Bingtang Michi stayed to look at Li Wei and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who were beside her. She turned on the hands-free mode, so Li Wei and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu listened to each word according to the voice of Yi Lun. The thickness of Yi Lun's face, Li Wei felt that he had to re-evaluate, but he still nodded to Bingtang Michi, his past, that is to make An Yi Lun completely give up.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also nodded, she didn't have a good impression of An Yilun, and this incident made her sense of An Yilun drop to a negative number, she followed, also wanting to see this cheeky What do you want to make a fuss about.

"Well, he said yes, where do we meet?"

"Meet you at the outermost cafe on the Hanadacho shopping street, I'll wait for you there."

After hanging up the phone, Bingtang Michiru sighed and said: "What a troublesome guy, I thought he was an obedient and good boy when I was a child, but I didn't expect it to be so annoying now, forget it, this time let it be He's totally giving up..."

"Let's meet that guy. Although I don't think that guy can do anything, I still want to give him a punch after saying this." Li Wei shook his head and laughed. He would be jealous, because An Yilun is not worthy of it at all. The gap between the two sides is too big. In Li Wei's opinion, the opposite is just a slightly smarter ant. He is angry with the ant. This 490 is not self-inflicted. ?

Bingtang Michiru has already returned the rented single room, and together with Li Wei and Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, they have started a life of no shame and no shame.Originally, the three of them were going to go directly back to the apartment, but because An Yilun also made an appointment to meet, the three of them turned around and moved towards the agreed place.The place that An Yilun also made an appointment with was not too far from the school, so the three of them only walked for a few minutes to reach their destination.The eyesight of the three of Li Wei is already far beyond the level of ordinary people. From a distance, they can see An Yi Lun, who is sitting under the umbrella outside the coffee shop, leaning on the table and looking at the mobile phone. Haggard, it seems that the recent days have indeed been bad enough.

Li Wei was also a little surprised. I didn't expect that An Yilun would become like this after not seeing each other for a while. At the beginning, he was still a good-looking boy, and he was a lovable but creamy boy. He could deceive a lot of girls even if he took off his glasses. , but now he feels that the gap from before is too big.The skin is yellowed, the cheeks are thin, and there are dark circles under the eyes.The whole person hunched over looking at the phone, looking like a malnourished refugee. .

Chapter 149. Jealousy and Anger

Li Wei can understand An Yilun's hard work. After all, although An Yilun wants to make a good game wholeheartedly, but there are too many pig teammates, all of them are muddy mud that can't support the wall. , and started messing around with the opportunity to make a game, it's not a problem.

He should be in a hurry now. After all, with An Yi Lun's economic ability, it is impossible to set up a formal studio completely. A group of people are gathered together because of their hobbies, and the overall cohesion can be As you can imagine, An Yilun's strength is not enough to become a soul character. As a result, he is now unable to advance or retreat, and he looks like this.

An Yilun also raised his head, saw Bingtang Michiru, and smiled, but his smile suddenly stiffened on his face, because he saw Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Li Wei on the side, the three were still in love. Appearance, Li Wei is holding a girl with one hand, this scene makes all the men around feel jealous.It is not easy for even a girl of average beauty to be able to have one dragon and two phoenix, but Li Wei's side of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Bingtang Michiru are the kind of existences that can make all film and television artists burst out. It can be said that it is from the picture scroll. The wonderful person who came out.If eyes could kill, Li Wei would probably have been chopped into meat sauce by now, but he didn't shy away from other people's eyes. Isn't it normal for his own woman to give her a hug? Just holding hands is already quite restrained. .

An Yilun was already confused. He watched the three of them leaning close together, and felt that his brain had begun to short-circuit. What was the situation?An Yilun also roared inwardly, but he couldn't say anything, and only felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Cousin...this is...' ˇ." An Yilun also remembers Li Wei's face, because Li Wei is also a man of the school. Although he rarely shows up, he will leave some behind every time he shows up. Untrue legends.And he knows Li Wei's identity, the production supervisor and development director of "Titan Journey: Kuroshio", and is also the illustration partner of Shiyu's novels of Kasumigaoka. He is a height that An Yilun can't reach, and he can only Looking up to the strong.

The three of Li Wei sat down in their seats. The round table under the umbrella was exactly four chairs. An Yilun also saw a detail. Li Wei sat across from him, while his cousin, Michitome Bingtang, and his senior, Shiyu Kasumigaoka. The chairs moved closer to Li Wei, and the situation where the four corners were facing turned into a "three-on-one" in an instant, and it could be seen that the two girls and Li Wei had a very good relationship. These little details made An Yilun feel helpless. accept.

