The so-called registration was completed quickly, and then the slaves including Reens were taken out of the hall.

However, they were not taken back to the original cages, but were taken out of the slave exchange.

This was the first time that Reens saw the scene outside the slave market after he came to this world.

Before, he used the memory of Little Reens to confirm the fact that he had traveled to another world.

Unfortunately, there were no passers-by outside the slave exchange, probably because it was too late.

In ancient times when technology was not developed, ordinary people would go to sleep and rest at night.

But even if there were passers-by, Reens would not see any alien race.

Little Reens has lived in this world for more than ten years and has worked hard in society for a year.

But as for the existence of alien races, he had only heard someone say that there were intelligent races like humans in other countries.

Because the person who said this often liked to brag, young Reans was also skeptical about this statement.

What really made Reans confirm that this world was an alien world was in the sky.

Reans looked up at the sky, and a bright white moon was hanging high in the sky.

In his memory, the moon in the sky always looked like this, and there was no so-called phenomenon of waxing and waning.

This made Reans confirm that this world was not the earth.

No matter in which era, as long as the moon still revolves around the earth, it cannot be without waxing and waning.

Of course, with Reans' shallow knowledge of astronomy, he could not be sure whether the satellite in the sky really existed?

The universe is so big, maybe there is such a moon.

But one thing is very strange, the moon obviously has no phase changes.

But the calendar of this country has a time unit called "month".

There are four seasons in a year, twelve months, thirty days in a month, and 24 hours in a day.

This is the time unit of this country. As for whether the whole world uses this calculation, Reans doesn't know.

He has never been out of Kara City, let alone abroad.

The names of the four seasons are the recovery season, the hot season, the harvest season, and the frost season.

You can basically know the characteristics of the four seasons by listening to the names.

There are several carriages parked not far from the exit outside the exchange, as if waiting for them to get on.

Sure enough, after Reans and his friends were brought out, the thugs immediately drove them into the carriage.

There was no idea of ​​letting Reans and his friends stay outside for a little longer. After getting on the car, they quickly closed the door.

This behavior of driving livestock made Reans feel like he was being dragged to the slaughterhouse.

Slave exchange, in the hall.

"Have all the slaves been loaded on the car?" Master Barton asked his subordinates beside him.

"Yes, sir." The subordinate replied affirmatively.

"In recent years, the family's demand for slaves has been increasing."

"Either the magic experiment needs experimental subjects, or the training camp needs slaves to train qualified family guards."

"People are needed everywhere, and my slave exchange is almost out of goods. How can I make money!"

Master Barton said with some dissatisfaction.

The subordinate stood aside, listening to Barton's complaints silently, but did not respond.

He knew that the leader was just venting his emotions, and perhaps Barton was really dissatisfied, but he could not really express his dissatisfaction.

As a subordinate, as a servant, if he really expressed any dissatisfaction with the family, it would be a great disrespect and a felony.

In that case, let alone the family above, even Barton would not let him off easily.

Respect and order are what Barton has always emphasized in the slave exchange.

Moreover, as Barton, who was arranged by the family to manage the slave exchange, his main responsibility is to provide a steady stream of human resources for the family, and making money is secondary.

As a noble family rooted in Kara City, the family does not lack the profits brought by a slave trade.

"You go to the inner city and hand over these contracts to the family. You should know who to hand them to, right? Tell him that these are the contracts of the 34th training camp students."

Barton arranged to his subordinates.

"Okay, sir, I will do it as soon as possible."

The subordinate took the box containing the contract and left the hall quickly.


At this time, the carriage had already set off.

Sitting in the carriage, Reens was ready to start the plug-in to get some intelligence.

As Reens

Ens closed his eyes and slowly entered into a state of concentration. There were no other thoughts in his mind, and then he entered a white space.

This was the initial scene of the plug-in. The first time Reens entered here was on the first day he came to this world.

Reens remembered that he was very hungry at that time, but it was impossible for him to shout a few words and the slave traders would give him food.

So he could only find a way to sleep, and he would not feel hungry after falling asleep.

However, sleeping is not something that can be done just by sleeping, and Reens at that time could not adapt to the conditions at that time.

After all, the gap from the soft big bed to the cage full of stinky smells is really a bit big.

Even with the experience of the homeless in the memory of little Reens as a foreshadowing, it is still difficult for him to adapt to this bad environment all of a sudden.

