The counter lady took Reens's ID and placed it on an alchemy machine.

Then a blue translucent light screen appeared in front of her.

After seeing the registration time and the number of completed tasks, the counter lady was also stunned for a moment.

Half a year has passed, and not even one task has been completed.

This made the lady look at the adventurer in front of her with a strange look, who was covering half of his face with a mask.

"Mr. Hale, because you are still a newcomer."

"So, I suggest you start with the simplest level 1 mission."

"Of course, you can also join an adventure group."

"With the help of the seniors, you should be able to quickly accumulate enough experience."

"By then, it will be much easier for you to complete the mission."

The lady at the counter said to Reens with a smile.

She thought Reens had been taking on relatively difficult level 1 missions for the past six months, and perhaps because of bad luck...

So, he had not been able to complete a mission.

In addition, although Reens covered half of his face.

But based on her experience in judging people, the lady could still see that Reens was not very old.

Therefore, she made the judgment that Reens was not very strong.

That's why she suggested Reens to find an adventure group to join.

"Adventure group? I prefer to be alone, so forget it."

"Tell me which individual missions I can take."

Reens shook his head and refused, then said.

"Okay... I have found the tasks you can take, and they are all on this light screen."

"You can see if there are any suitable ones... Use your finger to pull down or swipe up to turn the page."

The lady at the counter operated the alchemy machine for a few times...

Then, a blue translucent light screen was suspended in front of Reens.

Although some element structures were incomprehensible, Reens, who now knew some magic knowledge, could still see the element structure of "light and shadow" on the light screen.

This is the magic of projecting images into the air or onto objects.

Reens can't use it, but he recognizes it.

Curiously, he turned the pages up and down a few times to see how its element structure changed...

Then he found that he still couldn't understand it, so he gave up studying it.

Reens turned his attention back to the task list on the light screen.

First, a bolded task caught Reens' eyes.

[Investigate the information of the Libra Church in the Kingdom of Hatwin. ]

This is the title of the task, and the level it shows is not level one, but no level requirement.

This means that any adventurer can take this task.

Of course, any adventurer can take a level 1 task.

This "no level requirement" indicates that the risk of this task is unknown, so adventurers can do it according to their ability.

Reens didn't expect to see information related to the Kingdom of Hatwin in a foreign country.

Moreover, the "Church of the Balance", just by hearing the name, seems to have a certain relationship with the "God of Absolute Fairness".

This reminded Reens of Ben.

I don't know what happened to him after joining the cult?

Reens tapped on the title of the task, and then the details of the task unfolded.

"It feels like using a mobile phone application. Magic is amazing... Well, technology is also great."

Reens sighed in his heart.

Then, he carefully checked the details of the task.

After a while, Reens retracted his gaze and began to quickly organize and summarize the information he saw in his mind.

First of all, this task points out that a rebellion is currently taking place in the Kingdom of Hatwin.

Secondly, the locations involved in the rebellion are all over the Kingdom of Hatwin. Not only civilians, but also nobles have raised the flag of rebellion.

Finally, it points out that the "Tianli Church" is currently the largest rebel army in the Kingdom of Hatwin.

The requirement of this task is to collect information about the members of the "Tianli Church" and the evil god behind this cult.

The more detailed and important the information is, the richer the reward will be.

In addition to material rewards, this reward also includes adventurer level experience.

To some extent, as long as you are lucky, it is not impossible to upgrade from a low-level adventurer to a high-level adventurer all of a sudden.

Therefore, Reens immediately became very interested in this task.

Coincidentally, he himself

Just know a little about the evil god behind this cult.

Maybe this information can save him from having to work.

If this is true, then he has to thank his friend from afar for his reward.

"I know some information about this 'Tianli Church'. I wonder how I can confirm that this information is needed for this task?"

Riens pointed to the task of the 'Tianli Church' and asked the lady at the counter.

"Are you sure it's this task?"

"Okay, wait here for a while, and someone will come and take you to the side room for a detailed discussion soon."

"If your information is not currently available in the association and has a certain value."

"Then, the association will give you enough rewards according to the corresponding standards."

"At the same time, please believe that the association will never deduct your reward with its reputation."

"So, please tell the truth."

The lady at the counter asked first, and after getting Reens's affirmation, she continued.

After that, she pressed a button.

Afterwards, not long after, a beautiful and well-built young lady came to Reens' side.

After Reens saw the elemental reaction of her magic power, he sighed in his heart that there are so many talents in the big forces.

When she saw the pure elemental green light on Reens, she was stunned at first, and then a more sincere smile appeared on her face.

"What is this gentleman's name?"

She greeted Reens.


Reens responded,

"Mr. Hale, my name is Lottie, nice to meet you."

"Let's go this way... The information you will provide next is not suitable for such a public occasion."

Lottie said with a smile.

After that, she made an invitation gesture to Reens.

Then, she walked in front and led the way, taking Reens to a quiet room.

The room is not big, and the internal layout is also very simple. It looks like a simple reception room.

A few sofas, a table, and magic stone lamps for lighting are all the furniture in this room.

"Please sit down... The furniture is simple, please don't mind."

Lottie politely motioned for Reans to sit down.

"You're welcome, Miss Loti, just treat me as an ordinary adventurer."

"I just came here to try and see if my intelligence can earn me some living expenses."

Reans responded after sitting on the sofa.

"You're joking. With your strength, you are definitely a distinguished guest even for the entire Kollot."

Lottie continued to laugh.

"It seems that you have a little misunderstanding of my strength. I haven't reached the level of a great knight yet."

"I'm still a little short..."

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