The old man was very happy.

"Slave contract, training camp, Glenbargen family, magic."

Rians muttered to himself in the white space, thinking about the meaning of these four nouns in his mind.

The existence of magic shows that this world has extraordinary power.

However, there is no information related to magic in the memory of little Ryans, which shows that extraordinary power is not accessible to ordinary people.

The Glenbargen family, as soon as you hear the name, you know that they are nobles in the inner city.

There is no information about this family in the memory of little Ryans. For him, nobles are the same, so he will not deliberately learn about a certain family.

The training camp, where Ryans will be transported later.

Barton said that the training camp was an institution for the Glenbogen family to train family guards, which meant that he should be trained after being transported there.

'It's not a place to die. '

Reens couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he thought of this. When he got on the carriage, he was really worried that he would become a living sacrifice or something like that.

Finally, there is the slave contract, which is the thing that is most closely related to Reens' current identity.

Anyone who has read Japanese comics about different worlds will know a little about this stuff, not to mention Reens, an old driver who has read all kinds of books.

In anime, slave contracts can be used to control slaves and make them completely obey their masters.

I wonder what the difference is between the slave contract he signed and the slave contract shown in the anime?

"Contract" feels like a contract in the previous life. There should be some treaty on it to constrain both parties or one of them.

And who is his current "master"? Barton? Or a noble of the Glenbogen family?

"Ah, it's really bad to be illiterate. If I could read, I might be able to see this information from the contract paper, so I wouldn't have to think about this and that here."

Rins said to himself in some distress.

"Forget it, let's go to the dungeon and try to find out whether I can get it from Patton."

After that, Reens started the next round of dungeons.

As Reens tried again and again in multiple rounds of dungeons, he finally got some information related to the "slave contract" from Patton.

First of all, the identity of the "master". The slave contract signed by Reens is quite special. The master of the contract does not refer to a single individual, but to the entire Glenbagen family.

To be precise, all people with the blood of the Glenbagen family.

Patton said that this is the unique technology of their Glenbagen family, but Patton did not say how it was implemented.

From the perspective of database design, the Glenbagen family turned the original one-to-one and one-to-many relationships into many-to-many relationships.

Then there are the constraints and effects of the slave contract.

After signing the slave contract, he could not attack Patton with subjective consciousness, which would make him have a splitting headache and unbearable.

Then he could not tear up the contract. After the contract was torn up, he felt a strong stinging pain in his head, and then returned to the white space, guessing that he should be dead.

Finally, even if the contract was signed, Patton could not control him. He could not rely on commands to control the slave's body like in the animation, but Patton could kill him directly.

The process of death is also a strong stinging pain in the brain, and then die.

The effect is the same as after tearing up the contract.

The above is the information that Reens got out. The most critical way to cancel the slave contract, he did not find out.

No matter how Reens tried, he could not get the way to cancel it from Patton.

I don’t know if his ability to get words is not good, or Patton doesn’t know it at all?

Reens woke up from the copy, not because he didn’t want to continue to get words.

But the carriage stopped, he was pulled out of the carriage, and was forced to wake up from the copy.

After entering the dungeon, Reens's real body will enter a state of deep sleep.

At the same time, Reens cannot sense the outside world after entering the dungeon, but as long as someone touches his body or the position of his body changes, he will wake up from the dungeon.

The body position here refers to the relative coordinate point of the current space.

For example, a box and the things in the box.

The whole box moves, but the things in the box are immobile relative to the box; only by changing the placement of the things in the box, or directly letting the things leave the box, can it be considered a change.

The place where Reens and his friends were put down was an open flat land, covering a large area.

It was large, like a square.

Outside the square were densely packed buildings, which were like huge rocks surrounding the square, casting huge shadows in the moonlight.

Reens guessed that they should have been transported outside the city of Kara.

There was no such large square in the outer city of Kara, and whether there was one in the inner city, Reens didn't know.

But I think the Glenbogen family would not put the training camp in the inner city, otherwise it would not be a secret.

Reens didn't know much about the outside of Kara.

He only knew that there was a monster called "monster" outside the city.

Reens didn't know what the "monster" looked like, because little Reens had never really seen it.

But little Reens had indeed seen many cases of being attacked by "monsters".

So compared to alien races, he was convinced of the existence of "monsters".

Of course, Reens was also very familiar with the concept of "monsters" in his previous life.

If this world is a different world of Japanese RPG, then monsters should refer to the general term for monsters such as slimes, goblins, stone giants, and dragons.

However, although there is magic in this world, Reans cannot simply conclude that this world is that kind of RPG different world.

Therefore, Reans is still unknown about the "monsters" in this world.

Speaking of "monsters", Reans remembered an experience of Little Reans.

I remember that Little Reans had just lost his job and became a homeless man after he had no income.

At that time, Little Reans found that he could no longer survive in the outer city by working hard.

So, Little Reans wanted to go out of the city to find a way out.

Although the city always spreads that the "monsters" outside are very dangerous, at this time, Little Reans feels that it is better to fight than to stay in the city and wait for death.

So, Little Reans went to line up to leave the city.

