“Classmate Chen.”

After buying lunch, Chen Ziyun planned to go back to the classroom, but as soon as he came out of the cafeteria, he was stopped by an acquaintance, this person was none other than Kokiso Xuecai, another flower of the high ridge of this school.

Chen Ziyun was stunned, but still smiled and greeted, “Good noon, Xiao Muzen-san.” ”

“Good noon, did you come here in the cafeteria to buy lunch?”

“Yes, I don’t have the habit of preparing bento, so the lunch break can only be solved here in the cafeteria.”

“So that’s the case…” she nodded abruptly, and that’s when she noticed the bread in his hand, “Wait—isn’t this the hardest bread in our school?” ”

“Is that so?” Chen Ziyun was also stunned, it turned out to be the most difficult bread, no wonder the taste would be so difficult to eat, “I don’t know, I see that this bread is the cheapest, so I picked this.” ”

“This…” Kokiso Yukina was a little crying, “Even if you don’t want to spend money indiscriminately, there is no need to torture your appetite, right?” ”

“It’s not a question of spending money or not…” he sighed softly, “My living expenses are almost bottoming out!” ”

“Where did you spend all your money?” She was a little unbelievable, no matter how she looked at it, the person in front of her didn’t look like the kind of person who spent money indiscriminately?

“Before that, I didn’t have a source of income, living expenses or anything, stemming from the inheritance left by my parents…” Speaking of this, Chen Ziyun’s smile also became a little helpless, if it weren’t for the lack of money, how could I torture my appetite so much?

“Yes, I’m sorry,” she said as she took aback and apologized hurriedly, “I didn’t even know that happened.” ”

“It’s nothing, a person is used to it, and now, I can stand on my own.” Chen Ziyun smiled, he didn’t care about his parents’ affairs, he was an orphan in his previous life, he had long been accustomed to living alone, and now… To put it mildly, it is more free to be undisciplined.

She exclaimed softly, “You are so strong!” ”

“Forced by life, strong or something, I can’t talk about it, in fact, I got a heart disease because of the loss of love.”

As soon as this remark fell, she hung up her dead fish eyes, “Falling out of love or something is completely deceiving people, right?” ”

“I really didn’t lie to you about this…” Chen Ziyun was a little crying and laughing, he didn’t deny it, he deceived her, but in the matter of falling out of love, he really didn’t lie.

“Didn’t you lie to me about this…,” Kokiso Yukina glanced at him with a smile, “So, did you lie to me about other things?” ”

“Almost, but why do you think that “I’m out of love” is lying to you? Chen Ziyun was a little curious, for no reason, he didn’t believe that she would doubt him.

“Aren’t you still talking to me in the morning with a cute girl?” Speaking of this, Kokiso Xuna was also unhappy for a while, afraid that his girlfriend would misunderstand, so he didn’t want to get too close to me, he could say it bluntly, I am not the kind of person with low emotional intelligence, is it necessary to fool me like that?

After having this idea, Xiao Muzen Xuena was also stunned, think carefully, since I already know about this matter, why do I come to him, find him to ask for sin?

“You mean Kato…” Chen Ziyun reacted, it turned out to be the incident in the morning, no wonder she misunderstood.

“She’s my best friend!”

“To make friends!?” Kokiso Xina was shocked, really fake, this person with a strange personality in front of him would have a best friend, and that best friend was still the opposite sex.

“Yes, she’s an incredible girl, staying with her, I don’t need to think about falling in love, nor worry about saying the wrong thing, just treat her like a normal friend.”

“This, this…” Kokiso Xina had nothing to say, she could see it, he really didn’t have that kind of feelings for her, but your relationship was too good, even if it was a childhood sweetheart, he didn’t dare to say such a thing casually, right?

“In short, the relationship between me and Kato is not what you think…” With that, he raised the bag in his hand, “Okay, that’s the end of the chatter, I still have to deliver bread to one of my classmates!” ”

“Oh, oh…”

Xiao Muzen Xina nodded unconsciously, when she reacted, the other party had already walked away, she was a little crying and laughing, is it so uncomfortable to stay with me?

But then again, Kato… It seems that there is no beautiful woman with the surname Kato in our school!

She still knows what are the famous beautiful girls of Sowu Gao, and probably knows the appearance of the other party, but the problem is that there seems to be no girl with the surname Kato among them.

“It’s really weird…”


Xiao Muzeng Xuecai’s question, Chen Ziyun naturally did not know, if he knew, he would definitely say that this was definitely a routine operation for Sage Hui.

After returning to the classroom, Chen Ziyun handed the bread he bought to Fuyuma and Yasa next door, “500 yen in favor.” ”

Looking at the bread that was handed over, the corners of Fuyuma and Sasa’s mouth couldn’t help twitching, and it was the most difficult bread in this school… It’s a good credit that you can get your mouth down.

I thought about it, but she still took 500 yen out of her trouser pocket, and it was better to eat it than to go hungry.

“I’ll prepare other bread tomorrow, and no matter how I say let you eat this thing every day, I won’t care.” At this moment, Chen Ziyun’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Hmm…” she was stunned, but she didn’t say anything more after all.

“Having said that, the cost of running errands is always a big deal to pay.”

As soon as this statement fell, Fuyuma and Sara were suddenly speechless, will I go and covet your 200 yen?

However, it seems that he can’t be blamed….

Although she didn’t particularly understand Chen Ziyun’s family situation, after paying attention to it in the past few days, she still knew a little.

Orphans… In a sense, I’m the same as him!

Fuyuma and Sara laughed a little self-deprecatingly, although she has a mother, what is the difference between her and an orphan?


Why can’t you take me with you?”

“Your expression is a little gloomy!” Just as she began to think about it, Chen Ziyun’s voice suddenly sounded, “I don’t particularly know your experience, but there is no point in you torturing yourself so much, right?” ”

“You…” Fuyuma and Sara were a little excited, but when she noticed his calm eyes, remembering how much he had cared for her these days, she finally fell silent, and for the first time, she took the initiative to speak, “You don’t understand.” ”

“I don’t understand.”

Even if they are both orphans, in essence, he is still different from Fuyuma and Sasa, he is truly alone, and Fuyuma Kazusha always has a mother who cares about her, although this mother has a very strange nature.

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