The enemy was in a hurry.

"Do you know what you are doing? Newbie!"

"You don't think you can get out of the family's control by killing me? Didn't the instructor explain to you the effect of the 'slave contract'?"

Jonathan shouted at Reans with an angry face.

In response, Reans stepped forward and swung his sword.

Since you don't want to attack, I will take the lead.

Reans didn't have the leisure to chat with Jonathan now, he just wanted to fight.

Seeing Reans's long sword slashing over, Jonathan's eyes condensed and blocked the blow with his horizontal sword.


The long swords collided with each other, making a crisp sound that resounded in the forest.

Reans was not surprised that his attack was blocked. If he couldn't even block such a simple chop.

Then Reans had to wonder if the previous training camp assessments were slack?

Reans continued to swing his sword at Jonathan quickly to launch an attack, and Jonathan kept blocking or dodging Reans's sword.

"Ding ding ding..."

Just now, Reans was testing Jonathan's defensive ability, so he didn't deliberately attack Jonathan's flaws.

At present, Jonathan's swordsmanship is better at blocking, no wonder he didn't take the initiative to attack.

But even so, in the case of long-term defense without attacking, Reans's quick slash still left Jonathan with some small wounds.

On the face, arms, and thighs.

Obviously, although he is very good at defense, Jonathan still can't keep up with Reans' reaction speed.

After all, in terms of swordsmanship, the two are no longer at the same level.

Yes, through the test just now, Reans has determined that Jonathan's swordsmanship level is still in the swordsmanship tendency, and he has not entered the door of kendo like him.

"It seems that the 'swordsmanship style' is still quite rare. Even Jonathan, a dark guard who graduated a few years ago, has not reached this level."

"At present, perhaps only the instructor and I are at the same level."

"I hope to meet a new opponent as soon as possible. After all, I can't run back to the instructor to 'fight', right?"

Reans thought to himself while swinging his sword.

Perhaps seeing that his defense was constantly being broken, Jonathan realized that it would not work to defend for a long time without attacking.

So Jonathan began to attack. After dodging Reans's long sword again, he raised his long sword and chopped Reans with great force.

From the previous offensive, Jonathan thought that Reans was the kind of fast-attack enemy who mainly relied on speed, and his strength should not be very large.

Otherwise, those wounds would not be so small.

Relying on his overall physical advantage of being a circle larger than Reans, Jonathan felt that Reans would not be able to withstand his heavy blow.

He was not wrong in his estimation of this point.

In terms of conventional strength, Reans was really not as good as him, but it was not necessarily the case if it was considered as instantaneous explosive power.

In Jonathan's expectation, Reans should dodge his heavy blow, and then he would take the opportunity to connect the offensive and get himself out of the dilemma of being on the defensive.

Unfortunately, Jonathan's expectation was ultimately limited to his own cognition.

He didn't know that Reans's sword might actually be faster, faster than his reaction.

When Jonathan raised the long sword, Reans had already completed the action of exerting force under the instinct of swordsmanship.

Stepping forward, stabbing straight.

A silver light appeared faster than Jonathan's reaction, and in an instant, the long sword pierced his right shoulder.

Reans drew out his sword expressionlessly, and blood spurted out of Jonathan's body along the pierced wound, staining his black clothes red.

Jonathan paused for a moment after the blow, then gritted his teeth, endured the pain and prepared to chop down hard.

However, his pause and his patience were exchanged for Reans's slashing through his chest.


A large amount of blood was squeezed out from the big wound on Jonathan's chest, sprayed into the air in front of him, and directly stained Reans's sword and his black clothes red.

A trace of blood slid down Reans' face, and under the night, the image of a killer with an indifferent expression and blood on his face was reflected.


The sword that cut through his chest directly interrupted Jonathan's intention to launch an offensive.

The severe pain caused by the sword made him unable to suppress his instinct and let out a tragic cry.

Jonathan retreated again and again, and finally half-bent his body, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. He held his chest with his left hand.

It seemed that he wanted to block the huge wound with one hand.

However, this was obviously just a weak idea.

How could a small stone block the floodgate?

But even so, Jonathan still held the long sword tightly with his right hand, looking up at Reens who was walking towards him slowly.

"Defense is OK, reaction is average, strength is OK, and will is good."

"Your strength is not bad, but not much higher than that of a normal fresh graduate."

"In a few years, is this the only progress you have made? Did you go to the red street too much and have no time to improve yourself?"

"Or is there another reason?"

Reens calmly commented on Jonathan in front of him.

"Hehe... you are quite good at commenting."

"Just like your previous summary of the task, it is very concise."

Jonathan spit out a mouthful of blood overflowing from his mouth, and said to Reens weakly.

"Huh... Although you are very strong, stronger than I thought."

"But as long as you are not a superhuman, you can't resist the family."

"So... let me go, I will keep my mouth shut about what happened today."

"The injuries on my body were also caused by the mission target by accident, and have nothing to do with you."

Jonathan calmly discussed with Reans.

Even though he knew he was about to die, he did not show a timid and fearful look to Reans, nor did he give up hope of living.

And this is what Reans evaluated as "good will".

Whether it is the endurance of pain or the character of never giving up hope.

Jonathan is much stronger than the mission target named Frank.

And this kind of ruthlessness is the standard of most people who come out alive from the training camp.

It is precisely because of this ruthlessness that never gives up the "hope of survival" that they can survive the extreme training in the training camp again and again.

It is precisely because of such a gem in front that Reans will look down on the mission target.

"Superhuman? Is that the superhuman knight you mentioned before?"

Riens didn't care about Jonathan's discussion, but followed the term he said and asked back.

"Not just superhuman knights, but any superhuman existence that controls the elements, and knights are just one of them."

"In addition, there are magicians and apostles of God - priests."

"These three are the mainstream superhuman professions."

Jonathan answered Reens' question straightforwardly.

Because of this information, as long as Reens patiently investigates, it is easy to find.

Now it is worth it to exchange for a little hope.


Reens muttered to himself.

The first time he saw the word "element" was in Marvin's experimental diary.

The record at that time was - Element Calendar 4624.

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