At noon, in the training camp dormitory, Reens lay on the bed and entered the dungeon.

Judging from the time when Wu Li and his friends left the dormitory, Reens constantly adjusted the start time of the dungeon and finally found the time when Wu Li and his friends started their action last night.

"Take me with you."

Reens reached out and grabbed Wu Li, who was just about to get up from the bed, and whispered to him.

In the dark, Wu Li turned his eyes to Reens, with some doubts in his heart, but he was not allowed to have a question-and-answer conversation with Reens here at this moment.

Let's leave the dormitory first.

So Wu Li took Reens and quietly left the dormitory. They walked to a place not far from the dormitory, where many people had already gathered.

There should be Wendel and his friends in their dormitory inside, because Reans saw that their beds were empty before he left.

This place is located in the dark corner between the houses. The light is much dimmer than the open area illuminated by the moonlight, and it is not easy to be seen hiding inside.

There are many such places in the training camp, so it is not conspicuous.

After arriving here, Wu Li pulled Reans aside and whispered to him: "What are you thinking?"

"I roughly know what you want to do, so I want to join."

Reans responded in a low voice.

"You know?! What do you know!"

"Do you know that if we fail, we may all die?"

"Do you know that even if we succeed, many of us will die in the process?"

"This is an operation with a high probability of death, do you know?"

Wu Li was a little excited, but he still tried to restrain himself and speak softly.

He didn't want Reans to die like this, because that was the "tombstone" he found for himself.

Wu Li also wanted to live well as his father's last words, but he knew that it was impossible for people not to die. It was a matter of sooner or later.

Now he has "cowardly" chosen death, but he still hopes that there are living people who can remember him and their family.

Is that also a kind of "living"?

"Even if I don't participate in this operation, I survived."

"But can I really continue to survive in training in the future?"

"You know, we have only been in this training camp for 7 days, and the training intensity has begun to increase."

"I survived this time, so when will the next improvement be? To what extent will it be improved? What about the next time, the next time?"

"Graduation is far away, can I really survive it?"

"And by then, I find that I can't stand it anymore, so what should I do?"

"At least it's still a chance now. If there are enough people, there is hope to escape after all."

Rins said to Wu Li, which was not only to persuade Wu Li, but also to express some of Reins' confusion about the future.

Even with the ability to copy, Reens didn't know if he could survive until graduation.

No one knew what would happen in the future, and that unknown drove Reens to work hard without interruption.

He also wanted to live, and to continue living with the wishes of "Liu Yun" and "Little Reens".

After hearing Reens' words, Wu Li was silent. He had joined this action for this reason.

And what qualifications did he have to interfere with Reens' choice.

The current situation was both Reens' choice and his Wu Li's choice.

It was just that he had been optimistic about Reens before and thought he might survive, but he didn't expect that the person he was optimistic about was not optimistic about him.


Wu Li sighed helplessly and said no more.

Then Reens and the others stood there silently, waiting for the arrival of others.

The waiting time was not too long. With a voice, the action officially began.

"No one should come again, let's get started."

This was a relatively low voice, and because of the dim light, Reens could not see who made the voice.

Then people left this dark corner one by one.

"Since you have made up your mind to participate in this operation, let me explain our plan to you."

Wuli did not rush out, but waited for others to leave while speaking to Reens.

"Because of the tight time, we were unable to prepare a detailed plan, but there was nothing we could do because many people could no longer hold on."

"And, the later the time, the worse everyone's state will be.

The worse it gets, the lower the success rate of the attack will be. "

"Our plan is very simple. First, someone will sneak into the gate and try to open the gate of the training camp."

"If he succeeds, he will come back and tell everyone. If he fails and is discovered, he will make a loud "woo" sound to warn everyone."

"At that time, those who want to attack will come out and take risks together. Those who don't want to take risks can choose to leave secretly."

"Of course, if he doesn't make any noise for a long time, then the same choice will be made."

"You can continue to take risks, or you can choose to leave. "

Woolley explained their simple plan to Reans, which basically relied on people's consciousness.

No wonder Woolley said that this was an action with a high probability of death. This was probably the funeral he prepared for himself.

