Chapter 1016 The fool who became a god


In the darkness.

"Then I'll take my leave first. I have to make some preparations for the summons."

"Well, go ahead, I also want to enjoy the scene of Alto being summoned by myself!"

Francesca moved from the sofa to the bed, shaking her legs and said.

Faldius looked at her and persuaded her again: "Miss Francesca, I already know what cruel experiences you have had so far. However, I am just an amateur magician. Naturally there will be worries.”

Having said this, he narrowed his eyes, making no secret of his hatred for Bazdilot, and continued: "Give 'that thing' to him... Is it really okay?"

"Are you so dissatisfied? However, if I want to completely control the heroic spirit summoned by the catalyst, even I can't squeeze out enough magic power. I have to rely on the combination of Baz and the Scladio family."

"I'm not talking about the catalyst, but the 'by-product' you brought from Fuyuki."

Hearing this, Francesca said "Ah" in sudden realization, and then showed a bad smile.

"There's no other way. The only people who can control 'that', or the people who can make it multiply while maintaining themselves, are Baz and I... But I don't want to be exposed to that kind of thing all the time. Cute 'mud'! Hahahahaha!"


Meat processing plant.

It was a strange sight.

Something red and black flows in together with the magic power of the Command Seal, eroding the heroic spirit's body bit by bit.

In order to resist the erosion, the heroic spirit released its magic power and destroyed most of the barriers laid in the workshop.

Several magicians couldn't cope and were hit by magic, convulsing and fell to the ground.

Although Bazdilot was also exposed to this torrent of magic power, he remained unmoved and continued to glare at the heroic spirit with his sharp eyes.

"Congratulate, admire, and love what they deny...until you are satisfied."

Bazdilot's left hand that reached out to the heroic spirit released not only the power of the command spell, but also the magic power accumulated in his body.

He even used Eastern spells that were considered heretical by the Clock Tower, and saw red and black "something" constantly stretching out from his arms and twisting into the body of the heroic spirit.

Bazdilot first used a spell to cut through the barrier that could resist magic, and then let the red-black "something" that squirmed like a shadow directly erode the heroic spirit. In addition, the total amount of magic power released from Bazdilot's body is also extraordinary. But even if the heroic spirit feels that something is fishy, ​​it has no extra energy to solve the mystery.

The heroic spirit now seemed to be clawing at his body, holding his body tightly with both hands, recalling the poison that killed him in his mind. Although the pain caused by the poison should be different from what he felt now, his instinct pulled out the torment from his memory. Because instinct is screaming, saying that the power flowing into the body is as dangerous as the poison.

While enduring the unspeakable pain, the heroic spirit desperately tried to suppress the "impulse" surging from within and outside to prevent it from being dominated.

However, the next moment, the "mud" sent in by Bazdilot and the "curse" in the heroic spirit's body - which is also one of the evil karma that constitutes the heroic spirit, became entangled with each other, causing the heroic spirit kneeling on the ground to tremble throughout the space. roared.

As if in response to this roar, the heroic spirit's body also underwent drastic changes.

His whole body was covered in red and black mud. Then, the muscles were scraped off the strong limbs, and the bones themselves seemed to have shrunk, and even the height was shortened by nearly fifty centimeters.

The "mud" covering the body turned directly into dye, dyeing the hero's skin red and black.

Another force mixed with the "mud" near the heart and turned into white dye, carving radial lines on his body, like the traces left by the heart being gouged out.

At the same time, the roar of the heroic spirit suddenly stopped. He stood up in a snap as if nothing had happened.

Bazdilot still raised his left hand and asked the heroic spirit: "How does it feel to eliminate the unnecessary things? From now on, those muds will replace them and become your strength."

Seeing the heroic spirit looking at him silently, Bazdilot continued to say calmly: "The magic channel should have been connected... let me ask."

Despite being shortened in height, the Heroic Spirit is still a head taller than Bazdilot. Bazdilot stared at the heroic spirit in front of him and asked, "Let me ask you, are you my servant?"

After a moment of silence, the heroic spirit replied: "Okay..."

He unfolded the cloth draped over his shoulders and put it over his head, hiding his face. "In order to realize my revenge plan... I will use you. Once you lose value, I will personally... break your neck."

Although the heroic spirit is dressed in a strange appearance, it has a sense that is far from crazy and speaks dangerous words calmly.

Seeing this, Bazdilot still asked expressionlessly: "Why are you covering your face?"

"To teach myself a lesson so that 'human evil deeds' can no longer be reflected in my eyes."

"Ah...I see, this piece of cloth is the skin of 'that'. As long as you can move freely, I have no problem with it."

"Well, until the day I use the power of the Holy Grail to expel my ominous name, I don't want the world to see this face."

Use the power of the Holy Grail to erase the "name".

Hearing the heroic spirit say such strange words, Bazdilot put his hand on his chin and said: "Then how should I call you by your real name? Your current nature has become too different from your original one... Alternative, how about Just call it Alter, how about it?"

Hearing this, the heroic spirit shook his head slightly and said his real name.

It is completely different from the nature when summoned, but it is the true name of his starting point.

"My name is——"


Starting with the incident at the meat processing plant, several heroic spirits descended on Snowfield that night, including the swordsman who appeared at the opera house.

Some people summoned heroic spirits that were just as planned, some summoned heroic spirits that were beyond imagination, and some lost their lives before even seeing the heroic spirits they summoned.

