
Let's give up, let's just give up.

Honey, that child is out of our control.

He can't make our family's magic flourish, he will only destroy everything...everything!

Our family has lasted for nearly two thousand years, and we have been ridiculed by the Clock Tower for just a long time. Do you think this kid can break the stereotype? The Clock Tower may indeed change its view of us, but the fact before us is that we are being crushed by them bit by bit. But that child, only that child will survive.

I said, why do we give birth to children like that?

He's really ours... No, I know. sorry.

We have gone through all inspection methods. Whether from a scientific point of view or a magic point of view, it has been proved that he is definitely our child... I understand!

But, even so, I can’t believe it!

I would rather believe that goblins still exist in this era, and they are the ones who trick our children.

You can also understand my feelings, right?

The research that our family conducted three hundred years ago came to an "impossible" result after exhausting our efforts, so it was sealed. Yet, that kid accomplished it at just eight years old! It was neither translated into language nor reproduced, just a few fiddles based on feeling! Yes, you are right. Research without replication is not complete. I understand, I understand, dear. But, but...

I'm scared, I'm scared of that child. If he is an excellent magician, then you and I will naturally be proud of him.

but it is not the truth.

At first, I thought he was just a defective product, unwilling to make sacrifices, and possessing a gentle personality that is very unnecessary for a magician. However, he is not even a defective product. There is a difference in use between him and the magician, just like what is thought to be the barrel of a telescope, is actually the barrel of a cannon. He is something different, something completely different from us.

So, dear, here’s what I think: Is it our mission as magicians to end the child’s life? The Escardes family’s magic to the end was to end that child’s life. Bar?


It's time to make a decision.

He is not our child.

He didn't know which world he came from. He was neither a human nor a phenomenon of any creature.

We mistakenly thought he was our son and named him…

The kid named "Flat" never existed in the first place.

That's just a flat surface with some inexplicable graffiti...right?

Flat Escaldes——

Two men happened to share the same sentiment when they learned about him and his "specificity."

One is an ancient magician, known as the Demon King of Finance. One is a magician who conquered the sky of thousands of mirrors decorated with gems.

They said the same thing at different times and in different places. But that is not an evaluation of the boy himself, but a praise of his ancestors.

"It's finally done."

"Even the descendants (the future) have forgotten the eighteen hundred years of ambition (the past) of the Escardes family."


"The weather forecast will be broadcast next. The low pressure west of Las Vegas will-"

An ordinary message came from the TV.

Pedestrians on the street hurried to work as the weather forecast for the next few days varied between good and bad.

The city of Snowfield has not seen any alarming incidents.

In fact, the moment the thirteen heroic spirits gathered, the "seven-day" Holy Grail War began. There are also magicians, American secret forces, agents of the Templar Church, etc. mixed in.

The Holy Grail War entered its second day, and people were still enjoying the peace bestowed by the world in the rising sun.

However, the cracks are clearly emerging.

A gas explosion occurred in the desert.

Pets suffer from strange illnesses and are sent to pet hospitals one after another.

Some people cried "they don't want to leave here" and were taken to the psychology department of the hospital by their families.

The historic opera house suddenly collapsed.

It is suspected that someone launched a terrorist attack on the police station with the purpose of rescuing detained criminals.

Hotels near the police station were also affected.

A strange storm blew from the north of the city to the high-rise buildings in the middle - Crystal Hill.

Various strange things happened one after another in the city. But for those who have not experienced it, these are just small things and are not enough to ruin their normal life day after day. The "common sense" accumulated in life can sometimes numb a person's feelings.

Before panic strikes, common sense will become a thin film covering daily life, barely covering the fire of madness approaching people.

Perhaps many people have noticed it, but still want to hold on tightly to this superficial sense of security.


It doesn't matter just yet.

It's not broken yet.

The city is not yet destroyed.

Ordinary life will surely return soon.

Unfounded thoughts and “if only” wishes accumulate, filling the interior space of the film.

In this atmosphere, those who only "vaguely" feel that something is wrong not only do not have the slightest worry, but actually think that they are very happy.

They feel that they are still living in their daily space.

If there is a dividing line between normal and abnormal, I am on the normal side.