After most of the people left, Woolley took Reans and carefully moved to the dark corner of the building near the gate.

Although Reans didn't see many other people, he thought that everyone should have come to this area in their own way and carefully hid.

Waiting and waiting...

With a "woooo" sound different from the horn of the training camp, Reans knew that the time to make a decision had come.

Reans did not hesitate and quickly rushed out of the shadow corner and ran towards the gate.

The same was true for Woolley.

Everyone did the same. At that moment, there were figures running towards the gate from all directions.

Reans was not the first person to rush to the gate. When Reans arrived, someone was already fighting with his own body. The guard's iron sword.

The bright red blood flowed from the not-so-strong body, and the red color was particularly dazzling under the pale moonlight.

The man whose body was pierced did not fall down in pain, but instead he hugged the guard frantically, not letting the guard pull out the sword.

The others used their hands and feet to besiege the guards who had lost their weapons, as if they were reporting on the guards' constant beatings during training.

This scene happened in more than one place, because there was more than one guard.

Shouting, screaming, weeping...

Various sounds mixed into a noisy sound that spread far away.

Reens ran to a man who was lying on the ground with the guard's long sword stuck in his body, and wanted to pull out the long sword.

The man who was lying on the ground, with his eyes blurred due to excessive blood loss, may have noticed Reens's intention, and said to him in a weak voice:

"Brother, pull it out, use this sword to kill more of those sons of bitches. "

After saying this, it seemed that the wound was stimulated, and more blood flowed out of the pierced part of his body, and blood also spit out of his mouth.

Rians did not hesitate and drew out his long sword. At that moment, the blocked blood spurted out, dyeing a large area of ​​land red.

"Friends, I sincerely hope that you can escape, then at least..." It means that we are not doing useless work.

With a large amount of blood flowing out, he still couldn't say the last words.

But his words could only be said to himself, because after drawing out the long sword, Rians rushed into the melee in an instant.

Relying on his fairly good swordsmanship, Rians took away the guards who were being besieged one by one with one sword.

Because the number of guards was not large, Rians and his men quickly dealt with all the guards defending the gate.

There was no time to celebrate, and no time to deal with the injured brothers.

Because all Everyone knew that the movement here would soon attract guards from other places, even the instructor.

They quickly came to the front of the gate, wanting to gather everyone's strength to break the gate and escape.

Just as Reans and his men were about to destroy the wooden gate with their swords, a thin layer of light curtain appeared on the gate to block their swords.

The appearance of this scene stunned everyone present, and no one could understand the principle of this scene.

Reans thought of "magic", but thinking of it did not mean that Reans had a way to solve it.

The unwilling people raised their swords again and continued to attack the gate, but no matter how they attacked, there was no sign of the light curtain disappearing.

Is this the reason why the instructor said "they will never succeed"?

Reans thought of what the instructor said in the morning.

"It's useless. You can't break the magic barrier with your strength. "

A voice sounded, it was the voice of the instructor that everyone present was familiar with.

Time went back a little.

At that time, Reans and his men were besieging the guards.

In another part of the training camp, the instructor and the cultural teacher were in a room, talking to each other.

In front of them was a crystal ball that "live broadcast" the situation at the gate.

"Marvin, the side effects of the potion you prepared

Has it gotten bigger? It's been less than 10 days and someone wants to escape. "

The instructor said to the cultural teacher with gray hair and glasses.

"The higher-ups want to reduce costs, what can I do? I can only adjust the formula of the "physical potion."

"It's good enough that the new formula can have the original effect. It's normal to have more side effects."

"It's just that there is more mental oppression, and it's easier to go to extremes."

"And these slaves are consumables. They who frequently use "physical potions" can't live long."

Marvin explained calmly.

"Well... your soldiers seem to have been killed, and those slaves are quite capable."

After seeing the changes in the "live broadcast" screen, Marvin said to the instructor.

The instructor also saw this scene, so he said with some dissatisfaction: "Waste, holding a long sword but can't even kill some slaves, it's a shame."

"Forget it, I'll deal with it!"

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