Your cousin shares a man with another girl? !Thinking of this, An Yilun was horrified. This is really a terrifying thing. It is difficult for him to imagine that his cousin, who is strong enough to run away from home, can do such a thing. The most unbelievable thing is Yes, the relationship between Bingtang Michitome and Kasumigaoka Shiyu seems to be very good, and the small movements between the two people show that they have a very tacit understanding.

"This is..." An Yilun also felt that his tongue/head was curled, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Bingtang Michiliu took Li Wei's hand and smiled softly: "This is Lun Yejun's student at your school, Li Wei. Of course, he is also your brother-in-law. Wei seems to be the same age as Lun Yejun."

Michitome Bingtang's words pierced An Yi Lunya's heart like a steel knife. He felt that his most important thing was taken away by someone, and the unspeakable discomfort made him feel suffocated.Li Wei's age is indeed similar to him, that is, he is only slightly older than him. The combination of Li Wei and Bingtang Michiru can be said to be a sister-in-law relationship.

"Senior Kasumigaoka... What the hell is going on here..." An Yilun also endured the discomfort and asked this question.But this time, it was Li Wei who answered him.

"Hello, Michiru's cousin, I'll call you Lun Yejun. Your cousin and I are husband and wife, and this Xiazhiqiu Shiyu here is also my wife, so you should be able to understand." Li Wei said in a calm tone, looking at An Yilun's desperate expression, he felt a little inexplicable.

However, Li Wei couldn't understand An Yilun's pain. An Yilun has always been looking forward to Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu. Originally, he was only longing for "¨' School Flower", but after learning that Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu is still a person When he was a light novelist, this admiration had slowly fermented and turned into a direct admiration. Otherwise, he would not have participated in the book signing of Shiyu Kasumigaoka's novel, but the first time he met, he It left a rather bad impression on Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, which made him only bury this feeling in his heart, and could only look at the back of Shiyu of the Hill of Xia from a distance.

Now, Li Wei is holding the goddess of his dreams in his arms, and the pain is simply heart-piercing.An Yilun also wanted to turn around and run away from the place that made him sad, but he could only endure it, because he still had things to do, and he still needed a musician. .Seeing Bingtang Michi (Wang Qian's) Liu and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu leaning on Li Wei intimately, the anger and jealousy almost made him unable to keep the smile on his face, his teeth were about to bleed/blood, placed on Li Wei. The hands under the table were clenched into fists, and the nails were almost sunk into the flesh. That was the goddess in his dreams. The school/sister he thought about day and night was leaning so intimately in Li Wei's arms.

And An Yilun also noticed the word in Li Wei's words, "wife", which is a wife and not a girlfriend, which shows that the three people have established a husband and wife relationship.As soon as he thought of his dream goddess under the man in front of him, softly groaning, gritted his teeth, and his heart was bleeding.Everything about him was taken away by the man in front of him. Yingri rejected herself because she wanted to learn painting with him. Now even his school/sister and cousin have both been taken away by the other party. .

Chapter 150. Direct Rejection

"I'm already here, can you tell me what's going on now?"

Michitome Bingtang's words brought An Yilun back to the real world from the confusion, and reminded him of his original purpose.

"Um... Well, I heard from my aunt, cousin, your guitar is very good, and you are also very good at singing, so I want to ask you to help me make a GALGAME game soundtrack, if you can... "

Before An Yi Lun finished speaking, Bingtang Michiru had already raised his palm, which was a gesture to signal him to stop for a while. An Yi Lun was also a little surprised, and he hadn't even finished speaking.

Bingtang Michiru shook his head and sighed: "Lun Ye-jun, you should dismiss this idea, I can't help you."

"Why?!" An Yilun's voice unconsciously raised twice, he didn't expect that he would be rejected so succinctly, and he rejected him without even letting him finish speaking, which made him a little angry.

Seeing An Yi Lun's uncontrollable appearance, Bingtang Michiliu sighed and said, "I originally wanted 230 to save you some face, but since you want to know the reason, then I will tell you hello. I already have a studio, and now I'm working on the original soundtrack for Titan Quest: Kuroshio, so I don't have the energy to do anything else."

An Yilun, who stood up, was also struck by lightning, and the whole person slowly returned to his seat. He did not expect his hopes to be dashed like this. He regarded Michitome Bingtang as a life-saving straw, but this The life-saving straw didn't work for him at all, which hit him hard.