The people of Snowfield didn't think so because they were particularly optimistic.

For the false Holy Grail War, the "masterminds behind the scenes" spent eighty years building this city, setting up hint magic in every corner without leaving a trace.

Magic has been applied to everything from public facilities and road distribution to small street signs and trees. Even ordinary magicians see nothing more than ordinary marks. In addition, cues are activated when several factors are superimposed, such as color matching that scientifically induces specific psychological effects, all of which have a subtle impact on people.

To accurately measure these hints composed of magic and non-magic, there must be two types of people: one is a magician with excellent observation skills; the other is a person who has the ability to "learn from the world" like Lord El-Melloi II. A person with the skill of "combining clues in all things." Both are indispensable.

It can be seen that it is not difficult for the "masterminds behind the scenes" to remain hidden until today.

No one, whether it was the magicians passing through the city or the sociologists who were skeptical of the city's rapid development, or even the citizens who settled here and lived their own lives, were aware of all this——

Someone set up huge and vague hints in this city called Snowfield to prevent people from panicking as much as possible.

Therefore, even if many animals fall ill, people's suspicion and worry are limited to the extent of "the possibility of infecting humans."

In this way, people ushered in the sunrise the next day without knowing anything about it.

They don't even know-

They themselves and even the entire city are magnificent living sacrifices to the false Holy Grail War.

However, the hints are hints at best.

Similarly, this membrane called "security" is woven with the help of suggestion. If it continues to be taut, it will eventually break.

To the masterminds behind the scenes, it doesn't matter if the membrane is broken. Because they had speculated that when things developed and the "suggestion film" was torn apart, the power of ordinary citizens would no longer be able to resist. Some of the people behind the scenes who supported the concealment magic even thought that rather than letting the commotion expand slowly, it would be better to make it disappear instantly like fireworks.

In short, the masterminds behind the scenes simply did not allow people to panic.

Police Commissioner Orlando Reeve reexamined this fact as he listened to the news on television. He narrowed his eyes in displeasure and said to himself: "A magician who looks like a magician is no different from a corrupt official."

After finishing speaking, he began to think about "what about myself" again.

Before corruption and malfeasance are exposed, it is difficult for ordinary people to tell whether an official is a good official or a bad official.

Then, magicians who are invisible to ordinary people are naturally more suitable to be treated as a whole.

Although there are exceptions, in the eyes of ordinary people, creatures like magicians are generally not human.

Orlando knows very well that he is not "exceptional". He said nothing more and continued to listen to the sound coming from the TV in the director's office.

A news program from a local cable TV station in Snowfield was playing on the television.

Before the next challenge comes, the magician, who is both the police chief and one of the masterminds behind the scenes, takes advantage of his short leisure to quietly listen to the TV news.

It's as if the news anchor's calm voice will no longer exist soon and should be cherished even more now.

"Next news. A gas explosion has occurred south of Snowfield, causing environmental damage—"


Ayaka Sajo found herself in a vast space between heaven and earth.

There was nothing strange in front of her, just a plain where she could see the forest in the distance, and she was speeding across the plain.

She seemed to be riding a horse, her armored hands holding the reins.

"Is it a dream?"

Ayaka first realized that the hand holding the reins was not her own, and then realized that her body was not under her control.

The field of view was constantly shaking, and it seemed that he was sharing the same field of view with another person.

I might have such a dream sometimes.

Ayaka thought, but felt that the dream was very real.

"Richard! Hey, Richard!"

Hearing someone shouting like this, his eyes turned behind him.

I saw a dozen men in armor riding on horses, and one of them drove his horse towards him.

The horse in the field of vision stopped, and the young man in armor said: "Richard, we came as you asked, but are you serious? Are you really looking for the so-called King Arthur's legacy?" "

Hearing this, the man known as Richard answered.

Although Ayakashi didn't intend to speak, the words flowed out of her mouth naturally. This feeling was very strange.

"Of course, I found the clues with great difficulty."

"Isn't it just the nonsense of a drunken bard?"

"That's right. When bards are awake, they will cleverly hide the truth in the deepest parts of their songs. I'm the worst at interpreting this. Only what they say when they are delirious is easy to understand."

