The first person who passed the test was the first person who was killed.

Riens was also very happy.

Since that person could pass the test, he should not have any problems.

And judging from the burn marks on that person, the monster inside was indeed likely to be a flaming lion.

This shows that his guess was not wrong.

I just don't know if it will be the same monster when it's his turn to play?

Seeing the first person who passed the test walking down the stairs from the wall made of logs, someone immediately wanted to ask him what happened inside.

Several people left the queue and prepared to surround the "first person".

But the instructor stopped this behavior.

"Return to your previous position and stand still!"

The instructor scolded them.

When the few people heard this, they immediately stood back to their previous positions, and the others stopped asking questions when they saw this.

Obviously, all these behaviors showed that the instructor did not want them to obtain information about the monsters in advance.

Was he trying to test their on-the-spot reaction ability? Or was he simply trying to increase the difficulty of the assessment.

"Drink this, and then wait over there."

The instructor took out a bottle of potion from somewhere and handed it to the "First Person", then pointed to a location in the square and said to him slowly.

Standing in front, Reens was more sharp-eyed. When he saw the emerald green on the potion, he knew it should be the [Healing Potion].

And it was not the watered version that they had drunk before, but the normal [Healing Potion].

"Pretty generous."

Reens complained in his heart.

It was a very realistic situation. Only when you are useful to others will others help you in return.


"First Person" responded loudly.

He took the potion given by the instructor, and then saluted the instructor before drinking the potion.

That salute was the salute that the guards usually showed to the instructors - a hand salute.

It was obvious that the "first man" had completely regarded himself as a member of the training camp at this time.

Many people hate oppression, but when they can become oppressors, their mentality will naturally lean towards that side.

Driven by interests and positions, vested interests rarely think that there is anything wrong with oppressing others.

Because in their view, their behavior is just to make their lives better.

Everyone has the qualifications to pursue beauty, they just embarked on a more "beautiful" path for them.

Under the effect of the [healing potion], the injuries of the "first man" began to recover rapidly, the burns on various parts of the body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, the wounds gradually closed, and returned to normal skin.

Even the scars left by previous injuries seemed to be recovering.

With the use of the [healing potion], the "first man" gave others the feeling that he was rejuvenated.

The whole person's spirit and energy have improved a lot.

If it weren't for the blood left on his body, it would be hard to believe that he had just experienced a difficult battle.

"Second, take over."

Seeing that the "first person" went directly to the designated position after drinking the potion, the instructor nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted to the team lined up by Reens and others.

Hearing this, the figure in front of Reens did not hesitate, and quickly climbed the stairs and came to the instructor's side.

With the successful case of the first person to eat crabs, the following people are very confident.

In their view, the "graduation assessment" is no longer a path to death, but a star-studded avenue for a bright future.

Reens looked up at the person in front of him who picked up a standard long sword and disappeared on the wall.

I wonder how he got to the "ring"?

Similar to the experience of the "first person", after that person "disappeared" from the wall, the sound of fighting did not appear immediately on the "ring".

Instead, the cry of the "monster" would be heard after waiting for some time.

The period in between should be the preparation work done by the training camp.


When the roar of the monster sounded, the situation inside the wall seemed to become intense.

The roar of people, the roar of beasts, the screams of pain, the angry curses, and finally... the sad howl.

People outside the field didn't know what happened inside, but from the sounds coming out, everyone roughly estimated that the situation of the people inside should not be very good.

When the "first person" left the field

, but there was no such tragic scream.

Everyone had been whipped and tortured in various ways. If it was just some minor injuries, they could basically endure it without screaming.

Nor would they shout all kinds of meaningless curses in the battle.

Because this would interrupt the breathing rhythm of the "Knight Breathing Method" and reduce their own explosive power.

No one would do this to reduce their own strength unless they encountered special circumstances.

The sound inside the wall disappeared, and the battle seemed to be over?

Just as the people outside the field were waiting for the latest results with trepidation, the instructor walked down the steps of the wall with a broken arm and a serious injury in one hand, and walked towards Reens and the others.

"Still alive... Did he pass the test too?"

Others outside the field thought, but things were obviously not as good as they thought.

Because the instructor did not give the injured person potion, but let him hold the broken left arm and wail in pain.

The unstoppable blood flowed all over the ground, drawing a bright red road as the instructor walked.

"Baji, Baji..."

Everyone watched the instructor walk in silence. The sound of his feet stepping on the blood was like a warning bell hanging in everyone's hearts, drowning out the louder screams.

After the instructor slowly walked in front of them, he threw the injured person in his hand directly to the ground.

Seeing the instructor's actions, everyone's eyes also turned to the miserable figure lying on the ground.

"The reason I brought him here is just to give you a reminder - the Glenbagen family does not need waste."

"He was careless, causing his left arm to be broken and becoming a useless person."

"So even if he killed the monster, he still couldn't pass the test."

"I hope you will remember his lesson and complete the test more seriously."


The instructor said calmly, as if announcing something very ordinary.

After saying that, the instructor drew out his sword, killed the figure lying on the ground, and then turned and left.

The people who were left with mixed feelings looked at the figure in the pool of blood with complicated expressions.

"It's just that his left arm is broken. It can be said that he is disabled, but it's not his turn to be called "waste"."

"That person was able to kill the monster even with a broken arm, which is enough to prove his ability."

"It's a pity... those people look down on him."

"Alas, there is one less person to test the sword."

Rians secretly said to the dead "front row" in his heart.

Although he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, he didn't stop.

When he heard the instructor say "next one", Rians immediately followed the instructor's footsteps.

Climb the stairs of "Fork of Fate" with him.

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