
The young man recalled the words that made him feel nostalgic.

"You, you, listen carefully to me, son of my countrymen."

"What you should eliminate are the people who are looting our place."

"Your parents were also taken away by people from outside."

"Your fathers were killed by dirty invaders from the outside."

"Your mother was also kidnapped by a terrible demon from outside."

"So you, go and destroy them, destroy those predators."

"So you are going to fight to get your mother back and let her return to our hands."

The young man had no feeling of nostalgia for the sound he recalled next, and he was unable to ask the owner of the sound.

"Oh, you are not moved even after seeing this of mine, you are quite brave!

"No...it turns out your heart is so empty.

"Then let me tell you the good news.

"Those magicians who call you 'you, you' all day long are all dead."

Two "voices" replayed in my mind. When the young man thought of those two times, his mood was the same - neither anger nor sadness. He took the literal meaning and only said "Really?" in his mind.

The young man thought this reaction was normal, but after hearing the last sentence, he, who was still young at the time, realized something.

"Ah, one more thing, your mother died long ago in that country called Japan."

Even after hearing these slightly sarcastic words, the young man didn't feel anything. He wondered if he was a little abnormal compared to his compatriots who cried loudly after hearing the same words.

——Why do I think of these things?

The young man walked alone in the swamp at night.

He wears military goggles and is equipped with several weapons and magic costumes, but his aura is slightly different from that of soldiers and magicians.


The young man walked on the marching road without comrades and enemies.

He took off his left glove, and a strange tattoo appeared on the back of his hand, condensing powerful magic power.

That was the Command Seal, proving that the young man was the Master participating in the Holy Grail War. The young man looked at the command spell and narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

——The reason why the person who gave birth to me died was because of the "Holy Grail War"...

In the original Holy Grail War, mages with Command Seals were selected by the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail will give priority to people from the three major families of Einzbern, Magiri and Tohsaka, and Snowfield's Holy Grail is also programmed into such an unfair system.

Part of the command spells were used to summon heroic spirits as sacrifices, two of which had been assigned to the chief of the police station and the magician of the Minqiu family. The other seven command spells used to summon real heroic spirits have all fallen into the hands of the "mastermind behind" this Holy Grail War.

The young man stared at the command spell without saying a word.

There was no confusion, no anger, no joy, and no trace of other emotions in his eyes.

The young man put his gloves back on and continued walking on the lonely road.

He is Σ(Sigma).

It's not a name, just a symbol.

It does not contain any wishes, it is just a Greek letter assigned to identify twenty-four "similar individuals".

But most of those "similar individuals" are no longer there, and now they even lose the meaning of identification.

Sigma believes that he is now a mercenary with a little magic, working indifferently every day for the employer who pulled him into "this world".

The mission Sigma received this time was a little different from the previous one.

He wants to participate in a "Holy Grail War" that is very different from ordinary wars in form.

That's all.

Just summon the heroic spirits and join the war.

There is no need to support others, nor to actively kill enemies.

"After summoning the heroic spirit, you will be free. You can run around, or...come and kill me. It feels quite interesting! Isn't this the so-called revolution? It's the same as what happened in your country!"

Thinking of his employer's joking words, Sigma asked himself: Is it really the same? Can the demise of that country and my betrayal of her be regarded as the same?

He took his employer's joke seriously and thought for a moment while marching, but in the end he still didn't come up with an answer.

——Holy Grail...

——If I ask that strange thing, will it tell me?

Just when Sigma was thinking about this kind of problem that neither magicians nor ordinary people would seriously think about, he arrived at his destination.

It was a bungalow built in a swamp. It looked like an abandoned house at first glance.

"The props for the ritual have been prepared, all you have to do is summon them! The excess catalysts have also been disposed of! Ah, you don't have to report to me what was summoned, because it would be more interesting to know afterward!"

Although this was the order from his employer, Faldius said, "Remember to tell me individually what heroic spirit you summoned." Sigma felt that although Faldius was not his direct employer, since his employer Francesca did not ask for confidentiality, she could tell Faldius.

The summoned heroic spirit belongs to the magician for the time being. But what kind of person the summoned heroic spirit is, who he belonged to before, and what happened to that person, Sigma is not very interested in these.

Sigma still doesn't know.

The heroic spirit summoned from the underground of this house is completely opposite to him who does not believe in gods and Buddhas.

That is difficult to explain with heroes or gods and demons - an extremely abnormal "phenomenon".

At dawn on the day of war, all the pieces of the twisted battlefield of Snowfield are about to come together. But no one could imagine what kind of picture these fragments would eventually form.


This is the story of a fugitive.

The woman was afraid to face the crime she had committed and escape "punishment."

She had neither hope nor goal. She couldn't even see the way forward, but she couldn't stop her escape.

Although the fleeing woman knew that her only fate was destruction, she still held onto something as a life-saving straw.

In a city called Fuyuki, there is a collective housing called "Cicada Apartments".

There is the starting point of everything, and it is also the end of the world for "her".

But now, the memory of that apartment has no meaning.

In the process of constant escaping, all the excess past peels off and falls into the abyss of meaninglessness.

Now "she" is left with only guilt and fear of punishment, and "that thing" - the girl in the red hood who is still staring at her.

Is that something real, or is it an illusion caused by guilt? She doesn't know. But she thought that since she could see it, it made no difference whatever it was.

She also went to the Fuyuki Church on the hillside for help.

Although she can’t remember the details—but the priest she met there seemed to have said something to her.

