
In a dream.

"Wow! Puppy!"

An innocent and lively voice echoed in the sunny courtyard.

"And cats and squirrels!"

The girl jumped around on the lawn of the courtyard chasing small animals, and finally picked up one of them that she caught up with.

"Mr. Hei brought everyone here! Thank you!"

The girl raised her head and looked at the huge black shadow squirming aside - the cavalry.

The girl, Tsubaki, calls this servant "Mr. Black" and doesn't seem to be too afraid of him.

Countless birds were flying in flocks in the sky, and several small animals were running around energetically around her.

In this open-air courtyard like a zoo, Chun felt very happy.

"Tsubaki, it's time for lunch."

"Wash your hands well!"


Hearing his parents' calls, Chun walked towards the door.

Before entering, she turned back and took another look at the sunny courtyard scenery.

The birds are singing.

Cats and dogs lie on the lawn basking in the sun.

A family of squirrels is eating fruit.

Everything is her ideal "courtyard" scenery.

The only abnormality was the huge black shadow swaying in the center, but Chun didn't think he was an abnormality, and she smiled contentedly.

But she didn't know what kind of price it would cost in the real world to realize this small courtyard.



"Next news. The animal hospitals in Snowfield are now at full capacity. Since early this morning, animals have fallen asleep in various parts of the city. Citizens are worried whether this means that a new infectious disease has begun to spread in the city. .Although the comatose animals woke up quickly, red and black spots appeared on their skin. The city government is investigating together with the Ministry of Health——"

As the news was broadcast on the city's cable TV, a carefree voice rang out from a motel room.

"Wow, the procedure is finally completed! Mr. Bennett, Mr. Xuanhao, I succeeded!"

"Yes. I'm happy, but it's best not to call out my real name so openly." Bennett felt extremely helpless for his master, "Although I don't know if anyone in this world will know the meaning of my real name." , but according to the rules of the Holy Grail War, it is best not to reveal your real name easily."

"Ah, yes! Sorry! Then give you a nickname! Let me think about it...such as the British Hell Slasher?" Flatt thought for a moment and said.

"Although I did once transform into Jack the Ripper, but... forget it, I think you should just call me Berserker." Bennett hesitated to speak.

As his master, Flatt can share information about both sides with him through dreams. Therefore, Flatt has seen him incarnate into various historical figures and fight gods in the arena of 'Twilight of the Gods' in the past few days. scene. And these days, he has been trying to find out about his glorious deeds like a curious baby, which makes him feel extremely helpless.

But getting back to the point, what Flatt said about 'success' had something to do with the mobile phone he was holding in his hand.

It was the latest model of mobile phone that could send e-mails with photos and make international long distance calls. With it, you can contact the master in the clock tower, which is why Flatt is so happy.

"It finally works. I finally bought a mobile phone yesterday, but it can only be used as a camera and radio."

Flatt looked at the photos saved on his phone, which even showed the opera house after the explosion.

"I should have used my mobile phone to record the heroic spirit's speech yesterday. It's all because I was too excited about the interview and missed the opportunity to record him."

"Hmm... In order to obtain information about hostile heroic spirits, taking photos can be considered a means..." Bennett reluctantly allowed himself to accept the Master's idea optimistically.

"Ah, but I took a picture of the Death Apostle and another heroic spirit!" After saying that, Flatt showed Bennett and Xuan Hao the screen of his mobile phone. The picture showed the dead man who caused a scene in the parking lot of the police station yesterday. only.

"This thing is so precious! Because the other people who took the photos were given hints by the church and deleted the photos themselves! Ah, luckily I had done training to avoid hints!"

"Calm down first. Although I am also curious about vampires, I am more concerned about the 'another heroic spirit' you mentioned. Please give me more details." Bennett was a little confused after hearing this.

Because in the photo he clearly saw only the Dead Apostles.

"Ah, that's right. You were only watching the battle between the priest and the Dead Apostle, and you didn't notice the heroic spirit." Flatt didn't seem surprised by this, "But Mr. Xuanhao should have noticed it, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at Xuan Hao.

"Are you talking about that shiny guy?" Xuan Hao answered matter-of-factly.

"Yes, yes!" Flatt smiled happily, "'golden glitter'! That's a good description. Mr. Xuanhao, you are really a genius."

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about? Am I the only one who hasn't noticed?" Bennett wondered if he was the weakest among the three.

As a heroic spirit, it doesn't matter if he can't compare to Mr. Xuanhao. After all, this man is an out-of-standard monster.

But what's the situation when you can't even compare to your own Master?

"Oh, because he only appeared for a moment, I wanted to tell you later." Flat replied nonchalantly.

Hearing Flatt's nonchalant tone, Bennett thought to himself, "Should I give him a serious reprimand?" Just when he was about to give this kid a little look and make him realize that he was quite powerful, he was interrupted by Fu. Larter's preemptive words poured cold water on him.

"And I think if that heroic spirit finds out that I'm paying attention to him, he will kill me instantly."

"...What?" Bennett was a little surprised when he heard this. He thought he heard wrongly. This was the first time that his fearless Master realized his own weakness and belittled himself in such a way. It was really gratifying and congratulatory... Oh no, it was commendable.

However...his master not only downplayed his brush with death, but even remembered it after such a long time. Crazy Bennett felt speechless again. While feeling uneasy, he also felt a strange sense of security.