Therefore, Reens wanted to let himself fall asleep unconsciously by emptying his thoughts. Whether the method is useful or not, Reens does not know.

However, in this way, he opened the golden finger and entered the white space.

After entering, he naturally knew the basic usage of the golden finger.

Reens called the plug-in he obtained "Reality Copy".

Its ability is to allow him to enter the copy world generated by his own experience in the previous day at the current real time point.

Reens can choose any time point in this day as the start time of the copy, similar to a video, he can choose to start watching from any time in the video.

However, unlike the video, after entering the copy, his consciousness in reality will replace his body in the copy.

In the copy, it can continue to experience past experiences, or it can show different actions from before to change the experience.

Of course, the copy is a copy after all, not reality.

The changes made in the copy will not affect the real past, it is just a somewhat real image.

This is a script world that starts and ends with him, and everything revolves around him to interpret the development of the story.

This is how Reens described this ability, a bit second-year, but this is the idea he had after experiencing the function of the copy.

Enough of gossip, let's get straight to the point.

Reens entered this white space not to escape reality, but to let himself know something through his ability.

Before, Reens had tried to use his abilities to escape from the slave exchange, but he was mostly stuck at the first level.

That was the cage that locked him up. Without the key, he couldn't leave the small cage.

In other cases, when he was beaten, the thugs would take him out of the cage.

But with his physical condition, it was impossible for him to beat the strong thugs. In addition to experiencing another beating, there was no hope of escape.


Reens chose the time when the slaves were brought to the hall not long ago.

I forgot to mention that the time of the copy and the reality is one-to-one, that is, the longer the copy is played, the longer the reality will pass.

During this period, Reens' body was in a deep sleep. If he was not woken up, he could stay in the copy.

Because of this time ratio, Reens would try to choose the exact time to enter whatever he wanted to experience.

In this way, he would not waste time in useless scenes.

After entering the dungeon, the scene in front of Reens changed from the white space to the hall of the slave exchange where he had been before.

"What do you want to do by bringing us slaves to the hall?"

Reens boldly asked the slave exchange thug beside him.

If it was in the real world, Reens would definitely not make such a move, because it would probably lead to a beating.

But this is a dungeon, a script world, even death can't affect him in the real world outside.

However, the thug ignored Reens, but warned him with a vicious look not to talk too much.

But the thug's eyes did not scare Reens. He had entered the dungeon, what else did he dare not say? He wanted to be wild, and continued to be wild.

So when Reens saw that the thug ignored him, he shouted directly to Barton who was sitting at the counter.

"Barton, you son of a bitch, what do you want to do by pulling us here?"

Now everyone present looked at Reens in surprise.

I can't believe that a slave is so disrespectful to the master of the slave exchange. Has he never been beaten before?

The thugs on the side quickly slapped him, trying to tell the leader that this is definitely not his problem.

At the same time, he was also expressing his anger. A slave dared to say such words in this situation. Is he trying to scare me to death?

Of course, Reens couldn't

He wanted to let the thug hit him, and when he saw the slap coming, he left the dungeon.

Reens never thought that he could find the information he wanted in one go, and insulting Patton was just a way for him to vent.

Life was already so hard, if he didn't find some way to vent, he might not be able to bear it and choose to commit suicide.

Now that he had the plug-in, it meant that there was a little hope. He didn't want to have a mental breakdown because of too much pressure.

Reens entered the dungeon again, and this time he chose the time when it was his turn to register.

The scene changed again, and Reens stood in front of Patton, listening to him ask his name.

"What is this? What's written on the paper?"

Reens did not answer Patton's question first, but raised his own question.

Patton heard the voice, turned his eyes to Reens' face, and the tip of the pen left the paper.

The thug on the side wanted to come forward and beat Reens to make him honest, but was stopped by Patton.

"I remembered that you are the cheap one worth only 10 silvers."

Barton said in a calm voice.

The voice was very calm, but the subordinates beside him knew that the boss was angry.

He knew that Barton didn't like to be interrupted in his work, let alone by a pariah, a piece of goods.

"The value of a commodity is fixed, but the price depends on the person."

"People who like it may pay a price higher than the value to buy it; people who don't like it will not bid even if the price is lower than the value."

"So it's not that I'm only worth 10 silvers, but that he doesn't like me."

Rians continued, fearless.

"Oh, you think you have a high value?"

"You are just a slave with a little spiritual talent. Why do you think you have a high value?"

