The next day, in the early morning, a loud horn sounded in the training camp.

Immediately afterwards, Reens and his team were woken up and asked to gather at the square as soon as possible, which was the place last night.

Reens was used to using the copy instead of sleeping, because as long as he entered the copy, his outer body would enter a deep sleep state.

In that state, the body can get a good rest.

So Reens' mental state was not bad, and he didn't feel sleepy.

After gathering at the square, Reens found that there were many more people gathered in the square than last night, not including the guards.

Reens roughly calculated that there were almost hundreds of people, and this was also the result without counting the guards.

[So, they are not the only slaves who are participating in the training camp? ]

Riens thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright and the morning mist was hazy.

Some people in the square were in groups, some were alone, scattered in various places in the square, but they were not far from each other and still looked like a whole.

This reminded Reens of his experience in school in his previous life.

During physical education class, people who knew each other would go together, and those who were not sociable would stay somewhere alone.

But the distribution of all people was limited to a certain range, so that people could see at a glance that this was a class.

Whether it was the emotions between people or the consideration of seeking benefits and avoiding harm.

People always like to stand with people who have something in common with them, because that can reduce the possibility of being hurt.

It's like a strange card battle game.

Because we all have the same card, we can't hurt each other with this card.

Reens thinks he is more sociable, so he stands with his roommates.

After everyone arrived, the instructor soon came. He seemed to like to be the last one to appear, just like last night.

"This is your first day of training, so I forgive you for delaying a little time."

"But from today on, as long as you hear the horn, you must rush to the square as soon as possible to complete the training program."

"Now, immediately, everyone line up and run around the square. You can't stop until I say stop."

The instructor shouted loudly, full of energy and with a very serious tone.

The people gathered in the square also lined up in a simple team in response, and then started to run around the square at a fast pace.

Reens' figure was mixed in the crowd, running with the large group.

But soon, he couldn't keep up with the pace of the team.

Whether it was physical age or thin body, Reens was in a relatively weak category in the team.

Although everyone might be a slave, they had experienced long-term hunger and beatings.

But there was still a big fluctuation curve between the strength and physical strength of the people.

Therefore, Reens couldn't stand it after running for a short distance with the team.

The limitation of physical strength forced him to slow down.

Slowly, Reens' figure appeared from the middle of the team to the back.

However, Reens was not the only one who couldn't run, so his figure was not too obvious.


Reens was very familiar with this sound, it was the sound of a whip hitting the body.

When he was still in the slave exchange, Reens could hear such a sound almost every day.

Sometimes it was hitting others, and sometimes it was his own.

Then, another sound would sound.


The scream of the whipped person.

Reens looked behind the sound and saw a figure who was beaten and fell to the ground.

The whipper was the instructor. He whipped the person who fell to the ground with a whip in his hand and uttered a short sentence from his mouth.


"Hurry up."

"Keep running."

Rians remembered the "strict and cruel training" the instructor had said last night. The strictness had not yet been fully demonstrated, but Rians had seen the cruelty.

Is this the physical version of "falling behind means being beaten"? Rians thought with a wry smile.

Then he mobilized his body's potential, forcing his legs to speed up and take bigger steps.

As time went on, there was still no sign of stopping running.

Rians could gradually feel that breathing was becoming more and more difficult, his throat seemed to be burned by charcoal fire, and even his vision seemed a little blurred.

The sound of whipping slowly approached from behind,

Reigns could hear the sound close at hand.


This time it was not someone else's, but a firm whip on him.

Because he was prepared, Riens only let out a hoarse scream after being beaten and did not fall to the ground.

The screams are to satisfy the perpetrator's violent psychology, which may make him suffer less.

This was one of the lessons Riens learned from his time as a slave.

Because he was hit, Riens' pace was a little disordered, but he quickly adjusted, sped up a bit, and continued to keep up with the team in front.

In this process of constant suffering, as if we are heading towards death every moment, the sense of time is very long.

Reigns didn't know how much time passed, but his heavy breathing also obscured his perception of outside sounds.

He could only see a figure running in front of him, and he just had to follow.

Gradually, the figure in front began to slow down, as if it had stopped?

Reigns also stopped. At that moment, it was like letting go of a weight. He knelt on his knees and placed his hands on the ground.