"...You are really...I thought you were just an idiot, but I didn't expect you to be quite decisive in some places." He was referring to Flatt's decisive choice to hide his aura after realizing that he was outmatched. He didn't even tell him the information about the heroic spirit's presence. Otherwise, as a heroic spirit, he would have gone up to fight with that heroic spirit to test it out.

"Have you always thought of me as a fool?" Flatt smiled.

"Are you angry?" Bennett was a little confused.

"No, I'm actually very happy." Flatt smiled happily, recalling the clock tower that he called his second hometown, and said: "Since I was a child, many people have been afraid of me and avoided me... very few people will For people like you to call me stupid and idiot face to face, the only ones who would say that are the professor and his princess sister, as well as my classmates and graduates in the same classroom as me..."

Listening to Flatt's emotional words, Bennett first sympathized, but then changed his mind within a second.

"Isn't this... enough?"

"Don't worry about the details! Let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about the heroic spirit!? Speaking of which, this is the first time I have seen a person condensed with such powerful energy. Let's not talk about his abilities and what his real name is. Just by being seen by him, I feel like I will be killed instantly by him." Although Flatt's expression was still the same as usual, anyone could see that this young man did not tell a lie.

"It is indeed more than enough to kill you instantly..." Xuan Hao on the side nodded slightly when he heard this, "It should be said that except for some super powerful heroic spirits, he can easily kill anyone."

"!! Wow! Does Mr. Xuan Hao know the identity of this heroic spirit?" Listening to Xuan Hao's evaluation, Flat's eyes lit up, "So is Mr. Xuan Hao sure about facing him?"


Xuan Hao looked at the excited young man in front of him speechlessly.

Although he has felt this way for a long time, he still wants to say...this guy is really a problem child.


A few minutes later, London's Clock Tower.

When morning dawned in Snowfield, London was still a long way from dawn.

In a room in the clock tower at the center of the Magic Association, two officials were talking face to face as consultants on the "Holy Grail War in Snowfield."

"That guy is really stupid and stupid... he is a complete problem child..."

Seeing Lord El-Melloi II's cheeks twitching and groaning, the old man sitting with him - Locke Belfebon sighed and comforted: "Your Excellency II, I sympathize with you."

What the two of them are watching is a video sent back by the magician who sneaked into Snowfield.

The water mirror used for magic communication is showing the news broadcast on local cable TV in Snowfield.

"Eh? Is this a TV interview? Wow - I wonder if the professor and sister Lenise are watching!"

When he saw Flatt, who was excited for the camera, El-Melloi II had the illusion that his stomach was dancing like a saw.

Seeing the deep furrow between El-Melloi's brows, Locke said in a sympathetic tone: "Although I was the one who pushed him to you in the first place, and I am partly responsible, to be honest, you haven't given up yet. He, I don’t know whether to say I admire him or I am speechless.”

The old magician changed his sitting position and continued: "I didn't expect that both of you, master and apprentice, secretly participated in the Holy Grail War without telling your professor. It seems that recklessness can be taught by words and deeds."

"I'm speechless."

"But, although Flat is a problem student, he is undoubtedly a genius. What if he can really bring the Great Holy Grail system back to the Clock Tower? That would be a great joy. What if he can bring the heroic spirit to the Clock Tower? Tower can also become a research object that subverts history."

To put it simply, the old man just wants to take advantage of the good things.

El-Melloi II lightly shrugged and said: "I see, it is indeed what the director of the Summoning Department and the Lord of the Spiritual Souls Department would say. However, if it is the director of the Spiritual Souls Department of Uliphis, he probably won't even be the 'research subject' I won’t even say it, but just use ‘assets’ to call the heroic spirits.”

"Stop sarcastic. Acting as a monarch means nothing. You should know this best."

"Well, it's the same for me. At most, I just hold seats for others. I don't know whether my princess will grow up first, or whether the honor guard who went to Fuyuki and other special places will come back first."

"I told you, stop sarcastic."

Locke is an extremely stubborn conservative in the Clock Tower. Originally, a "temporary monarch who was neither a conservative nor a reformist" like El-Melloi II was not even qualified to raise his head and speak to him, but the two The current conversation makes people feel that they belong to almost equal status.

One of the reasons is that Locke's position is somewhat similar to that of El-Melloi II.

The original monarch of the Semantics Department, the head of the Director Yulipis family and his heir Bram Nazere Sophiali temporarily left the Clock Tower for a special mission. During their long absence, Locke took their place as king.

Although Locke desires power, he also understands that his status is not worthy of the position of king, so he will feel inferior every time he meets, especially when he is looked down upon by other kings such as Bartholomew. He even feels that he is It will take a few years off your life.

Therefore, Locke seems to be very sympathetic to El-Melloi II, who is even more unworthy of his name than himself.

"But what needs more attention than Flat is the man in armor behind him. If the man is a heroic spirit, it means that the people in that place are not capable of keeping the Holy Grail War secret."

"That's really unexpected..."

El-Melloi II originally wanted to say that it was unheard of for a heroic spirit to take the initiative to expose himself to the camera, but a certain bold and upright heroic spirit suddenly appeared in his mind. If that person had a chance to be on camera, maybe he could even tell his real name.

"...But, well, the so-called Holy Grail War is that people can't figure out what will happen next."

El-Melloi II muttered vaguely, and then told his opinion about confidentiality.

"The secrecy method adopted by the Holy Church and us can last for another five years at most. Five years later, everyone will be able to upload high-definition videos to social networks in real time through their mobile phones. By then, compared with confidentiality, intelligence will The diffusion power will gain the upper hand. We will soon face a point of disagreement, whether to explore new methods of confidentiality or to make part of it public to ordinary people."