An Yilun can only smile bitterly. He is a grass-stage team, and the semi-finished GALGAME, which has not even been named, is naturally unable to compete with epic masterpieces like "Titan Journey: Kuroshio", and he even compares No qualifications.The reality is so cruel, he is not the kind of shameless stalker, since the other party has a job and died, he naturally can't dig the wall, and even if he digs the wall, it is useless, the opposite (bhec) It's a husband and wife team and can't be separated at all.

"If there's nothing else, then we'll have to leave." With the wind-blown hair behind her ears, Bingtang Michiru stood up. She didn't intend to have too much interaction with An Yilun, of course. No need to think so much.

Watching the three of Li Wei leave, An Yilun finally burst into tears. He could only lie on the table, helpless like a child.He has been under too much pressure for a while, and it has made him feel like he is about to suffocate. Now Bingtang Michi has left this supplementary knife, which makes him feel even more painful. He has given up hope for his own game, that kind of mess The team that can make something eye-catching, all his persistence is just self-deception.

On the way home, the three of Li Wei turned directly into the shopping street. The food reserves at home were running out, and they needed to purchase some.

Pushing the shopping cart, Bingtang Michi sighed, and said to Shiyu Kasumigaoka on the side: "Is my approach too cruel today, knowing that his situation is so difficult, yet I refuse so decisively."

"Then do you regret it?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

Bingtang Michiru shook her head, what could she regret, and joining other studios is a betrayal of Li Wei, she is not the kind of girl who is not sensible, she is all about Li Wei now, Li Wei While making games, she also went to other game production teams. Isn't this sick?

"Since you don't regret it, then there is nothing else to say. That guy finds things for himself, what does it have to do with you? If you want to make games with a passion, it's too much to look down on this industry. Although GALGAME is in Among all game types, the difficulty of production is relatively low, but this does not mean that a group of laymen can make good works with enthusiasm and brute force. There is no one who has amazing action but is not self-sufficient. A team that can be controlled by him will only smash heads and blood."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has already saved face for the other party. After all, she is the cousin of Bingtang Michiru, and it is not easy to say it too directly. again.And her first impression of An Yi Lun was really bad. Even a rational person like her would still deny the other party preconceivedly. In addition to the previous bad performance, she had already marked An Yi Lun as well. An unreliable label.The impression left by the impression of people in the first three meetings is scientifically based, and An Yilun also disgusted Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu twice, which has made Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu feel psychologically against him. repulsion.

"Everyone can change. I remember being an obedient child when I was a child. I didn't expect it to be like this now, and he paid too much for the game. I really don't feel worth it for him."

Michiru Bingtang doesn't object to An Yilun also playing games, but that is also after entering college. After all, high school is the time to study. When you get to college, you have time and professional ability. If he wants to play games at that time, he will be in an absolute situation. will be much better than now.Now it's just a group of rookies huddled together to keep warm, how can they make a good game like this.

What Michiru Bingtang didn't know was that An Yilun's grades had been dragged down. He worked hard to make games, and the money he earned was used to subsidize the studio, and after he also served as a programmer, he He also spent a lot of time learning how to use various production software, and gradually moved closer to the producer from a consumer house, but the price he paid was too great, and this approach would make him fail in the entrance examination.Fortunately, he is not a high school student now, at least he doesn't have to face the pressure of further studies.

Li Wei listened to the conversation between the two women, but he didn't feel anything. An Yilun was so miserable because he found it himself. Others can only give opinions, but they can't interfere arbitrarily. That is disrespect to people. .

Chapter 151. Swimming in hot weather

For Li Wei, An Yi Lun's affairs are like a concoction in life. Looking at An Yi Lun's unfortunate appearance, it is impossible to say that there is no schadenfreude, and Li Wei will not deny himself. of this mind.But An Yilun's current predicament is all his own, and he can't blame others.

Carrying big bags and small bags, Li Wei and the three returned home full of rewards. Girls are indeed more frenetic than men in shopping, and they have to take a look at the useful and useless, but after a while, the shopping cart is already full, and it is also Li Wei. Not an ordinary person. Ordinary people would find it difficult to carry such a heavy thing.

The life of three people living together is quite interesting. Men are visual animals. Living with two beautiful/young/girls is a very emotional thing, and you can do some shy things at any time. It's a man's paradise.Li Wei is very satisfied with this kind of life.After a ridiculous night, the three of them started working again the next day.

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