The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Rians sat on the ground and listened to Ben and Harriman's conversation in boredom.

After understanding the logic of Harriman's amazing behavior, Reans completely lost interest in him.

Indulging in the satisfaction brought by false "achievements", unless he can always stick to his goals and continue to work hard for it.

And in the effort, he can continue to improve himself and grow, and then he can succeed.

Otherwise, the final result...

Either fall into constant self-deception, or "think open" in frustration, and realize that "lying flat" is also a very good choice.

Of course, if Harriman is really lucky, it will be another matter.

Anyway, Reans is not very optimistic about Harriman.

Ben, who was standing by, saw that Reans was not interested, so he took over the responsibility of chatting with Harriman.

Harriman was obviously more interested in Ben than Reans.

After all, Ben's performance in previous trainings had always been very good, and he was obviously more capable than the "ordinary" Reans.

And Harriman's idea after the change was to fight for one if he could.

So compared to Reans who suddenly became cold, the "enthusiastic" Ben was obviously more worthy of his energy.

"I'm bored... I really want to go into the dungeon to practice swordsmanship."

"Why hasn't this assessment ended yet? Didn't they say there were only a few left?"

"I really want to 'sleep'..."

Reans muttered in his heart while waiting for time to pass.

After passing the assessment, the long sword was taken back again, which made Reans not even have the opportunity to play with the long sword to kill time.

He could only sit on the ground bored and listen to the noises coming from the people around him.

The influence of the magic flower made Reens more sensitive to the surrounding environment, so Reens became more and more irritated.

He wanted to kill all those who made noises and make the world peaceful.

However, Reens knew that he had psychological problems, so he kept telling himself in his heart...

'Just wait a little longer... just wait a little longer. '

"Da Da..."

Some familiar footsteps came to his ears, and Reens turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw the instructor and several guards accompanying him walking towards the "waiting area" where Reens and his friends were.

As the instructor and his friends approached, more and more "passers" found them.

Gradually... the "waiting area" that was still a little noisy returned to its original tranquility.

The people who were sitting on the ground and chatting stood up, quietly staying where they were, watching the instructor approaching.

When the instructor came here, everyone put on a serious expression and stood upright.

It was like a group of soldiers being monitored.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you again on successfully passing the 'graduation assessment'."

"Your efforts over the past five months will be richly rewarded from now on."

"As the 34th outstanding graduates of the Glenbogen family's training camp in Kara City, you will inject fresh blood into the family's talent pool."

"As long as you work hard and do good things for the family, you can easily get the wealth of an ordinary person's life."

"Even canceling the slave contract and regaining freedom is not completely impossible."

The instructor's serious and passionate voice paused here, as if waiting for Reans and others to respond enthusiastically.

However, it is obvious that Reans and others have been "trained" well, so even if someone is very excited, they can still listen to the instructor's declaration quietly.

Yes, I'm talking about you-Harriman.

Because he was standing next to him, Reans could clearly see Harriman's body trembling with suppressed excitement.

Reans could even hear the nasal sound of heavy air coming out of his nose.

Reens could understand Harriman's feelings very well. After all, wealth and glory are what many people pursue.

If he had the opportunity to obtain it, Reens would be a little excited, but he really couldn't get excited about the instructor's passionate speech.

This is too similar to the big cakes of the bosses in the previous life.

What work hard for the family, you can get wealth.

This is the same as what the boss in the previous life said, 'As long as you work hard for the company, you can buy a house and a car in a few years and live a beautiful and happy life'.

Especially the so-called "cancellation of the slave contract", Reens didn't believe a word of it.

I have never heard that a slave owner would kindly let his slaves go.


, although he didn't believe it, it didn't stop Reens from listening to the instructor's speech.

See if he can find out in advance what basic benefits these "graduates" can get in the Glenbogen family.

After a pause, seeing that no one responded, the instructor could only continue.

"Maybe you think that the 'slave contract' you signed is just a piece of paper, no big deal."

"But in order to prevent you from doing stupid things like four months ago, I'd like to remind you here first."

"After signing the 'slave contract', your slave status is not just a verbal status, but a contractual relationship with real constraints."

"As long as you are still slaves of the Glenbogen family, you will never be able to resist the family. The family can decide your life or death at any time, even if you run away. It's useless."

"Now you know what I said four months ago, why those people will never succeed."

"Even if they really escape from the training camp, only death awaits them."

The instructor is well aware of the principle of 'carrot and stick', whether it is inducement or threat.

The purpose is to make these people in front of them work for the Glenbagen family well and at ease, and not have any bad thoughts.

Obviously, not many people can treat things involving their own life and death calmly.

At least, people like Reens do not have such a noble consciousness.

So after hearing the instructor explain the role of the "slave contract", many people suddenly couldn't maintain the serious expression they showed to the instructor.

The scene returned to chaos, and they began to whisper with the people around them, confiding some of their inner uneasiness.


Looking at the chaos in front of him, the instructor showed a satisfied expression. After a while, he spoke again to stop the expansion of the chaos.

The instructor was really a little worried that these people in front of him would be indifferent.

There was a reaction, which meant that they still cared. As long as they had concerns in their hearts, they would not rebel against the family.

Although the resistance of slaves is unlikely to cause losses to the family, it will eventually cause some trouble.

So even if there is a constraint of the "slave contract", the Grunbagen family will still do a good job of "ideological work" for these slaves.

Let them contribute to the family with their lives steadily.

"Don't panic, the family will not arbitrarily execute outstanding talents like you."

"Besides, didn't I say that as long as you work hard, it is not completely impossible to cancel the slave contract."

"Even if you are good enough, it is possible to become a 'knight'."

The instructor continued to speak seriously, and he emphasized the word 'knight' at the end, obviously reminding Reans and others of the key points.

However, Reans and others who are still somewhat ignorant obviously don't know...

The 'knight' here actually has two meanings.

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