“Excuse my ignorance, is social networking some kind of magic word?”

Thinking that the old man in front of him was a stubborn conservative magician who not only did not have a mobile phone, but was unwilling to install an ordinary phone, El-Melloi II thought about how to explain to him.

Coincidentally, at this moment, a message alert came from the mobile phone in my arms.

"Feel sorry."

El-Melloi II opened his phone and saw that it was from an unknown address - but when he saw the title "Master of Magicians of the Absolute Realm", he understood everything.

El-Melloi II cursed in his heart, tried his best to keep calm, and said: "My stupid and stupid disciple finally seems to have news."

"Oh? This is really a good thing."

El-Melloi II checked the content of the message——

"Hi Professor! From today on, I have a mobile phone! Thanks to the Professor, I summoned the best heroic spirit! Look, this is my Berserker!"

Attached to the message was a photo of a steampunk-style watch.

"What is he talking about...Why can't I understand a word..."

Could it be that Flatt had obtained the madness skill? The second generation was doubtful, but he regained his composure when he thought that this might be his inherent skill.

Seconds later, Flatt sent another message.

"I found the first heroic spirit on the street! Ah, including the berserker and the man in armor, he should be the third one, right? He looks scary. I don't dare to say hello to him. What should I do? How about making friends with him?"

"That idiot is really..."

Ni Ni felt his stomach begin to shake his head to the death metal music, and clicked on the photo attached to the text message.

When he saw the man in the photo sitting in the back seat of a Cadillac wearing exaggerated clothing——

His stomach stopped crying instantly.

Not only his stomach, but his breathing, blinking, and even his heartbeat may have stopped for a few seconds.


"Your Majesty II, what's wrong?"

After hearing Locke's worried inquiry, the doubtful points in El-Melloi II's heart finally connected.

Information about craters appearing in the desert.

Although this heroic spirit looked unfamiliar in his clothes and hairstyle, there was no way he could identify him by mistake. He was the incomparably powerful servant that he had seen in Fuyuki.

Since that heroic spirit was involved, it's not surprising that a crater would appear.

Seeing the pale-faced Second, Locke was a little worried that he would collapse again due to mental and physical exhaustion.

However, as if he suddenly recovered from the state where time stopped, El-Melloi II stood up with great strength.

"...I'm sorry, can I send a text message?"


Although he was wondering, "Text message? Are you writing a letter here? Where can I find a pen?" Locke was still calmed down by the serious expression of El-Melloi II and could only nod his head. It seems that Locke regarded the information received by the Second World just now as magical telepathy or other forms of communication.

El-Melloi II turned his back to the old magician and typed text into his mobile phone with his fingers flying.

"As your professor, I ask you not to get close to that heroic spirit no matter what happens."

After the fight, El-Melloi II thought for a while and added another sentence.

"Hurry up and send me your phone number, you ******"


At the same time, the Royal Suite on the top floor of Snowfield's "Crystal Hill".

A photo of himself caused a magician's heart to stop for several seconds - Gilgamesh, who was unaware of this, was standing in the top-floor room surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the street scene below.

"Hahaha! Just comparing the scenery of the road and the pavilion, Uruk is even better!"

Comparing the city he ruled in the past with this one, Gilgamesh laughed happily.

He first went back to Tini's workshop in his Cadillac, asking her to bring the most basic things, and then took her to the top floor of the casino hotel.

The funds were of course the proceeds from the casino last night, and the hotel also regarded them as "distinguished guests who spent the winnings from our home at our home."

In addition to Tini, several of her men in black also stayed in the hotel as bodyguards.

Thus a combination was formed - a striking man with a group of people who treated him respectfully.

To the hotel staff, they probably looked like "a rich man and his entourage who came from nowhere." In terms of age, Tini is either the daughter of a follower, the adopted daughter of a rich man, or someone else.

Although Tini didn't understand Gilgamesh's intention, she guessed that maybe because he was a king, he wanted to use the most luxurious place in the city as his base.

But for Tiny, moving to such a conspicuous place would only make her uneasy.

Maybe the hostile magicians who built the "city" are watching them. And this is not even a workshop. If you want to resist enemy attacks, you will need to spend a lot of time to transform it.

However, even if this place was turned into a workshop, it would still not be able to alleviate Tini's uneasiness.

"I heard that in the past Holy Grail War, there was an incident where the entire hotel collapsed and the workshop was destroyed. The enemy's organization is very powerful and may blow up the entire 'Crystal Hill'."

Hearing Tini's suggestion, Gilgamesh responded simply: "If they want to blow it up, let them blow it up. I wanted to say that you have to handle such a small matter yourself. But after all, it was me who called you Come on, if this place is really blown up, I will lend you some parachutes."

Gilgamesh looked down at the street scene with an elegant manner, and said such words. It was unclear whether he was serious or joking.

Then he walked to the west side of the room, stared at the large forest at the end of the field of vision and murmured: "Haha, my friend seems to be very happy too, to actually make such a vast forest dance."

Hearing this, Tini also looked in the direction of the forest.

As a clan that protects the land, she quickly understood what was happening there.

The whole forest changed, as if it had turned into a living creature, restless.


"Well, when I get interested someday, I will tell you the story between me and him. Speaking of which, yesterday was really a fulfilling reunion feast. If no one interferes, we can celebrate Three days and nights."

Such a spectacular battle... lasted for three days and three nights... Listening to Gilgamesh speaking so terrifyingly, Tini couldn't help but sweat broke out from nervousness on her back.