While the Masters and the Heroic Spirits they summoned were toying with each other's fate, the "False Holy Grail" that summoned all the Heroic Spirits temporarily fell into a deep sleep.

In order to treat it as a prize and give it to the winner who pursues it.

The heroic spirits involved the entire city in this feast, but they seemed to be the lullaby it heard when it fell asleep.

"The other magicians have almost finished summoning the heroic spirits."

Seeing the fish belly white in the eastern sky, Sigma took a deep breath and closed the window of the bungalow.

Then he walked to the underground workshop that did not belong to him.

Barriers and other things that hindered the ceremony have long been cleared away.

Sigma walked underground and thought: Can I really summon a heroic spirit? Speaking of which, what exactly is a heroic spirit? Why was it chosen by that "seat"?

He's just a mercenary who can use magic.

After the government he served fell, the enemy picked him up.

Their relationship is that simple.

I don’t have any special powers, so why was I chosen?

Sigma pondered this question while solemnly preparing for the ceremony.

He never thought about revenge for the government.

Since childhood, Sigma has received various magical initiations.

When the people from the government discovered that his ability to control familiars was outstanding, they gave him strict instruction in this aspect, from magic training to the use of weapons. In their spare time, they also taught him "How powerful the government is, and it must never be done". disobedience" idea. But seeing the enemy effortlessly replace the government, he knew it was all a lie.

Sigma believes in nothing.

Even his own abilities, his employer's magic, and Faldius' troop training were all the same to him, and they only made him feel unreliable.

Because of this, Sigma would think: Is it really good for a person like me who has no faith at all to participate in the war for the "Holy Grail"? Sigma understands the purpose of the "Holy Grail War".

The Holy Grail War is about fighting for the Holy Grail - the foundation of the wishing machine system that can grant any wish.

However, Sigma did not fully understand the concept of "wishing machine".

Because he has no concept of the word "desire" itself.

When his employer asked him what he wished for the Holy Grail, Sigma didn't know how to answer.

It's not that he doesn't have desires. If anything, he wanted to have stable sleep and food.

However, is this desire worth entrusting his future to something outside himself?

Assuming that the thing called the "Holy Grail" can really produce inexhaustible food, what good is it to the Holy Grail?

If there were contributions that did not require repayment in this world, it would be nothing more than an incomprehensible and extremely strange thing to Sigma.

But he just had questions about this and didn't want to go into details.

Sigma, who is indifferent to emotions, just does his job plainly - for stable sleep and diet.

Because in the environment where he grew up, these two things were more precious than anything else.

"When the wind comes from the sky, we separate it with walls, and all the high doors in all directions are closed——"

Sigma never believed in gods, miracles, or even his own power. He began chanting a spell in order to achieve a miracle that was equivalent to that of God - the "Summoning of Heroic Spirits".

There is no emotion or desire, just like a machine that allows the magic to flow through the body and the ritual venue.

"From the Wheel of Inhibition, Guardian of the Scales!"

Sigma was not particularly interested in summoning at first, but when the chant was about to end, the magic power in his body was suddenly drawn out, which made him subconsciously raise his voice.

This was evidence beyond a doubt that his magic was flowing into the center of the ceremony.

Even when he saw light starting to shine around him, Sigma's heart did not waver at all.

Some of it is just the fatigue of having the magic power taken away.

Sigma watched the magic light swirling like a whirlpool, and calmly reconfirmed his current environment.

In this so-called "Holy Grail War", he is at best a pawn used by his employer to make up numbers.

The best proof is that his employer did not give him any catalyst.

"Actually, I originally planned to prepare various catalysts for you. For example, Blackbeard's treasure, that Paracelsus guy's flask, and the hero Spartacus's handcuffs. But, I I thought about it again. If the city is allowed to choose the heroic spirits without any catalyst, what kind of heroic spirits will be summoned? What will happen to this chaotic city today?" This is what the employer wants. curious.

Don't know what to expect.

Bringing such uncertain elements into this Holy Grail War is obviously the work of a fool. The employer was fascinated by it, and continued with a smile: "Although the mediator (Ruler) can't come, who can guarantee that nothing will happen? Without a catalyst, a hero with similar characteristics to myself may be summoned. So there is nothing. You are the best candidate. You neither desire anything from this world, nor do you think about leaving anything behind... Only "Soldier A" like you, who doesn't look like a hero at all, can achieve a mediocre state. Seriously, if you let the false Holy Grail choose... what will happen? But if nothing comes... you can also escape from this city."

In short, Sigma is nothing more than a disposable pawn to satisfy his employer's curiosity.

It doesn't matter if a hero appears that is of no use.

"What should I do if such a heroic spirit appears? Shall we chat together? However, even if the other person is a hero who was once famous all over the world, I have nothing in particular to say."

Sigma looked at the summoning ceremony that was going very smoothly in front of him with an expressionless face. While thinking this, he waited for the torrent of light and magic to calm down.

In fact, in this Holy Grail War, he is just a pawn that no one pays attention to.

Even the name is just a symbol "∑".

His employer, Francesca, only knew him as "it would be best to come up with some interesting uncertain elements", and her idea of ​​him was just "a satisfactory chess piece, and it is in her own interest to keep him alive."

In this false "Holy Grail War", the young man named Sigma is at most a "soldier" who is not even a magician.

However, all this only lasted until the moment the summoning ceremony ended.


Snowfield Forest.

Due to possessing the most advanced "aura perception", Enkidu noticed the "change".

But he never thought that what caused this "change" was the summons of the heroic spirit.