The reason why I say "seems" is because the memory before and after is too vague.

"——, ×× is ××××××——"

"I didn't expect - to deal with -"

She also felt strange, but whenever she thought deeply, her head would hurt.

"Finally, ××——"

Although she couldn't remember it, there was a sense of fear accompanied by the advice "Don't get close to that church again", which was mysteriously engraved in her instincts, just like a wild animal is afraid of fire.

After she escaped from Fuyuki, she wandered aimlessly for countless years.

She could always detect the aura of "Little Red Riding Hood" in the darkness behind her, the dark night, and the shadows under the street lights.

What should I do?

She couldn't bear the torture and wandered around like a living dead.

In the end, she returned to Fuyuki as if she was attracted by something.

She heard that the priest had changed, but she still couldn't find the courage to go to the "church". But she couldn't just go back to Chancai Apartment where her home was, so she could only continue to wander the streets like a corpse.

Then, while constantly searching for her destination, she heard a rumor about a "house in the forest."

When she learned that the bungalow was still haunted, she naturally set out to find out. She thought that if the rumors were true and the bungalow was really haunted, then she would have to take a look with her own eyes to confirm whether the "Little Red Riding Hood" and "those ghosts" that had been lurking in the darkness around her were the same thing.

For such a far-fetched reason, she might be looking for a burial place.

In fact, before that, she had heard that a temple on a certain mountain was haunted. But when she went to take a look, there were only precious fish jumping wildly in the pond, so she didn't expect much from the rumors this time.

Even though she didn't have any expectations, she still decided to go to the forest because she thought it was better than wandering in the streets.

At least "Little Red Riding Hood" won't appear in the forest.

While obeying the rules she found while escaping, she walked in the woods, as if she had entered the witch's forest in a fairy tale. As she walked, a huge bungalow that was incompatible with this place appeared in front of her.

How strange that such a huge bungalow could be built without anyone noticing. Before she had time to have such an idea, she was shocked by the majesty of the bungalow.

This bungalow can be called a castle. Just looking at it from a distance, the woman who was a fugitive didn't want to go in at all.

She was afraid, afraid of the simple elevator installed in this huge mansion.

"Little Red Riding Hood will appear in the elevator" - this is also one of the laws, and the reason is obvious without even thinking about it.

She walked around the castle warily, and gradually realized that something had changed in her heart.

what happened?

How strange, how to describe it...

The heart is very quiet.

Although she didn't know why, she felt a sense of security that she had not experienced in the past few years from this forest city, so she came back several times.

She didn't step into the city, she just immersed her body and mind in the scenery.

A few months later.

She came to the castle as usual, but heard the sound of two women arguing.

She was surprised to learn that someone was in the city, but she didn't think it was that weird.

Just look at the flowers in the courtyard and you will know that this place is taken care of.

She was curious about what kind of characters were related to this castle, so she hid in the shade of the trees and quietly approached the direction of the sound.

Two women were standing in the courtyard.

You can tell at a glance that they are twin sisters.

The silver hair is like a waterfall, and the fair skin is reminiscent of the vast snowfield. Coupled with the red eyes that can catch people's attention even from a distance, their features are too similar.

The two women appeared to have gotten into an altercation. It seemed that one party was saying something in a lecturing tone, while the other party was in a state of rage.

"Those things make no sense at all. Filia, what on earth are you thinking..."

"That's enough! I'm not begging you... I'll do it alone!"

Who are they two? Is this castle really the villa of a foreign rich man or someone else? Are they the owner of the city?

The fugitive continued to observe the two "white women" while thinking.

But she also felt that the temperament of "white women" was a little different from that of foreigners.

It's more like something out of a fairy tale.

The fugitive was immersed in almost delusional speculation, completely unaware that his aura was not hidden at all.

"Even if I give up the name of Einzbern, I still--" The emotional woman suddenly stopped and shouted, "Who is it?"

The woman turned her head and revealed a very beautiful face.

The escapee only remembered this one thing - the memory after meeting the eyes of the "white woman" became very blurry just like when she visited the church.

I'm afraid he was hinted by some kind of magic spell.

The reason why she knew about the existence of "magic suggestion" was that the "white woman" instilled it into her afterwards.

“Are you ×× or ×××××××?”

Unlike the Church, she is not afraid of castles and "white women."

"Isn't this a coincidence? I didn't expect ×××——"

"I didn't expect that there would be something like this... No, it's not important."

However, once she wanted to recall what happened at that time in detail, she would also feel a crushing pain deep in her brain.

She thought: Sure enough, I was under a magic trick like suggestion... Maybe the priest and XX did the same thing to me in the church.


The "thing" with Fr.

Whenever she tried to remember what it was, her head ached and her memory became fuzzy.

The woman and the priest in the castle.

She was just a fugitive, and she was led to this situation. It was all the fault of those two people. Although she knew it very well, she could never remember what they said to her when she met them.

Black and white blurry memories swirled in her mind like a whirlpool.

However, she remembered what the priest said to the "things" around her.

"I'm interested in the end of this. You've done the same thing to me before, right?"

She also clearly remembered what the "white woman" said to her when she was in the castle.

"You have no right to choose your own end. Let me give you the meaning of life."

The word "end" imprinted in the language of the priest and the "white woman" has become a curse. Soon after, the fugitives, as the "white woman" said, drifted away from Japan.

A fugitive woman, Ayaka Sajo, is involved in the "Magic War" taking place in the United States. Today, she still wanders around in search of answers.

