the smell of broken jars from inside, and there was exhaustion in his voice. Michiru Bingtang thought of the current situation of An Yi Lun also mentioned in the previous chat, and knew that he should be Tired of that game studio thing, but it's his own choice, she won't say anything with suggestions.

"It turned out to be Lun Ye-kun, what's the matter?"

Although he didn't feel very cold about his cousin who had not seen each other for almost ten years, Michitome Hiodo politely answered 17.

"Cousin Mizhiliu, can we meet? I have something to ask you and discuss it with you. I have encountered some difficulties and need your help. Of course, this is not forcing you, but I recently encountered a problem. When it comes to some problems, I heard from my aunt that cousin, you have high attainments in music, so I can only find you about this matter."

Michiru Bingtang has already guessed what the other side wants to do. To put it bluntly, she just wants her to join the job, right? If she hadn't met Li Wei, she would still be willing to try some game music, but now she is already in She has made game music, and it is the top soundtrack of the handed down masterpiece, she has no interest in GALGAME's extravagant sound at all.

But rejecting directly on the phone is not very good. After all, it is a relative relationship. She readily rejected the opposite party here, but the interpersonal relationship between the family members will be awkward, so she can only use other reasons to reject the other party.

"Sorry, I can't come to see you."

"Why?! It should be fine if we just meet once!"

An Yi Lun was also a little excited, and his voice raised two points unconsciously, but his performance also annoyed Bingtang Michiru, she didn't want to meet, but just wanted to save face for the other side, because she now has a property to which she belongs. In the studio, An Yilun also behaved like this is already poaching.Although it is a very common thing for game studios to poach each other, but Michitome Bingtang doesn't want to pay attention to An Yilun's olive branch, she just wants to stay by Li Wei's side. As for the others, it's none of her business .

An Yilun's idea was to let her leave Li Wei's side, how could she not be angry, but she still kept calm, did not quarrel on the phone, and did not rudely hang up the phone directly.

"I already have a boyfriend, Lun Yejun, do you think it's a good thing for a girl to go out alone to meet a boy? I don't want my other half to misunderstand, so let's just forget about it. "

Michitome Bingtang was already a little impatient, and she was disgusted by the shameless and shameless virtue of the other side. She remembered that An Yilun was not like this when she was a child, and how could she become such a disgusting person now.

"Uh... I'm sorry, cousin Mizhiliu, I don't know your situation. This matter really needs your help. If you can, you can bring your boyfriend to meet. The things I want to talk about are business affairs. I don't think he'll get it wrong."

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