Enkidu closed his eyes slightly, as if feeling very sorry, and lowered his gaze to the ground.

"Did you... make him angry?"

Only the silver wolf next to the heroic spirit could hear these words.

This sentence disappeared gently among the trees, and no one understood its meaning.


Marsh house underground.

The light dissipated and there was nothing in front of the ritual altar.

Sigma slowly glanced around and found a figure sitting on a broken chair in the corner of the room.

It was a slightly older man holding a cane. He has gray hair and a long scar on his face that extends to the bottom of his collar.

From the appearance, he should be an "old man". You can see his strong shoulders and figure, and he looks like an active navy man.

The most obvious feature of his body is a smooth white prosthetic leg connected to the knee. Sigma was alert and silent, observing the old man.

Although the old man exudes a sense of oppression, he seems to be somewhat different from a "hero".

The clothes he wore were more modern than expected, at least he didn't look like a character from myths and legends or medieval stories.

Just when Sigma didn't know how to speak, the old man took the lead and said: "Are you the master of the Holy Grail War? Huh... you don't look domineering."

"Who are you?" Sigma asked lightly with some doubts, not paying attention to the old man's impolite comments.

"Me? Call me captain. However, this title will soon lose its meaning." The old man answered in a casual tone, just like the words he said were meaningless.

The old man's roundabout words made Sigma mutter in his heart: What does it mean that it will soon be meaningless? In short... the first thing I have to do is to formally conclude a contract with him.

Sigma decided to confirm the old man's identity before questioning him. What we need to do now is answer his first question.

"I... did summon you during the summoning ceremony, and I am your master."

Hearing this, the old man showed a ferocious smile, shook his head and said, "Haha...boy, you seem to have misunderstood."

Sigma looked confused when he heard this. Someone immediately gave him an explanation, but it was not the old man in front of him.

"We were not summoned by you."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind. Sigma turned around suddenly, pulled out his pistol from the holster, and pointed it at the figure behind him.


Sigma asked as he looked over and found that the person speaking was a strange-looking young man.

The young man was carrying a wing-like mechanical device on his back. The skeleton was covered with wax and white feathers, like a pair of strange bird wings. If anything, this young man is dressed like a character from ancient mythology.

Sigma couldn't help but wonder, could the young man be the heroic spirit and the old man the magician who invaded this place? So he turned back to look at the old man, only to find that there was no old man at all, only a chair standing alone.

The young man ignored Sigma who was in confusion and said with a wry smile: "To put it in your opinion...I am just an escaped prisoner."

"What's the meaning?"

Sigma turned around in response, but the person who spoke was gone. Instead, another man's voice came from another direction.

"We are not the heroic spirits you summoned, but the shadows of that heroic spirit projected around you."

Standing in front of the door was a young man wearing white clothes who looked to be less than fifteen years old. A snake with a calm face was wrapped around the staff in his hand, hissing and sticking out its tongue towards Sigmar.


"Ah, I'm sorry. I used Medusa's blood on myself for clinical trials, and my body suffered some effects... But don't worry about it, I am also a shadow and will disappear soon."

After saying that, the boy gradually faded like mist and disappeared into the air with a smile.

The same question kept popping up in Sigma's mind: What happened? What happened?

"Brother, you are so unlucky. You can't escape. If you were a cute girl, I would work hard to appear as a heroic spirit."

A different voice again.

"We are not heroic spirits. Not only can we not use the Noble Phantasm, we can't even pick up knives or even chopsticks."

Still a different voice.

"You just have bad luck and bad relationships, and that's why you conjure up hopeless misery."

Different voices came and went in the basement, playing with Sigma's heart with incomprehensible words.

"However, we have great expectations for you - we expect you to become a Lancer who can penetrate everything."

It is said that a person who becomes a Master with a Command Seal appearing on his body can see the state of the heroic spirit.

However, Sigma could not read any information from these suspected heroic spirits.

What he could clearly feel was that he had created magical channels with these "things" that had not even concluded a contract yet, but there was no sign of the magic being sucked away by them.

An ordinary person would probably have screamed when faced with this situation. But Sigma was originally weak in emotions. Now he just showed a slightly confused look and asked the "shadow" group that kept appearing and disappearing: "What does it mean for me to become a spearman? And, who are you? I can't even understand myself." I don’t even know what class of heroic spirit was summoned.”

Hearing this, the old man who called himself "Captain" appeared on the chair again, with the two eyebrows on his serious face tightening even more.

"The class of heroic spirits you summoned? Well, this may be a bit of a terminology problem... I should say it's a Watcher whose duty is to look down on everything from a high place."


In a dream.

"The sun is making you warm and comfortable, Mr. Black!"

This is Snowfield in Cao Qiuchun's dream. The animals were running around in the garden, and Tsubaki sat on the lawn and said this in an innocent voice.

However, the alien creature that Tsubaki calls "Mr. Black" - the Pale Rider - is huddled in the shade of the courtyard.

"Huh? Mr. Hei, do you hate Father Sun?"

The cavalryman's body trembled, as if answering Chun.

"A little."

Tsubaki seemed to read such words from the dark movements. But she thought it might be an illusion, so she continued to shout to the trooper: "If you feel uncomfortable, let's go inside?"

"Mr. Black", the cavalryman, has not said a word to Tsubaki since their encounter. However, after pulling the animals into his dreams several times, he gradually began to use his own attitude to express his meaning.

But just like animals, people can easily understand whether they are happy or unhappy.

