Just as there was chaos inside the spacecraft, general droid's men were ready to land.

A helicopter flew out of their spacecraft and slowly flew towards the landing port.

Just about to land, suddenly, a laser came flying without warning.


The helicopter was torn apart, and the driver inside was dead and could not even find the slag.

Zhuoder and others were stunned at this scene.

"Who did it?"

Zhuoder thought in his mind, but for the first time he didn't shout angrily, but immediately ordered to raise the shield.

"Raise the shield."

"No, it's a patrol ship."

They did not expect that a patrol ship would approach them in silence, so that the radar did not find it.

The owner of this patrol ship is naturally Wang Zhong.

After a successful attack, Kuchi, the main gunner, shouted, "the pirate ship ahead has been targeted. Please instruct the captain."


Wang Zhong did not hesitate to order.

In order to avoid these pirates jumping off the wall and firing weapons at the starplane, he was not prepared to accept the idea of surrender at all.


Kutch didn't hesitate to press the launch button.


The main gun, which had already been filled, was fired. Because the pirate ship had not had time to raise the protective cover, it disintegrated instantly.


"The pirate ship exploded."

"What's going on?"

"Haha, saved. Look, it's a patrol ship. The uncle of a cousin of my relative's eldest brother is the soldier on the patrol ship. Hahaha, we're saved!!"

Inside the starplane, passengers and crew members were relieved.

They were saved.

"Hello, passengers in front, I'm Tang Bai, captain of the patrol ship. The StarCraft pirate ship has been destroyed by us. Please rest assured that the rescue workers will arrive soon."

After that, the starplane landed safely at the temporary airport.

Wang Zhong, as an escort, also followed.

However, when we followed, the superior officer Kata got through the communication.

When Wang Chong was training before, he saw this officer on the patrol ship screen. He looked a little thin. After seeing Wang Chong, Kata nodded and said, "Staff Sergeant Tang Bai."

"Hello, sir."

"Well, you did a good job this time. Reporters and passengers will come to interview you later."

"Yeah." Wang Chong was delighted. If it was true, he would be angry. It would be difficult for his superiors not to reward him.

However, Kata's next words cooled Wang Zhong's heart.

Kata said, "get off the plane later. Don't see the reporter for the time being. Let me talk."

This is trying to win!

Wang Chong frowned. He had been robbed of credit last time, and he came again this time.

"Tang Bai, do you understand? Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Kata hinted.


The crew were not happy after hanging up the communication.

"This guy is trying to take credit!"

"Too hateful, how can this be!"

"This is the virtue of the people in the military headquarters. They like to take credit from their subordinates." Ding Ji scolded low.

Wang Chong's eyes were cold and he didn't speak. After landing on the spacecraft, countless reporters and passengers surrounded the spacecraft.

"Captain, what should I do?"

Looking at the expected eyes of the crew, Wang Zhong understood that they wanted to get off the ship and enjoy the feeling of being treated as heroes.

But officer Kata has ordered before that they can't get off the ship. What should we do?

Wang Chong smiled and said, "the officer has ordered, of course, to obey, but... He didn't order you!"

As soon as their eyes lit up, they got off the ship.

Seeing the crew get off the ship, the reporters gathered around.

"Click, click, click!"

Countless camera lights flickered, and the crew's chest straightened out uncontrollably.

They became heroes. Wang Zhong brought them all this.

"It is said that this time the star pirates secretly entered the travel channel. How did you know there were star pirates there?"

Faced with a reporter's question, the crew said, "it was our captain who found it."

"What about the captain?" The reporter asked.

"The captain is still on the ship. I told him to come down."

At this moment, Wang Chong naturally has a reason to come down. At that time, even if the chief Kata wants to criticize him, he can't find a reason.


More and more people got off the ship.

Not only reporters, but also many passengers gathered around.

"You are the captain. Thank you so much. If you hadn't saved us, we would be over."

A rich lady held Wang Zhong's hand tightly and said gratefully.

"Little hero, this is our little hero."

"Thank you so much. How did you get here?"

"Excuse me, sir Tang Bai, how did you know that pirates would appear there?"

Facing the questions of reporters, Wang Zhong naturally won't miss this opportunity to make a public appearance. Kata told him before that if he came to see the reporters again, he would have been thrown out of the sky by him.

Wang Zhong said, "I found it on the radar. At that time, the radar appeared, and suddenly it was silent. Only pirates would do this, so I guess there was a pirate attack!"

"I see!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Later, the reporter asked a lot of nonsense.

Yes, it's nonsense.