False reasoning.

Although Ayaka was surprised by the nonsense that came out of her mouth, the tone made her understand completely.

"Ah, this dream... I am called Richard... Am I becoming that swordsman?"

Ayaka, who finally understood what was going on, couldn't help but sigh. This was probably the connection between the Master and the Servant. She would gradually understand the Servant through dreams, and the Servant seemed to do the same.

This made her feel a little weird.

Because it feels like being stripped naked.

However, the scene in front of them continued to play out, and people ignored her mood and continued their conversations calmly.

"I only know that the thing is related to King Arthur, but I don't know what it is exactly? It's okay that we are just idlers. You are from the royal family. What on earth is worthy of you doing this?"

"Everything is fine."


"The best is the Holy Sword Excalibur. The Sword of Choice Caliburn or the Holy Spear Rhongomyniad would also be good, or even a shield to repel the cat demon. If I can find the entrance to Avalon, let me take a look at the great first A king himself or a magician, I have not come to this world in vain."

The man named Richard said this innocently.

The young man standing aside couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this.

"If the legend is true, then the Holy Sword should have sunk to the bottom of the lake along with the Lake Fairy (Vivian), right?"

"Then just find the fairy in the lake and make friends with her. I heard that Sir Pyrias made a life-long contract with a fairy in the lake, and he was still alive after the battle at Camlan's Hill. Is it good?"

"The reason why a third-rate knight who was not included in the round table survived must be because he escaped with ease. Besides, looking for the legacy of a hero who doesn't even know whether it really exists is not something you, as a royal family, should do yourself. thing."

"Both the royal family and the common people, they all yearn for great legends."

Like little kids.

what happened?

He always feels more childish than the usual swordsman.

Although the people around him said that he was from a royal family, they treated him more like a close friend than a king.

Ayaka felt a little strange about this.

But "Richard" didn't seem to care about this, and he was heard to continue: "If King Arthur's treasure can be found, it means that those wonderful legends are all true, proving that those dazzling adventure stories It really happened on the land we are standing on! We inherited the land where the Knight King and others galloped! As long as I know this is true, I can accept all my fate!"

"Can't you accept it if it's not true? You're still the same as before, full of crazy nonsense." The friend shrugged on the horse and expressed his helplessness, then asked, "Then what do you want to do? How about we Also looking for the Holy Grail?"

"This... might be a waste of time, right?"

"Why? Is it any different from Excalibur and Rhongomyniad?"

"Mr. Chrétien told me before that the Holy Grail is not something that can be obtained by mere desire. It itself calls out to its owner. He also said that the Knights of the Round Table who pursue the Holy Grail do so because they are longed for by the fate called the Holy Grail. Only then will I find the Holy Grail. Therefore, I will not take the initiative to find the Holy Grail. I believe that as long as I keep following the glory of the knight, one day there will be a legitimate reason to drive me to find the Holy Grail."

Richard told fairy tales seriously.

Hearing those unique terms popping up one after another, the man who looked like a friend spoke meaningfully: "Chretien. There are rumors that he is a fallen druid who can see through the past."

"Well, it is said that some poets, like him and Weiss, sing the story of the King of Knights and the Round Table as real as if they had seen it with their own eyes, making people feel nostalgic. Even if someone tells me that they have lived for thousands of years I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the elf.”

"Forget it, it's not important. Anyway, the clues to King Arthur's relics were not obtained from Chretien, but from a drunken poet in the tavern who didn't even know his name. It's a shame you believe this nonsense, I don’t know what you think.”

"It doesn't matter what clues there are. I'm not the king yet, so it's important to learn the footsteps of the true King of Knights while I'm free, right?"

Although Ayaka couldn't see Richard's face, she guessed that Richard's eyes should be sparkling at this time.

That child-like expression seemed to appear before his eyes.

Ayaka thought this while following Richard's gaze towards the plain.

A strange thing came into view.

"While you were free... you are now almost the same as the lord of Aquitaine... Well, what's the matter, Richard?"

"Is there something..."

It was a point on the plain.