What can I do so that my sins can be forgiven?

What on earth...should I do in this city?


Snowfield Live House.

An old building located in the city center has a space that cannot be called spacious underground.

A stage was set up inside for performances, and a pastoral-like melody came from the stage. When music comes out of an electric guitar amplifier, the melody and timbre may initially seem out of place. But as the tempo slowly increases, unique tones are added, and eventually it changes into electric guitar music that blends in with the atmosphere of the room.

It's as if the player is playing the guitar and changing the melody according to the tone.

After playing the last note, the man playing the music asked: "That's about it...how do you think?"

The man was holding an electric guitar, which didn't even look appropriate for the madrigal-style music he was playing at the beginning. He was wearing luxurious armor, and his blond hair mixed with a few strands of red hair swayed slightly under the air-conditioned wind.

Upon hearing the swordsman's question, the men and women around them all opened their eyes and started shouting.

"Wow...this is amazing! Are you really a beginner?"

"Awesome...so handsome. I thought you were a popular comedian!"

The noisy men and women either wore mohawks or colorful exaggerated hairstyles. They wore eccentric clothing, earrings, and some had tattoos all over their bodies.

Although this group of people seems to be the spokesperson for the word "thorny", they all have friendly smiles on their faces, praising the man who is, in a sense, the most unworldly dressed.

"I really want to say, who would believe that this is your first time playing guitar! But it's weird, I don't think you are lying..."

"I don't want to say such cheesy words, but the performance you just performed was already at a premium level!"

Hearing this, the swordsman shook his head happily and shyly, and replied: "No, compared with you professionals, I am still far behind. This is my first time to come into contact with 'electric guitar', but I have learned similar skills before. string instruments.”

"No! That's already great! By the way, what song did you play just now? I've never heard it before."

When a man with a Mohawk haircut asked about the music, the swordsman immediately smiled and replied with nostalgia for the past: "Ah... I tried to mess up things before and got caught, and then for a moment I made a song when I got up. It was the same song I performed just now, but I just played the tempo a little faster."

"You can actually compose music! By the way, are you out of prison?"

"Are you that person? You're the one who was arrested just now and gave a speech on TV!"

When the swordsman saw that a woman dressed in punk style recognized him, he nodded sheepishly and said, "You guys saw it. However, the few words I said can't be considered a speech..."

"What? Did you escape from prison? That's so cool!"

"Didn't something like that happen at the police station? I just took advantage of the chaos to escape. I don't know if this is considered a prison break."

The swordsman shrugged and replied kindly.

The young people around him yelled even more excitedly.

"Oh, that's awesome! What happened to that explosion?"

"I heard that the hotel is also very miserable, right?"

"Speaking of which, a guy seemed to have appeared in the casino just now and won a lot of money. It's unbelievable -"

A figure leaned against a corner of the stage, quietly listening to the young man's conversation.

Ayaka Sajo, who was supposed to be a lonely "fugitive", shook his head fiercely and groaned in his heart: Is this the end of me?

At the end of the escape, I came to a Live House. Surrounded by a group of young people dressed in punk style, they were absolutely impossible to make friends with in Fuyuki. And there’s this nosy heroic spirit who unceremoniously intrudes into other people’s realms.

"Hey, I thought of a new song. Can I play it for you? But I'm a little embarrassed to do it to professional performers."

"Oh, play, play, play. We are also looking forward to what kind of music we will hear."

"Thank you! Ayaka, please listen carefully. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the music later."

The swordsman said, playing the electric guitar again.

Ayaka glared at him and sighed remorsefully, as if to deny that she was slightly moved by the melody played by the swordsman.

What on earth am I doing?


Somewhere in Snowfield on the eve of the war.

There is a small industrial park on the outskirts of Snowfield.

At the end of the park, a huge factory surrounds an inconspicuous meat processing plant like a wall.

Perhaps because the livestock industry is not prosperous nearby, and the processing plant does not even operate during certain periods, few even residents of the city know of its existence.

But just underground of this processing plant, there is an unregistered side. Compared with the factories on the ground, the underground space is much wider, and there are several layers of barriers laid inside. Located in it is a magic workshop.

At first glance, this meatpacking plant seems to have no connection with the surrounding factories. But as long as you check the operators, you will find that they actually belong to the same organization.

That is the "Scradio Family"——

A mafia organization whose leader is Galvaroso Scladio, who is famous in the underworld for his cunning methods. Although they are the Mafia, strictly speaking, they are not the same in form as the Mafia organizations that originated in Sicily. Galvaroso Scladio did have some blood relationship with the Sicilian mafia, but he chose to join forces with or absorb many organizations of various forms, developing the Scladio family into a family with borders, blood ties, and ideas. The "Faceless Mob" has nothing to do with it.

The strange name of Galvaroso is actually a pseudonym. One theory is that this pseudonym is a combination of his real name and the nickname of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I - "Red Beard (Barbarossa)".

Later, Galvaroso would penetrate deeply into the American underworld.

He once threatened to restore the Holy Roman Empire to America. In fact, he did have as much power and financial resources as the emperor. Regarding this, criminal history experts, the FBI and current affairs commentators on TV have various speculations, but not many people know the real reason.

That is, he provides shelter to countless "magicians" in many places at home and abroad.