If that were the case, I'm afraid the entire city would be wiped off the map.

This King of Heroes is not joking. If it were him, he could really fight for three days and three nights in a row.

If he couldn't do it, he must blame himself as the Master.

As a magician who has inherited the power from generations of ancestors, Tini believes that she has certain abilities.

But facing such powerful heroic spirits, what can she do?

Although Tini has been in such confusion all the way, she still decided to dedicate everything she had.

"...Right now, our companions are tracking the movements of other magicians. The head of the Caoqiu family, who we originally suspected of building one of the city systems, is now behaving in a way that has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War."

"Why do you need to report these things to me? As the master, it is up to you to decide how to act."


Gilgamesh glanced at the disappointed Tini, showed a malicious smile and asked: "Tini, I want to ask you, do you want to take back this land, right?"


"Then don't you think it would be more efficient to raze those bastard magicians to the ground along with this mediocre landscape?"


This isn't like a joke. Gilgamesh, the Hero King, would easily put into action what he just said.

Because Tini already understood from the battle in the desert a day ago that Gilgamesh had such strength.

"You are joking..."

"Are you kidding? Isn't this the closest answer to your 'ancestor's long-cherished wish'? What is the difference between the life of the clown who first summoned me here and the lives of the mediocre bastards in this city? Use your hands Isn't it the simplest and fastest way to order my king to 'raze the city' with a command spell? If you want to give your companions time to evacuate, I, the king, can also wait for you."

Tini thought for a moment and timidly replied: "If we resort to such atrocities...then there will be no difference between me and the magicians who took away the land."

"Not enough. This is not the answer you came up with, but the answer you found."

Being seen through so easily made Tini feel deeply ashamed.

She also knew that this was not the real answer.

I clearly swore to become more greedy than those magicians and take back the land. But why do I hesitate? Do I hesitate to destroy this city?

why why why?

Tini, who didn't even understand her own thoughts, was shocked and couldn't help but lower her head.

If you are unable to answer the king's question, you should not complain even if you are executed.

The heart that had been abandoned by her was gradually filled with fear.

She had long been prepared to die, but now, she was terrified that she had disappointed this heroic spirit.

Gilgamesh saw Tini's appearance clearly and naturally understood what she was thinking, so he smiled and continued: "If you have doubts, that's fine."


"This is the only way to break the blind faith. Don't worry, I just wanted to tease you a little because of your sad face. Forget it."

Although what he just said didn't sound like "teasing" at all, Tini still breathed a sigh of relief. However, the questions that Tini asked herself just now did not disappear, they were still lingering in her heart.

Gilgamesh turned his attention to the street scene again and said boredly: "But let's not talk about your wish. Just looking at this crowded crowd, don't you have the urge to make them all disappear?"


"Tsk, I personally walked around the streets yesterday and found that many of the hybrids in this era have no survival value. Although it is a good thing for hybrids to prosper in my courtyard, it is not enough if they only grow in number but not in quantity. Nothing but ugliness remains.”

"What are you going to do...?"

Tiny was worried that the King of Heroes would suddenly say something about "eradicating" the citizens from his sight, but Gilgamesh shrugged and replied: "Don't worry, I will not condescend to clean up the trash. .”

He looked down at the street, his tone still very boring.

"If they are possessed by gods or those who seriously want to celebrate life, then I will separate them from the bastards, but this is not what I want to consider now. If the bastards choose They are dying slowly, so all I have to do is watch their stupid end, and then laugh at it."

He seemed to be nostalgic for the distant past and said to himself: "If they were destroyed by raging monsters in my courtyard, then I would naturally not ignore it. But if this is the path chosen by the bastards themselves, , then I will not interfere. If they do not realize that they have other options, I can serve as a road sign to let them feel the taste of hardship."

Hearing this sentence, Tini felt relieved and fearful at the same time.

This hero king really treats the entire earth as his own garden. And he is also the king of kings who has a firm "self" and makes all judgments on mankind.

Tini felt that it was something different from divine punishment. Trying to figure out what it was, she stared at Gilgamesh intently.

"What's wrong? Have you finally discovered that the best entertainment in the world is to gaze at the glory of my king? Very good, I am right. Just look at me carefully, and then tell your children and grandchildren about my majesty. , until the moment the planet is destroyed."

Gilgamesh was probably joking this time, but he seemed to be serious.

Although I don't understand him very well, he is really a very powerful person... Even though he looks mature, Tiny is still a child after all. She seems to combine Gilgamesh's strange words and deeds with the things that are beyond ordinary people's common sense. On the one hand, they all regard it as "the qualities that a king should have."

In a sense, the two of them were quite a match, but the King of Heroes was indifferent to this and casually said something reckless: "Okay, what we have to do today... let's clean out the lice first."


"Well, there is an incomprehensible guy who disturbed my reunion with my friend. I walked around the streets all day yesterday and couldn't find the rude guy. In this case, just wait for him to show up on his own initiative. Bar."

"Wait...do you want to be here?" Tini asked in confusion.

The King of Heroes replied with a confident voice: "Of course. One of the most powerful enemies in the Holy Grail War is now occupying this most eye-catching place. How could anyone not notice it? Well, another powerful enemy, that is, My friend is having a lot of fun in the forest right now... no matter which side the lice are attracted to, there will eventually be fewer of them."

I don’t know where Gilgamesh got the basis for this, but in short, his tone was full of confidence.

