The training camp was built around the flat open space in the square.

The dormitory for trainers like Reans is on the east side, and the dormitory for guards is on the west side, which is also the location of the gate of the training camp.

To the north are the residences of important figures such as instructors and Marvin, and the warehouse is on the south side of the square.

No matter when, there will be guards stationed in the warehouse, even at this late hour, there will still be people on duty there.

However, since Reans chose to take weapons from the warehouse, he was naturally prepared in advance.

He had already used the copy to explore the situation of the warehouse clearly.

Reens quietly walked through the dark alleys of the training camp, avoiding the patrolling guards and came to the warehouse in the south.

Reens hid in the dark corner between the houses, watching the two guards guarding the warehouse door not far away.

At this time, the two guards looked a little tired. One of them was standing and yawning, while the other had leaned against the wall of the warehouse with his forehead slightly lowered, as if he had fallen asleep.

The yawning guard turned his head to look at his colleague, wanting to talk to him to relieve his fatigue.

But he didn't expect to see his colleague neglecting his duties so much, and he was furious.

You didn't remind me before you fell asleep, so I stood guard by myself.

Thinking of this, the yawning guard immediately walked to his colleague and slapped him to wake him up.

The guard who was slapped fell to the ground because of the sudden instability of his center of gravity.

This time, he woke up directly from the pain while he was still a little confused.

"What are you doing!"

The awakened guard got up from the ground and said to his colleague unhappily.

"What am I doing? It's almost time to change shifts, can't you hold on any longer?"

"What if someone attacks you while you're asleep?"

The colleague said righteously.

Of course he couldn't say 'I was upset to see you slacking off, so I just woke you up'.

"How could someone attack? You're probably having a paranoid attack."

The sleepy guard still said very unhappily.

"Even if there's no attack, what if Lord Renakin suddenly comes to the warehouse?"

"If he sees you like this, will he be unhappy? Will he punish you?"

"Will the rest of us who are also guarding the warehouse be implicated because of you?"

Hearing the sleepy guard's rebuttal, the colleague asked directly.

And the more he said, the more his colleague felt that this was possible, his voice gradually lowered, and his face became solemn.

"No, we can't let this happen... stand up straight."

"There's only a little time left before the shift change, just hold on a little longer."

Thinking of this, the colleague directly persuaded the sleepy guard softly, hoping that he would stop being lazy.

The sleepy guard who was questioned also felt that what his colleague said made sense, so he quickly straightened his face and started working seriously.

Riens didn't notice the conversation and change of the two guards.

Because when the two people were arguing, he took the opportunity to sneak into the hut next to the warehouse.

The night guard work of the warehouse is divided into two shifts, two people are on duty in the first half of the night, and the other two are on duty in the second half of the night.

When they are not on duty, they rest in the hut next to the warehouse.

The most important thing is that there is a secret passage in the hut that can enter the warehouse.

Speaking of which, it was really an unexpected discovery.

It was one night in the copy when Reens was playing the "Night Killing Game".

At that time, when Reens was looking for his target, he came to the warehouse unknowingly.

Seeing this large building, Reens was of course curious about what was inside.

So he threatened the guards to open the door of the warehouse.

But they were just guards, how could they have the key to the warehouse.

There was no way, Reens could only prepare to kill the guards who were chopped down, and then try to use a long sword to cut a gap to enter the warehouse.

However, one of the guards probably saw Reens's murderous intention.

In order to save his life, he directly revealed that there was a secret passage he dug in the hut next to the warehouse that led directly to the inside of the warehouse.

After confirming the authenticity of the secret passage, Reens asked the guard curiously at the time.

Why did he dig this secret passage?

The guard's answer was greed.

Although he knew that he could not take it away, he couldn't help but take action when he thought that there was a lot of wealth hidden next to him.

Even if he knew that this secret passage would be taken away,

I found that I would be severely punished, or even lose my life.

But sometimes, greed is hard to suppress.

At that time, when he said this, an indescribable expression appeared on the guard's face.

There was excitement, entanglement, regret, and relief...

After listening to the guard's story, Reens also let him go as agreed.

Anyway, it was just a copy, so what if he let him go once? If he wanted to kill him later, he could change the copy and kill him again.

After Reens entered the hut, he skillfully sneaked under the bed, found the secret passage, and quickly entered it.

Reens carefully passed through the secret passage to avoid making a sound and waking up the two guards sleeping in the house.

The environment in the warehouse was very dim, and only the windows installed high up could cast a few dim moonlight here, providing a little insignificant light.

Of course, the warehouse has lighting equipment, such as [Magic Stone Light] and the like.

But a thief like Reens couldn't just openly turn on the lighting in the warehouse.

Wouldn't that be telling the guards outside that the warehouse had been robbed?

Fortunately, Reens had practiced many times in the dungeon and was very familiar with the layout of the warehouse.

Even in this dim environment, he could accurately find what he needed without making any noise.

Reens walked in the warehouse with ease, and he clearly remembered where the weapons were placed.

"Over there... um, this is it."

Reens muttered in his heart.

He walked to the place where the weapon was placed, reached out and touched it gently, and after confirming that it was the long sword he needed, he picked it up.

After getting the assassination weapon, Reens immediately returned to the secret passage and carefully hid the exit of the secret passage on the other side of the warehouse.

Like the guard, Reens also didn't want the secret passage to be discovered.

In this way, the evidence that "the trainer has no weapons and cannot commit crimes" would not cause any doubts.

Reens crawled out of the secret passage and lay under the guard's bed.

Just as he was about to crawl out, a guard on duty outside came in.

Reens was not panicked about this, just waited.

He guessed that the guard came in because it was time to change shifts and came to wake up the two people who were on duty in the second half of the night.

"Gene, Willy, wake up... It's your turn."

Sure enough, the guard who came in patted the two people sleeping in the bed and tried to wake them up.

"Is it time?"

Hearing the call of their colleagues, the two people also got up quickly, sorted out their clothes, took up their long swords, and walked out of the hut.

"Uh, why don't you lie down on the bed and sleep, and follow me out?"

One of the guards who was about to go out saw the colleague who woke him up and followed him out, and was a little puzzled.

"I came out to discuss something with you, that is, the issue of duty."

"This matter is very important, I think we need to discuss it carefully."

"Anthony also agreed."

The colleague explained.

"Issue of duty? What's the problem? Well...if you want to discuss it, then discuss it."

"See if you have anything to say, anyway, it just happens to relieve our boredom."

One of the guards said indifferently, and then the three of them walked out of the hut together.

And Reens also quietly escaped from the hut while no one was in the room, and quickly left the range of the warehouse.

Reens originally thought that he would have to stay under the bed for a while, and he could only go out after the two people who changed shifts fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a good thing, which saved a lot of time.

Good luck.

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