Chun walked towards the house and suddenly looked at the quiet residential area around him and murmured: "Does everyone hate this place, so they moved somewhere else..."

Seeing Chun's gloomy look, he transformed into "Mr. Black" who was about the same height as her and walked up to her.

"Mr. Black" touched Chun's head, as if asking her what was bothering her.

Chun smiled, shook his head and replied: "Thank you, Mr. Hei, it doesn't matter to me." Then, Chun looked at the animals playing in the courtyard and continued: "It's different now. There are so many little animals here now.

"Now, mom and dad... no one will leave this place again, right?"

Upon hearing this, the cavalry judged that this was Chun's "wish".

The current cavalry is an extremely incomplete wishing machine, only obeying the orders of its master, Tsubaki.

In order to use his own power to realize Chun's wish, the cavalry began to operate secretly.

However, the cavalry at this time was unable to make any complicated guesses.



Real world, outside Snowfield.

Several cars were driving on a long wilderness road, and in one of them were several magicians.

There is such a group of magicians, and they are not famous in the clock tower. After hearing the rumors, they came to Snowfield specifically to make a name for themselves. The magicians in the car fall into this category.

"We've just crossed the city limits."

Hearing what the young apprentice in charge of driving said, the middle-aged magician sitting in the back row groaned.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Although no one could understand what the middle-aged magician was saying, everyone knew that he was very scared.

It is said that a middle-aged magician went to negotiate with a heroic spirit who was suspected of being a stalker, but his tongue was cut lengthwise with a dagger.

Because he was not good at healing magic, he had to wrap the spell around his tongue several times and kept calling to the young apprentice in the driver's seat.

"I know, Master. The scene of the desert being blown out of a crater was scary enough. Everyone wanted to escape quickly!"

"I guess the car in front of us is also carrying a magician, and there are familiars hovering above the car..."

Before he finished speaking, the young apprentice noticed something was wrong.

Not long after we drove out of the city, there were several cars parked on both sides of the road. Even the car that was driving far away from them stopped in panic on the side of the road.

The young apprentice thought to himself: What happened on this road in the wilderness?

When he saw his familiar falling from the vehicle in front of him, he suddenly felt a strong nausea in his stomach, making it impossible for him to continue driving.

He quickly parked the car on the side of the road and explained to the rearview mirror: "Yes... I'm sorry, I suddenly feel uncomfortable... Master?"

The scene reflected in the rearview mirror shocked the young apprentice.

He saw his master, the middle-aged magician, lying on his seat with a pale face.

"Oops, we have to hurry..."

The young apprentice endured the physical discomfort and said to his senior brother sitting in the passenger seat. But when he saw the other party, he was shocked again.

The senior brother in the passenger seat was also pale, his body was twitching, and blue spots were appearing on the back of his hands and neck.

"What...ah...ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, closer

The young apprentice discovered that the same blue spots appeared on his arms, squirming and eroding his body.

Screams rang out in the car—and soon fell silent.

After a few minutes, the car slowly started to move.

Other vehicles parked nearby also started their engines one after another and began to drive slowly.

They all turned around and headed towards Snowfield.

In the car heading to the city, the young apprentice with empty eyes said, "I'm really looking forward to returning to Snowfield!"

"Yeah, that's a great place. We have to watch the Holy Grail War from the special seats!"

The senior brother in the passenger seat also replied with the same look.

The blue spots on their bodies have faded a lot, and their skin color is gradually returning to normal. Only their hearts have become something completely different in nature.

"Yeah, the evil continues to show off!"

Under the strange scream of joy from the master, the car galloped at full speed in the wilderness.

Heading to war-torn Snowfield.

From this day and this moment, the city of Snowfield became a large prison.

No one will be refused, no one can come out.

It’s as if the city has acquired consciousness and is devouring humans.


Snowfield North Grand Brook Valley.

"How is this going?

Who are those heroic spirits?"

Tiny Cherk poked her head out from the back seat of the "Vimana", the flying Noble Phantasm that Gilgamesh took out from the treasure house, and took in the whole scene.

A mysterious female heroic spirit interrupted the battle between Gilgamesh and the mysterious archer.

Facing this female heroic spirit who disrupted the battle, Gilgamesh showed a very unhappy expression. But before the female heroic spirit could react, the situation changed.

The mysterious archer was buried in the rubble of the valley due to a blow from the female heroic spirit. But in the blink of an eye, the hill of rubble exploded like a volcano erupting.

Countless huge rocks flew to a height that required looking up.

Suddenly, several rocks were shattered, and arrows exuding amazing magic power rushed out from the rubble.

It turned out that the mysterious archer flew into the air together with the rubble, and it was he who shot those arrows from behind the flying rocks.

The arrows entwined with the tornado were like heavy rain, sucking the rubble into the vortex of the vacuum while pouring down towards Gilgamesh and the female heroic spirit.

Gilgamesh took out weapons from the "King's Treasure (Gate of Babylon)", and the female heroic spirit took out a bow out of thin air, attached a few arrows, and shot them out together.

The weapons and arrows were released at a speed that Tini's naked eyes could not keep up with, defeating the rain of arrows and the falling violent tornadoes one by one.

Tini thought to herself: King Gilgamesh certainly has this ability... But after all, that heroic spirit is since she appeared here on a horse, so she should be a heroic spirit of the cavalry class. Just looking at her archery skills, it is not surprising that she is an archer... If so, then there are three archers in this city. Or...even though she is not an archer, she is able to use bows and arrows to exert such powerful power?

