The murder weapon has been obtained, and Reens naturally has to rush to the "crime scene" that is about to be formed.

Complete the "project" that has been tested countless times.

Reens came to Marvin's residence, opened the window with a long sword without hesitation, and sneaked into the house.

At this point, there is no need to make any determination. Reens is just inertially executing the predetermined plan.

Therefore, he will not have any doubts, even if this is done in reality.

When you make a choice, what you do next will become the driving force to push you to continue to move forward along this choice.

Some people call this sunk cost, while others praise it as perseverance.

But in the final analysis, you just firmly believe that your choice is correct.

The same was true for Reans. He firmly believed that the choice at this time was absolutely correct, so he acted without any hesitation.

Like the warehouse, Reans also came to Marvin's bed with ease.

Marvin's sleeping posture was very good. He lay flat on the bed, with a straight posture. The quilt completely covered the rest of his body, leaving only his head exposed.

Reans lifted one side of the quilt, revealing Marvin's right hand underneath.

Then, Reans quickly stretched out his left hand and touched the ring on Marvin's right index finger.

That was the "magic ring" that released the light curtain to protect Marvin.

Marvin's right hand was open but not tense, but a relaxed and natural opening, with the palm facing down, flat on the bed.

Reans was very fast, but his movements were very gentle, and Marvin's palm was open.

So Marvin, who was sleeping, didn't feel that Reans had taken off his "protective umbrella".

After confirming that the "magic ring" had left Marvin's body, Reans slashed at Marvin's neck with a long sword at high speed.

Fortunately, the theft was not protected by the "slave contract", otherwise Reans would have to slow down before taking action.

The long sword cut through the air at high speed, cutting off Marvin's neck, and Marvin's body was directly separated.

Blood gushed out from the bowl-sized scar, soaking Marvin's head and dyeing the entire head of the bed red.

The blood spread on the bed and fell under the bed.

"Tick, tick..."

That was the sound of blood dripping on the floor.

In the dim light, the dark red blood had gathered into a stream on the ground and began to extend to other places in the house.

Nothing unexpected happened, and Marvin died without even feeling anything.

Naturally, there would be no sound to attract the attention of the patrolling guards.

Multi-round players are so skilled.

Reans used his long sword to support his body and still stood up, resisting the pain brought by resisting the "slave contract".

It was the first time that he felt this kind of severe pain with his real body. Sure enough, it was no different from the copy.

It hurt so much that his brain seemed to be split from the middle.

But Reans could still bear it. He would not let himself scream, otherwise all his efforts would be wasted.

When Marvin was killed for the first time in the copy, but he did not die.

Reans knew that the "slave contract" of the Glenbagen family had great flaws.

It was not as perfect as Patton boasted.

Just like the many-to-many design of the database, there must be a relationship table to connect the other two tables.

So the one who really had a contractual relationship with him should be the "relationship table", not the "master table" representing the Glenbagen family.

So Marvin and the people of the Glenbagen family could only use the "relationship table" to indirectly influence their slaves, but could not directly control them.

Reans guessed that this "relationship table" might be some kind of magic item.

Thinking this way, as long as the magic item is destroyed or the connection with it is cut off, the "slave contract" should be able to be released.

This seems much simpler than one of Reans's ideas of "killing all the people of the Glenbogen family to release the contract."

It didn't take long for Reans to recover from the severe pain.

Reans stood up and looked at Marvin, whose body had been separated, with a complex emotion in his heart.

"Teacher Marvin, you finally died in my hands."

"I hope you can bless me so that we will never have the chance to meet again."

"By the way, isn't your dream to become a magician?"

"In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely try it."


That would be worthy of your teaching. If it weren't for you, I would still be an illiterate."

"Of course, if there is a place like 'hell' in this world, you can continue to work hard there."

"Maybe you can become a 'hell wizard' and fulfill your long-cherished wish, don't you think? "

Riens said this silently in his heart, which was his "eulogy" for Marvin's funeral in advance.

After sorting out his thoughts, Reens prepared to complete the follow-up work.

Reens wiped the fingerprints on the ring with the part of the quilt that was not stained by blood.

Then he grabbed the quilt and put the ring on the index finger of Marvin's right hand again.

Then he wiped Marvin's right hand carefully and put it back in place.

Finally, he covered Marvin's body with the quilt.

During this process, Reens was like a practitioner in the funeral industry who was tidying up the remains for his customers.

Fortunately, the quilt was not thick and Marvin's body was not stiff yet, so Reens completed this simple task smoothly.

It was impossible for Reans to take the magic ring away.

Although it was precious, taking it away was equivalent to adding a fatal loophole for himself.

In the plot of Conan, how many criminals were discovered because they took something from the crime scene.

Reans did not want to be that kind of "little black man".

After finishing this work, Reans came to Marvin's workbench and found what he needed at once.

An instrument for ignition.

As a "pharmacist", Marvin often needs to refine potions, so there is naturally no lack of equipment for making fire at home.

Yes, Reans was going to set the whole house on fire.

In that way, most of the traces he left in the house would be All traces will be removed.

Including the quilt with a lot of his fingerprints on it, and the footprints on the floor.

Although Reens didn't know whether the world could rely on fingerprints to identify criminals, it was better to take precautions.

Just burn them all and put an end to it.

As for whether he would use the "ignition device"? Of course Reens would.

How could such a low-level mistake occur in a perfect plan.

Reens picked up the "ignition device" in the house, poured out some of the flammable liquid inside, and sprinkled it on the quilt and the floor.



In an instant, the quilt soaked in flammable liquid directly rose into flames.

Reens took a step back and threw the "ignition device" to In the rising flames,

After watching the flames spread, Reens immediately turned around and left Marvin's house through the window.

Reens quickly left the "crime scene". Next, he needed to deal with the murderous long sword.

This problem was also very simple.

After leaving the scene, Reens avoided the patrolling guards and came to the high wall surrounding the entire training camp.

Aim upward, use force, and throw.

The long sword in Reens' hand followed a perfect parabola, jumped over the high wall, and left the cruel training camp.

After doing this, Reens turned around and left here and returned to his dormitory.

What will happen next depends on fate.

Reens hopes that his fate is strong enough.

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