People who failed to compete with other families for territory;

People who pursue a higher level of magic, but their financial resources cannot keep up and they go bankrupt;

People who were driven out by locals as heretics;

A person who is widely regarded as a criminal and kicked out of real society, and is also kept at a distance in the magic world;

Or maybe it’s someone who comes to your door—

Galvaroso became a patron of magicians with various difficulties and always supported their activities.

Not only money, but sometimes he will also provide them with land and use "the power of the normal world" to eradicate the magicians who originally lived there.

Powerful magicians generally do not take power and violence seriously. But if it were thugs with knowledge of suggestion and charm, few magicians could handle attacks, snipers, or summons from the court.

Even if he is a famous master of the Clock Tower or a magician who is famous in a certain field. Unless you are a first-class esper who can solve problems with the power of magic seals alone, you must wear a special protective attire to block the sudden bullets.

Without protective clothing, even a magician might be killed by football hooligans or road thieves.

Normally, the Clock Tower and the Church should regard the Scladio family's matter as a major problem and resolve it as a priority - but when this matter came up, the Scladio family had already gained a certain degree of support. "The power of a magical world".

Would these shady magicians really unite to protect a criminal organization?

Many people are skeptical. But the reality is that the magicians protected by the Scladio family do everything they can to protect their patrons.

The biggest reason is that Galvaroso has not the slightest interest in the "results" created by magicians in magic. He would not plunder the achievements of magicians, nor would he insist on asking about the contents of their research if the magicians were unwilling.

The magicians made demands, and the Scladio family went out of their way to fulfill them.

Many magicians have become accustomed to this one-sided relationship. They worry that if they lose their current environment, the road to their "roots" will also be closed.

There are only a few magicians who are grateful to the Scladio family. More people took the initiative to protect the Scladio family out of reasonable considerations as magicians.

All this has enabled the Scladio family to achieve unparalleled rapid development in the underworld.

Several organizations knew about the existence of "Magicians" and tried to attack them from this aspect. But most people just want to control the magicians with brute force, so they are taken advantage of by the magicians' elementary suggestions, or they gradually die.

In the end, the Scladio family colluded with some people in the government and gained the power to intervene in Snowfield's "plan".

This power is enough to send a magician into the false "Holy Grail War" as a candidate master.

Tonight - the door of the meat processing plant opened, and several villains walked into the air-conditioned factory.

The villains who were already inside the factory were dressed in the same attire and bowed their heads to the villains who came in from outside.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"How is Mr. Cotilio?"

"He has been released from the correction center, but he has not returned here yet..." A villain who looked like a gangster answered in a cold sweat.

One of the villains who came in from outside frowned and asked, "Didn't you go pick him up?"

"Fardius has confessed that it is inconvenient for members of the Scladio family to go to the Correctional Center... Even the news of Mr. Cotilio's departure from the Correctional Center was only informed after the fact..."

"Tsk...he is just a government lackey..."

"I'm sorry, but the young people in the group are looking for Mr. Cotilio now—"

At this moment, a harsh breaking sound interrupted the conversation between the two parties.

The villains immediately looked at the place where the sound came from - the skylight of the processing plant. Broken glass was seen flying in the air, and a man holding a block in each hand fell from the sky shining brightly.


There are two people in the man's hands. They were pulled down from the sky by the man and slammed to the concrete floor.


The two men seemed to be still breathing, and they vomited blood from their mouths.

Blood splattered on the man's face, but he didn't care at all and slowly stood up.

Even though the man jumped down from the skylight, he acted as if nothing had happened and looked expressionless.

The moonlight shines through the broken skylight, illuminating the man's face.

At this moment, the villains in the factory couldn't help but shudder, because they were suffocated by the man's darkly shining eyes.

In the dimly lit processing plant, the man wore black gloves and exuded a majesty that no one could resist.

However, his eyes lacked "human emotion." His eyes were more like those of a raptor or a carnivore, not only aiming at prey, but also capable of freezing a person's heart with just one look.

"Occasionally there will be ruthless killing machines among killers, but they don't have this kind of look. If the only emotion the machine has is 'killing intent', then it can show this kind of look." - from the Scladio family Chief Galvaroso once said this, and the man's gaze was as sharp as described.

From the appearance, the man is about thirty or forty years old. Although he has regular features, his sharp eyes like a monster can firmly grasp people's souls.

But what the villains fear is not the gaze of men.

Because they knew that this man was actually a terrifying person, far more terrifying than his sharp eyes.

"Co...Mr. Cotilio!"

When he heard someone calling him, the man didn't look at the people around him. Instead, he put his hand into his arms and took out an item.

After seeing what it was, the two people lying on the ground were stunned.


They seemed to want to say something, but couldn't finish it——

Accompanied by the sound of "Puff, Puff", the pistol equipped with a silencer fired several rounds of bullets, killing the two people who fell on the ground.

Even after confirming that the two bodies would no longer move, the man still did not relax his vigilance, holding the pistol tightly and looking down at the ground.

"Mr. Coccotilio, who are they?" a villain who had been in the processing plant asked in a cold sweat.

Hearing this, the man named Cotilio continued to stare at the ground and uttered a low voice that sounded like it came from the bottom of hell: "...fly."


"Someone leaked the smell of meat, and these flies with a keen sense of smell came to the door."

The man's explanation made the villains in the factory look at each other in surprise.

"Are they spies of other magicians? Are they here for Mr. Cotilio's command spell?"

"Clean up this place."

"Follow your orders!"

The villains seemed to be the men's men, and they quickly began to take action to deal with the corpses and blood stains on the ground.

