Although he knew he was short, Reens still felt a little sad after confirming his exact height.

However, thinking that he was not yet 15 years old, Reens regained hope.

As long as he eats more and better in the future, he should be able to make up for the previous malnutrition.

He is still young now, and he should continue to grow taller in the future...

After finishing the test, Reens left the classroom and let the next person in.

Then he returned to the dormitory with Ben who was waiting outside.

The relationship between Reens and Ben is probably the kind of acquaintances who can chat a little and help each other a little.

Maybe after the duel yesterday afternoon, Ben saw that the two seemed to be able to chat well, so he took the initiative to release goodwill.

Ben likes to chat, and Reans also likes to listen to his stories.

Because he can hear some outside information that he doesn't know from those stories.

After all, little Reans has been in society for too short a time, and he doesn't know much about many things.

In contrast, people like Ben who grew up in Kara City know a lot of gossip.

Reans can't stay in this training camp for the rest of his life, unless he dies here.

If he can really leave here after graduation, then knowing some outside information in advance can also help him adapt to this world faster.


After Reans left, there were only a few people left in line outside the classroom.

After quickly checking the remaining few people, Marvin began to pack up and prepare to return to his room.

Marvin picked up a stack of papers on the table and put them in his briefcase.

Those papers recorded the physical examination results of each trainer, and these data were exactly what Marvin needed.

As for other physical examination equipment, there would be others to pick it up, and Marvin didn't need to do it himself.

Marvin left the classroom and walked quickly towards his room.

Just as Marvin was about to reach his room, he saw a figure standing at the door, seemingly waiting for him.

"Instructor Renakin, do you have any instructions for me?"

The two met in front of the door, and Marvin frowned.

He was in a hurry to do research and had no time to chat with others.

"It's not an order, I just came to remind you."

"The family's requirement is to keep at least 20 people, so no matter what you want to do, it's best not to exceed this bottom line."

The instructor said to Marvin seriously.

"Well, I know, thank you for the reminder from Instructor Renakin... If there's nothing else, I'll go in to work."

Marvin responded calmly.

He didn't have any extra expression because of the instructor's so-called reminder, and reached out to hold the door handle, ready to open the door and walk in.

"I have already reminded you. If there is an unsatisfactory result, I hope you can give an explanation to the higher-ups."

"Marvin Grunbagen."

The instructor did not stop Marvin from opening the door, but continued to speak.

Hearing the instructor read out his name, Marvin stopped entering the room.

Marvin's face became a little ugly. He did not expect that a few slaves would make the instructor so serious.

"It's unnecessary... Why alarm the family for a small matter."

Marvin turned around and smiled bitterly at the instructor.

"The training camp has not reached the standard of 20 people for several consecutive years. Some people in the family are dissatisfied with this and have issued a strict order."

"And at this stage, the number of deaths is a bit excessive. I hope you can restrain yourself."

The instructor said to Marvin.

"You killed the people."

Marvin said angrily.

"I'm just following the rules... Any slave who wants to escape and has taken action will be executed."

The instructor responded calmly, and it was obvious that he had already explained the matter.

"Heh... I know."

"But instead of 'reminding' me, shouldn't you remind your subordinates?"

"Tell them not to be so harsh again."

Marvin agreed again, but this time his tone was no longer so perfunctory.

"Of course I have issued the corresponding instructions, and you are the last person I will notify."

The instructor said slowly.

After speaking, the instructor turned around and left here.

Marvin stared at the instructor's back as he left, and then heavily closed the door.


After Marvin walked into the room, he casually put away the hand carrying precious data

He threw the bag on the bed. He was not in the mood to do research now.

After pouring himself a glass of water and drinking it, Marvin slumped on the soft sofa.

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth from time to time, as if he was recalling something that made him angry.

After a long time, Marvin breathed a sigh of relief and calmed his anger.

He knew that anger could not change the facts.

He was just a collateral bloodline of the Glenbogen family. In terms of status, he could not be compared with a "knight".

Even if the "knight" was just an outsider, his status as a transcendent was enough for the family to treat him with courtesy.

So if the family really punished him, then the one who would be punished in the end would not be Renakin, but Marvin.


Marvin thought in his heart. This was his long-standing wish and his obsession now.

Marvin remembered the faint white light that lit up on the crystal ball not long ago.

That light was so familiar. He had once made it emit the same light. That was the characteristic of [Weak Spiritual Talent].

Possessing this talent means that one's spiritual power is stronger than that of ordinary people, but not much stronger.

But even if it is not much, there is still hope of becoming a "magician".

When he was young, Marvin did not know how much effort he had put in for this hope.

He abandoned the social life of the nobles and spent his time learning various magic-related knowledge.

He rejected the marriage arranged by his family, just because he felt that women would affect his mentality.

He cut off all contacts and often locked himself in the meditation room, just to be able to focus more on meditation.

All this was to be able to step into the threshold of "magician".

Unfortunately, he failed. No matter how he meditated, he could not sense the "elements".

He was confused and desperate for this, and finally he figured it out... The reason why he could not sense the "elements" was just because his spiritual power was not strong enough.

As long as he could improve his spiritual power and improve his spiritual talent, he would definitely be able to sense the "elements" and he would definitely be able to become a "magician".

From that time on, Marvin began to study various materials, hoping to find a way to improve spiritual talent.

In fact, Marvin really found it, and those methods were not even secrets.

It's just that no matter which method, it was too precious, far exceeding the price Marvin could afford.

The methods or things that can improve the spiritual talent of ordinary people are basically precious substances unique to some powerful forces.

They have greater uses in themselves, and improving spiritual talent is just one of their functions.

After knowing those things, Marvin had a brief despair.

He knew that he couldn't get it, the kind of thing that was considered a treasure for the entire continent.

But Marvin quickly cheered up. He had experienced despair a long time ago and had experience.

Since he couldn't get hope from the outside world, he would create hope himself.

Marvin began to study and research alchemy and pharmacy, wanting to develop a potion that could improve spiritual talent.

In the process of many years of study and research, for his wish, he constantly put forward various conjectures and developed various strange potions based on these conjectures.

But they all failed...

The reason why Marvin came to this training camp now is that there is a need for a pharmacist here, so the family arranged him here.

Secondly, he also wanted to find a place to continue his experimental research.

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