A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

1003. The assassin falling from the sky

Chapter 1010 The Assassin Falling from the Sky

Police station, reception hall.

"Are you Commissioner Orlando Reavie?"

There are almost no ordinary people in the lobby of the police station late at night. At best, you can occasionally see policemen on night duty and arrested delinquents.

The reception hall of Snowfield Central Police Station is much larger than that of an ordinary police station, with the atrium extending to the third floor. Among them, the corridors on the second and third floors are one of the distinctive designs of the department.

The lobby here is different from the fashionable police stations in California and other places. It gives people the feeling of "a solemn castle converted into a modern building."

In the center of the hall that exudes a strange sense of oppression, a man creates a unique sense of presence.

It was a man wearing a gorgeous eyepatch and a priest's attire.

Such a man would naturally attract the attention of a few passers-by just by standing in the police station - and Orlando replied with a dignified attitude in front of the unidentified priest: "Yes, I am Orlando Revi." ,Who are you"

"Hansa Cervantes, the 'supervisor' who was sent to Snowfield Central Church, do you understand that, Mr. Administrator?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Orlando replied expressionlessly.

Hansa smiled, spread his hands and said: "With so many barriers set up, if you still insist that you just love magic, or that your subordinates did it without permission, I don't care. But even after your followers retreat, you will There is nowhere to escape. You should cherish your life very much, right?"


The main job of the Holy Grail War Supervisors is to monitor the progress of the war and to hide magic and miracles from ordinary people. But in addition, they were responsible for "protecting the defeated."

If the servant is knocked back but still wants to continue to be the master, he can make another contract with the servant who has lost his master and can only wait to disappear, and return to the battlefield. In order to prevent this from happening, many magicians will try to eliminate the root cause and get rid of the master who has lost his servant.

But even if they are Masters who do not want to continue fighting, they may be targeted by other participants. It is the job of the Holy Church and the supervisors to protect the personal safety of these failed masters.

However, the church's policy is that even if you say "Actually, I am the master, please save me" later, they will take protective measures against you. Therefore, what Hansa said just now was just to stimulate or scare Orlando.

But Orlando seemed to have a deeper understanding of Hansa's words, and he narrowed his eyes warily.

Seeing this, Hansa shrugged frivolously and said: "Oh, Director Orlando Reeves, I'm not trying to trick you. I've known for a long time that you are a lone ranger who has no chance to meet the Clock Tower. Not only that, you also Are you going specifically to collect talents? You used your eloquent tongue to recruit various policemen from the neighborhood, about thirty or so. And it was from a long time ago, before this war started. Isn’t this circumstantial evidence enough?”

"...It takes only a few days to investigate to this extent. It doesn't take long."

"The most powerful intelligence officer is the church. If you have time to praise me, why not go to the church and donate some money during the service next Sunday."

After hearing the priest make a joke that was either sarcastic or sincere, Orlando replied: "Don't say anything here. I'll take you to the reception room."

"That's no need. You have no intention of cooperating with the church, do you? I don't know your details, so how can you be a turtle in the urn?"

After saying that, Hansa sat down on the chair in the hall. He looked at the LCD TV installed on the beams in the hall and spoke again: "Since just now, the TV has been showing the accident or case at the opera house. It seems that a strange guy was captured on it. If he is really a heroic spirit, then... It means that you have messed up the concealment of the ritual. It is just as I expected. If you want to cry and apologize, I can give you the phone number of the big shot of the Eighth Secret Society."

Seeing Hansa's hostile provocation with a smile on his face, Orlando kept a cold expression and replied: "Don't worry, most people can't see his true identity."

"Really? Let's change the topic then. That heroic spirit and his master, are they here?"

"...So what if I'm here?"

"The church does not have information about this group of heroic spirits and the master, so I just want to confirm it, even if it is just about their appearance. If possible, it would be best if I could say hello to them. If the master is a woman, I would also like to ask She's having a meal, like ghost pepper jambalaya. It doesn't matter if you come or not, but the girl next to you, would you like to come with us?"

The secretary who was suddenly called on glanced at the director expressionlessly.

Facing Hansa who only focused on stating his demands from beginning to end, Orlando sighed and said categorically: "I can conclude that our ceremony is different from the one performed by Fuyuki. I do not intend to compete with the Holy Church (you ) act together, you should just pray to God honestly."

"After settling the matter here, I will go back to the church to pray without you having to tell me."

Seeing that Hansa still looked careless, Orlando said: "The place to pray is not the church, but now, here."


"You just said...'The church has no information about this group of heroic spirits and masters,' right?" Orlando's voice was gradually losing its warmth. "How much information do you have? Is there information we don't know about? What information is available to both parties? I won’t let you go until the intelligence is consistent.”

"I'm sorry, I don't know my pillow when sleeping. Can you let me go back and get it?"

"Your name is Hansa Cervantes, right? You made a mistake." Orlando ignored the other party's joke and just continued speaking calmly.

"Have you never thought that since you entered this hall, you have become a turtle in a jar?"

Orlando's tone became even colder.

At the same time, Hansa also discovered that the ordinary people who were walking around in the hall just now had completely disappeared.

——The place has been cleared.

Not only ordinary people, but also the police and front desk staff on duty here left the hall without landing.

Instead, multiple police officers filed in from various entrances to the hall. They stared at Hansa with a calm face and slowly surrounded Hansa.

——These guys... are not ordinary police officers.

It can be seen simply from their posture and the way they walk that they are different from "police officers who have received general training." Moreover, they were obviously not brainwashed and appeared in this "cleared space" with clear intentions.