The man added to them calmly: "There are also people outside. However, I have set up a barrier to hide them from others."

"Huh? Are there actually so many?"

The villains then realized that they were surrounded by enemy magicians but did not notice it at all. They couldn't help but feel afraid that they had failed in their work.

Then, the man whispered back: "There are thirty-six."


The man continued to the gaping villain: "There are six here and thirty outside. Deal with it quickly."

"It is……"

There are only two bodies here.

"Is it... up there?"

The villains thought to themselves, are there four corpses on the roof? Just as they were thinking about how to pull the corpses down——

There were a few more "Puff, Puff" sounds.

While everyone was looking up, the man opened fire again, using his pistol to make a hole in each of the four villains' heads.

They were the bad guys who entered the processing plant before the men. The other villains froze in place for no apparent reason and asked: "Co...Mr. Cotilio, why?"

"It doesn't matter if you underestimate me."


"But this processing plant is owned by the Scladio family. Trying to enter this sacred place with such a poor disguise is a great insult to Mr. Scladio, and he is not even qualified to be arrested."

In the blink of an eye, the faces of the four corpses were distorted and turned into completely different faces.

They are probably enemy magicians disguised as companions.

Are the real companions still alive now or have they been dealt with long ago? The villains don't even have time to think about this question.

Because after the man eliminated more than thirty magicians in a short period of time, he ordered the villains without changing his expression: "After processing the 'meat', get down to the ground.

"I received the catalyst and summoned the heroic spirit immediately."


Snowfield, somewhere dark.

"Bazdilot Cotilio, his external identity is the general manager of Industrial Waste Disposal Co., Ltd., but his true identity is a key member of the Scladio family."

Just as Faldius Dioran narrowed his eyes and read the information, the girl beside him - Francesca interjected: "The most correct identity is the murderer named 'Scradio's Poisonous Shark' Bazdilot is the magician! Everything is not necessarily a negative or a positive, but something completely different. That is why this world is interesting!"

"That will only make things troublesome. Also, what are those two names? 'Poison Shark' and 'Killing Magician' are not on the information."

"Of course it's not here. I just picked it up."

"All right."

Faldius glanced at Francesca from the corner of his eye and saw her sitting on the sofa swinging her legs happily. He turned to the information at hand and continued: "So far, suspicion and Bazdillo There were more than 125 murder cases related to him, but there was insufficient evidence in each case. In the end, he was arrested and sent to prison for various minor crimes. But the first prison he entered, he disappeared within half a year. 'Three guards and twenty-six prisoners. It seems that the Scladio family has also extended their hands into the prison... Fortunately, they can clean up the matter."

"That's because he found someone who can clean up, so he cleaned up so well, right? For Scladio, he has always attached great importance to the magic's concealment work. Maybe in turn, he used the bad reviews of the violent gang to hide his identity The magician side.”

"My experience in magic is quite cruel... His family seems to be very obsessed with specializing the 'control' system. The focus of 'control' is not others but oneself. This kind of magic is different from strengthening the body, but the specifics are The circumstances are unknown. He is also proficient in Oriental spells that the Clock Tower despises."

Faldius narrowed his eyes tiredly while continuing to flip through the information.

"The outside world suspected that he was related to many murders of magicians, and the Legal Affairs Department of the Clock Tower focused on him...Due to a certain incident, he had a conflict with Schopenheim Abbey...During the dispute, he obtained Scladio Family protection.”

Francesca chuckled and said: "Ah, Schopenheim... It seems that the whereabouts of the next abbot happened to be unknown at that time, and the entire monastery was in chaos, otherwise even Scladio would not be able to protect it. Him."

Faldius complained: "Miss Francesca, I am also opposed to your decision now - let this man with many enemies leave the correction center and participate in the Holy Grail War. Maybe the Clock Tower Faction will ignore it. We have past suspicions and teamed up with him to deal with us. Even if this matter is still within our expectations, hidden arrows may come from directions we cannot see."

"Having said that, are there other people similar to him? Sigma, who entered the country illegally, and Doris, the youngest daughter of the Lucendra family, who is the pinnacle of enhanced magic, uses orthodox domination magic and projection magic to do things on Wall Street. Khasura, who got into a lot of trouble, Harley, the heretic girl who practices black magic (Witchcraft), and Faldius, who betrayed the Clock Tower! Well, they are basically all troublemakers, right?"

"I am still confident that I can manage the people you mentioned, but you and Bazdilot Cotilio are another matter." At this point, Faldius narrowed his eyes again. He raised his eyes and protested very tactfully to Francesca, "Is it really okay to give that thing to that man?"

Hearing this, the girl in the Gothic Lolita dress grinned: "No problem, no problem. No one can predict what will happen in the future. Maybe even I can't handle it, so that's good."

"We don't want to cooperate with your hedonism. Whether it's you or Bazdilot, we will force you to leave the stage if necessary."

"Wow, that's scary. Are you going to kill me with a sniper rifle? No, if you want to succeed, you should use a bomb, right?"

In response to Faldius's indifferent remarks, which did not seem like a joke at all, Francis laughed as if he had heard a joke. Understanding that the other party was not simply threatening, her cheeks flushed with a little excitement.

"However, that's pretty good. For me, treating you as my opponent in the game is also an option. I don't have any patriotism, and besides, I'm not an American at all."

Faldius felt that this did not sound like a joke at all. He let the magic flow through his body while observing Francesca's movements.

