In fact, it is not difficult to understand why the "crazy brother" wanted to run away.

He was beaten almost all the time during the morning training, and he was beaten more times than Reans.

And with the intensity of the morning training, he might feel that if he doesn't run, he will soon be exhausted or beaten to death.

Reans also felt that even a healthy ordinary person couldn't stand that kind of training intensity, let alone a slave boy who had been malnourished since childhood.

If it weren't for the copy ability, he could put his body into a dormant state to restore his energy even during a short rest time.

The most important thing is that he can't feel the fatigue and pain in his body during this period.

This will prevent the accumulation of fatigue and reduce the occurrence of sudden death.

In the past life, there were many news reports about sudden death from overtime work, many of which were caused by overwork and stress.

"Falling asleep in one second" is really a powerful ability, which can quickly restore the body to sufficient energy.

It is with this that Reens can persist in the morning training and does not turn into a "crazy brother".

After all, when he really can't hold on, Reens will not lie on the ground and be beaten to death.

At least he will stand up and punch to show his resistance. It may be useless, but he can be happy when he dies.

After the morning training, Reens felt that this place was much more terrible than the slave exchange.

At least the thugs in the exchange would not beat people so frequently. They were doing business, and the goods had to be kept intact before they could be sold.

The training camp was different. They were completely persecuting people to the limit of normal people.

They didn't care about the dead, because they wanted strong people who could survive in such a limit.


At noon, this may be the most rest time a trainer can get in a day, except for sleeping at night.

From the end of morning training to the beginning of afternoon training, it is the normal activity time for trainers, as long as they do not leave the training camp.

Of course, it is also difficult to run out of the training camp. Reens noticed that there are high walls built around the training camp. It is basically impossible for an individual to climb such a high wall without the help of tools.

Perhaps those rock climbing masters in the previous life can do it, but it is basically impossible for ordinary people.

In addition to the high wall, the training camp also has a gate.

Reens took advantage of the free time to check the gate.

It is a bit too much to say that it is heavily guarded, but Reens saw that there are eight guards stationed there, and the gate is still closed and will not be opened.

It can be said that it is more difficult to cross the gate than to climb over the high wall directly.

The more you look, the more you lose hope. It is basically impossible to escape. Even if you can escape, there is still the killer weapon of the slave contract.

In addition to normal food, there was also a bowl of red soup at noon.

After drinking it, Reans felt that his body seemed to warm up, and his fatigue was rapidly decreasing.

Reans even felt that the pain of the wound on his body was also reduced a lot.

[Is this a magic potion? It feels like red potion. ]

Reans couldn't help but have a thought in his mind.

No wonder the people in the training camp persecuted the trainers so much. It seems that such a thing exists.

Although it is impossible to completely offset the fatigue and damage caused by training, it at least extends the service life of the trainers to a certain extent.

Maybe after training, the body will keep up with the intensity of training.

Although there is "red potion" to reduce fatigue, and there is also free time at noon, everyone will basically go back to the dormitory for lunch.

After all, although the morning training is over, there is still afternoon. Who knows what kind of training will be in the afternoon.

It is better to use the lunch time to rest well and deal with the afternoon training in a better state.

The same thing happened to Reens. After he finished his meal, he went straight back to the dormitory to rest.

As for the aforementioned behavior of observing the gate of the training camp during free time, it was of course carried out in the dungeon.

How could the prison guards know that he was clearly trying to escape from prison? He was not a fool.

In addition to watching the gate, Reens also provoked the instructor.

The instructor's response to the provocation was simple, and he directly punished him with whipping and increased training.

However, as long as Reens showed any sign of giving up training, he would kill the escaped home like a

Just like a guy, he was slashed with a sword.

When the sword came, Reens' neck was cut before he could even react.

That was the first time Reens felt the feeling of real death in the dungeon.

Before, although he had tried "tearing up the slave contract" with Barton and died, the feeling of death was only a momentary pain, and then Reens was sent back to the white space.

In fact, he did not really experience the process of the body gradually dying and the consciousness gradually dissipating.

After his neck was cut, Reens first felt pain, then soon felt suffocated, and finally slowly lost consciousness.

That feeling was too real, and the brain blank brought by the strong feeling of suffocation made Reens forget that he was in the dungeon.

Therefore, until he lost consciousness in the end, he kept falling to the ground and struggling.

Just like the "crazy brother" in the morning, he was powerless to cover the wound called "life".

After losing consciousness, Reens returned to the initial white space, where he kept breathing heavily, trying to forget the suffocation just now through this behavior.

After a long time, Reens recovered.

At that moment, Reens was really glad that after the copy died, he returned to the original space instead of returning his consciousness directly to his body.

Otherwise, he might have really died because of his own death.

In the previous life, there was an experiment called "simulated execution".

In a simple summary, it is not to harm the prisoner, but to simulate the real feeling of death to the prisoner, so that the prisoner is scared to death.

If his consciousness returns directly to the body, then his experience will be similar to the "simulated execution" experiment.

Because his memory is still at the moment when his body is gradually dying, he really feels that he is dying.

In that case, will he be "scared to death" because of this?

Reens doesn't know, but he doesn't want to try such an experiment.

Sometimes the truth does not need to be confirmed, people just need to believe that the "truth" they know is the truth.

People always need a little lie to deceive themselves.

After calming the fear brought by death, Reens entered the copy again.

Following the idea of ​​"If you don't die, then die", especially after experiencing "real death", Reens became more unscrupulous.

The dungeon was his only hope, so he needed to make the best use of everything, only in this way could he catch the ray of hope.

In the next dungeon, Reens took the initiative to take the instructor's sword, trying to see how the instructor made a move.

However, after trying several times without any progress, Reens gave up this meaningless behavior.

He knew that the gap between him and the instructor was too big, and the instructor's sword speed might exceed his reaction speed.

Later, Reens planned several escape operations, but he was either caught by the guards or killed by the instructor.

In addition, Reens also tried to take the initiative to challenge more intense training in the dungeon, so that he could better experience the feeling of constantly approaching the limit.

In the end, he lost consciousness and returned to the initial space.

However, he also knew three ways to return to the initial space from the dungeon.

One is to return voluntarily, the second is death, and the third is coma.

At present, it is speculated that death and coma may be the same way, that is, losing consciousness.

Reens also asked the instructor about the "red potion", that is, what is the red soup distributed at noon?

Unfortunately, the instructor is not as "long-winded" as Patton. He prefers to do things rather than talk.

So Reens did not learn the truth about the "red potion" from the instructor.

I just hope it is really as harmless as the red potion in the game.

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