The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Riens appeared in the white space.

He died many times, and he got used to it. He quickly recovered from the feeling of being beheaded by a sword.

Although Riens did not hold on to the end, he could basically imagine what the final outcome of the last round of the dungeon would be.

They were killed by the instructor with one sword each.

"Will the instructor be the kind of person who controls extraordinary power?"

Riens thought that the instructor was far superior to ordinary people like them in terms of strength and speed, and he could not even resist the instructor's sword.

Since there are magicians in this world, there may also be physical professions such as knights and warriors.

Warriors, mages, and priests are very traditional professions in RPG games.

So, could the instructor be a warrior-class superhuman?

Moreover, the defense of this training camp is too strong, with high walls and magic barriers.

Is it really necessary to have such strong defense just to prevent some slaves from escaping?

Is it possible that these defenses are not prepared for these slaves, but are used to resist the dangers outside.

Since this training camp is built outside the city, it is very likely to be attacked by "monsters".

So these things are all for defense against "monsters"?

Reens thought of some things, but let's not talk about whether these guesses are correct.

Even if they are all right, they are of no use to him at present.

Reens is not going to do the previous copy again, which is meaningless and time-consuming.

It is more in line with his current plan to become stronger to continue to find guards to practice swordsmanship.

Reens has defeated the first guard with a wooden sword.

The more times you fight with the same person, the easier it is to defeat him.

A death fight lasts no more than a few minutes, and one night is enough for Reans to fight many rounds.

When he did not make any progress, Reans defeated him by some back-boarding methods.

Although Reans did not want to use the back-boarding, sometimes it was unavoidable.

When he already knew when to attack and which position to attack was the best, Reans could not deliberately not do it, right?

Now Reans has begun to fight with other guards in death fights, and sometimes it will be one-on-many, and he will be besieged by the guards.

But as long as Reans does not go too far, that is, kill the guards in the fight, the instructor will not take action.

It seems that the instructor regards him as a rare sparring partner for those guards, and those guards may also think so.


Reans felt a little unhappy when he thought of this.

Others can kill him, but he cannot give the same counterattack, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

But thanks to this training method, Reans feels that he has made rapid progress in swordsmanship.

Because wooden swords cannot fight against iron swords, Reans' sword skills began to lean towards the style of "precise attack, one-hit result".

Wait for the opportunity by dodging, find flaws, and hit the target with the sword.

This is the sword style that Reans has started to follow.

After entering the dungeon, Reans skillfully attacked the guard who was supervising on the side, provoking him to counterattack.

This guard was not the first guard Reans attacked, but someone else.

Sometimes Reans can't just find whoever he wants to practice sword with.

With each passing day, not only will the trainer who fights will change, but the guard who supervises will also change.

If that guard happened to not supervise Reans' duel in the sword training the day before.

Then it will be very troublesome for Reans to find him to practice sword in the dungeon in the next day.

If you walk around randomly during sword training, the instructor will think you have the idea of ​​passive training, and you will be beaten at the least, or killed at the worst.

Reans dodged the guard's whip and continued to attack the guard with a wooden sword.

Because he had fought with this guard several times, Reans knew that his temper was "good" and he would not easily kill the trainer with a sword.

When faced with the trainer's offense, he would usually punish the offender with a whip.

However, Reans did not need his "good temper", he needed a sword-to-sword fight.

In terms of strength, he was also relatively strong among the guards Reans had encountered, and Reans had not yet "captured" him.

As Reans continued to attack, the guard's temper also rose, he drew his long sword and slashed at Reans.

At this point, the battle Reans wanted came.

Reans dodged

He blocked the incoming long sword, boosted his hand muscles, and stabbed the guard with a faster sword speed than before.

Just now, Reans deliberately slowed down the speed of attack, otherwise Reans could knock him down while the guard was still holding the whip.

As mentioned earlier, his swordsmanship has improved rapidly, and he is not weak now.

In the previous gate copy, Reans could kill the guard guarding the gate with one sword accurately.

Although it was completed with the assistance of others, it is very powerful to be able to kill someone with one sword accurately.

The battle between Reans and the guard ended quickly, and the result ended with Reans' death.

After the guard got serious, his attack was swift, the long sword was swung tightly, and the defense was also very strong. Reans could not find many flaws.

In the end, he was dragged down by the wounds and a sword pierced his heart.


In the afternoon, in the square, sword training.

This is the tenth sword training and the tenth day of sword training.

The content of the training did not change much. It was still a fight between people, but there were fewer people swinging swords in the square.

The loss of more than 30 people at one time reduced the number of trainers from nearly 100 to less than 60 now.

All of a sudden, it seemed that the whole square became much emptier.

Thinking about what happened in the past ten days, Reans couldn't help but sigh.

The world changes too fast.

It took only ten days for the friends I knew to go from acquaintance to alienation, from leaving last words to death.

Ten days ago, he also started practicing swordsmanship here at this time.

During this period, his swordsmanship went from unfamiliar to proficient, from trying to become stronger to immersing himself in it, from killing to dying again and again.

Reans really felt that he had experienced a lot, but only ten days had passed.

Reans cast his eyes on the instructor. That guy was an obstacle that he and even all the trainers could not overcome.

If the high walls of the training camp are compared to a cage, then the instructors are the chains that lock the cage, and the slave contracts are the shackles on their bodies.

They have never escaped from their slave status, they just moved to a different place and continued to be imprisoned.

After training, they will become the thugs needed by the Grunbagen family and continue to work hard for their "masters".

When will freedom really come?

"What are you thinking about? Reans, so absorbed."

A voice interrupted Reans's meditation. The owner of this voice was Reans' roommate-Ben.

"Speaking of which, this is our first fight. A few days have passed, and we still meet for the first time. It's really not fate."

Seeing Reans come back to his senses, Ben continued.

Hearing this, Reans chuckled and said jokingly: "Maybe we are too predestined, so fate doesn't want to destroy our relationship."

"Haha, that's right."

Ben also responded with a smile.

"I thought you were the type that was hard to talk to, but you turned out to be quite interesting."

Reens said to Ben.

The reason why Reens had this idea was that Ben had a bully face and his body made it difficult for people to approach him.

"Okay, the duel is about to start, so stop chatting."

Just as Ben was about to respond to Reens, the guard on the side interrupted him and forbade them to talk to each other.

Hearing the guard's words, Reens and the other man also shut up.

As the guard signaled the duel to start, Reens and the other man began to fight.

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