Francesca saw through Faldius's vigilance and rolled on the sofa deliberately and unpreparedly.

"I heard that the Alliance of Gods (Elder Title) almost destroyed a country when they fought with the Last Golden Wolf. So, if you want to play it, you have to play it bigger like this Holy Grail War! Ah, when I think of this, I can't help it Get excited! The showdown between the United States of America and the Magic Girl! How awesome!"

"There's nothing great about it. Please don't be fooled into thinking that you can defeat my country on your own. In fact, I heard that you were 'erased' twice by the agency."

"Ah, well! I was wiped out, I was wiped out! It hurts a lot. Sure enough, there is strength in numbers, it's really scary." Francesca said nonchalantly about her being wiped out by the country.

"Whether it's a government that joins forces with you again decades later, or you work with a government that wants to eradicate itself, I just can't understand it."

"This means that your boss recognizes my strength. I don't care about the details, it's as simple as that. As for the physical destruction, I'm used to it."

"Although I know how you exist, it's really unbelievable to me that you would say such things."

"For me, there is nothing to despair about when my body is destroyed. Speaking of which, there is only one person who has killed me in a real sense. Although there are several people who have killed my body, it can make me 'admit defeat' There are probably only a handful of them.”

Francesca smiled and looked up into the void as if she was remembering the past, grinding her teeth together.

"Let me think about it, first of all, there is the old man Quishua, the hedonist Saint Germain, the fairy tale witch who has lived for a long time...ah, now it should be called 'lived' for a long time, right? The rich vampire from Monaco, who is in a certain school Talking about teachers who can use a very ancient dialect (GodoWord), and the masters who taught me magic."

After hearing these names and words, Faldius, who was well versed in all aspects of the magic world, couldn't help but think, "Is she kidding?" But the nickname that finally popped out of Francesca's mouth was very familiar to him.

"Ah, that's right! And that kid! Scar Red!"

"If you shout that in front of her, she will kill you."

The female magician was not only a talented puppeteer whose status was much higher than that of Faldius and Langar, she was also one of the strongest magicians in the Clock Tower. However, this particular nickname contains a mixture of contempt and awe - it has a certain reputation among the magicians of the Clock Tower, but it is also an absolute taboo.

The female magician reached the final crown position - the "Grand", and was awarded the title of "Color" by the Clock Tower. But she didn't get the title "Blue" she wanted, nor even the "Red" of the three primary colors. She only got a color similar to red.

Therefore, the female magician hated this ironic nickname. Legend has it that anyone who dared to call her this in front of her was killed by her without exception.

Faldius knew very well that it was not just a legend, but a true fact.

——However, Miss Francesca still dares to say it in front of me...

Francesca seemed to have guessed what Faldius was thinking, and said with a giggle:

"Well, as you can imagine, I am no exception. I screamed like this in front of her and was killed by her many times!"

After laughing, Francesca puffed up her cheeks and looked a little unhappy.

"Oh, I was really miserable at that time! That guy was really annoying and insidious. After destroying my workshop, he also took away the magic tools in the photo. If I killed her in turn, the burial would be activated. With the ××××××× in her body, she could resurrect as if nothing had happened. After I was killed by her about thirty times, I asked the woman’s family to help me mediate..."

Francesca probably had some issues with that "family". She sighed, shook her head and said, "In the end, she killed me again and threatened, 'Never let me see your crooked ways again. Magic Circuit'! That's why I have this body."

After saying that, Francesca put on her smile again and asked "How is it" provocatively while showing off her soft body.

Faldius didn't even frown, and directly asked his question: "You got this body three years ago, right? When the senior management proposed to hire 'her', the reason why you firmly opposed it was because of this ?"

"There are also reasons for this...the child will refuse anyway, right? She never does anything she is not interested in. Her whole family is the kind of people who put interests first, not even paying attention to money. . Ah, but if I send her a request and ask her, 'Can I make a doll suitable for heroic spirits, so that heroic spirits can have bodies', maybe she will help me."

The matters between these magicians are not directly related to the Holy Grail War at this stage.

Francesca suppressed the smile on her face and said: "Although I am not suitable to say this kind of thing, the doll of the injured sister can perfectly copy the memory, and it even makes people wonder whether even the soul has been destroyed. And copied.”


Faldius wanted to say something, but frowned and swallowed it.

Francesca simply said what he was hesitating to say: "Perhaps the child has reached the third magic? If so, what we are doing will become a farce! Haha , which is quite satisfying!”

Seeing the girl laughing again, Faldius just frowned even more and sighed: "There is nothing to be happy about. This is not only a loss for the country, but also a loss for the magic world."

"It doesn't matter. In a short time, the third magic will no longer be magic. And, 'reducing the third magic to magic'...haven't you forgotten that this is your ultimate goal?"

"Ours? Not yours?"

"That's just my goal, just a way station. After the planet is developed for a few more stages, it can be reproduced. The same goes for the Holy Grail War, so I will hold as many Holy Grail Wars as possible. You have to work hard to analyze it. Its pattern."

Francesca replied in a gentle tone as if she loved something.

Faldius opened his eyes wide and said, "I thought your goal was to become a user of the third magic."

Francesca smiled and replied, "I didn't expect that." Then she stretched out her legs on the sofa and jumped down.

"Hey, regardless of the pain, sister, I can't do it with my qualifications. Even if you don't talk about this... As a magician, it doesn't make sense even if I become a magician now, right?"

