The two of them were very busy.

"Could the extraordinary knight be someone like the instructor?"

Rins thought to himself.

He felt that the instructor's strength should be considered an extraordinary knight.

But because he didn't know the performance of the so-called extraordinary knight, Rins was still a little uncertain.

"Okay, after talking so much, we just walked to the warehouse."

"Let's go, follow me in."

"You need to register your information in the warehouse and collect some basic supplies prepared by the family for you."

Jonathan led Rins and the others to stop at a mansion and pointed to one of the big houses and said.

As he said that, Jonathan took the lead and stepped into it, and Rins and the others followed him in.

After entering the warehouse, the first thing that caught my eye was a huge wall.

Secondly, there were some office tables and chairs and a few people.

There was nothing else to say.

The decoration layout of the entire warehouse was just a few tables and chairs placed neatly.

However, this was only the decoration layout on the surface.

In fact, after entering, it was easy to find that the warehouse was actually divided into two parts, inside and outside.

This can be seen from a passage on the wall.

The process of registering information was very simple, just fill in your name and height and weight on a piece of paper.

When filling in, Jonathan also reminded Reens and others not to fill in the height and weight incorrectly.

Otherwise, the clothes distributed later may not fit.

After filling in the information, Reens and others received their basic supplies not long after.

Several sets of black clothes, a standard long sword, and a wooden sign.

The wooden sign was also engraved with numbers.

Reens took a look and found that the number recorded on the wooden sign in his hand was 3405.

"You should have noticed the wooden sign in your hand."

"This is your identity symbol, and the number on it is your personal number."

"The wooden sign is very important, don't lose it, because you will need it whether you accept tasks or exchange things in the warehouse in the future."

"By the way, this thing is also a magic item. The family can use it to check your name and contribution value."

"It's a bit like the adventure card issued by the 'Adventurer Association', but the function is simpler."

Jonathan explained to Reens and others.

"I forgot to mention that we are the family's secret guards, so the uniform is black."

"Of course, if you want to show your personality, you can change into other clothes."

"The family doesn't care about this, as long as you can complete the tasks assigned by the family."

"However, you are all newcomers, and your contribution points are still 0."

"So you can't change even if you want to, this also requires contribution points."

"Besides, with this spare money, you might as well change to a better weapon or alchemy potion."

"At least these can help you survive and complete the tasks assigned by the family to get more contribution points."

Jonathan continued.

"Okay, the warehouse here is temporarily over, let's go to the next one."

"As for what the contribution points can be exchanged in the warehouse, you can see it yourself later."

"Time is a bit tight, if you still want to have dinner, speed up."

"Talk while walking."

Jonathan finished speaking and walked out of the warehouse, followed by Reens and others.

"The next place to go is the mission hall. You should know what it is from the name."

"Yes, the mission hall is where our secret guards receive missions."

"Here, I have to say a few words."

"Although the family's missions can be accepted at will according to personal wishes, if they are not completed, the consequences will be very serious."

"So, it is best for you to weigh your own abilities before accepting the mission."

"Don't be impulsive and accept it directly just because the contribution value of the mission reward is high."

"Don't be impulsive, think more, and if you are lucky, you can live longer."

Jonathan reminded Reens and the others.

"Is the mission dangerous? You have emphasized the issue of survival twice."

Ben asked Jonathan with a serious face.

"Of course the mission is dangerous, otherwise the family would not have specially trained us."

"Moreover, some of the family's missions are mandatory, which means

You can't refuse it."

"When you arrive at the mission hall later, you will receive such a mission."

"Don't worry, it's just a necessary novice mission for you, and it's generally not dangerous."

"It's mainly to help you get familiar with the mission process and do some "baptism."

Jonathan continued to explain to Reens and the others in a calm tone.

"What is baptism?"

Someone noticed that Jonathan emphasized the word "baptism" and asked him.

"Baptism... is killing people."

"This is a training specially arranged by the family for you, so that you won't ruin the family's big things in the future because of your soft hands. "

Jonathan's tone was still calm, but his words stunned the people present.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Murder, such a simple word, but the meaning it represents is very heavy.

Taking the life of a fellow, no matter which species, is not something that can be taken lightly.

And now, it has been casually mentioned as a topic.

Although there are also people like Ben who have killed people in the training camp.

But not everyone is like Reans, whose values ​​have changed and who has completely stopped killing. Don't care, even a little eager to try.

So, after hearing Jonathan say 'baptism is killing', many people's faces were a little gloomy.

Especially Ben.

Standing next to him, Reans could even vaguely feel the low pressure emanating from him.

I think he hasn't completely come out of that training match.

However, that was just yesterday afternoon after all.

The time is too short, and it is normal that Ben hasn't adjusted his mentality.

"Think about it carefully, from yesterday afternoon to now, a lot of things have really happened, I can't count them all. "

Riens thought to himself.

Soon, in a silent atmosphere, Jonathan led Reens and the others to the mission hall.

The decoration of the mission hall is much more luxurious than that of the warehouse.

In addition to the desks and chairs for office use, the room is also decorated with various bonsai plants, and the interior space looks much larger than the warehouse.

Of course, there are many more people inside, many of whom are wearing black clothes like Jonathan.

Jonathan pointed to several counters in the mission hall, and then said to Reens and the others:

"This is the counter for receiving tasks. You can go up one by one to receive your novice tasks."

"When receiving tasks, if you have any questions, you can directly ask the young lady sitting behind the counter. They will patiently answer your questions."

After that, Jonathan found a place with tables and chairs and sat down, waiting for Reens and the others to go to the counter to receive the "novice tasks".

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