The time has come for the two to be separated.

It is now evening, and the faint golden light of the sunset adorns this sinful city.

There were no accidents in the process of entering the inner city, and even Reans did not feel that the carriage they were riding on had any signs of stopping.

No guards stopped them, and no guards came forward to ask...

It was as if the gate that blocked the dreams of countless civilians in the outer city did not exist.

But everyone knows that it has always been there, and it has existed since the beginning of the city.

Reans watched the gate gradually disappear in his eyes, and silently withdrew his gaze.

There is nothing to see anymore, and only the gate in the entire inner city has some meaning.

Because it symbolizes class.

As for the layout and environment of the rest of the inner city, no matter how good or clean it is, in Reens's opinion, it is just the external decoration of the gate.

"Don't you want to take a good look?"

"The scenery in the inner city is quite beautiful. I have never seen such a clean street."

"And those houses are so tall, so big, and so beautiful. They are much better than the houses in the outer city."

Ben asked him with a little surprise after seeing Reens retract his head into the carriage.

After the carriage entered the inner city, everyone in the car couldn't suppress their curiosity and opened the door of the carriage completely, allowing the scenery outside to completely enter everyone's eyes.

Everyone wanted to see the beautiful scenery of the inner city that was passed down by word of mouth in the outer city.

"No... I've seen almost everything."

"It's pretty nice, but after looking at it for a while, I feel that it's all the same."

"Besides, we should all stay in this inner city in the future, so there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy it, right?"

"So, there's no need to rush."

Rians responded to Ben.

Although Rians couldn't appreciate the so-called beautiful scenery, his answer was not perfunctory to Ben.

Didn't the instructor say before that 'they will go to the family's residence'?

Since the carriage has pulled them into the inner city, it means that the family's residence is in the inner city.

They all work here, so won't they have a chance to enjoy the scenery here in the future?

Obviously, Rians still has a certain optimism about his future work.

No matter how much they squeeze them, they have to give them some time to "let off steam", right?

Hearing this, Ben was sure that Rians really had no interest in continuing to appreciate the inner city.

And he himself didn't care much about this kind of scenery.

It was just because it was the first time to enter the inner city, so he looked around with some curiosity.

So, Ben turned around and started chatting with Reens. Halfway through, Harriman also joined in, and the three of them started talking about some interesting stories.

This period of time was a rare moment of relaxation for Reens.

Time passed quickly, or it could be said that this period of time was not long.

The carriage finally stopped at a courtyard, and Reens and others were called off the carriage by the driver.

The courtyard was very large, decorated with various rockery and vegetation around it, and it looked very simple and elegant. Coupled with the golden dress of the sunset, it was like an ancient painting.

"You wait here first, and someone will come to introduce the situation to you soon."

"By then, you will know what to do."

The "inspector" who was remembered by Reens told Reens and others.

After that, without waiting for Reens and others to reply, he hurriedly left here with the other four "inspectors", as if there was something urgent.

This "very soon" was indeed very fast. Not long after those "inspectors" left, another person came into the courtyard.

The man was wearing simple black clothes, with a burly figure and ordinary appearance, and a long sword hanging on his waist.

After he came in here, he walked straight to Reens and the others.

"You should all be new graduates from the training camp? You came here much earlier than before."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Jonathan."

"Like you, I am a graduate from the training camp, but I am a few years earlier than you."

After approaching, Jonathan said to Reens and the others.

"Next, I will explain the relevant situation to you one by one."

"Well... let's leave here first."

"There are often family masters and young masters and young ladies here to enjoy the scenery. It's a bit of an eyesore for us to stand here."

Jonathan continued.

After speaking, he called Reens and the others to follow him out of the compound.

In response,

Of course, the newly arrived Reens and his companions had no intention of resisting, and they also left the compound.

"As people trained by the family, our work is actually very simple, which is to complete various tasks issued by the family."

"Of course, the family does not let us work for nothing, and there are rewards for tasks."

"Different tasks have different rewards."

"For example, my job of receiving you now is a simple task."

Jonathan started talking as he walked after everyone walked out of the elegant compound.

"The reward for the family mission is a kind of accumulative contribution value. Don't underestimate it. It's very useful."

"It can be exchanged for various things that the family can provide us, including weapons, potions, and even money."

"By the way, you should have heard the instructor talk about 'Knight', right?"

"The highest reward that can be exchanged for contribution value is the opportunity to become a 'Knight'."

"And as long as you become a 'Knight', the family will naturally release the 'Slave Contract' for you."

"How about it? After hearing this, you should have a little understanding of how important contribution value is to us."

At this point, Jonathan paused and looked back at Reens and the others, as if confirming their thoughts, or waiting for them to ask questions.

"What is the opportunity to become a 'Knight'?"

Someone couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart and asked Jonathan a question.

"A bottle of potion."

Jonathan responded with a smile.

"Uh, potion? What does potion have to do with knights?"

The man asked Jonathan more puzzled.

Not only him, but other people present also had this doubt.

"This is because our understanding of 'knight' is different."

"You may think that the 'knight' I am talking about refers to the title of nobility, but the 'knight' I am talking about here actually refers to the extraordinary profession - knight."

"You may not understand the concept of 'extraordinary profession', but it doesn't matter, you will gradually understand how important this is."

"All you need to know now is that as long as you become an extraordinary knight, the family will release you from the 'slave contract'."

"You can even become the management of the family because of this."

"This is not without precedent."

Jonathan explained to Reans and others with a smile.

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