"Who just said that others are 'hedonists' and that the whole family is the kind of person who puts interests first? This is not what you said at all."

"I didn't say that I was different from them. No, compared to those two, I am cuter."

Seeing that Faldius looked helpless and had nothing to say, Francesca threw away her innocent face before, showing a charming smile that showed maturity, and said: "Can you put a heavy weight on a person?" The magic we have today is okay, but magic that defines the boundaries of human beings should not exist. I have always thought so, and I also believe that the stupidity of trying to fight against that wall is the essence of human beings."

After saying that, she closed her eyes quietly.

It’s like imagining what the future of the upcoming “festival” will be like.

"Whether it's rooted in bottomless goodwill... or bottomless malice."


Underground at a meat processing plant.

"Answer my question, Magician."

great hero——

Or, "something" that throws this word on the other side.

"Are you the master who gave me the trial?"

Someone who could only be described as this appeared in the underground of the meat processing factory where several layers of barriers were laid.

The man who summoned him, Bazdilot Cotilio, replied calmly: "The decision on this matter is not with me, but in your hands."

But the magicians in suits and ties under Bazdilot were sweating coldly, and the magic circuits in their bodies were trembling.

Because they understand at a glance that it is "something" that is different from human beings.

First of all, his body is beyond human standards, and his appearance looks like a statue carved by a god.

He is over two and a half meters tall, and his hair reaches the ceiling.

The burly figure and well-developed muscles—every muscle fiber among them, and every drop of blood flowing in the blood vessels, are full of magical power that can be called divine energy (Od). The magicians couldn't help but think that, let alone half-baked magic, even large-scale magic that required the strength of multiple people to perform could be easily counteracted by his body.

The powerful aura exuding from him dominated the atmosphere of the entire scene. Just his words and deeds in these few seconds made people feel sacred.

Regarding the perfect figure of this heroic spirit, magicians have long been trapped in delusions: if this heroic spirit uses force, we will definitely have no means of parrying; no matter what this heroic spirit wants to do, we can only treat his behavior as Accept it as absolute truth.

In fact, it only takes a few seconds for the heroic spirit to kill all the humans in the room with its bare hands. Although his body and magic power give people an invisible pressure, his attitude is like a gentleman and very steady.

This made him look particularly different. The magicians except Bazdilot were all inspired by the impulse and wanted to escape from this place quickly.

This place is not suitable for ant-like magicians like them.

They saw something they shouldn't have seen.

However, no one moved.

Suppressing the impulse caused by fear is a fear even more terrible than this.

Bazdilot was here, there was no way they could escape first.

The reason is that simple.

Bazdilot seemed to be conversing with the heroic spirits, but the magicians couldn't hear a word.

It was a conversation between creatures far superior to humans and their rulers.

Just when the magicians could barely hear a sound, the heroic spirit's face suddenly darkened.

Seeing the obviously displeased expression on the heroic spirit's face, Bazdilot, the magician's boss, asked expressionlessly: "What's wrong? Answer my question."


"I'm asking you - if you could take action against a young child in order to win."

"I can't do it. If someone orders me to do this, that person is my enemy."

A solemn voice came from the serious-faced hero's mouth, echoing in the room.

"Are you... testing me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible pressure turned into a strong wind and swept through the underground workshop.

It was a pure sense of oppression that was completely different from magic. Ordinary people would die just by being exposed to this heavy breath, but what the magicians were being deprived of at this moment was the freedom of their limbs.

"If you know my origin and still say such things...I will treat your words as 'you decided to pay the price with your life'."

To the magicians at the scene, these words spoken under pressure were tantamount to a death sentence. They believed that they were about to die at the hands of the heroic spirit because of Bazdilot's involvement.

Even so, what emerged in their hearts was not hatred for their superiors, but despairing fear.

Faced with this strong pressure that almost overwhelmed the entire room, Bazdilot did not even move his eyebrows. Instead, he looked back at the heroic spirit with eyes that were completely inhuman and replied: "Of course, I have long since This life is on the line.”

After speaking, he raised his left hand and saw the pattern on the back of his hand shining brightly.

"I command you with a command spell——"

"Too flippant."

The heroic spirit concluded that the other party wanted to use the command spell to make him obey, and couldn't help but shook his head.

The restraint brought by the command spell is only temporary. The heroic spirit also knows very well that as long as his magic power is still there, it is not difficult to break free from the shackles of the Command Seal. Even if the other party ordered him to commit suicide with three command spells, to him, just three suicides were nothing.

However, if this can make the other party understand that the restraint of the Command Seal is meaningless to him, then it doesn't matter if the other party uses this Command Seal. Therefore, the heroic spirit decided not to stop Bazdilot.

This summoned heroic spirit is an extremely upright and upright person.

If it is a heroic spirit that will do whatever it takes when faced with a crisis, then the heroic spirit will twist or cut off the opponent's head before the command spell is activated; if this heroic spirit is summoned as a cavalry or a rogue, Most likely it will do the same.

But this heroic spirit is one of the Three Knights. In order to highlight the "impeccable hero" aspect that has been passed down to this day, he possesses something similar to the spirit of chivalry in his body.

This gave this superhuman hero a fatal flaw.

The order issued using the Command Seal does not require him to swear an oath of obedience.

"Don't hide it."


At the same time that the heroic spirit made a sound, one of Bazdilot's command spells glowed—thick magic seeped into the hero's brain.