Hansa looked around, continued to sit calmly on the chair, looked up at Orlando and asked: "What are you going to arrest me for?"

"Didn't you just ask me if I value my life? Your words and deeds made me feel that my life was in danger, so I think this is an out-and-out threat."

"...Mr. Director, have you watched too many TV series?"

"You have no right to remain silent, and nothing you say will be used as evidence in court. You have no right to the presence of an attorney, and you will not be provided with an attorney even if you say you cannot afford one. You can Be mentally prepared.”

Following Orlando's sarcastic words, the surrounding police gradually gathered towards Hansa.

"Being an enemy of the Holy Church (us) is not a wise choice. I may not be able to deal with you, but unilaterally bullying the weak like you will cause rifts in the relationship between the organizations."

"I feel the same way, so I hope to share information with you in a friendly manner."

Orlando said this, but the look he looked down at Hansa was extremely cold and had nothing to do with "friendliness."

"Don't threaten kind-hearted citizens like this, be careful I will cry loudly."

Hansa also stared at Orlando with a challenging smile.

Just when the battle between the two sides is about to break out——

Orlando's cell phone vibrated, instantly relaxing the atmosphere at the scene.

Orlando frowned, stepped back and took out his phone, but did not relax his guard against Hansa. He cautiously put the phone close to his ear, and an inappropriately cheerful voice came from inside.

"Hey bro! Are you okay?"

When he heard that the call was from the warlock, Orlando said bluntly: "We'll talk about it later, I'm busy."

The warlock turned a deaf ear to his words and continued: "Brother, I advise you to run away immediately, otherwise be prepared to attack with all your strength. Because brother, you have completely cut off telepathy, so I can only use this civilized weapon to contact you."


"It would be very difficult for me if you died like this. I can only tell you that there is a difficult guy heading towards you now."

"What happened? How did you know?"

"This is a business secret. Okay, just do your best!"

The call was hung up just like that, making Orlando frown even more.

"It's really a difficult guy to deal with..."

However, Orlando did not believe that the call was fabricated by the warlock to play a trick on him. Because he also knew very well that the warlock's intelligence gathering ability was extremely high.

But how on earth did the warlock grasp the situation so accurately that he even called to issue a warning...

Orlando didn't have time to think about this question——

A chill surged through my heart, and all the blood vessels in my body seemed to be screaming in a twisted way. To be precise, those are not blood vessels, but magic circuits throughout Orlando's body.

——The barrier was... hateful! What happened!

Orlando set up several layers of barriers against Magic outside.

But now, those barriers were instantly shattered like shelters hit by missiles.

Orlando imagined how the barrier would be broken: from a physical perspective, it would be like someone sneaking into places like art galleries and banks without triggering the security system, without being noticed by anyone. Stole something.

But in fact, the way the barrier is broken now is equivalent to using a bomb to forcefully blast an entrance directly into the wall of the building.

In other words, the person who breaks the barrier doesn't care whether his breaking into the barrier will be discovered - this is not a sneak attack, but an "attack".

"Is he your companion?"

Orlando glared fiercely at Hansa, who shrugged innocently.

"I hope so." Hansa said, looking up at the ceiling. "If it is my accomplice, he will either go through the front door or the back door. He will not come from the sky."

——Can this guy feel it?

Orlando also noticed that the barrier above the police station was broken. But if he was attacked, he didn't feel any impact or vibration.

What exactly is it?

This thought just passed through Orlando's mind——

All the lights in the building suddenly went out, and only deep darkness enveloped Orlando and the others.


Single cell.

"Finally you are willing to tell me your name. Ayaka, thank you, I will definitely repay you."

The swordsman used some sweet words before asking Ayaka's name. He smiled happily and asked: "Then what? Why did you come to this city?"


Ayaka thought that the fastest way to shut up this man might be to tell him everything. So Ayaka stopped struggling and decided to tell her experience.

"When I was in Japan, I kept running around."


"I don't even remember how many years I've been running away. Anyway, I have no fixed place to live..."

Ayaka bit her lip and talked about the past in a roundabout way. There was not much resentment in her expression, but it was full of fear.

"Finally, I returned to where I started. There was a strange castle in the forest of that city, and I was there..."

At this point, the light in the single cell suddenly went out.



The swordsman and Ayaka looked around at the same time. Through the small window on the cell door, they could see that it was also dark outside. They understood that the entire police station had a power outage.

"...There's a power outage. It should be switched to backup power soon."

Ayaka said this timidly in the darkness, but the swordsman's voice showed a hint of caution.

"...Hopefully it's just a normal power outage."


Inside the police station.

The stalker first stopped the operation of the backup power supply and main power distribution cabinet in sequence, putting the police station in a complete power outage, and then took advantage of the darkness to sneak into the police station like the wind.

From time to time, the stalker will pass by a policeman or detective walking around with a flashlight. But because she didn't make the slightest sound of footsteps and nimbly avoided the light of the flashlight, no one noticed that she had turned into a shadow and was walking freely through the police station.

——To deal with that heroic spirit, I need to risk my life.

With such determination, the stalker kept running along the corridor inside the agency.

After years of special training, stalkers can move freely in the dark. She can use her body to "see clearly" everything around her, such as the movement of the wind, the flow of magic power, and the sound of the wind.

Likewise, she can sense the flow of energy in the surrounding space.

This is also one of the divine arts created by the great predecessors. It is an extremely keen sensory ability: whether it is in a man-made building or in nature, you can regard everything as a part of yourself, thereby sensing magic, The flow of energy such as water, electricity and wind.

Meditation Nerve (Zabaniya).


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