“Is Chen and Chen there?”

Not long after Chen Ziyun sat down, the shouts of his classmates came from his ears.

He was surprised, but replied, “Well, I’m here, what’s the matter?” ”

“Senior Sister Kasumigaoka is looking for you…” The classmates also looked incredulous, but still passed on the words of Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

However, as soon as these words fell, the classroom immediately quieted down, what kind of person is Kasumigaoka Shiyu, that is one of the flowers of the high school of the general martial arts, although it is called a cold beauty, but it is definitely the most popular person in this school, although the overall popularity is slightly inferior to the gentle and cheerful Kogiso Yukina, but, in private, the pervert who wants to be insulted or even humiliated by her… Well, not too much.

And now, such a flower of Gaoling actually came to find an ordinary student, anyone would find it unbelievable.

Chen Ziyun was also stunned, and soon smiled bitterly, she was really not afraid of attracting attention… No, maybe I’m being used!

I want to think about it, but he didn’t mean to blame the other party, anyway, the original manuscript in his hand was to be handed over to her after all, as for whether it was eye-catching, he really didn’t care much.

After taking out the manuscript that had been prepared long ago, he walked to the door of the classroom in full view.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was still as beautiful as ever, but unlike before, at this time, she was absentmindedly peeking at the scene in the classroom, and she didn’t even notice that he had arrived.

“If you want to see An Yi, you don’t need to be so secretive…” Chen Ziyun shook his head with a funny face.

Not surprisingly, she was startled, and the whole person jumped up, “You, what are you talking about, I don’t understand.” ”

“Really…” Chen Ziyun felt more and more amused, “Don’t you even think that one day a character from the Heavenly Descent Department will appear and snatch him away?” ”

Speaking of this, he silently added in his heart, although, judging from the fact that he did not meet the sage Hui, the role of the Heavenly Descent Department probably would not appear again.

“Compared with that blonde dog, I’m a character of the Heavenly Descent Department…” said so, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu really had a little weakness, and his face became a little ugly, I don’t know if it was an illusion, An Yilun was really a little like those dull male protagonists in harem works.

“It’s just like that…” Chen Ziyun didn’t say anything more, he had already said everything that should be said, what else could he do if she wanted to kill herself?

She was still a little weak-hearted, and after gently stroking her hair, she ripped off the topic, “Don’t talk about this, did you bring your original manuscript?” ”

“Of course…” he said, and handed over the original manuscript in his hand, “I corrected some typos last night, and this manuscript should be considered the final draft.” ”

“Are you so confident?” Her eyebrows were raised, and a smile appeared on her face.

“Yes…” Chen Ziyun did not deny that the original manuscript he gave her, although it was called the “original manuscript”, was a book that had been officially published, and it was precisely because of this that he was so sure.

“Then I will read your masterpiece… Well, although I still want to talk to you for a while, but it’s almost time for class, I’ll leave first. ”

“Go slowly.”

After seeing off Shiwa Kasumigaoka away, he returned to the classroom, and then, if nothing else, he instantly became the center of attention.

This is really….

He was a little helpless, but he didn’t say anything, and after returning to his seat and sitting down, Megumi Kato on the side asked in a low voice: “Is Senior Sister Kasumigaoka looking for you for something?” ”

“Senior Sister Kasumigaoka is Kasumi Shiko, I just gave her the original manuscript of the second volume of “Blessings for a Beautiful World”, and she seems to be very interested in this story!”

“Eh…” she froze, “is the second volume already finished?” ”

“Surprised by my speed, huh?” Chen Ziyun laughed, “If you really can’t wait, I can also hand over the original manuscripts of these two volumes to you first!” ”

After a moment of silence, she suddenly asked, “Is this really good?” ”

“Well, you deserve my trust, I’m sure you won’t pass it on.”

“Then please, when the novel is released, I will buy a copy for collection.” Remembering Chen Ziyun’s previous performance, which could be called vivid, Kato’s interest was hooked.

“Then thank you for your support, Kato.”

“You’re welcome.”

With that, both laughed.

Class time is boring, but for Chen Ziyun this is not the case, not to mention dramas, novels, comics and even sand sculpture videos on some websites, are enough to kill time in Lehe.

Soon, the lunch break arrived.

Chen Ziyun still planned to go to the cafeteria to solve the problem as always, but as soon as he stood up, a “cooing” sound sounded next door at the right time.


He couldn’t help but laugh, if he didn’t know what kind of personality Fuyuma and Sha was, he doubted whether the other party meant it, which was too punctual.

“Don’t laugh…” Dongma and Sasa, who were still lying on the table, finally pretended that they couldn’t sleep after hearing this laughter, and they looked up and glared, but after matching the reddened cheeks, there was quite a coquettish meaning.

“Sorry sorry, then, do you need my help?”

After being silent for a while, she finally nodded and said softly, “Please…”

“Eh…” Chen Ziyun was stunned, and quickly curled the corners of his mouth, “Anyway, along the way, don’t forget the errand fee.” ”


Looking at the figure that gradually faded away, she slightly cocked the corners of her mouth and fell on the table again.

It’s really incredible to think about it, I actually became intimate with a boy who I had just met… However, that person really doesn’t hate it as much as the others!

Dongma and Sha are not stupid, Chen Ziyun’s good intentions, she naturally will not notice it… Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that his care, unlike others, is indiscriminate, is a “finger-pointing” at first, but silently and carefully cares for her.

To be honest, this kind of care made her feel comfortable and warm, and even pried open the door of her heart.

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