But when little Riens was about to step out of the city gate, he saw several big men forcibly dragging away a homeless man who had just left the city.

During the process, the guards at the city gate completely turned a blind eye to it.

It is clear that the city's laws require that "people cannot be forcibly taken as slaves", but the guards completely ignored the example in front of them.

Is it true that the city's laws are "invalid" after leaving the city? Little Riens didn't know.

But he knew that he must not leave the city, otherwise he would probably become a commodity on the slave black market.


It was a group of men carrying long swords who pulled Riens and his men off the carriage.

They were wearing uniform uniforms and were strong and healthy. Through the moonlight, Riens could see the bulging muscle lines on their arms that were not covered by clothes.

And they seemed to have strict discipline.

After releasing all the slaves, they naturally surrounded the slaves to prevent any slaves from making unwise escapes.

Then they stood there quietly, waiting for the next order.

They gave Reens the feeling of soldiers, at least much better than the guards in the outer city in Reens' memory.

Those guards in his memory didn't bully men and women, but they were basically lazy and did nothing.

They didn't look like a soldier at all.

Reens' eyes kept scanning the surrounding environment and those "soldiers", and other slaves did almost the same thing.

After all, when they first arrived in a new environment, everyone would unconsciously observe the things around them to determine whether they would encounter danger.

The carriage drove away, and Reens and the others stood there silently, either looking at each other or bowing their heads in silence.

It was like a frozen picture, with only the sound of insects to accompany them.

A sudden sound of footsteps came towards where everyone was standing, and Reens and the others turned their eyes there.

Soon, a tall figure stood in front of everyone.

He was wearing a uniform similar to those standing 'soldiers', but it was obviously a higher-level uniform.

Obviously, that figure was at least the superior of those 'soldiers'.

"It's getting late, let me briefly explain the situation to you."

The man said to the slaves present in a calm but clear voice.

"First of all, congratulations on your honor to become a slave of a noble. I guess you have already pressed your handprint on the slave contract."

"That is a slave contract unique to the Glenbagen family. You should feel honored to be able to join the Glenbagen family."

"You don't need to know my name. You should call me instructor from now on."

"And this is the training camp built by the Glenbagen family. I will train you here to become soldiers qualified to serve the family."

"You will be

Here you will receive the most rigorous and cruel training. Fight hard. I hope I can see you again when you graduate."

"Okay, that's it. Let them take a shower, then arrange them to the dormitory, give them some food, and start training tomorrow."

"Oh, by the way, open their shackles, and kill anyone who wants to escape. "

The instructor calmly gave instructions to the guards, and then quickly left the square.

After the instructor left.

The guards uncuffed Reans and the others, and then took them to a bathhouse to wash their bodies and change into fresh clothes.

Then they were arranged into dormitories.

The dormitory was not big. The only layout inside was a large bed. The large bed was very wide and was specially set up for multiple people to share.

The bed was neatly arranged with sheets and pillows. According to the number, this was a dormitory for ten people.

After Reans and the others were arranged in dormitories, it didn't take long for someone to deliver food.

It was some bread, meat and water.

In the memory of little Reans, he rarely had the experience of eating meat. Most of the time he could drink a bowl of meat soup. It was already a very unforgettable thing for him.

As far as he knew, ordinary families in the outer city did not often have meat to eat.

No wonder the instructor said, 'You are lucky to be slaves of the nobles.'

At least in terms of food, this place is much better than the slave exchange.

Of course, Reans would not be grateful to that family for this little food, and he was not really the poor child of little Reans.

Although the only food he could eat since he crossed over was black bread paste, he was still a person who could cook for himself.

This boiled meat that had been cooled was not really delicious for Reans.

But life is all about comparison.

With the experience of this period of time and the memory of little Reans, he can now deeply I realized that having enough to eat is really a very happy thing.

For normal people who are in extreme difficulties, simple and direct material satisfaction is the best spiritual satisfaction.

Why did the peasant uprising happen in ancient times?

Isn't it because the so-called upper class who manage the dynasty made most ordinary people unable to eat enough?

In the memory of little Reans, Reans found that most ordinary people in the outer city were basically on the edge of food and clothing.

And the number of homeless people seemed to be increasing, which led to little Reans not being able to beg for food, no, it should be that even the leftovers could not be grabbed.

Because the lives of ordinary people are very hard, there will be no surplus food to help those "beggars" who have little to do with them.

As for the lives of the upper class, little Reans is not clear, because the inner city is Ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

There is a wall between the outer city and the inner city, and the inner city gate is also guarded by guards.

Moreover, the guards are much more dedicated than those in the outer city. Even homeless people are not allowed to approach the gate of the inner city.

Otherwise, once discovered, they will be beaten seriously by the guards and thrown into the streets and alleys of the outer city to die.

This is one of the precautions that a kind person told little Lien when he was doing odd jobs.

Lien was really curious, in such a world and such a social environment.

To what extent will ordinary people be oppressed before they explode? Do they have the ability to overthrow this injustice?

It is probably difficult for ordinary people in this world to resist the upper class with extraordinary powers.

While thinking, Lien quickly finished his food.

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