For the flattery of these people, Wang Zhong waved his hand indifferently: "you guys, I'm not Yang Baiming, you don't have to be so polite. In my spacecraft, I'm interested in real talent and practical learning. Instead of studying these sycophants, you'd better study and operate the spacecraft more."

Wang Zhong's words brightened the eyes of the crew.

They all know that Wang Chong and Yang Baiming are really different.

In the following days, Wang Zhong has been familiar with patrol ships.

In fact, he has a deep foundation, and now he is just familiar with it.

The patrol ship is not strong. Its daily task is to patrol some areas and channels near the space station.

The training is almost over, and Wang Zhong is officially familiar with the crew.

However, Wang Zhong was always thinking about how to make contributions.

There must be no chance to do meritorious service in the base. Only when patrolling can we do meritorious service.

Two months later, the opportunity finally came!

According to the notice of Lvyang, a group of star pirates are going to hijack a traveling star airliner.

This is a big deal.

Wang Zhong had imagined how glorious it would be when he saved the airliner!

I'm sure to get a promotion by then.

But here comes the problem.

That route is not the route he patrols, but it is not far from the route he patrols.

"No matter, the best thing to say is to receive a rescue signal."

Wang Zhong made up his mind.


The next day, Wang Chong and his team started today's patrol from the space aircraft carrier.

The patrol ship roamed the universe, and Wang Chong sat in the main driving position to avoid scattered meteorites.

In fact, autopilot can be used at such a slow speed.

But Wang Zhong doesn't like the feeling of self driving.

He likes to drive by himself, and the texture of this kind of driving fascinates him.

"It seems that today is another boring day."

The radar soldier butyl leaned back in his chair and said bored.

Correspondent Alex said with a smile, "it's going to be a holiday again in a few days, captain. What do you say we go out for a few days? We've all discussed. Please go to the role-playing club together. I heard that there's a new role-playing area there, which is called 'the care of the chief'."

"Yes, Captain, first of all, we really want to invite you, not to flatter you." Main gunner Kutch shouted.

Wang Zhong shook his head helplessly and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but there is something wrong today. Have you found it?"

"What's the matter?" Everyone was curious.

Wang Chong said, "I just found a spacecraft on the radar and suddenly lost the signal. It's very strange."

"Don't you think so?" Radar soldier butyl muttered.

"Butyl, it seems that you haven't done your job well."

Wang Zhong said lightly. In fact, he was also talking nonsense. His purpose was to go to another channel in a fair way.

With that, without waiting for the crew to reply, Wang Chong pulled the speed, and the spacecraft instantly accelerated and flew towards the y720lld channel.

The faces of the crew changed greatly: "Captain, don't mess around."

"Where is this going?"

"Captain, you must be mistaken."

For these cries, Wang Chong didn't listen at all, and the spacecraft accelerated.

"It's over. If you leave your post without authorization, you will go to a military court."

"Calm down."

"Don't quarrel, everyone. I didn't mess around. I know what I'm doing. In short, listen to me this time. I suspect that the radar shows that it's an interstellar pirate."

Wang chongleng shouted. In his momentum, he oppressed everyone and made them dare not say more.

However, the crew were still very worried. They looked at each other and didn't know what to do.


At this moment, on the y720lld channel, an interplanetary airliner is entering the scheduled orbit.

This is an interstellar airliner dedicated to serving the rich. This flight is to visit a tourist planet.

It is said that the tourist planet is like spring all year round. Only a small beach is exposed on the water in the whole world, and the rest of the land is less than half a meter underwater.

This is a good place for swimming and sunbathing.

The tourism company has made great development on that planet, and now it has become one of the most famous tourist attractions in Wantai Federation.

The spacecraft slowly enters orbit. Now it only needs to enter the predetermined area to start space jumping.

However, just here, the luxurious and comfortable starplane suddenly shivered, and the tail seemed to encounter a violent explosion.


In an instant, the inner part of the starplane kept shouting.

"What's going on?"

"I, I... I seem to see a fire outside the window. The fire is emitted from the tail of the spacecraft."

"What? It won't be so unlucky, it's an explosion!"

