Wen Ruo stared at Wang Zhong, and soon she was disappointed.

Wang Chong's face was flat, and he had no intention of temptation at all.

"If you don't promise, your country's army will suffer heavy losses. At that time, no matter what your purpose is, if you don't have strong strength, it's all on paper. If you promise me now, you can still save your strength......"

If Princess Wen was not a fool, she quickly weighed the gains and losses, and sighed, "don't you think it's shameless to say so?"

"I don't think so. After all, you lit the fire, and you should be responsible to the end."

"Your ex-wife, do you still miss her?"

Speaking of Ye Huihui, Wang Chong recalled the familiar figure in his mind.

"If Huihui received the same education as you since childhood, you... Are not as good as her!" Wang Zhong told the truth.

Princess Wen Ruo was stunned and said with a smile, "I didn't expect her to have such a high evaluation in your heart."

The next day, Wang Chong announced that he would marry Princess Wenruo.

After learning the news, the whole country cheered for Wenruo empire.

Because they are now at war with the Titan Empire, it is a great good thing for Princess Wen to marry Wang Chong, at least to get military and political support.

This news is bad news for the Titan empire. For the first time, the official reprimanded Wang Zhong on the TV program of Wantai Federation, scolding him that he had been cheated. Princess Wenruo is a real liar, wife D. marrying her is the failure and disgrace of general Tang Bai.

For these news, Wang Zhong responded with military response.

Only two days later, his third army went to the front line to support the Wenruo empire.

With the support of the union of ten thousand taels, the Titan Empire did not lose as much as it expected.

The reason is very simple. The Titan Empire and the Darwin Empire were united.

Darwin empire is a big country as strong as the union of Thailand. The most important thing is that the two countries are feuds and have not established diplomatic relations so far.

Therefore, after learning that the union of Wantai supported the Wenruo Empire, the Darwin empire gave support to the Titan empire.

The warships of these two countries suddenly exceeded Wantai Federation and Wenruo Empire twice, which was a bit choking to fight. Even with the support of Wang Zhong, the army of Wenruo empire was also gradually defeated.

In the first year, the Wenruo empire lost two-thirds of its warships, retreated to various satellites, and used satellites to hold its ground.

The next year, the satellites of Wenruo Empire were destroyed one by one, and Wang Chong's low-level warship fleet lost more than half.

In the same year, Wang Zhong requested the support of other group armies of Wantai Federation.

The other three group armies promised to send 20000 troops to support each other, but they were all low-level warships.

In the third year, half of the territory of the Wenruo empire was occupied, and the situation turned extremely bad. The leadership of the old monarch was questioned within the Wenruo Empire, and many parliamentarians asked to make peace with the Titan Empire, otherwise, the Wenruo empire was in danger.

It's not easy for Wang Chong.

After supporting the Wenruo Empire, the rising star of the military in the past, because the Wenruo empire was too awesome, he even delayed several times, leading to Wang Chong's defeat several times.

Now the undercurrent is surging inside the Wantai Federation, and many lawmakers question Wang Chong's sending troops to aid the Wenruo empire.

In their view, at the beginning, sending troops to Wenruo empire may have a high victory rate, but at this point, the enemy is too strong. If we continue to fight, Wantai Federation will be dragged down by Wenruo empire.

Coupled with Wang Chong's marriage to Princess Wenruo, many people questioned whether Wang Chong sent troops to help Wenruo empire for his own self-interest.

Therefore, many of his former allies who supported Wang Zhong actually got rid of him and challenged Wang Zhong in Congress. Please explain.

No one expected that marrying Princess Wenruo was a good political chip at the beginning, but now, because of continuous losses, this relationship has become a burden.


"Hey, Tang Bai, you should regret marrying me?"

On this day, bad news came from the front line again.

The low-level warship force of the fifth group army, which supported the third group army of Wang Chong, was unexpectedly ready to resist the order and withdrew to the union of Wantai, resulting in the fall of another very important satellite of the Wenruo empire.

Not only that, several other group army generals attacked Wang Zhong and asked for the immediate withdrawal of troops, regardless of the Wenruo Empire, to make peace with the Titan empire.

And immediately divorce Princess Wenruo and get rid of the relationship, otherwise, they will deal with Wang Zhong's third group army.

After learning the news, Princess Wenruo found Wang Zhong.

"Regret? Why do you say so?"

"It's all because of me that you face such a situation."

"As long as I don't finish, there is hope."

Wang Chong smiled at Princess Wen Ruo. He had strong confidence. He had already mastered the situation behind him, but he didn't care.

It's very simple. Because of the power of those people, he doesn't care.

"Wen Ruo, don't worry. Like Huihui, since you are already my woman, I will protect you!"

At this moment, Wang Chong's appearance made Wen Ruo feel that he had met the right person.