But everyone gradually discovered that there was a billowing of sand and dust behind the dot, and then they understood that "it" was rushing towards this direction.

At first they thought it was a creature like a horse galloping across the wilderness, but the size was wrong. Soon after, when the roar that was suspected to be coming from that thing reached their ears, the knights finally began to panic.

"What is that? A large wild boar?"

"A carriage? No, there's no horse... I've never seen such an animal... Does it have legs? How does it run? I've never heard of an animal that roars like that!"

"Hey, it's coming!"

"Why so fast! Run away, Richard!"

Richard ignored the knights who were holding the reins tightly, but said calmly: "Interesting may be the descendant of Twrch Trwyth."

Another term I have never heard of. Ayaka was not too worried.

On the one hand, it was because Richard's voice was very calm, and on the other hand, it was because she knew the thing that was rushing towards her.

However, the thing looked slightly different from what she knew. As it got closer to Richard, its speed gradually slowed down.

After making several roars like the roar of a beast, it stopped a few meters in front of Richard.

"What is this?"

A man remained by Richard's side until the end, presumably intending to stand between the two if things went badly.

At this time, the man was staring at "it" in surprise.

"An iron carriage?"

"Speaking of which, the wheels are really thick. What is that black thing? What kind of animal skin is it?"

Richard's curious words made Ayaka suddenly realize: Ah, that's it. This was the era when Richard lived, right? In this way, the strange things Richard and the others said can be understood.

Ayaka quickly thought: I was indeed just dreaming. What a strange dream, everyone is actually speaking Japanese.

Because if this was really the world in the past, it would be impossible for things like this to happen.

The "things" that appeared in front of Richard and others were not only grotesque, but also extremely exaggerated in appearance, chaotically dotted with steampunk-style gears and gothic-style iron spikes.

Ayaka knew what it was called.


——No...it should be a modified car.

Looking at this car that should appear in an action movie, Ayaka couldn't help but wonder: What kind of mental state am I in now to have such a dream. However, ever since I crossed the desert and came to Snowfield, I have been involved in events involving knights and kings, so various eras have been mixed together...

Just as Ayaka was thinking, she saw the situation changed.

"Bang, bang", there were several knocking sounds from inside the car. The surrounding knights immediately drew their swords vigilantly and surrounded the car.

A moment later, the car door that seemed to have a problem was kicked open violently - a man leaned out of the car.

Then, the windows of the "car" opened one after another, and various "instrument-like things" appeared from them, crackling and playing messy music.

Amidst the noisy background music, a lively and cheerful voice sounded. "Hi! Young head of Aquitaine and his merry companions! How are you? I'm fine - surrender, surrender, I raise my hands in surrender, so can you put your sword back first?"

The man said in a flirtatious tone and walked out of the car while raising his hands. His attire was as good as that car's, and even weirder.

Although he was wearing aristocratic clothing, the exaggerated color scheme did not look like royalty, but more like a clown. Not only was he wearing a strange hat on his head, but he was also holding a cane in his hand. For some unknown reason, the decorative gear on the cane was turning with a strange sound.

When Ayaka saw the man, she was immediately convinced: Ah... this is indeed a dream.

The scenery that appeared in her vision before did indeed seem to be a unified world view, reminiscent of the era when knights fought on horseback. But the sudden appearance of this man instantly shattered the worldview to pieces, even giving people a sense of disorganization.

The strange man continued to say to the knights who refused to put down their swords: "Hey, don't you know the saying 'love and peace'? The action of raising your hands means surrender. But I don't know the culture of your time." Is there such a statement in the article? Otherwise, I can raise a white flag. Forget it, in short, I am unarmed now and have no hostility. On the contrary, I admire you. You accepted the trap I designed without any doubt and returned it. I came all the way to such a remote plain!"

"You said this was a trap!"

"Oh, no. The drunk poet in the tavern was actually arranged by me - I actually said it myself, but it didn't have any impact. Anyway, you are all here, and the plan was successful! Perfect!"

The man's words made the knights grip their swords again and gradually narrow the encirclement.

However, the clown-like man shrugged, tapped his shoulder with his cane, and said, "Oh wait, don't be so stingy. When Alexander III saw a person like me who was full of unknowns, strangeness and outrageousness, his first reaction was But enjoy the experience first.”