Tiny thought that was impossible.

Because this is like an archer using a sword to fight the heroic spirits of other classes.

Although Gilgamesh is an archer and owns famous swords such as EA and Marduk, he will not abandon the unparalleled power of his weapons and use his sword skills to confront the swordsman class heroes head-on. Bar. At least that's what Tiny thinks at the moment.

However, the scenes before her eyes overturned Tini's understanding one after another.

The female heroic spirit waved her right hand, and a horse immediately appeared at her hand. She mounted the horse lightly and galloped over the valley with swift momentum.

The cloth wrapped around the female heroic spirit's arm was still full of aura.

The dense magic power was transmitted into the horse through the reins, and the man and the horse seemed to become one, moving freely through the storm.

They first used the large pieces of rubble that were about to fall to the ground to jump into the air, and then used the falling rocks as a foothold to run upward flexibly.

Seeing the female heroic spirit and the horse going upstream along the rubble waterfall, Tini immediately understood one thing: she was indeed a cavalry! In other words, this hero with the qualities of an archer appeared as a cavalryman in this Holy Grail War. The reason why the bow in her hand is so powerful is probably because of the divine energy flowing from the cloth on her arm. That piece of "cloth" is indeed a Noble Phantasm... one that can enhance the user's abilities...

The female cavalry kept running towards the sky on horseback, and in a blink of an eye they reached the top of the falling rubble. Then, she looked at the mysterious archer below, sat on the horse and drew the bow.

The mysterious archer noticed the aura of the female cavalry and looked up at her through the cloth covering his head.

The female cavalryman was facing away from the sun, and she was drawing her bow, which exuded a strong aura, towards him.

"No wonder..."


The female cavalry roared loudly with explicit hatred.

In response to this, the archer did not waver at all, and just replied softly: "It's you... who betrayed the queen."

The next moment, the female cavalry shot five arrows.

The archers did not evade, but opened their bows in the same way, letting the cloth wrapped around their arms embody a strong spirit, and shot the same number of arrows to meet the attack.

The arrows from both sides collided exactly, and the magic contained in them burst out, forming a strong wind that struck all around.

Tiny used magic to block the wind mixed with gravel, and watched the archers' next moves closely.

However, it was the female cavalry who made the first move.

An even stronger aura than before was concentrated behind the archers.

It turned out that the female cavalry jumped up from her horse while shooting the arrow, and using her beloved horse as bait, she circled behind the archer.

"Being smart."

The archer was about to turn around as he spoke, but before he could, the sonic arrow was aimed straight at the archer's back near his heart.

However, as soon as the arrow touched the archer's body or the piece of cloth covering his head, it immediately fell apart and dispersed in the wind. In the end, this arrow didn't even hurt the archer's hair.

Upon seeing this, the female cavalryman known as the "Queen" muttered: "As expected..."

This sentence is not so much a surprise as it is a confirmation of the speculation in my heart.

"I see."

Gilgamesh, who was standing on the ground watching the battle, temporarily returned to "Vimana" and whispered something.

"What did you understand?"

Hearing Tini's cautious inquiry, Gilgamesh replied boredly: "I know why that inferior archer was able to defend against my king's precious phantom, but was punched by that inferior cavalry. Got it right."

"Is there really a reason..."

"It's not a big deal, it's just that his armor is special."


Tiny asked, looking at the archer who landed on the ground.

The archer did not wear any equipment that could be described as "armor". The only thing covering his upper body was the piece of cloth with a strange pattern on his head, and another pattern of cloth wrapped around his arms. .

"I'm afraid it's a fur made from the skin of a magical beast or a mythical beast. It's a shame it was processed into that look. It must have been pulled from under something like Ugar."

Gilgamesh mentioned the name of a Babylonian monster, but Tini didn't fully understand it, and asked again: "You mean he used that skin to block your amazing king's combo?"

"It has nothing to do with the number of attacks. Divine beasts and magical beasts sometimes reject human civilization like this. When I attacked just now, I not only used first-level weapons, but also took out various low-level treasures that I would not normally use. Weapons, it is impossible for him to block them all by relying on his own ability. But if he uses something like body and magic to defend, then it cannot explain why the fur is intact."

Having said this, Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and tightly held the chosen sword "Original Sin" in his hand.

"Singularities that reject human civilization will occasionally have such creatures. At least, all the 'props' created by humans will have no effect on them."

After speaking, Gilgamesh smiled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Tini was surprised. If this is really the case, wouldn't the situation be very bad? Why can the king still laugh?

"It's nothing. The king is just looking forward to it. He peeled off the fur with his own hands." Gilgamesh grinned.

Seeing the smile on Gilgamesh's face, Tini understood what he meant.

This heroic spirit who stands at the pinnacle of the strong hopes that the person in front of him is a strong person who can compete with him. If it were an ordinary hero, he would probably accuse the other party of being a rude person who used the power of the Noble Phantasm to repel the treasure from the treasure house.

Therefore, Tiny once again believed that the archer in front of her sight was a very formidable enemy.

That heroic spirit could actually create "expectations" for this arrogant and great king.

"Being able to knock down my king's noble phantom with a bow without relying on armor is a pretty good ability. He's not an inferior guy, he deserves praise."

"But, what exactly are the Noble Phantasms wrapped around those two arms?"

"It's probably a legacy passed down to mankind by God. You see, although the things are the same, their methods of use are completely different."