"Tang Bai, with you, even if I die, I will die without regret."

"You won't die!"

Wang Zhong's aim is not aimless, because he still has the last mace.

Without these killer maces, he would never be willing to let his army consume.

Now, of course, it's different.

"Wen Ruo, have you understood the true faces of some people around your father these days?"

"Well, I see."

"When we master the situation, these people will be caught!"

Three days later, the guards of the councilors in the Wenruo Empire suddenly rebelled, and princess Wenruo and the old monarch had to make peace with the Titan Empire to force the palace.

In this rebellion, the warships of the congressmen add up to more than 10000 low-level warships.

There are only more than 500 private guards of the old monarch here, and most of the rest have been sent out to fight.

In this gap period, the mighty rebel forces in the universe have surrounded the guard of the old monarch, and the situation is very urgent.

Just when the rebels thought they would win a great victory, suddenly, lasers came from the distant stars.

These rebel forces have turned into cosmic dust before they react.

"Who saved us?"

Wenxuan, the son of the old monarch and the younger brother of Princess Wenruo, shouted in shock.

"Sir, there is a communication coming in, which seems to be from an army that saved us."

"Connect quickly."

No matter who the other party is, as long as they are saved, they are friends.

"Hello, Prince Wenxuan, we are the guard force of general Tang Bai, the black dragon fleet. We have come to rescue him at the order of general Tang Bai!"

Black dragon fleet

Wenxuan had never heard of this fleet at all, but since it was his brother-in-law's fleet, of course, he hurriedly asked the other party to come over.

"Then come here."


Soon, the mighty fleet docked in the universe harbor of Wenruo empire.

Looking around, there are actually more than 10000 painted black warships.

However, the well-informed Wenxuan has never seen such warships at all. It's strange, what model are these warships.

Because Wang Chong's people didn't come down, he was not easy to ask.

The rebellion in emperor Wenruo's country was soon quelled, but the situation on the border has not been eased.

A few days later, the more than 10000 black dragon warship corps, together with the third group army of Wang Chong and the remaining troops of the Wenruo Empire, made a mighty march towards the Titan empire.

The Titan empire is now powerful. Naturally, it was the first time to know the news of Wang Chong's black dragon warship.

However, because this is Wang Zhong's guard, the information of the warships is top secret, and they don't know what's powerful about these warships.

"For the time being, let's list these black dragon warships as high-level warships. A mere 10000 are not worth mentioning. 30000 high-level warships are sent to fight."

The Titan empire was powerful, and soon 30000 high-level warships took the lead, followed by hundreds of thousands of low-level warships.

Surprisingly, the black dragon fleet stopped moving when it was close to the battlefield.

This made Wang Zhong's third group army and the army of Wenruo empire a little confused. I don't know what they mean.

You know, it's still out of range here. It's stopped so early that you can't hit each other.

But the subsequent scene shut everyone up.

Because at this time, the black dragon fleet fired all its guns.

The main muzzle was not filled with energy, and a laser gun shot out.

The advanced warships of the enemy camp have been broken down after only one shot.

"This... The range of the black dragon warship is so far?"

"It's incredible. How can this be possible?"

"Warships that are more powerful than advanced warships have appeared............."

Wenruo Empire cheered.

This battle severely defeated the main fleet of the Titan empire.

If the Empire of Wen Ruo pursued the victory, within a year, the Titan Empire gradually retreated.

Two years later, the Darwin Empire declared war on the Titan empire.

It was amazing. Everyone scolded the aidarwen empire for being shameless. Seeing that the Titan empire was about to lose, they actually declared war on the Titan empire.

At the same time, because of successive defeats in the Titan Empire, the former king, King Taif, who was only in his 40s, was murdered.

After the murder, facing Wang Zhong's black dragon fleet, the Titan Empire announced its surrender.

After the surrender, the members of the union of ten thousand taels proposed to occupy the Titan Empire and let the Titan Empire be completely included in the union of ten thousand taels.

But Wang Zhong denied it.

In Wang Zhong's view, doing so will only disgust the people. He is prepared to station occupying forces only in the Titan Empire, and announced that the Titan empire is only allowed to have its own self-defense forces and is not allowed to develop large-scale fleets.

At the same time, support the pro Wantai federal councilors within the Titan empire.

Wang Chong learned all this from the American emperor.

By stationing troops, the U.S. emperor supported pro american factions and suppressed Pro other countries' political parties, making them more and more influential.

On the contrary, if it is occupied, it will only disgust the people, and it is not good to develop anti Wantai federalism.

The Titan empire was originally worried that the stationing of the Union army of Wantai would be very troublesome.

However, it was later found that the Wantai Federation did not do anything to them, but always maintained their order and drove away waves of star pirates.

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