"Wait a moment."

Richard's arm appeared in Ayaka's field of vision, stopping the furious knight.

"You mean Alexander the Great...what?"

"Hey, Richard! Ignore this suspicious thing."

Richard continued to use gestures to stop his companion who wanted to interrupt the conversation, and then said to this strange man: "Although the person you mentioned is not the knight king I have always loved, the conquering king is also a great king. .Since you compare me to him, no matter what stupid things you say, I have to listen carefully. Everyone, right?"

Then, Richard crossed his arms and said to the strange man sternly: "Let's continue. First of all, who are you?"

Hearing this, the mysterious man showed a pleasant smile and quickly climbed to the roof of the modified car - in a condescending manner, he loudly announced his name: "Good question! My name is Saint-Germain! It's Saint-Germain!" You can break it off after 'Saint', or you can join it together affectionately and call me Saint Germain. That's right, Saint Germain! The hedonist named Saint Germain now appears in front of the future great king! This is something It’s a big event worth remembering! At least it’s a big event for me!”

"How dare you! How dare you use such an attitude even though you know Richard is a member of the royal family!"

Richard's companion scolded, but it was far from exciting.

Perhaps it is because they also know that Richard does not care much about the difference in status.

——None of the knights around her used honorifics... Just as Ayaka was thinking, she heard Richard, who was looking up at the "orator" in the car, murmuring softly: "Oh... this gesture is really nice."


Ayaka then recalled the previous scene of Richard standing in a police car and giving a speech, and she suddenly understood: Because his behavior that was deviant from common sense left a deep impression on me, that's why I had such a dream.

Even after figuring out the cause of the dream, Ayaka did not wake up from her dream, and Richard's voice was still clearly audible.

"Then, Saint-Germain, who are you to me?"

The man who called himself "Saint Germain" shouted "Good question" again, and continued with an exaggerated posture: "I am your signpost, guiding you who want to find the footprints of past heroes; I am your admonisher, letting you Sense the harbingers of destruction; I am your prophet, telling you of the end; sometimes I am a dove, bringing you branches of hope. This is what a man named Saint-Germain owes you. Responsibilities.”

"It's too greedy. In short, he's like a court magician?"

"Unfortunately, I am not a magician, nor a goblin, a dream demon, a vampire, or a time traveler, nor a magician who can travel through the world. I am just a nobleman who is not worth mentioning, and a liar."

The man turned his cane gracefully and continued: "So you don't need to remember my name. It doesn't matter if you forget it the next moment. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Saint-Germain. It's okay if you don't remember this name. Saint-Germain is fine. Wrong! It’s Saint Germain! The name of Saint Germain is not important, it’s the purpose of the man named Saint Germain. Saint? Or, Germain?”

"Hey, Richard, shut him up!"

Richard ignored his companion who raised his sword again and remained motionless.

"Don't worry, if he is a liar, I want to hear how he is going to lie to me."

Although Ayaka couldn't see it, she could vaguely guess that Richard should be looking at the man with bright eyes like a child now.

"Haha, it's not me who wants to deceive you. The world you step into in the future has created many mysteries of King Arthur - when you stand in front of them, you will consciously deceive yourself. I just gave a little help to that spectacular deception. Busy. In a word, please take care of me. Let us toast to this memorable moment when you are about to step into the legend."

Saint-Germain jumped out of the car, knelt down on one knee respectfully, and stared up at Richard.

When their eyes met, before Ayaka could think of anything - Saint Germain's lips moved.

"The same goes for you with deep pupils. Please give me more advice in the future."

A chill ran down Ayaka's back.

Instinct made her understand that what this man just said was not to Richard, but to herself whose vision overlapped with his.

Then, Saint-Germain added something that probably no one except Ayaka could understand, as if to support her guess.

"Looking at all this in the distant future, the lost lamb of life."


At this time, Ayaka woke up.

The gray ceiling came into view, and Ayaka realized that she was lying on the bed.

She found that her back and palms were slightly sweaty, and her heart was beating fast.