For a moment, the passengers were in a panic and confusion.

"Please keep quiet." The steward shouted anxiously.

But how can we keep quiet in such a thing?

Soon, passengers were asking what was going on.

"For the time being, I don't know. I have to ask the captain." The steward said with a cry.

"Something's wrong, everyone, look ahead!"

A bald middle-aged man pointed out of the window and saw a small spacecraft with a muzzle mounted on it not far from the front, blocking the front.

"This is a refitted patrol boat. I read it in the military magazine. Pirates, we met the star pirates!"

A young man who loves military affairs was stunned.

For a moment, the crowd rioted again.

The notorious star pirates are widely known among ordinary people.

These pirates are ferocious. Once they hijack the starplane, they must let their people land to control the starplane, otherwise they will be destroyed on the spot.

Once boarded by these guys, they will be unlucky. It is said that the star pirates flee on some death stars in the deep space. They like to abduct some beautiful young women and lock them in the death star.

Once locked up on the death star, it can be said that there is no possibility of coming back.

But now if you resist, it will be destroyed directly. In short, no matter how you do it, it will be very troublesome.

In the cockpit, the three pilots who controlled the spacecraft were full of cold sweat on their foreheads, and they didn't know what to do.

Because all the main and auxiliary ports of the starpirate spacecraft opposite have been aimed at them.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the main muzzle energy there has been filled up, and there is a slight change. These guns can easily tear their interstellar airliner to pieces.

"The other party sent a message."

The correspondent connected the communication, and a sharp laugh came from it: "Hello, I'm general zhuoder."


The faces of the three drivers changed.

Joad, the 34th most wanted pirate of the star pirates.

It is said that zhuoder was originally a general of the Republic. Later, he launched a coup. Unexpectedly, the coup failed. Then zhuoder fled with his old army and began to wander in the universe as an interstellar pirate.

This general zhuoder is said to be cruel by nature. He likes to abduct some young women and take them to the death star. As for men, if they have energy points, he will let them live. If not, he will kill them locally.

He won't show any affection, just want to kill.

"As for the captain, I want to talk to him." Zhuoder said again.

"I, i... I am."

The captain wiped his sweat: "general zhuoder, our ship is the sunshine star tourist spacecraft. There are all distinguished guests on it. Please help me."

"I know they are all VIP guests, so this is not coming. Open the hatch immediately and let my people land, otherwise, I will blow you."

"This this............."

"Give you a minute to think." Zhuo de spoke without hesitation, and then said, "don't worry, according to the star pirate convention, we don't kill obedient drivers."

The so-called interstellar pirate convention is a default treaty for interstellar pirates.

It means that when hijacking a spacecraft, as long as the pilot is obedient and opens the hatch obediently, it will definitely ensure the safety of the pilot.

This is also to ensure that the driver is obedient.

Otherwise, even if the pilot opens the hatch, he will die. Which pilot will obediently comply?

The three drivers looked at each other. The driver finally nodded and said, "if you don't open the door, you'll die. That's not as good as

"Well, that's the only way."

The three drivers were not worried about what would happen to them.

Because this is the unspoken rule of the star pirates. As long as they are obedient and do not resist, as pilots, they will be safely sent somewhere afterwards.

Then the hatch at the tail of the spacecraft opened.

This is a vacuum area. People wearing oxygen equipment will land from here later.


"It's over. This is an interstellar pirate ship. They must have reached an agreement with the captain and opened the hatch."

"What if you don't open it? I didn't see that the muzzle was aimed at us. Damn it, the soldiers on patrol didn't know what to eat. Such a big pirate ship came and didn't appear."

"It is right to surrender now, or we will all be killed."

A big boss who started a company and used to travel with Xiaomi had no choice but to say that he was ready to pay more energy later, just begging those people to spare themselves.

As for my honey, I'm afraid I can't escape bad luck.

Sure enough, his honey nervously took his hand: "woo woo, I don't want to be caught, I don't want to be caught."

"Get out of here, especially. You'll be obedient later. Don't bother me."

Xiaomi was stunned. At this moment, she felt that the person in front of her was so strange.

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