After all, the rescue action is almost finished. As a hero, Wang Zhong, the story behind him is naturally very noticeable.

Of course, Wang Chong is also worried about whether Bai Xiangling will see his appearance when he is on TV. After all, he came out of green mercury.

Fortunately, super smart Lvyang said that when it comes to this kind of thing, TV stations usually code it, in order to avoid retaliation from the starpirates.

Half an hour later, sir Kata arrived late.

He looked at Wang Zhong with a cold face, snorted coldly, and walked away.

On the same day, as a hero, Wang Zhong and his team made headlines in major media.

"The members of the brave patrol ship saved the tourist ship bravely, braved difficulties and dangers, and fought pirates wisely!"

"Super captain, the secret that pirates and I have to tell, deeply exposes how super captain Tang Bai deals with starpirates."

"Star pirate nemesis! As soon as the super captain makes a move, he knows whether he has it!"

Looking at the headlines of the major media, Wang Chong felt that he was going to get goose bumps all over.

The next day, Kata came to Wang Zhong.

"Sir, are you looking for me?" Wang Chong entered the office and asked.

"Tang Bai, do you know why I'm looking for you?"

Of course, Wang Zhong knows. It's not because he wants to take credit for himself, but he can't.

But at this time, naturally, he pretended not to know. Wang Chong looked suspicious: "Sir, my subordinates don't know."

"Yesterday, I didn't ask you to meet the reporter slowly. Do you know, just because you said something nonsense, maybe some of our military deployment will be known by the star pirates. Do you know how dangerous it is for other team members!"

Sure enough, did you want to pick a bone in his egg.

Fortunately, Wang Chong had been prepared and had a way to deal with it.

"Sir, I haven't revealed any secrets about the military."

"Before you say no, it's the biggest mistake for you to disobey me."

"Sir, I didn't listen to you. You just told me not to get off the ship, but didn't order my team. Later, I was invited by the reporter, and I couldn't help it."

"Don't explain. I don't think you are qualified for your current position."

"Oh, I see!"

Wang Zhong smiled, "Sir, you are jealous of me. Originally, you wanted to see the reporter first and take credit for yourself, didn't you?"

Kata's eyes were frozen. He really thought so. He originally wanted to tell reporters that he had judged in advance that pirates would appear, so he asked Wang Chong to lead the team.

But it's different if Wang Zhong said it like this.

"Tang Bai, I'm your officer. Do you know the consequences of your saying so?"

"There is no consequence. I can't do it at most, but anyway, I know several reporters this time. I believe they must be very interested in my resignation." Wang Zhong's tone was relaxed, but the threat in his words was self-evident. With a cold face, he continued, "those tabloid reporters are very good at writing. I even helped them figure out the headlines."

"What headline?"

"The officer persecuted his subordinates out of jealousy. What about this headline? Under today's public opinion, I believe the people must be super interested in this matter. Well, maybe the previous headline."

Kata looked at Wang Zhong with a hint of indifference and hostility.

"I said that your captain, Yang Baiming, was arrested by the gendarmerie for drinking for no reason before. Is it your ghost?"

Wang Zhong didn't answer, saying, "Sir, I respect you, but you should also respect me. I don't want my things to be taken away. Please understand."

"Haha, of course I understand."

In an instant, Kata seemed to be a different person, and his attitude became polite.

It seems that after weighing, he also understands that it is not easy for him to deal with a hero at this stage once he is caught by the reporter.

After leaving here, the military headquarters successfully got the reward for Wang Zhong and promoted him to the rank of sergeant chief.

In addition, Wang Chong rewarded 50000 energy points, and each of the other team members rewarded 10000 energy points.

Wang Zhong was not very happy about this.

Because he offended Kata this time. Kata's current position is lieutenant. For a long time, when the spotlight comes, Kata will certainly deal with himself.

After all, no leader will allow his subordinates who are not under his control to appear.

But for Wang Chong, if Kata wants to deal with him, why don't he want to deal with him?

He is also waiting for this opportunity.

Finally, two months later, an opportunity came.

As the general captain of patrol ships, Kata manages more than ten patrol ships. It is said that the daughter of the president of a large enterprise will pass by this place to establish a branch of this enterprise and cut the ribbon for the branch.

This company is called xunteng company, which is the largest large company integrating entertainment, games and networks in Wantai Federation. It is said that the company's wealth is invincible.

Such a big man is naturally heavily guarded.

Most importantly, they received clues that someone would rob Qianjin, Ma Xianxian, President of xunteng company, on the day of opening.

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