Even including the past Holy Grail War, his magic power ranks among the top. He may be controlled by the spiritual interference of the witches of the Gods, but he will never be affected by the spiritual interference of modern magicians.

Even with the bonus of the Command Seal, the magician in front of him must have used "something" to shake his brain violently.

The heroic spirit recalled that he had felt a similar corrosion to this before - what pierced him was an abyss-like curse that was stronger than him.

And now, this man is releasing "something" that has the same origin as that curse to the heroic spirits.

"Bastard...what did you do..."

"There is no need to hide your sins and regrets. Reveal the true nature you hide in your heart. I will imprint it all in my eyes."

Bazdilot's face was expressionless, and in a voice that seemed to come from hell, he threw "tempting" words to the hero.

"What I need is not your power as a hero, but your greed to achieve your goals by any means, and your obsession to choose ruthless means without hesitation even if there is a noble road ahead - it belongs to a human being Obsession.”

Bazdilot whispered to the heroic spirit that had stopped moving, and raised his left hand again.

"I command you again with the Command Seal - recall the humans you have met."

Does this sentence have any special meaning?

Or does it contain some curse-like intention?

This command rumbled in the heroic spirit's ears, and the command curse turned into a ball of magic power and invaded the depths of his brain.

The vision suddenly faded, and what appeared before the heroic spirit's eyes were the various people he had met during his lifetime.

Although there are some people who are distant relatives of God, in front of him, these people are just equal "ordinary humans".

The tyrant had the word cowardice written on his face, his legs became weak, and he cried loudly:

"Okay! I appreciate you! I appreciate you in the name of the king!

"So, don't come near me again, damn monster!"

The blond man with a particularly arrogant attitude said:

“I see, you are ‘——’.

Awesome, so envious! It is indeed the legendary monster!

Don't worry, I will treat you well and use you.

During this time with me, you are no longer a monster.

But the one who protects the future king - the great hero. "

The woman I loved said before she chose death:

"you're not wrong.

So please don't hate the world.

Do not resent your blood.

You are strong, you can definitely do it.

Unlike me, didn't do it. "

Before his head was twisted off and thrown into the fire, the man who was supposed to be an enemy soldier said:


Regardless of the order in which they were met, their appearances overlapped one another layer after layer, and then gradually disappeared.

An unusually large amount of magic power was also poured into his body, as if echoing from afar.


——So much magic power does not belong to people of this era!

——It’s almost like a... witch of our time...

The peerless hero knelt down quietly.

Seeing this incredible scene, Bazdilot's magicians looked at each other.

This man, who clearly existed in a different dimension than them, was being tortured in front of their superiors.

The relationship between Master and Servant——

Anyone who sees this scene will understand that what happened in front of them cannot be explained simply by this sentence.

But magicians also know clearly that achieving this level requires paying a clear price.

In the Holy Grail War, Command Seals can be said to be the lifeline of every Master. The Command Spell can control a follower, force the follower to execute orders, perform teleportation or emergency evacuation, and a series of actions that are only effective for the follower and are similar to magic.

There were only three trump cards, but now two of them have been used up.

The remaining command spell must be kept to prevent the followers from betraying. From this point of view, it can be said that the number of Command Seals Bazdilot can use in this Holy Grail War is zero.

Although this decisive disadvantage made the magicians feel uneasy, even so, they still believed that Bazdilot would definitely find a way out of the predicament. This sense of trust that coexists with fear stabilizes the minds of magicians.

However, this stability collapsed in just a few seconds.

"I command you again with the Command Seal——"

The words that sounded this time really made the magicians in the underground workshop freeze in place.

As soon as Bazdilot summoned the servant, he used all three command spells.

Anyone who knew the Holy Grail War, even a child, would not be able to do such a stupid thing, but Bazdilot did it.

The magicians looked at Bazdilot, and this time they were really mentally prepared to die.

On the other hand, the heroic spirit was suppressing the magic power that was eating away at him while making up his mind.

——This magician is very dangerous.

The heroic spirit did not think Bazdilot's behavior of using the last Command Seal was stupid.

Because the heroic spirit realized that although this magician showed no trace of shame, he had already staked his life - he put everything on the scale in order to change the nature of the heroic spirit.

——No matter what he orders me to do with the last command spell, I must eradicate him.

The heroic spirit doesn't know what the power is that is eroding him.

But the worst-case scenario is that this erosion may also affect other heroic spirits summoned to the Holy Grail War.

The heroic spirit tried his best to suppress the "curse of his lifetime" that surged from the bottom of his heart, and maintained his noble character.

- I have to stop him.

——Stop the evil tyrants who run rampant in this era.

The heroic spirits are suffering from mental pollution that can drive ordinary servants crazy, but what he is thinking about at this time is not how to protect himself, but to help the heroic spirits he has not met yet, as well as the people living in this era.

——It doesn’t matter even if he is called vicious, it doesn’t matter even if he is regarded as a mad spirit who attacks the emperor.

This man, who has been called "the hero among heroes", is determined to defeat the magician in front of him for the sake of someone he doesn't know, regardless of his own reputation.

Just when the heroic spirit got rid of all mental pollution and was about to reach out to the magician's neck——

As if to mock his aloofness, Bazdilot used the last command spell.

"Accept the human clothes (human essence)."

Except for Bazdilot himself, everyone in the workshop saw "that thing".

There is no Command Seal on Bazdilot's left hand.

The cuff of that hand revealed a red and black tattoo that was different from the Command Seal——

It started to squirm like some weird creature. ()

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