The two of them had a long and happy marriage.

At dawn, after saying hello to Nemo Fira and the dean, Rians left the town where he had stayed for half a year along the main road, carrying his bag.

When they said goodbye, the two sides did not say much.

After all, they had said everything they should have said in more than a month.

Nemo Fira just quietly helped him prepare some clothes for changing and a token related to the "Life Seeking Truth Society".

This token could help him get some help in the power division of the "Life Seeking Truth Society".

At the very least, he could gain basic trust.

And the dean gave him a long sword.

"A man's ambition is to travel far and wide. When I was young, I also liked to travel around like you."

"I hope this sword can bring some help to your journey and cut some thorns on your road."

"I wish you can become a person who is praised in the future."


It took a long time for Reans to finally arrive at Colbert, the largest city closest to Hughes Town.

And the journey was not smooth sailing.

After leaving Hughes Town for a certain distance, monsters appeared in front of Reans.

In just half a day's journey, he encountered more than three suicide attacks by monsters.

Although these monsters did not pose a threat to him.

But the strange situation still made Reans alert.

He had encountered such a thing in the depths of the Monster Forest.

The monsters there would chase him relentlessly as soon as they saw him.

Obviously, the few pounds of meat on his body could not satisfy their meat needs at all.

Obviously, he looked very threatening, but they would still give up the meat that was about to be in their mouths and chase him instead.

"Could it be that the monsters in the depths of the Monster Forest have escaped?"

Riens thought to himself.

But because the monsters in the outer area and the monsters in the depths look the same in his eyes.

So, he couldn't be sure of his guess.

He could only keep this possible information in his heart.

Nemo Fira said that the demonic disaster is approaching, and any abnormality of the monsters is a situation that needs to be vigilant.


He showed the "Adventurer's Certificate" to prove his identity, and then paid the entrance fee...

Riens successfully entered this city, which is not much different from Kara City in terms of layout.

The avenue is relatively wide, but pedestrians usually walk on both sides because there is always a lot of traffic in the middle of the road.

On both sides are various shops, the fragrance of food, the boss's hawking, and the lively scene are reflected in Riens' heart from the aspects of sight, hearing, and smell.

Riens took out his remaining savings and bought a fragrant pancake to supplement the consumption on the road.

"Big brother, I want to ask how to get to the Adventurer's Association?"

Riens asked the boss who was packing his pancakes.

The balance in his wallet was running low...

If he didn't go to work, he would have no money to eat.

"Is this guy an adventurer from another city?"

"Our Adventurer's Association is over there, not far from here."

"Just walk along this avenue, turn right after the cross fork, and then walk a little further, and you will see the Adventurer's Association's headquarters."

The boss didn't stop moving his hands, and after looking at the long sword in Riens' left hand, he explained.

"Over there? Thank you, big brother."

Hearing this, Riens thanked the boss.

"You're welcome...Okay, this is your pancake, please keep it."

The boss handed over the packed pancake and said.

Riens paid, then took the pancake and left the pancake shop.

"Strange... There are more and more outsiders coming to Kollot recently."

"Especially adventurers. Is this the first adventurer to ask for directions today?"

"Is something big going to happen?"

"No, I have to go find out during my break, otherwise it might be too late if something big happens."

Looking at Reans's leaving figure, the boss thought to himself.

Following the direction indicated by the pancake shop owner, Reans ate a pancake while slowly walking towards the Adventurer's Association's residence.

Along the way, Reans found that the people in this city were in good spirits.

It was much better than the somewhat lifeless appearance of Kara City.

Moreover, when passing through some alleys beside the avenue, there was no strange odor.

Reans had to

I don't like this.

At least, the people here don't pile all the garbage in the alley.

Because the journey is not very long, so after Reens finished eating the cake in his hand...

It didn't take long for him to reach the Adventurer's Association of Kollot.

On the surface, the Adventurer's Association here is not much different from that in Kara City.

The same huge area, the same simple decoration...

Except for the sign of the cross of the staff and the long sword, and the sign that reads "Kollot Adventurer's Association Station".

It is basically no different from an ordinary large house.

Reens walked to the empty counter, took out his "Adventurer's Certificate" and handed it over, and then asked the young lady inside:

"I don't know what kind of tasks I can take with my adventurer level?"

Unlike the Glenbargen family, the Adventurer's Association's tasks are not taken by any adventurer.

You need to reach a certain adventurer level to receive tasks of the corresponding level.

This is not only a guarantee of task completion, but also a protection for the adventurer himself.

Otherwise, an adventurer with insufficient strength accepts a high-risk task.

It would be fine if he retreated in the face of difficulty, but he rushed up with a stiff face. Not only could he not complete the task, but he might even lose his life.

This is not the most serious thing. What is more serious is that his recklessness may make the task more difficult.

It puts the people who normally accept the task in the future into danger.

Therefore, unless there are special circumstances, the task level requirements of the Adventurer Association are stuck.

If the level is not enough, you cannot accept the corresponding task.

The adventurer level needs to complete a sufficient number of tasks with the same adventurer level to improve.

In addition to avoiding the above dangerous situations...

This measure can also further clean up the low-level, low-paying, and low-cost-effective tasks in the Adventurer Association.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Because, since registering, Reens has not completed a task.

Therefore, his current adventurer level is still level 1.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't take high-level tasks if you have a low level.

As long as you join a high-level adventurer team.

In addition to single-person tasks, the Adventurer Association also designed team tasks and corresponding adventurer team levels.

As long as a low-level adventurer joins a high-level adventurer team, he can follow his team to complete high-level team tasks.

However, the adventurer level and the adventurer team level are separate.

Completing a team task will not increase your own adventurer level.

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