Wang Zhong looked around and agreed to talk about things. There were only two people, he and Wen Ruo.

Especially the layout style here, the dim light with a hint of temptation.

"Is this Wen Ruo trying to chase me?"

Think of this.

Wang Zhong immediately shook his head.

This possibility is very low.

It's very simple. Although Princess Wenruo has been in contact for a short time, Wang Chong also knows that this is a talented woman. She loves people and herself, but she loves her country more.

How could she want to chase a general of the enemy country?

However, Wen ruo's next move surprised Wang Zhong.

Because she suddenly proposed to drink some red wine, and then talked about the border.

She means that the disputed border areas have been owned by Wantai Federation anyway. The two countries can withdraw their troops from each other. The border between the two countries is unguarded, and only some patrol ships can be left to clean up pirates.

To do so, first, save military expenditure, second, increase trust between the two countries, and third, peace on the border can bring greater trade between the two countries.

This is also good for Wantai Federation. Of course, Wang Zhong agreed.

But then she told her story.

Princess Wenruo was born in the emperor's family. Since she was a child, she has no freedom, and everything is assigned by the family.

She likes singing, but her father won't allow her to appear in public as a princess.

She was very sad and wanted to leave.

But the empire is too big and the people are complicated.

From childhood to childhood, she saw too many people who flattered her father but disobeyed him. She was worried that her departure would put her father in a passive position.

Chatting, Princess Wenruo blushed.

"You know, general Tang, originally, my father wanted me to marry the Titan Empire

The Titan empire is a country located at the other end of the Japanese Empire.

It borders on the Japanese Empire, but it is separated from the Wantai Federation by a Japanese Empire.

Although the system of the Titan empire is the same as that of the Wenruo Empire, it is imperial.

However, the Titan empire was more centralized, and the following parliament did not work at all. Instead, it was the Japanese Empire. The Parliament had rules that limited part of the monarch's rights, which could prevent the monarch from making major mistakes.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the internal harmony of the Japanese Empire is not harmonious, and the Titan Empire has strong national strength in recent years, and there is a hidden desire to dominate.

Wang reassessed and felt that Wen ruo's father didn't want to conflict with the Titan Empire, so he wanted to ask for peace.

Just thinking, unconsciously, Wen Ruo has sat beside Wang Chong.

"Princess, you..."

"Shh, Tang Bai, you are also alone now. If you want to do something, you can actually do it."

Does this hint need such red fruits?

Wang reopened his mouth, confused, and was pushed down by Wen Ruo.

Originally, Wang Zhong thought that if Wen pushed him down, he had a purpose.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Wen Ruo left without saying a word, leaving only a piece of paper that said: we will still be friends in the future.

"What is the idea of this article?"

Wang Zhong didn't understand.

To Wang Zhong's surprise, three days later, the front line reported that the Japanese Empire and the Titan Empire had officially declared war, and the two countries had assembled their fleets on the border.

Among them, there are more than 70000 high, middle and low warships of the Japanese Empire.

Originally, there were more, but they lost a lot when fighting Wantai Federation.

The total number of high, medium and low warships of the Titan empire is 150000.

This number, the Japanese Empire is almost bound to lose.

As Wang Zhong guessed, Princess Wen Ruo did come to him, and the purpose of coming was to ask for support.

"Why should I help you?"

Wang Zhong sipped his tea with a bland attitude.

He now understands why Wen Ruo did that to him. This talented woman really has a deep mind. All this has a purpose.

Her purpose is to see that there must be a war with the Titan empire.

If you are like yourself, you have a high probability of sending troops to solve the siege.

If she meets an ordinary general, her plan may be successful. Unfortunately, Wang Zhong is not.

However, Princess Wen Ruo seemed to have guessed that Wang Chong would be like this. She smiled and said faintly, "because helping me is also helping you, but also helping Wantai Federation."

Princess Wenruo continued to explain: "once our country is occupied, the territory of the Titan empire will be tripled, and its troops will become the first in the region. The current monarch of the Titan empire is only in his forties. This is an ambitious man, and he will definitely launch a war against your country. If you don't help us now, you will face a bigger enemy at that time."

Wang Chong didn't speak, and continued to listen.

"Besides, Mr. Tang Bai, you are also an ambitious person. You are a soldier. Only war can make you famous, can't you?"

"You say so much, it's still not attractive to me."

Wang Zhong shook his head slightly.

It is impossible for Titan Empire to absorb Wenruo empire within ten years.

During this period of time, it is enough for him to develop greater military strength. At that time, it is not a problem for him to work hard and win all the two empires.

If Princess Wen didn't expect, it's time for Tang Bai to help.

She bit her teeth and said, "there is another reason, that is me! I am already your woman. My country is occupied, and I will also be robbed by the emperor of the Titan empire. Are you willing to have your woman robbed? If you say willing, I will go immediately!"

Princess Wenruo is also desperate.

In fact, she doesn't like to say this to a man, because she feels that her affairs must depend on herself, not on men.

But Tang Bai didn't eat hard and soft, and it was difficult to deal with, so she could only do so.

Wang Chong stared at Princess Wen Ruo and laughed in his heart. Unexpectedly, this woman would say so, which was beyond Wang Chong's expectation.

"I promise you, but on one condition."

"What conditions?" Princess Wenruo asked.

"I want to marry you!" Wang Zhong said impolitely.

He thought that Princess Wenruo had a high status in the Wenruo empire. If he married her, he could get the support of some forces in the Wenruo empire.

If you want to become a marshal in the future, it's just around the corner.

At present, although the old marshal of Wantai Federation is old, according to Wang Zhong's intelligence network, the faction of the old Marshal intends to support another person to choose the top, so he must be prepared in advance.

At this moment, Princess Wenruo was stunned.

Then she frowned.

Last time she was with Wang Chong, she really liked Wang Chong, but she didn't want to marry at all!

Very simple, she has ambition. She doesn't want to be a princess or queen of the Wenruo empire. She wants to be a female emperor!

Together with Wang Chong, I also want to find a peripheral ally.

Once married, she belongs to the wife of a foreigner. How can she become the emperor of the Wenruo empire in the future.

"Impossible!" Princess Wen Ruo shook her head immediately.

"Forget it, you can rely on yourself."

Princess Wen Ruo bit her teeth. She looked at Wang Chong and wanted to see what Wang Chong meant.

Is it intentional, or... Frighten her?

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