"You know, in his opinion, you don't even have the ability to complete meditation. Well... you don't even know what meditation is."

Barton said.

"Okay, I don't want to hear any more nonsense. Drag him away and choose another slave to fill the vacancy."

Then, Barton thought that he had talked so much to a slave, so he said to his subordinates with some disgust.

"Wait, I want to know where you will use the carriage outside to transport us slaves?"

Rins was trying to make a final effort.

"Well, how did you know there was a carriage outside?"

After hearing what Reens said, Barton's face suddenly became a little gloomy.

He has always stipulated that slaves cannot be told anything about the exchange.

Although it is not a secret that the carriage is parked outside, it represents a fact that someone is talking too much.

He hates the untouchables to disobey his will. To him, subordinates are just untouchables.

And some of those untouchables dared to violate his rules. This is not taking him seriously and trampling on his face.


"Tell me! Who told you about this!"

Barton glanced at all his subordinates present. Each of them kept denying that they had never done such a thing.

"Why should I answer you? You haven't answered any of my questions, have you?"

Rins responded to Barton.

Rins was ready to give up this copy. Judging from Barton's attitude, it was basically impossible for him to answer his questions.

Although he said so, Rins still pointed at a thug at random. The thug shuddered and knelt down to Barton to show that he had never done such a thing.

This round of the copy was about to end, and it was not a loss to scare a thug at the end.

"No, you are not a slave. Who are you?"

Barton said to Rins.

"Uh, am I not a slave in this slave exchange? Didn't you recognize me before?"

Rins said speechlessly. It was Rins' turn to be impatient.

He was ready to end the copy, but Barton was still there. If he hadn't been worried about missing any information, he would have started the next round long ago.

"Normally, slaves are not as fearless as you. What kind of magic did you use to control this slave?"

"I guess you should be a magician. I'm here to say hello to you on behalf of the Glenbagen family."

"I wonder why this distinguished magician came here today?"

Barton smiled and said to Reens.

[Is this Dihua? Do you think I'm a puppet controlled by a magician? ]

Reens looked at Barton's performance and what he said, and couldn't help but have such thoughts.

Speechless... For the first time

Encountering this situation, Reens was speechless for a moment.

But it did not prevent Reens from taking advantage of Barton's deification, so he continued.

"Are you so sure of my identity? Then I want to know where you are going to send those slaves? Can you tell me?"

"This question involves some family secrets."

"If you are interested in cooperating with the Greenbagen family, I can take the initiative to explain it to you."

Barton said.

For the nobles of Kara City, the Glenbagen family's matter was originally a 'secret that is not a secret', and there is no point in keeping it secret.

If you can gain some favor from a magician, it is also a good exchange.

"Oh, how to cooperate? I want to know the answer to the question just now, can you explain it to me?"

Reens heard that his question was not very important in Barton's view, otherwise he would not have said it directly just because he was interested in cooperation.

"By the way, after we finish our discussion, please help me deal with this body, preferably dismember it,"

"I don't want anyone to see the magic I'm studying through this body."

Rians said to Barton, hoping to deepen Barton's stereotype in this way.

Isn't it enough to show your identity to let others smash your current body at will?

"Well, I'll have someone take care of it. Let's talk in the private room. There are too many people here and it's not quiet enough."

Barton smiled and invited Reans to leave the hall and enter a room with exquisite decoration.

Barton motioned Reans to find a seat, and then began to explain to Reans.

"Since the mage is so concerned about that matter, I will explain it to you first."

"The carriages will transport the slaves in the hall who have signed the 'slave contract' to the training camp controlled by the Glenbagen family."

"The training camp is where the Glenbagen family trains guards."

"The mage may be an outsider, so he is not very clear about this matter."

Barton explained to Reens on the side, and Reens asked Barton after hearing the keyword "slave contract".

"What is the effect of the 'slave contract'?"

"No, you are not a mage at all. How can a mage not know the effect of the 'slave contract'? How do you remotely control others?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Reens' question, Barton's face changed instantly and he asked.

"Come on, arrest him."

Then, Barton stood up vigilantly and shouted to his subordinates outside the private room.

Of course, Barton couldn't do such a thing by himself. What if something unexpected happened?

Seeing Patton's alert expression, Reens knew that he had been impatient and said the wrong thing.

Reens waited until he was caught by the thugs and found that Patton never said a word to him again, so he knew that he would not be able to obtain any more information in this round of the copy.

Then the copy ended and returned to the initial white space.

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