Sweat dripped to the ground, or flowed down the face into the open mouth, allowing the tongue to taste the salty taste of the hard work.


This was the only sound ringing in Riens' head at the moment, the sound of his rapid and heavy breathing.

Slowly, his breathing began to calm down, the ground in front of him was no longer blurry, and the information from the outside world reestablished contact with him.

He looked around, and the sound of heavy breathing continued to ring in his ears.

Many people are like him, with their bodies in close contact with the ground, as if they are thinking about how to share their fatigue with the earth.

In addition, there were some low wailing sounds from the wounded who fell to the ground after being whipped by instructors or other guards.

Reigns recalled that he had been whipped four times.

It was just the feeling of exhaustion that seemed to exceed the limit of endurance that made him temporarily ignore the pain in his back.

After the early morning extreme running training, it is breakfast time and also a short rest time.

Reigns took some bread and water he received and ate them bit by bit.

The aftereffects of the previous running training continued to this day. Physical fatigue, muscle soreness, and the stinging pain from the wound on his back all made him lose his appetite.

But Riens still forced himself to eat.

He couldn't recover his physical strength well without eating. Without enough physical strength, he didn't even have the ability to force his body to activate its potential.

Reigns feels that he has really become stronger, not in terms of physical ability, but in terms of mental strength.

His tolerance for pain has increased, perhaps due to changes brought about by the memory of young Riens.

In his short fourteen years of life, little Riens has experienced a lot of suffering, so much so that many things are not considered suffering in his eyes.

What was planned? When he was in the orphanage, he was bullied and beaten by other orphans because he was withdrawn and unsocial.

What is starvation? The caregivers at the orphanage often forgot or deliberately withheld food from the children, and starvation was a daily occurrence in his memory.

What is fatigue? When he left the orphanage to do odd jobs, he tried his best to force his body to work continuously in order to complete more work to earn enough money to live on.

Suffering is not worthy of praise because it is forced upon oneself by others.

The will and ability that can sublimate in suffering are worthy of our pursuit.

After eating, Riens found a place in the square where he would not be disturbed by other people and lay down.

He planned to enter the dungeon to put his body into a state of deep sleep, which should speed up his body's recovery much faster.

Of course, Reigns would count the time. The rest time was short, and he couldn't let the guards wake him up.

That may arouse their dissatisfaction, resulting in more wounds on the body for no reason.

After a short rest, a new round of training began again.

This training is about moving wood.

The training is very simple, just move the thick pieces of wood to a designated place and then move them back again without stopping.

During this training, Riens was beaten again, and more often than when he was running before.

Because he was not strong enough, he could not move the wood fast enough. He had to stop midway and then start moving again every time.

And as soon as he stopped, the guards standing nearby would come over and whip him.

In the end, Riens and some others failed to complete the designated number of portages and were severely whipped.

No matter how tired Reigns felt this time, he couldn't ignore the burning pain radiating from everywhere in his body.

It was rest time again, and Reigns was too lazy to change positions.

He went into the dungeon to rest right where he was.

The place here refers to the place where Reens was whipped by the guards because he did not complete the training target.

The ground was still stained with Reens' sweat and blood from his wounds, and tears from the pain.


Sprint training, beating, rest.

Weightlifting training, beating, rest.

The above is the entire training process that Reens experienced this morning.

By the way, there was something worth noting during this period.

One of the punished people couldn't stand the continuous whipping, and knocked him down when the guards on the side were not paying attention, and then tried to escape from the square and the training camp like crazy.

It really looked like crazy.

Reens could see that his facial features were made strange by tears, snot and the mud on the ground, and combined with his body that used his hands and feet and tried desperately to run, he really looked like an alien.

Unfortunately, he still failed to escape from the training camp, and didn't even step out of the square.

The instructor killed him with a sword, and the instructor who was still on the other side of the square rushed to his side at a very fast speed.

Then he drew out the long sword and slashed across his neck at a very fast speed.

In fact, Reens didn't see the instructor's movements clearly, everything was over in a very short time.

He only saw the instructor shake off the blood on the long sword and wipe the long sword with a rag.

The man fell heavily to the ground, holding the wound on his throat tightly with both hands.

But the blood could not stop flowing out of the body, and finally spurted out, forming a pool of blood on the ground.

The body was finally carried away by the guard who was knocked down, and the blood on the ground was also cleaned by him.

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