"Insects cannot resist the dazzling light. Once attracted, they will be burned without leaving a trace."

Gilgamesh just finished speaking.

A sharp gust of wind passed through the streets of Snowfield.


Office of the Police Commissioner.

"Yeah - are you okay? Little cutie."

Hearing Francesca address him in a harsh voice, Orlando replied in disgust: "Go away, old witch."

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Although I knew you were calling me like this behind my back, it was really hurtful to hear it with my own ears. I prefer physical harm to mental harm. I hope your attitude can be more polite. .”

"Shut up."

Orlando showed obvious hostility towards the girl dressed in Gothic Lolita, but the latter had no intention of going back.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up. But I still want to say one thing. You call me old witch and old witch all day long, but I have only used this body for three years, and the internal organs are still very clean. You have to see see?"

With that said, Francesca lifted up her clothes and exposed her belly.

With this exposure, people could see that there was something strange on her belly. There is something on the abdomen that seems clean at first glance that should not be there.

It was a wide zipper that grew directly on the flesh.

The zipper, which seems to be made of human teeth, extends from the left and right ribs to just below the belly button, making people reluctant to imagine what they will see once they are opened.

"Do you want to see it? Do you want to see it? Do you want to see it? A girl's secret, secret, internal organs."

Francesca said with a bewitching smile, but Orlando remained indifferent.

"What's the matter with you? Are you here to laugh at our defeat?"

"How could it be? I'm here to visit you! What a disaster. The Dead Apostle actually became the Master. I didn't expect it at all! We need to get rid of him quickly!"

"Listening to your nonsense, who wouldn't know that you are secretly happy and think things are getting more and more interesting."

"Ah, has the secret been exposed? But I really hate the Death Apostles, because they are the enemies of mankind. I am a partner of mankind, so I will not let them succeed."

Seeing Francesca holding her head high with confidence, Orlando said in disgust again: "You are just competing with each other for food."

"Eh heh heh heh? Are you in a bad mood? Are you so shocked? Is it because that handsome priest stole the spotlight?"

"I'm more concerned about how the Holy Church will deal with it."

"Just ignore them for now. Anyway, if a Master wants to take refuge with them, they will definitely do so themselves."

Francesca twirled her umbrella and suddenly said angrily: "Actually, what happened in the evening was not fun for me."


"Because in the end, the only ones who attract attention are the agents and the dead disciples! No, no, this is not possible! How can we let outsiders like that steal the show in the early stages?"

Francesca swung her fist and umbrella in the air.

While waving, she suddenly stopped, opened her arms widely, and asserted to someone unknown: "The essence of the Holy Grail War is indeed still in the heroic spirits (servants) and the magicians (masters)!"


"...Don't you think so?"

Francesca looked at Orlando and smiled evilly.

At this moment, there was a "boom" and all the glass windows in the director's office were shattered.

Not only the chief's office, but also the windows on the north side of the entire police station turned into fragments in the wind amid the whistling sound.

"Hahahahahaha! It's started! Have you bought the venue book? Did you get popcorn? Ah, the police chief still chooses donuts, right? If you don't hurry up, you will miss this battle of the century."


Orlando glared fiercely at Francesca. At this moment, he didn't know that it wasn't just the police station where the windows were shattered...


A few dozen seconds ago, the Great Valley north of Snowfield.

A few kilometers further north from the cave where Gilgamesh was summoned, there is a red soil valley.

On a high plateau that was almost the same altitude as the top of the "Crystal Hill", stood a man.

It was a thin man almost over two meters tall.

In his hand he held a bow.

The bow was larger than an ordinary wooden bow, but seemed very small in the hands of a tall man.

The clothing on the man can no longer be described as fantastic, it can simply be called "weird".

The first thing that attracts attention is a long strip of cloth covering the body lengthwise.

The cloth was not draped over his shoulders.

Instead, it covered the top of his head, directly covering his face and back of his head. The hanging cloth also covered the front and back of his body.

At best, he could only see the outline of his ears through the gaps in the cloth, and he didn't even know if he could see the front.

Although the body under the long cloth is still tied with a belt, it is wearing pants and no shoes. But the upper body seemed to have nothing but that piece of cloth, and only the exposed skin was covered with rich dye.

In addition, his body was also painted with a certain pattern using white dye, but it was blocked by the long cloth and the complete pattern could not be seen clearly.

At first glance, this man looks like a character in a horror game chasing the protagonist everywhere. He raised his lips and smiled under the cover of the long cloth, and silently drew the bow to full capacity.

Then he loosened the bow string and shot an arrow.

That arrow far exceeded the speed of wind and even exceeded the speed of sound.


Over Snowfield.

The wind slashed through the streets of Snowfield in a straight line.

Tearing the air, releasing shock waves, and making roars ring out all around are already a matter of time after the wind blows.

There is an arrow in the center of the wind.

The direction of the arrow is to the top floor of the "Crystal Hill", a high-rise building built in the center of Snowfield.

After this arrow was shot by the mysterious man from the high ground in the valley, it did not slow down or slide down at all. The arrow violated the laws of physics and rushed forward like a laser.

The moving distance of the arrow has reached twenty kilometers. This alone is enough to prove that the archer is not an ordinary human or magician.

The shock wave passed through the sky of the city, and the glass of the buildings below were shattered one after another due to the sound and impact.

If they were shot directly by something like this, neither humans nor heroic spirits would be safe.

As long as this blow touches the head, the upper body of the target will be turned into powder in an instant.

The arrow heads straight towards the target.

