The truth is that knights are nobles.

For most ordinary people, knights are nobles.

Although they have learned about the classification of nobles in Marvin's class.

They know that there are only five noble titles: duke, marquis, earl, viscount and baron.

Knights are just noble titles, not real nobles.

But as ordinary people, it is still difficult to change the ideas that have been instilled in them since childhood.

The idea that "knights are nobles" has become their common sense.

So when they heard that they still had hope to become nobles, those graduates who were still a little uneasy became excited again.

"Nobles" are the objects of jealousy and fear of all ordinary people in Kara City, but they are also the objects of their envy.

Everyone longs to become a noble, but their birth limits this possibility.

Most of them are destined to be at the bottom of society for their whole lives, and all they can get desperately is a little "pity" left by the nobles.

So facing the opportunity mentioned by the instructor, no ordinary person can calm down.

Even Ben, who Reens always thought was more rational, did not escape this temptation.

Reens looked back at the excitement on Ben's face and made the same expression, but sighed in his heart.

Maybe... one day, he will lose this friend.

The instructor understood the excitement of these people in front of him, so he deliberately gave them some time before speaking again.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet... You have completed graduation, and the people behind me will take you to leave the training camp in a carriage and return to Kara City."

"You will go to the family's base in Kara City, where you will get your new job and start your new life."

"Let's go, my students!"

The instructor said loudly with a little excitement.

"Yes, instructor."

Reens and the others saluted the instructor and answered loudly.

Obviously, the instructor's speech has completely aroused the passion of Reans and other "graduates" and aroused their enthusiasm for the future.

At this moment, their sense of identity with the Glenbagen family is probably not low.

Even if they know that they are still slaves, the Glenbagen family can control their life and death at will.

But the desire for a better future makes them no longer care about the identity of slaves.

Everyone feels that as long as they work hard, they can become nobles. Even if they can't, wealth and honor are waiting for them.

After the "ceremony", the instructor began to arrange the guards behind him to lead Reans and others to the location where the carriage was parked.

Before leaving, Reans looked back at the instructor.

He didn't expect that the instructor who was taciturn and would never speak would have such a good speech.

A few paragraphs, first drawing a pie, then threatening and warning, and then giving a lofty goal... It's really wonderful.

However, to have such an effect, it may not be just based on the instructor's speech.

The deceased Marvin should have contributed a lot to it.

Reens remembered that in Marvin's lecture, there were a lot of contents introducing the Glenbagen family, and there were also beautiful stories about families working for nobles.

In terms of brainwashing, if Reens was a member of the Glenbagen family, he would definitely give a big thumbs up to the work of the two.

Unfortunately, he is not.

Hearing these contents, he only recalled the unhappiness of being exploited by his boss in his previous life.

The murderous intention towards the Glenbagen family in his heart will only become stronger.


The carriage is located next to the gate of the training camp.

At this time, the gate has been fully opened, and the carriage is ready to go. It seems that as long as Reens and his friends get on the car, they will set off immediately and leave here.

Looking at the open gate in front of him, Reens remembered the barrier that many people could not break that night.

That scene was so desperate.

Obviously hope is in front of him, but it is just like the nickname of "Light of Hope".

Light cannot be grasped by hand, and the same is true for hope...

They can only chop with their swords again and again, falling into disappointment again and again, until the instructor appears and they are completely desperate.

Although they failed, in Reans' heart, they are not losers...

They are rebels!

Just like Woolley, they resist the injustice given to them by this world and this country.

And now fate is mocking their resistance again...

The fully opened door is like a stroke across time and space.

The slap hit them in the face.


Rians couldn't help laughing because he remembered a funny metaphor.

Now they were queuing up to board the carriage. Did they look like newly released livestock that were orderly boarding the vehicles to the slaughterhouse?

So, was Woolley and his team's choice really wrong?

Because even if they survived until now, they would board the carriage decorated with a "bright future" just like the "graduates" at this time.

The final result was that they were eaten up by the Glenbargen family bit by bit and died later.

So, there is no right or wrong choice...

The so-called wrong choice is just that someone is blocking our way to success.

At the gate, Reans saw that in addition to the carriage they were about to take, there was also a gorgeous carriage.

Perhaps because of his shallow knowledge, in Reans's opinion, "BMW carved carriage" is not an exaggeration to describe this carriage.

The main reason why Reans had this feeling was the contrast.

No matter how beautiful the flowers are, without the contrast of green leaves, it is difficult for others to feel how beautiful they are.

But as long as there is a contrast, people can quickly distinguish the good from the bad.

First of all, the BMW.

Whether it is the combed horse hair or the tall and majestic figure, it can show the excellent breed of the two horses pulling the carriage.

In comparison, the three horses pulling the carriage for Reans and his men are slightly ordinary.

In terms of figure, they are obviously inferior to others, not to mention the messy hair, which obviously has not been taken care of by the owner.

The difference in the vehicle part is even greater.

Whether it is the carved patterns or the crystals inlaid on other people's vehicles, people can tell at a glance that the people riding in this carriage are either rich or noble.

And Reans and his men... Oh, let's not talk about it.

Reans suspected that this carriage was one of the ones that brought them from the slave exchange before.

Perhaps they are just like the trainers like Reans, who have never left since they came here that day.

Just waiting to take on the responsibility of sending them away again.

"Well, the loop is closed."

Reans said in his heart.

It started with the carriage and ended with the carriage.

He was also ready to embark on a new journey and continue to pursue his freedom in a new place, just to be able to live better.

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