After hearing what Gilgamesh said, Tini applied the magic of magic perception to her eyes and stared at the battle in front of her.

Only then did she realize that there was indeed a difference between the two.

The female cavalry has high-density magical energy flowing throughout their body, while the archers only attach the magical energy to their equipment and do not incorporate it into their bodies.

"Why on earth is it that since you have such a powerful body, you can easily defeat the opponent by pouring divine energy into your body?"

Gilgamesh thought about Tini's words for a moment, and then showed a happy expression, as if he had found some rare toy.

"I just hate the gods I know very much... but that guy seems to hate the gods he once believed in to the point of having murderous intentions."


"It's funny. Maybe his strong body was created by God. He hates his own existence while still maintaining his heroic spirit. He is really a clown worth admiring."

Although the words Gilgamesh said would not be heard by the two men, while the female cavalry kept firing arrows, she also shouted at the archers: "Why! Why don't you use my father's power - that Incorporating the power of the military belt into your body? Are you looking down on me and laughing at me?"

The archer used the bow in his hand to knock down arrows that were attacking with the force of destroying the army, and answered the female cavalry's question in a solemn voice.

"The power of God is not something that this body should absorb."


Only then did the female cavalry finally realize that "something" was flowing deep inside the opponent's body——

A power completely different from the power of God filled the archer's body like burning poison.

The archers use this power to fully control the power released by the "military belt" like a familiar. He mixed his divine energy with the power of "something" and drew the bow again. Under the cover of the cloth, he spat out words that sounded like curses, intertwined with anger and ridicule.

"It's about conquering and trampling on things that are dominated by human power."


At the same time, the police station.

"Report, the reactions of multiple suspected heroic spirits were found in the northern valley. One of them should be the archer-Gilgamesh."

After receiving the secretary's report, Police Commissioner Orlando let out a long sigh and looked at the girl who was the mastermind behind everything sitting on the sofa. The girl took out a piece of cake from nowhere and was now happily tasting it.

"Francesca, please explain."

"Explain what? Didn't I say at the beginning that I would summon real heroic spirits?"

"What I want to know is who summoned what."

Seeing Orlando staring quietly, Francesca put her finger on her chin, turned away and replied: "Huh? Do you want to ask such a question in the Holy Grail War? Well - I do know the truth about that heroic spirit. I also know the master’s information, so I can tell you. But Faldius and the people above him don’t trust you very much. What should I do?”

"Stop pretending to be stupid. The same thing happened at the Opera House yesterday. I doubt that you had any intention of hiding the magicians participating in the Holy Grail War. They actually dared to attack the casino and hotel in broad daylight. This was obviously to kill everyone in the city. Implicated. Although no lives have been lost yet, I have received reports that many people were injured due to broken glass!"

Hearing the excitement in Orlando's voice, Francesca showed a dark smile and said, "Is it strange? I thought that since you decided to use this city as the stage for the Holy Grail War, you were already prepared to involve ordinary people. Are you mentally prepared?"

"The premise is not to be so obvious. The reason why we summoned the warlock is to ensure victory while minimizing the impact. If a master casually involves the residents of the city, I will be the first to eradicate it. he."

"You are really serious. But I don't want to kill the citizens, so I will give you a hint."

Francesca chuckled and began to tell Orlando.

"Do you know gods? Not the ones worshiped by the Holy Church, but the more distinctive... gods in myths."


"In the Age of Gods, when the world was still full of magic, all kinds of 'concepts' and 'foreign objects' existed among humans. Although they were intelligent, they were still another kind of creature after all. "

Francesca looked into the distance, squinting her eyes as if remembering the past.

"So, there will inevitably be friction between them, resulting in countless comedies and tragedies. These also happen between people... But the other party is the embodiment of power after all, and the level of friction may also be the level of misunderstanding. , there is a huge gap with human beings! Laughter and sadness will also be magnified many times!"

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"Of course the hatred will be amplified to the same level."

Speaking of this, Francesca turned her attention to the direction of the valley where the faint magic was coming from. She recalled the scene she enjoyed last night and couldn't help but be intoxicated by it. "His class is indeed an archer, but his nature has changed a lot. I think he can be considered a half-archer and half-Avenger, right?"

"the Avengers?"

Orlando once heard from Faldius that during the Third Holy Grail War, Einzbern summoned a heroic spirit of that special class.

That heroic spirit did not seem to be as powerful as a heroic spirit, and it soon ended in failure.

However, Orlando still remembers that after Faldius read the information about the participants left in the puppet, he said with a stern expression: "Although there is no conclusive evidence, if that heroic spirit wins in the end, maybe the whole world Everything will end. In short, that is a very creepy heroic spirit.”

"If a heroic spirit with the same nature as that heroic spirit appeared, wouldn't it be extremely dangerous?"

Seeing Orlando frowning and thinking, Francesca shrugged and told the information about the archers (Avengers).

Her tone was mixed with happiness, joy, and love for the hatred of the heroic spirit.

"But what that heroic spirit hates is not humans...but the ancient 'gods'! I don't know if they have disappeared now or are heading for destruction, or they are hiding in a corner of the planet..."


Big Valley.

The archers and female cavalry holding the same Noble Phantasm continued to fight, with melee combat and long-range attack with bows and arrows taking turns. The female cavalry used the strong divine magic power in her body to generate spears and bows. She waved the weapons freely on the back of her beloved horse and attacked the archers one after another.

Tiny watched their battle closely and began to think that the horse itself might be one of the Noble Phantasms.