He looked towards the heads of the Hero King Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the top of the Crystal Hill, and the girl Master standing next to him.


"Crystal Hill" Royal Suite.

Tini, who had been facing Gilgamesh, suddenly turned her attention to the window on the north side.


The sound has not reached here yet.

She just noticed a strange disorder in the magic power in the air and looked over involuntarily.

However, by the time she felt the cracking wind, it was already too late.

The "death" that had transformed into a dot had already approached so close that the girl had no time to react.

No matter what he did, he couldn't avoid the arrow that exceeded the speed of sound.

At least she does.

Just when the arrow approached only twenty meters away from the hotel, lightning and thunder outside the window suddenly occurred.

A dazzling flash of light pierced the sky, and countless tiny lightning bolts lit up immediately.

One of the thunderbolts hit the arrow, knocking the supposed killing arrow into the air before it hit the target.

The glass in the room was shattered by the shock wave, which hit everyone in the room.


Silent chant——

The wind that rolled up from Tini's hand turned into a protective wall and bounced away all the glass fragments that came towards her, Gilgamesh and the people in black.

"Are you okay?" Tini adjusted her breathing and then asked Gilgamesh.

Hearing this, the uninjured King of Heroes replied displeasedly: "It's okay."

"The thunder just now was..."

"The entire lightning strike is my king's Noble Phantasm. They seem to be hitting something."

After hearing what Gilgamesh said casually, Tini couldn't help but repeat it: "Attack?"

She looked out the window and saw several disks floating above the building.

Under the beautiful distant scenery, the Noble Phantasm composed of various geometric patterns is wrapped with small thunder and lightning, and it is constantly rotating around as if it is always on guard.

"That is the Auto Defender. After all, my friend may launch a surprise attack on me as a joke. Just in case, I will set it there, but..."

Gilgamesh looked to the north and took out a precious phantom from the "Treasure House".

It was a golden ring also floating in the air, with a wonderful distorted lens inlaid in the center.

Although it looks like just a lens, it can reflect distant scenery like a telescope.

"I didn't expect it to bounce off the Archer's arrow."

Appearing in the ring was an arrogant man raising his bow in their direction.


A flash of doubt flashed through Tini's mind.

The only archer here is Gilgamesh.

Could it be a class servant such as a cavalry, a stalker or a berserker who uses a bow as a weapon?

Tini saw the archer through the golden ring, and was first surprised by his high ability value.

Looking at the total ability value alone, he even surpassed Gilgamesh.

Really a Berserker?

While Tiny was wary, Gilgamesh whispered expressionlessly: "...Is it coming?"

But when he said these words, the "second arrow" had already been shot.

The automatic defense Noble Phantasm launched a lightning strike, trying to catch the flying arrow - but even though the arrow was hit by several lightning strikes, it still missed Gilgamesh in the gap between the lightning strikes.

The propagation speed of electricity in the air - that is, the speed of thunder - is slower than that of light, but logically speaking, it is more than enough to catch ordinary arrows.

However, the speed of that arrow exceeded human limits.

Gilgamesh instantly transformed into armor and swung down the arrow with his left arm.

But perhaps because the power was not completely resolved, part of his armor shattered, leaving gold fragments on the floor.


Gilgamesh looked at his damaged armor with an indifferent expression and narrowed his eyes slightly——

"Although he is good at archery... he is a barbarian who does not know etiquette. Let him remove the rust from the king's treasure!"

next moment.

A huge Noble Phantasm appeared on the top floor of the hotel and rested outside the broken window.

"This is……"

"Tini, come to the back."

"May I?"

"By leaving you here, I cannot protect you from being shot by that ominous arrow. You, the Master, cannot die until I fulfill my agreement with my friend."

After hearing the facts stated calmly by the "King", Tini nodded vigorously and entered the back of the huge Noble Phantasm.

This Noble Phantasm looks like a golden yacht with huge fairy wings.

Its name is "Vimana".

It is one of the Noble Phantasms owned by Gilgamesh and is a small aerial battleship.

The King's Treasure, which is said to contain everything in the world, contains not only weapons, but also the crystallization of all wisdom created by mankind.

As soon as Tini lay down behind Vimana, Gilgamesh ordered the golden machine to set off.

The sudden acceleration almost caused Tini to be blown down. She used the magic of avoiding the wind and manipulating gravity to barely allow herself to adjust her balance and breathing.

Gilgamesh stood firmly on the bow of the ship and let the ship sail straight towards the location of the archers.

From time to time, we encountered several arrows that seemed to be shot by archers on the way, but they were all knocked down without landing by the dozens of interception systems deployed around them.


The girl realized what she was riding on again and couldn't help but admire it.

"There are even such treasures..."

In the voice of the girl who has given up her feelings, is it fear or longing?


The high ground in the valley north of Snowfield.


The archer looked at the golden ship coming in front of him and quietly made a sound. His voice was very deep, and you could hear the frank sighs and slight self-deprecation in it.

"You were the one who attacked me first. You don't want to ask me to spare your life, do you?"

Gilgamesh walked from the bow of the ship to the high ground, and the strange archer standing ten meters away slowly raised his head.

"Any last words?"

Gilgamesh asked, but received no answer from the mysterious archer.

The mysterious archer just remained silent, calmly drew his bow, pointed at Tini who poked her head out from the back of Vimana, and shot the arrow without hesitation.

An arrow exceeding the speed of sound was shot at Tini's face.

Although the powerful wind barrier mitigated the shock wave, it could not prevent the powerful arrow.

