On top of the stairs is a "platform" formed by a specially thickened wall.

The "platform" is not very wide, and the people and objects on it can be seen at a glance.

As for people, there are only 7 people here, including Reans and the instructor.

The rest are the 5 people who stood beside the instructor before and were considered by Reans to be the "investigators" sent by the Grumbargen family.

Looking at the 5 people sitting on the chairs, chatting and tasting unknown drinks, they looked like uncles watching a play.

Reans had an illusion that he was about to step into the "Colosseum".

This may not be an illusion.

After all, he really needs to go down and fight the monsters later, and those "spectators" will sit here and look down at the fight from a high place.

In this situation, except for the smaller number of spectators, it seems to be no different from the Colosseum in Rome.

Thinking of this, Reens felt a little unhappy.

He was going to perform a "monkey show" for those people with his own life... It was really not happy to think about it.

If the situation was not stronger than the person, Reens would have drawn his sword and asked them to pay the "fee" for watching the show.

It's not much, one life per person is enough.

Although there was no expression on his face, Reens had already raised the intention to kill those people in his heart.

He planned to kill those people in the dungeon after the "graduation assessment".

After scanning the platform for a few times and confirming the things on it, Reens cast his eyes on the "ring" below.

After all, that was his next home court.

As his sight turned to the "ring", Reens soon saw something that made his eyes narrow.

The main body of the "ring" was a flat ground, nothing to say.

What really caught Reens' attention was the cages placed on the edge of the "ring".

These cages were made of iron, some large and some small, and held monsters of various types and shapes.

Two of the cages were empty.

At this time, these monsters were lying quietly in the cages, motionless like corpses.

However, Reens also knew that these monsters could not be dead, otherwise how could the assessment be carried out.

They should have been fed some kind of potion to enter a coma.

When he left the stage later, he should wake one of them up to let him complete the assessment.

Reens continued to observe the monsters carefully and found that they were basically carnivores such as lions, tigers, and wolves.

Among them was the Flame Lion he had guessed before. Its image was a lion with reddish-brown hair, which was easy to identify.

Reens thought that the reason why the training camp chose this type of monster as the assessment requirement must be because they are more aggressive.

After all, compared with the herbivorous monsters such as the horned rabbit, the carnivorous monsters are more dangerous.

"Don't look at it, go get your sword, then jump down, walk to the middle, and wait for the assessment to begin."

The instructor on the side interrupted Reens's continued observation of the monster's behavior, and then pointed to the big box with the long sword on the side and said.

"Just jump down, it's really simple and crude... However, for people who exercise regularly, a height of less than 3 meters does not really need any ladder."

Hearing the instructor's instructions, Reens thought to himself.

Reens randomly picked a long sword from the box. Anyway, they are all standard, there is no difference.

Then he walked to the edge of the platform and jumped directly.

Reens jumped forward, forming a certain parabola to reduce the impact of the direct fall. At the same time, at the moment of landing, his legs were bent as a buffer.

After landing smoothly on the platform, Reens followed the instructor's request and walked to the center of the "ring".

At this time, it can be said that Reens was surrounded by all the monsters.

There was one thing I didn't mention before, that the cages for the monsters were not stacked together.

Instead, they were placed one by one around the wall of the "ring". Only under the platform where the instructors were located were there no monster cages.

If the training camp woke up all the monsters and opened the cages, Reens would have no chance of survival except escaping from the "ring".

So facing this situation, Reens was still a little nervous.

Although I think the training camp is unlikely to be so crazy, I'm just afraid of the possibility.

What if those "examiners" suddenly want to change the assessment based on the principle of "watching the excitement and not minding the trouble"

What should I do?

It is precisely because I don't know those people that Reens has to guess their psychology with the greatest malice.

That way, if the expected thing really happens, I can be mentally prepared.

After Reens left the stage, another guard came into the "ring".

However, unlike Reens's way of entering, he actually came in through the "employee passage".

Reens just watched him push open a door and walked in.

The surface of the door and the wall made of logs are the same color. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find it.

Reens had been watching monsters before, so he didn't notice this.

The main reason is that Reens didn't expect that there would be an entrance and exit passage in this wall.

Since there are passages, why do they have to jump off the platform? Isn't it better to go directly through the passage?

"Is this discrimination?"

Reens secretly complained.

He was speechless about this situation...

Before, Reans was still wondering if the monsters on the "ring" were placed here before the wall was built?

Or after the wall was built, they were directly moved in across the wall.

Who would have thought that they also walked through the passage, and only Reans and other people who were taking the test had to jump over the wall stupidly.

Suppressing the speechlessness in his heart, Reans continued to watch the guard open the cage of one of the monsters and walked into it.

That was the cage that held the [Wind Wolf].

[Wind Wolf, a wolf-like monster that can release wind blades, is much larger than ordinary gray wolves and can be compared with lions and tigers of normal size. ]

[In addition to its size, the biggest difference between it and ordinary gray wolves is the blue and gray hair on its body. 】

After the guard entered the cage, he used his hands to pry open the ferocious mouth of the "Wind Wolf", then took out a bottle of medicine from his arms, opened the bottle cap, and poured the medicine into the mouth of the "Wind Wolf".

Finally, he lifted the big mouth of the "Wind Wolf" so that the medicine could quickly go down the esophagus into the digestive stomach of the Wind Wolf.

After completing the "feeding" work of the medicine, the guard immediately turned around, ran out of the "ring", and closed the door of the "employee passage".

Looking at the guard's urgent appearance, Reens knew that his assessment was finally about to begin.

And the opponent was the "Wind Wolf" who was being awakened.

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