Under the command of the female cavalry, her beloved horse made moves that were difficult for ordinary horses to achieve, making people mistakenly think they were seeing a fantasy species.

One man and one horse pressed forward towards the archers——

However, the horse seemed to sense the danger and raised its front hooves high to stop. At the same time, countless weapons were inserted on the ground between the cavalry and archers.

"I told you to stay out of the way!"

The female cavalry glared at the person who released the weapon, and heard the latter-Gilgamesh said in disgust: "You bastard. A rude woman like you who can't even dismount in front of the king has no qualifications to compete with this king." dialogue."

Gilgamesh stood at the front of Vimana, looking down at the ground leisurely. The space behind him emitted bursts of light, and countless treasure phantoms sleeping in the treasure house poked their heads out.

Upon seeing this, the female cavalry temporarily distanced themselves from the two archers and looked at the man standing on Vimona in surprise.

"King? Are you talking about you?" She frowned slightly and looked at Gilgamesh, seeming to doubt the identity of the other king.

"He called you Queen just now. It seems that you are just a traitor who fought for territory in my courtyard while I was away. Not only are you rude, but you are also ignorant. I am really speechless." Seeing this. The woman actually doubted her identity, and Gilgamesh certainly wouldn't have any good temper. His cold words were not sarcasm, but clear contempt, "It's not even worth being in the same place with this king, the real king, so get out of here."

After saying that, Gilgamesh immediately released many of the Noble Phantasms of the "King's Treasure", as if kicking away stones on the roadside.

The female cavalry's intuition told her that it was dangerous to be hit directly.

She controlled the horse nimbly and shuttled through the gaps in the Rain of Noble Phantasm.

The archer with his head covered with cloth took this opportunity to shoot a sharp arrow directly at the female cavalry's horse.

Although the female cavalry escaped the vicious arrows at the critical moment, the horse lost its balance, and the second wave of attacks from the "King's Treasure" also fell at this time.

The female cavalry instantly further enhanced her magic power. She condensed the magic power in her body and the divine energy that emerged from the cloth into the spear in her hand.

Then, she threw her spear at Gilgamesh, intending to clear away the countless Noble Phantasms attacking her with just her strength.

The spear entwined with divine energy passed through the rain of falling Noble Phantasms and aimed at Gilgamesh's heart.

But Gilgamesh didn't move a step.

He deployed several shield-shaped Noble Phantasms through the "King's Treasure", and the spear that was thrust towards him stopped after piercing several shields.

"I just felt strange...what's going on? The number of your Noble Phantasms is too ridiculous." The female cavalry frowned slightly.

Gilgamesh turned a deaf ear to the female cavalry's helpless words and said calmly: "What kind of divine power should I use on this king? I am really a woman who doesn't understand any etiquette."

But when he said this, he seemed to be a little interested. While observing the female cavalry, he sneered: "Although you are still injured, you used your body to take over the high-level Noble Phantasm."

The female cavalryman failed to completely knock off the Noble Phantasm, and several of them passed over her body. She suffered some injuries on her shoulders and flanks, and she bled a lot.

Gilgamesh saw that the female cavalry was still riding on the horse as bravely as a warrior, and nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that you have inherited a very strong bloodline of God, but I don't know which god it is. Although it is a bit disappointing, being an enemy of you two should allow me to complete the agreement with my friends. Warm yourself up."

Although Gilgamesh still looked very calm, his expression no longer looked arrogant and careless.

"You are the touchstone. You must not fall without my permission."

After all, for Gilgamesh, the real warm-up is to prepare for the battle with his friends and try all the methods one by one, including various tricks that he would not normally use.

"Golden King, if you continue to hinder me, I will get rid of you first." The female cavalry looked at the arrogant guy in front of her who didn't take her seriously at all and was talking to herself the whole time, with a tone of voice. A little angry.

Although she has recognized the identity of the other party's 'king' through the other party's power, it does not mean that she will be afraid of it. After all, she is also a king herself.

Hearing this, Gilgamesh snorted without taking it seriously and asked: "Hinder? Are you sure that I am not trying to save you, the little girl who calls herself the queen?"


Gilgamesh glanced at the archers standing in front of the collapsed rubble, and said to the surprised female cavalry: "How can you hunt him if you can't even tell that you are being played by that man?"

"You said...I was being played?"

"In terms of heroic spirits, there is a huge gap between you and that guy. You shouldn't be so incompetent. You don't even know this."

Tini has been hiding behind Vimana to observe the battle, so she also deeply agrees with Gilgamesh's words.

In the Holy Grail War, the Master was given a simple clairvoyance ability. He could see the status, strength, agility and other parameters of the Servant, and thus roughly grasp the strength and weakness of the Servant.

The appearance of these parameters projected into the Master's eyes will differ depending on the Master's sensibility. In Tiny's eyes, that is the difference in flow speed of six rivers flowing down from a mountain.

From this picture alone, all the rivers are flowing rapidly are the two men Gilgamesh and Monbu Archer. Compared with them, several of the female cavalry's rivers flowed very gently.

In particular, the river of luck flows very slowly. If you simply compare basic abilities, it will be slightly disadvantageous for the female knight.

Although she incorporated the divine energy emanating from the Noble Phantasm into her body and increased her power by several levels, she still had no advantage if her opponent also held the same Noble Phantasm.

Or, incorporating the power of God into the body and using it as a prop - two different uses may have different effects, but Tini cannot speculate on the specific effects.