Tiny once again recognized the death that was approaching her.

But the next moment, Vimana's Noble Phantasm of Attack shot down the arrow at the critical moment.

"Stupid, do you think it can't be activated without me on top?"

The archer ignored Gilgamesh and shot the second and third arrows in succession.

Although Tini had already hid on the inside of the ship, the archers still drew their bows and fired arrows with the momentum that penetrated Vimana.


Completely ignoring Gilgamesh's words, the arrow mercilessly passed by the side of Gilgamesh's head.

Anyone who sees this scene should be able to understand.

The real purpose of the archers was not to shoot down Tini and the ship, but simply to provoke Gilgamesh, the hero king.

I don't know whether Gilgamesh didn't notice the other party's provocation, or maybe he noticed it, but felt annoyed because the other party ignored him and only sniped at the Master. Gilgamesh's calm tone was filled with anger. : "I see, if you are obsessed with winning or want to win easily, this is indeed the right choice. Under the same circumstances, I might also do this out of fun."

It seemed that the King of Heroes agreed with the other party's approach, but the next moment, Gilgamesh immediately added: "However, this is something that only I am qualified to do, not something that a guy like you should do!"

Gilgamesh shouted extremely arrogant words and shot countless Noble Phantasms from the "Gate of Babylon" that opened behind him.

Under the rain of swords with high-level Noble Phantasms mixed in, no one must be able to hold on.

However, the archer swung the bow with his left hand and knocked down the Noble Phantasms that were shot faster than the common sense of heroic spirits.

"What?" Gilgamesh seemed surprised that the 'archer' in front of him could survive.

The 'Archer' remained silent even after knocking down dozens of Noble Phantasms without any damage. He stretched out two fingers to Gilgamesh and made a provocative gesture of "Come on".

Seeing this, Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes, suppressed his passion and said on the high ground: "...So it's like this, he is really an unruly guy. So...how about this move?"

As he spoke, he showed a playful smile and spread out the "King's Treasure" on the high ground.

Entrances to the treasure house spread out in all directions, surrounding the archers, and the entrance began to roll like a tornado.

Then, countless Noble Phantasms were shot out like machine guns, and the light and impact twisted into high tornadoes on the high ground.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands of Noble Phantasms fell towards the man standing at the center of the tornado.

That might be the blade;

That may be wisdom;

That may be pain;

That might be redemption.

There is a dragon-slaying long knife;

There is the magic sword that brings destruction;

There are spears that kill heroes;

There is invisible thunder and lightning.

All Noble Phantasms in the hands of humans or created by humans——

Their original texts are being poured out.

This is a rain of hell woven by humans, falling from 360 degrees from top to bottom, left and right.

Seeing such a spectacular scene, Tini thought to herself that there might not even be any remains left of the archer.

However, when the tornado dispersed, the scene on the high ground was far beyond Gilgamesh and Tini's expectations.

The uninjured archer gently patted the long cloth covering his body and wiped away the dust - there was a mountain made of countless treasures around him.

"how so……"

Tiny was stunned.

Gilgamesh stared at his opponent speechlessly.

Silence reigned throughout the Highlands.

After a while, the intermittent laughter of the archers broke the silence.


There was explicit ridicule from under the long cloth.

"...What's so funny?" Gilgamesh asked expressionlessly.

Then, the archer clearly uttered three words——

"……too weak."

If anyone who had ever fought against Gilgamesh heard these words, everyone would doubt the archer's sanity.

Tiny felt the temperature around her drop suddenly.

"Are you just throwing weapons randomly... You might as well throw sand..." In this atmosphere, the archer continued, "The one who will be defeated by such a childish move is either a weakling who is vulnerable... Or they are irrational beasts.”

Although the archer's voice was weak, it was not only ridiculed, but also filled with a certain kind of persistence and obsession.


Hearing this, Gilgamesh's expression changed.

Tiny was worried that Gilgamesh would be furious. But on the contrary, a slight smile even appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the emotion that dominates Gilgamesh changes from "anger at the rude attacker" to "curiosity for the strong man."

The archer looked at Gilgamesh like this and said, "Pull out the sword from the deepest part of your warehouse. This is only fair."

Perhaps it was the information he obtained from others, or perhaps he sensed a different atmosphere in the "treasure house" through the attack just now. In short, the archer clearly asked to "fight with your strongest weapon."

Gilgamesh gritted his teeth and forced a smile, and in a pleasant tone he challenged his opponent: "EA is equivalent to my king's clone. A weakling like you is not qualified to fight against it."

After saying that, a sword appeared in Gilgamesh's hand instead of the Sword of Deviation.

Original Sin(Marduk)——

The original text of the Chosen Sword that is said to have been spread around the world.

Gilgamesh wants to use this sword to choose correctly to see if this opponent is worthy of him pulling out the EA that symbolizes himself.

"Come and prove yourself and see if you are worthy of meeting the strong man of EA."

"...Stupid...if you pulled it out, maybe you wouldn't have to die."

The archer muttered something in a low voice, stretched out his right hand that was not holding a bow, and a brand new "cloth" appeared in his hand.

At first glance, it looks like a belt with a simple pattern, but if you look at it from another point of view, you will immediately realize how extraordinary it is.

"That's...a Noble Phantasm...absolutely right..."

Even in Tini's opinion, the magic power carried by that piece of cloth was extraordinary.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the piece of cloth that exuded a dense aura, as if it had been used by a god.

"It is different from the divine aura that I am familiar with, but the root is the same."

