The first time, the last two were in the morning.

"Woo woo woo..."

As the familiar horn sounded again, it meant that the afternoon training was about to begin.

Everyone quickly rushed to the square to gather and wait for the instructor to arrive.

This time, some people gathered together, some alone, but it was still obvious that it was different from the previous ones.

Those who were in good health, tall, and had no new wounds on their bodies leaned together.

They were trainers who performed well in the morning training. They completed all the training goals or completed several training projects.

This made them almost free of traces of whipping, and they were not injured, so their condition was naturally better.

Those who were thin and had a lot of wounds on their bodies also leaned together, which was to keep warm together.

As mentioned before, people always like to stand with those who have something in common with them.

This is not only considering the possibility of injury, but also the possible help.

For people with good physical fitness, only those with good physical fitness like themselves are qualified to be on par with themselves and have the ability to provide possible help to themselves in the subsequent training.

And those with poor physical fitness may die at any time in the next training.

Both sides have very obvious classes in terms of ability, just like the outer city and inner city in the city.

People are divided into three, six, and nine levels by their identities. The upper class always enjoys abundant resources, and the lower class can only struggle miserably.

There are some wooden swords piled up in the square. Everyone knows that this is probably the training equipment for the next training, just like the wood handling in the morning.

Sure enough, after the coach came, he asked everyone to come forward to receive the wooden swords.

Reens came forward and took one, put it in his hand to observe and play carefully.

The length of the wooden sword is about one meter, and the width of the blade is 4 or 5 centimeters.

Don't ask how you can see it. They all say it's about, so it's naturally roughly gestured out.

It feels a bit heavy in the hand, it should be wood with a relatively high density.

After a closer look, Reens found that the wood grain on the wooden sword is very similar to the wood he moved in the morning.

It is speculated that both should come from the same tree, after all, the wood used for training in the morning is really heavy.

"The afternoon training is swordsmanship. I will show you the basic swordsmanship movements. Pay attention, I will demonstrate it three times next."

After the instructor finished speaking, he began to demonstrate swordsmanship movements and explain each movement.

Stab, chop, cut, block, block, sweep, slash...

Bow step, empty step, leap step, parallel step...

The instructor's voice was stable and clear, and the slow demonstration of swordsmanship movements did not interfere with his voice.

This was probably the time when the instructor spoke the most. He perfectly explained to everyone present how to practice basic swordsmanship.

After the second time, the instructor still demonstrated the previous movements slowly, but stopped talking.

By the third time, the movements were faster, but as long as you concentrate seriously, you can still see each movement clearly.

"I will demonstrate basic swordsmanship every day in the future. Now follow my movements and start training."

The instructor asked everyone to line up neatly, with a suitable distance between each other, and then began to use swords to practice the movements he taught.

He patrolled the team back and forth, and if he found someone's movements were wrong, he would hit the corresponding body parts with a wooden sword to correct them.

Reens is not a genius, and he can't perform all the swordsmanship movements perfectly and accurately just by watching a few demonstrations. Others are basically the same.

So since the beginning of the training, the instructor has never stopped swinging the sword, constantly hitting everyone's body parts accurately with the wooden sword.

There are also bruises on Reens' body, which are caused by the instructor's wooden sword.

But even so, for Reens, sword training is easier than the morning training.

After all, there are so many people, and the instructor will not only focus on one person. The rain and dew are evenly distributed, and Reens is beaten much less times than in the morning.

Of course, this is just Reens's initial idea.

As time passed, Reans did not know how many times he had done the swordplay moves. The sweat on his body had soaked the dirt under him, but the instructor still did not mean to stop.

He walked back and forth tirelessly, and swung his sword to hit when he found something wrong.

Reans understood that this was probably another test of endurance, just like the running at the beginning.

He knew that if he kept doing the same, he might not be able to hold on until the instructor called for a stop, and he would die due to exhaustion.

Stop swordplay practice.

Reens didn't know what the consequences would be if he stopped practicing without authorization? The lighter one might be the same as in the morning, and he would be punished if he failed to complete the training, that is, he would be whipped by the guards.

If it was serious, he might be killed by the instructor.

Yes, killed.

Because Reens found that the instructor paid much more attention to swordplay than the physical training in the morning.

In the morning, the instructor was not as serious as he is now. He not only explained the swordplay movements to everyone, but also supervised and corrected them in person.