While Tini was thinking about these questions, the female cavalry grimaced and glared at the archers with blade-like eyes.

"I know there's a big gap between our ranks..."

Tiny was wondering why the female cavalry suddenly changed into a girlish tone appropriate to her age.

I heard her say bluntly with naked hostility: "Because I was killed by this man!"

"Huh?" Tini couldn't help being shocked.

She knew what it meant.

However, she didn't understand why the female cavalry shouted words that made people guess her real name.

The female cavalry knew the archers, so there was no need to hide it; but for Gilgamesh, there was no point even if he wanted to hide his real name.

But right now, the enemy's familiar may be watching somewhere. In this environment, is it really appropriate to reveal clues about his true name?

Perhaps, this female cavalry's character is more upright than Tini imagined.

Guided by this question, Tini once again guessed the real names of these two heroic spirits.

——A woman who uses bows and arrows and spears, is good at equestrian skills, and is called a queen.

——The hero who killed the queen.

——The two of them use the same long cloth Noble Phantasm.

——An animal skin that denies human reason.

Tiny has studied a lot of myths and heroic biographies for the Holy Grail War. She put several pieces together and gradually pieced together the appearance of the two heroes.

However, she didn't immediately agree with her answer.

Not to mention the female cavalry, the image of the archer was very different from the hero in Tini's impression.

The next moment, the female cavalry shouted as if to prove this point: "But the cause of my death is just a trivial matter now!"

The female cavalry's eyes moved from the archers to Tini.

Facing the sudden gaze from the female cavalry, Tini couldn't help but stiffen.

However, the female cavalry did not launch any attack on Tini. She turned her attention back to the archers and shouted: "Answer me! You bastard... why did you attack that kid just now!"

Hearing this question, the archer replied calmly: "She is the master who showed up with her servants. It is natural for me to attack her. Even a young child participates in war magic with the determination to destroy the opponent." Master, I have no reason to be merciful. Are you qualified to ask this question? Queen, you are the origin of war."

"Shut your mouth that can't spit out ivory and get out of here! I asked you to answer, not because I want to hear you say such mediocre truths that only others can say!"

While the female cavalry said unreasonable words, she transformed her spear again, pointed the tip of the spear at the archer and continued to question: "It's you! With your own strength and wisdom, you turned everything on the battlefield into what you expected! Just like that! That’s why I thought you were the only one who wouldn’t do such a thing!”

The female cavalry's attention has been completely focused on the archers. In Tini’s view, now is the perfect opportunity——


"Don't be impatient. It's fun to watch the clowns slander each other."

Even though Gilgamesh said this, there was no disorder or loophole in the magic power around him.

Tini also felt that Gilgamesh seemed to be curious about his opponent and wanted to know more about his opponent's nature.

At least the archer was powerful enough to interest the arrogant king.

But what Tini cares about is the female cavalry.

——The cavalry... Is she angry because the archers attacked me? This incident makes her more angry than her death? Why? Tini knows very well that her life is destined to be dedicated to Clan. From the moment she decided to summon the Hero King Gilgamesh to eradicate the magicians, she was prepared to be counterattacked.

From Tini's point of view, what the archer said was completely true.

——That cavalryman...didn't he regard me as an enemy at all...

The female cavalry didn't know the girl's confusion and continued to shout: "I have indeed heard that you will not show mercy in the war and even plunder the civilians of the enemy country. In order to achieve your goal, you have also despicably plotted against others. But. , if this is all to realize your ambition, it will not shake your reputation as a hero."

Her tone of voice was much more mature than she appeared. Then, she raised her voice and said: "But no matter what the reasons are, even if the other party is the Cursed Child who will bring disaster to the world! You never drew a bow and arrow at a young child indifferently before! Compared with others, you I am the one who least tolerates this kind of behavior!"


"That name once made the whole fertile land of Delphi, my hometown, resound with songs of awe and worship... Where did you throw that name that means the glory of God! ××..."

Driven by anger, the female cavalry even ignored revealing her real name and was about to call out the other party's name——

"Shut up."

The archer uttered two words, freezing the surrounding air.

At the same time, red and black shadows surged up suddenly, squirming like creatures. The color was exactly the same as the archer's current body color.

It is disgust and fear;

It was insult and regret;

It was jealousy and pity;

It is anger and seeing through;

It was disgust and regret;

It was hopeless and empty because of it.

All kinds of emotions accumulate to the limit in the shadow, and the voice coming from the depths of the shadow seems to curse everyone who hears it.

Even the female cavalry, who had always been resolute and strong, flinched, and Tini felt that her heart had stopped beating.

The only one who remained unmoved was Gilgamesh, who even smiled slightly, like a critic watching a comedy.

The archer ignored the three people who had different reactions, but continued: "The hero with that name no longer exists. No, 'he' is not even a hero, he is just a fool who only caters to those who are addicted to The pleasure-seeking tyrant paid the price by burning his earthly clothes (human soul) in fire and thunder. He broke his oath on his deathbed and chose happiness instead of suffering!"

"Who...are you? What is your purpose?"

The female cavalry couldn't help but ask, cold sweat streaming down her cheeks. She was convinced in her heart that the person in front of her was no longer the great hero she knew.

"I am just a human being. I want to deny, trample, and defile the gods of Olympus, including your father, Ares, the god of war. I am an avenger born for this.

"Ah, that's right. My flesh, blood, and soul are exactly the shadow of that fool who became a god—'him'!"


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