For Gilgamesh, who claimed to hate gods, this was an unpleasant Noble Phantasm.

But Gilgamesh wanted to know what kind of tricks this archer could use now that the situation was at this point.

Even if Gilgamesh wanted to make a sneak attack, the "King's Treasure" would have no effect on the archers.

Gilgamesh stood proudly aside with half expectant eyes, waiting for the other party to make a move.

The archer smiled under the long cloth and posed to release the power of the Noble Phantasm——

A few seconds later, a powerful blow shook the entire earth violently.


Big forest.

"Gil... seems to be fighting someone very strong..."

Enkidu suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked to the northeast of the forest.

Although there was only dense forest there, Enki could see other information.

Through the skill of breath perception, Enkidu can detect Gilgamesh's powerful breath, as well as the powerful breath that is confronting Gilgamesh and is no less powerful than him.

"Strange, why do I feel that the number of heroic spirits has exceeded the upper limit that can be summoned in the Holy Grail War?"

Although he was suspicious, Enkidu chose to continue working and just regarded this as a normal phenomenon.

At the same time, he has been paying attention to Gilgamesh's aura so that he can rush over as soon as Gilgamesh's aura weakens.


But within a few minutes, Enkidu noticed something unusual.

Near where my friends were fighting with others, a third aura suddenly appeared.

"Another... powerful aura."



The powerful blow shook the earth violently.

But that was not the blow unleashed by the mysterious archer.


Tini, who was peeping at the battlefield conditions from the back seat of Vimana, couldn't believe her eyes.

Just when the archer was holding the piece of cloth that was suspected to be a Noble Phantasm and was about to exert its power, a girl appeared behind the archer on horseback.

She looked about sixteen to eighteen years old, at least not above twenty.

Her long hair was tied neatly at the back of her head, and her healthy-skinned body was wrapped in unique clothing of soft fabrics and leather.

The girl gave people a lively and cheerful feeling, but with a stern expression, she quietly dismounted and walked towards the archers.

Seeing Gilgamesh frowning, the archer was about to look back——

The face hidden under the cloth was hit hard by the girl's punch.

With an impact sound that was indistinguishable from an explosion, the archer's body was blown away like a cannonball.

The archers were deeply embedded in another high ground, and the small high ground began to collapse as a result.

After a moment of silence, a simple fact dominated the entire space.

None of the noble phantoms in Gilgamesh's "King's Treasure" could shake the man in the slightest, but they were knocked away by the girl's slender arms.

Then, the girl stared at the rubble where the archers were buried alive with a look of intense hatred - then glanced at Tini and Gilgamesh behind her, and said decisively: "That evil devil is my prey... you guys Don’t take action.”

Gilgamesh was silent for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and said, "...Your behavior really perfectly illustrates what it means to be a disappointment...little girl."

Tiny could tell from the tone that Gilgamesh was very unhappy.

It's normal for Gilgamesh to be angry if someone interrupts the exciting battle. What's more, this is the second time he has been interrupted after yesterday.

In this impending situation, Tini tries to find out the identity of her opponent first.

However, a fact plunged Tini into deep confusion.

The piece of cloth that seemed to be a noble phantom was wrapped around the archer's arm just now, and it was exactly the same as the one on the arm of the girl in front of him.

Not only are the patterns on the cloth the same, but the dense aura that can vibrate the surrounding air is also the same.

——Could it be... that they are the same Noble Phantasm?

Just when Tiny's thoughts were confused and Gilgamesh's anger was burning quietly - with a roar, the rubble piled up from the collapsed highlands shot up into the sky like a volcanic eruption.


Afternoon, big forest.

The stalker has been wandering in the forest for more than half a day.

He obviously chose the shortest route back to the city, but he couldn't get out of the forest.

The stalker used her "meditation nerves" to move forward while checking the surrounding terrain. In the end, she realized a difficult fact——

It seems that this vast forest is completely under the control of someone.

Not only does the ground move a little bit, but even the direction changes all the time.

She should be able to walk out easily if she keeps using her meditation nerves. However, just when she was about to do so, a thought suddenly came to her - who built the barrier of this forest? At least, she must confirm whether the other party is a friend or an enemy. , maybe you can get twice the result with half the effort by luring that monster into this barrier.

Thinking of this, the stalker cautiously moved towards the place where the magic was getting stronger and stronger.

Then, she saw in front of her - a scene of two people suspected of being heroic spirits confronting each other in the forest.

"You can actually find this place. I thought that only people who are deeply loved by the forest or people with some special abilities can come here..."

"I asked Locksley... well, I asked a friend to bring me here."

"Oh? I see, you seem to have a lot of friends."

Hearing the spearman's words, the swordsman Yingling grinned and asked, "Can you see?"

"I can see a little bit."

After a few inexplicable conversations, the spearman asked the swordsman the real question: "Why did you come to see me?"

Hearing this, the swordsman looked at the bespectacled girl caressing the silver wolf behind him and said, "It's nothing. Although I don't know your real name, and I don't know what kind of heroic spirit you are... But I've been gone for so long, and the first one The heroic spirit I saw is you, so I want to ask you a favor."

After saying that, the swordsman stopped being pretentious and made a straightforward suggestion.

That was a suggestion that could drag this "Holy Grail War" into an even more chaotic whirlpool.

"Do you want to join forces with us?"

No proposal could be more abrupt.

The spearman looked at the swordsman blankly for a while, then smiled softly and spoke.

The answer he gave was...()

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