At that time, the instructor rarely spoke. Although he would beat those trainers who made mistakes or did not meet the standards during the training when supervising the training, it was mostly left to other guards to do.

And he taught you so hard, but you couldn't complete the basic goals he set. What do you think he will do next?

Just like parents tutoring their children's homework, they think they have tutored so hard, but the children still don't do it well.

At this time, parents will not feel that they are wrong, but they will feel that their children are not working hard enough, not serious enough, and feel sorry for themselves.

They would not think that it might not be that the child is not serious, but that the child's foundation or talent is not enough, so he cannot learn in a short time.

They will scold or beat the child to express their anger.

The instructor is not the parents of everyone, but he will probably express his dissatisfaction in the most direct way.

He is the kind of ruthless person who would rather take action than speak, which Reens has confirmed many times in the copy.

In order to avoid the most serious consequences, Reens began to think about how to reduce his physical consumption when the movements are standard enough?

Reens thought of "following the trend".

Simply put, it is to make a whole set of movements coherent, and let the inertia of the previous movement drive the next movement, so as to reduce the physical strength required to perform the next movement.

Reens tried to recall the instructor's previous three swordsmanship demonstrations, and found that the last speed-up demonstration was actually coherent.

It makes a single swordsmanship movement form a complete routine called "Basic Swordsmanship".

Just like music, each note with a suitable rhythm together forms a beautiful score.

What he had to do was to find the rhythm of "basic swordsmanship" and make their movements coherent.

Reens began to imitate the instructor's third demonstration.

At first he would make mistakes because he could not fully recall it, and he had not yet found the right "rhythm".

Therefore, he was beaten many times. Now, after everyone had cycled through the swordsmanship movements countless times, Reens was one of the few who was beaten.

Slowly, Reens's movements became more and more coherent, and the figure in his memory gradually became clearer.

This was not that Reens completely remembered the instructor's swordsmanship demonstration, but that he used his own understanding to complete the memory.

Reens began to immerse himself in the practice of "basic swordsmanship". He forgot the outside world and ignored the consumption of his body.

He kept swinging his sword and completing the routine of "basic swordsmanship".

Until a scream woke Reens up, and at the same time made everyone stop their movements and turn their eyes to the source of the sound.

The scream was made by a person who had fallen in a pool of blood.

Seeing the instructor standing there with a long sword in hand, everyone probably understood what happened.

Their hearts sank, but no one said anything. Everyone had seen similar scenes in the morning.

"Keep training, don't stop."

When the instructor's voice sounded, everyone immediately looked away and resumed their previous actions.

Although everyone had some sympathy for the man's death, they were basically sympathetic to him and thought of their own possible fate, so they were a little uneasy.

However, some people were quite grateful to him.

Because his death gave them a little breathing room.

Although it was only a short pause, it also allowed many people to recover their physical strength.

Among them was Reens, who had no feeling when practicing swordsmanship, and felt almost exhausted when he stopped.

Fortunately, he took the opportunity to take a few more breaths, which allowed his physical strength to continue, and he could hold on for a little longer.

Finally, after two more people died, the remaining people successfully persisted until the instructor called a halt and ended the swordsmanship training.

Reens breathed a sigh of relief, lamenting that he had lived another day. There should be no training at night, right? !

At night, after eating the dinner provided by the training camp, Reens and his friends did not continue training, but took cultural classes.

In the words of the teacher, if you don't know anything, how can you better serve the Glenbargen family.

Before the class, the teacher asked everyone about their literacy, and only a few people said they could read, and most of them could not.

Everyone is illiterate, just like Reens.

Therefore, the evening course became teaching literacy and writing. After most people learned the commonly used characters, they started the next course.

The study of cultural courses is the easiest. This is not to say that literacy and writing are easy, but the teacher will not hit people, let alone kill people.

This made everyone who had experienced a day of training feel relieved.

The same is true for Reens.

The only pity is that the teacher is an old male scholar, not a white-skinned and beautiful female teacher, which makes the cultural course less attractive.

Reens made a little joke in his heart.

Speaking of which, when he was in school in his previous life, he had never met a truly beautiful young female teacher, which had to be said to be a pity.

By the way, there was no "red medicine" for dinner. Was it because the afternoon training was not intense enough, or was there another reason?

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