The sun is shining brightly, and the sky is shining brightly.

A new day, the light in the sky has just pierced the night.

The horn of the training camp sounded as usual.

Marvin got up from the bed, picked up the glasses on the bedside, put them on, got dressed, and then prepared a cup of refreshing hot drink for himself.

This is Marvin's habitual action after getting up every morning.

Although with his work content, he doesn't need to get up so early like other people in the training camp.

After all, he only needs to prepare some potions before noon and give classes to the trainers in the evening.

Whether it is making those inferior potions or teaching people to read, it is a very easy job for Marvin.

It would be nice if such a job was used for retirement.

In fact, Marvin thought about it more than once.

He has tried so hard for so long and failed so many times, sometimes he wants to give up.

But the unwillingness in his heart and the obsession in his youth made him cut off the idea of ​​giving up again and again.

And if he really wants to give up, why does he still come here? Isn't it better to be in the city?

With his status, he can have everything he wants, and fine clothes and delicious food are just daily life.

Marvin came to the window, opened the window, and looked out at the blurred figures running in the square.

[They are forced to keep moving forward, while I force myself not to stop. ]

Marvin sighed in his heart.

Then he left the window and came to the workstation.

The so-called workstation refers to a table with various instruments.

Marvin usually makes potions there and studies the characteristics of various medicinal materials.

Marvin is going to spend some time to complete today's work, that is, to make [physical potions] for those trainers.

[Physical Strength Potion] is a low-level alchemical potion. The potion is generally in the form of a red liquid, which has the effect of quickly restoring physical strength and slight treatment.

Because it is only a low-level potion, it is not difficult to make, even if Marvin added some materials that should not be there for his own research and changed the original recipe of the potion.

But it only added a few steps in the process of making the potion, and the difficulty of refining the potion did not increase much.

However, the original effect of [Physical Strength Potion] can be retained while changing the refining materials, which shows that Marvin understands the principle of [Physical Strength Potion] very well.

It also shows that he is no longer an apprentice in the field of alchemical potions at least.

After Marvin made the potion, he put it into a potion bottle with a larger capacity.

At noon, this bottle of potion will be poured into a basin, water will be added to dilute some of the medicinal properties, and then distributed to trainers.

This not only saves costs, but also reduces the side effects of [Physical Strength Potion].

Let’s not talk about the side effects of the materials that Marvin added for research. The original side effects of [Physical Strength Potion] lie in its own working principle.

[Physical Strength Potion] stimulates the vitality of the human body through the action of drugs, allowing the body to quickly recover physical strength and to a certain extent treat injuries.

Its role is similar to that of enzymes in chemical reactions, accelerating the body’s originally slow recovery process.

The vitality of the human body is the reactant, and the effect of the potion is the product.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the use of [Physical Strength Potion] will consume a lot of one’s own vitality.

Originally, this is not a side effect, because these consumed vitality will slowly recover over time, and it is not something that cannot be regenerated.

This is actually the same as the thing that men ejaculate, which can be recovered after a while.

But if it is used too many times in a short period of time, the vitality of the body will be squeezed again and again before the body recovers.

It is easy to cause permanent loss of the source of life. In this case, shortening life is the most basic result.

In addition, there are also low immunity, easy to get sick, slow natural healing of wounds, etc.

In short, [Physical Potions] should not be taken too much. If you really want to recover your physical strength as soon as possible, the best way is to rest.

After completing simple work, Marvin began his daily research and study.

In order to achieve his obsession as soon as possible, he needs more knowledge to enrich himself and more research to pave the "correct" path.

People who strive for their ideals always feel that time is not enough.

[Not enough, there is still too little time for sword practice. Why can't the copy have a time acceleration function? 】

Fell under the instructor's sword again

Reens thought to himself.

Reens has clearly seen his progress, but the time is too short, and this progress cannot be accumulated to the extent that he can challenge the instructor.

He is still powerless in front of the instructor.

"Wake up, don't sleep... wake up quickly."

Just when Reens was about to proceed to the next round of the copy, he was woken up.

It was Ben who woke Reens up.

Ben pushed Reens' body lying on the bed with his hand and shouted at him.

"What's the matter, Ben."

Reens was a little confused as to why his roommate woke him up, you know, it was lunch break time now.

What do you want to do by not sleeping during the good rest time?

Are you, the bully-faced guy, also planning a new escape operation?

"I don't know the details, but a guard just came to ask us to gather in the classroom for cultural classes."

"The other two have already left. I was going to wake you up and go together."

Ben explained to Reans.

"Thank you. If you hadn't woken me up, I would have fallen asleep."

Reans thanked Ben.

Then the two rushed to the classroom together.

At this time, many people were already standing outside the classroom. They lined up in a row, seemingly waiting for something.

It was very conspicuous that Reans and his team were a little late, so they didn't know what to do.

"Friend, what are we going to do?"

Reans asked a person standing in the back row.

"I don't know either. I heard from the people in front that it seems that they are going to have some physical examination."

The person who was questioned by Reans answered.

"Physical examination?"

Reans was a little confused, but he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he lined up with Ben and waited for his turn.

While queuing, Reans saw the people in front of him leave one after another.

They didn't look any different, and the so-called physical examination was done very quickly, with one person leaving in a short time.

Not long after, it was Reans' turn.

Ben was in the front, so Reans stood outside the classroom door and watched him complete the various tests step by step.

When it was Reans' turn, he followed Ben's steps.

First, he registered with Teacher Marvin, and then put his hand on a crystal ball for a while.

When Reans walked in front of Marvin, Marvin said, "Reans, right?"

Although it was a question, Marvin wrote his name on the paper with certainty before Reans answered.

"Teacher remembers me?"

Reans asked doubtfully.

"Of course, I remember each of your names."

"Come on, put your hand on this crystal ball and wait for a while."

Marvin said with a smile.

Reens obediently put his hand on it, and after waiting for a while, a faint white light lit up on the crystal ball.


Reens remembered that when Ben and the people in front of Ben tested this before, they all had no reaction, but when it was his turn, a white light lit up.

Is there any difference between him and the previous two?

"Weak spiritual talent, this is the talent you have."

As if seeing Reens's confusion, Marvin answered on the side.

Oh... So it was that.

Reens suddenly remembered.

When he was in the slave exchange before, Barton wanted to sell him for a high price because of this talent, but others looked down on him, so he was finally transported here by Barton.

I remember that person's evaluation at that time was that it was difficult for him to learn "meditation".

If "meditation" was really what he thought, then the man wearing a hood and mysterious clothes at that time might be a magician.

[If he was bought by him at that time, maybe Reens would go to learn magic now. 】

Rians thought with a bit of regret.

After realizing what was wrong just now, Rians left there and continued to do other tests.

Such as physical tests such as height and weight.

Rians also learned his height and weight from the test.

Height 155, weight 83 catties.

Really short and thin.

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