The calendar is a way of calculating time based on astronomical phenomena to meet the needs of people's daily lives.

The name of the calendar, the Element Calendar, is obviously closely related to "elements".

For example, the calendar of this country is called the Hatwen Calendar, which is recorded from the founding of the Hatwen Kingdom, and it is now 481 years.

So, does the year on the Element Calendar refer to the time when humans or intelligent life in this world discovered "elements"?

"Elements, are they what I imagined? Is it some special energy?"

"Just like the elemental energy of elemental magic in the novels of the previous life."

"Earth, wind, water, fire, light, dark, thunder, etc."

Reens searched for his imagination in his previous life and guessed secretly in his heart.

However, Reens soon felt that his behavior was a bit stupid.

There was someone around to ask, why not find out his answer first?

"What is an element? Jonathan."

Reens asked Jonathan.

"I don't know about this... After all, I'm just an ordinary person, not one of those extraordinary people."

"Except for the Glenbogen family, I don't have any background to understand the kind of things that only nobles and extraordinary people can know."

"So... if you don't have any questions."

"Can you consider my proposal just now?"

"I can't stand it anymore..."

Jonathan shook his head to indicate that he didn't know, and then asked Reens about the previous proposal again.

With blood flowing from his chest, he had to cheer up to answer Reens' questions, which made Jonathan's condition begin to decline rapidly, and his face gradually turned pale.

"Alas, you don't know either."

"For the last question, I don't ask you to answer it. As long as you can tell me some information, I will let you go."

"Except for the Grunbagen family, how can we get rid of the 'slave contract' on us?"

Rians sighed and expressed regret, then began to ask Jonathan the most critical question.

'Slave contract', something that can never be circumvented as long as Rians wants freedom.

"You finally asked this question. When you attacked me, I thought you needed to get or know something from me."

"And the 'slave contract' is something that people like you who want to leave the family cannot circumvent."

"You must want to know... Unfortunately, I don't know about this either. The family is very confidential in this regard."

"I am not in a high position. Apart from the method I told you at the beginning, I... have no other way."

Jonathan lamented, obviously thinking he was dead.

"Really? What a pity."

"Although you don't know a thing, I'm kind-hearted, so I'll let you go this time."

"We'll...see you next time."

Rians chuckled and waved goodbye to Jonathan.

Then when Jonathan was confused, he left this round of dungeons and continued to rush to the next one.

The same scene, the same two people.

Rians said to Jonathan again: "Draw your sword."

As I said before, if we don't die a few more times, how can we become "acquaintances"?

In the next dungeon, Rians tested Jonathan's various levels in all aspects and killed him again and again.

Until his data was recorded by Rians' "Jane"; until he had become a small monster that could be killed instantly for Rians.


After spending some time and becoming "acquainted" with Jonathan unilaterally, Rians prepared to find other projects to kill, as there was still a long night.

Standing next to Jonathan's body, Reans looked at the huge castle from afar, and a crazy idea came to his mind.

How about going in?

"That must be very exciting... What kind of attack will kill me? How many people can I kill?"

Thoughts came up, thoughts flew around, and Reans' mind unconsciously recalled the various ways he had died before.

There were beheadings, piercings of the brain, slits, broken hearts, and bleeding to death...

Reans felt that if he wrote all his death events as a novel, the number of words would definitely be long.

However, recently, due to the improvement of his strength, he seemed to have not died much except for the loss he suffered from the instructor.

Both the Wind Wolf and the current Jonathan were a little weaker, and Reans did not feel anything from them at all.

Threatened with death.

This made Reens miss the feeling of death a little.

Do what you want to do.

In the copy, he has no scruples.

Reens did not reopen a new copy, but rushed directly from the original place to the military castle not far away.

Anyway, in this round of copies, killing Jonathan was solved with just one sword, without much effort, and there was no need to change copies specially.

After death, just reopen a new copy.

Soon, Reens came to the gate of the castle.


The two guards at the gate shouted loudly.

Because of the night, they only saw a black figure rushing here when Reens approached here.

While shouting, they also instantly drew their swords and made defensive postures to deal with sudden accidents.

As for why they didn't just rush up and teach the newcomer a lesson?

The main reason was that Reens rushed over at a rather fast speed and did not look like an ordinary person, so they did not dare to act rashly.

In short, they were afraid.

As Reens approached here, they immediately saw Reens's outfit.

Black clothes, holding a long sword in his hand, and his face was not covered at all.

Seeing this look, one of the guards instantly thought of the dark guards of the Glenbagen family.

The main reason was that someone in the castle happened to offend the young master of the Glenbagen family, so he thought that the black-clothed man in front of him was here to solve the target.

Therefore, he relaxed a little in his heart, and his originally serious expression turned into flattery.

He pulled his colleague beside him and signaled him to relax, then he took a step forward and shouted to Reens not far away:

"Is it the dark guard of the Glenbagen family?"

He held the sword in his backhand and put it behind him, indicating his friendliness to Reens.

At the same time, he silently waited for the reply of the person in front of him.

Unfortunately, although his guess was right.

Reens was indeed a secret guard of the Glenbargen family, but his purpose in coming here was not to kill one person.

But to kill many people and die.

A flash of silver light.

Reens did not respond, but directly drew his sword and cut off the neck of the guard in front of him who had no defensive measures.

And watching his colleague's head rolling off his body, the other guard's face changed drastically, and he shouted with the greatest strength of his life.

"Enemy attack!"

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