"Ayaka, you're awake. You actually fell asleep with your glasses on. It seems you are really tired."

Ayaka followed the familiar voice and saw the swordsman sitting on the chair next to the bed reading a book.

The table in front of him was piled with various books, which should have been pulled from the bookshelf next to him.

What the swordsman is holding now is a book titled "The Life and Death of King John". Ayaka didn't take it seriously, but retorted with an unhappy look: "Who told someone to fool me yesterday?"

"I'm relieved that you've recovered enough to say mean things to me! But just in case, you'd better rest a little longer. It's not dawn yet."

"Thank you...and, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to complain to you."

The other party had obviously helped her a lot, but she was cold-mouthed to him, which made Ayaka hate herself. However, the swordsman just smiled heartily and replied: "No need to apologize. In fact, I did play tricks on you, and I may continue to play tricks on you in the future. Also, you look even cuter when you wake up angry."

"You... are so optimistic."

Speaking of this, Ayaka remembered the "dream" she had just now.

As a dream, I remember it too clearly.

——Is it really just a dream?

No, instinct told her not, but she was afraid to confirm.

"But having said that, there are a lot of books in this house. The basement is full of magic-related books, and the second floor is a mountain of history books and novels, as well as many hero biographies. It won't be boring now." I don't know the swordsman. Had he been reading all night? Now he was glaring with excitement.

Ayaka looked at him and said involuntarily: "You..."

"What's wrong?"

——Do you know Saint-Germain?

Ayaka was about to ask, but froze before she could speak.

She recalled the last look in that strange man's eyes, and suddenly she was afraid to call him by his name directly here.

So Ayaka changed to another word that appeared in the dream.

She didn't recognize the name. But just by asking the swordsman whether he recognized it, he could clearly judge whether it was a simple dream or not.

"Do you... know someone? I think his name is... Credy... Ann?"

"Teacher Chretien de Troyes? What a nostalgic name. He was the court bard who was hired to stay in Sister Marie's castle. I listened to the legend of the Holy Grail countless times from him, and he told me all of it. Bored. Sorry... I didn't mean to lie, but I have to revise what I just said. I pestered him to tell me the poem about the quest for the Holy Grail hundreds of times, and I didn't get bored."

"This...it should be the other person who feels annoyed..."

Before Ayaka could be surprised at how smoothly the conversation went, she expressed some helpless thoughts about the swordsman's usual joke.

"I didn't expect you to know Mr. Chretien. Ah, is it possible that you are also a fan of the Knights of the Round Table? Aren't the Knights of the Round Table great? Although Mr. Chretien said that they are impeccable as knights, as human beings It is said that it has all kinds of shortcomings. But I still think the Round Table is the best knight order, including those shortcomings!"

Although Ayaka has some impression of the term "Knights of the Round Table", she is not familiar with them at all.

However, seeing the swordsman in front of her talking happily about them, Ayaka understood that they were very powerful heroes.

This also became an opportunity for Ayaka to think calmly.

——In other words, it was true that the dream just now was not a simple dream. Now that I think about it, it felt more like a movie clip shot from someone's perspective than a dream. If so, could something related to magic be operating behind the scenes?

In order to confirm this, Ayaka wanted to talk to the swordsman about the "dream" she had just now——

Unfortunately, there was a knock at the door.

The swordsman closed the book as soon as he heard the sound and asked, "Ayaka, can you let him in?"

"You can judge for yourself. Anyway, I only believe in you."

While Ayaka was wary of the people outside the door, she handed over the decision to the swordsman.

The swordsman stared at her face carefully, observed her for a moment and then nodded: "It looks like her hair is not messed up from sleep, there is no eye mucus in her eyes, and her clothes are quite neat. Okay, that's no problem!"

"Huh? Ah...well, I think...it should be fine."

"That's good. Hey - come in."

The swordsman shouted out the door, and as soon as the door handle was turned, the door with a simple design was slowly pushed open.

"Can...can I take a nap?"

There was a young man standing at the door.

He has a face that could easily be described as that of a boy. The contrast between the black-based special forces uniform and that baby face inevitably makes people confused.

Ayaka looked at the young man, guarding the firearms and knives in his holster, and replied: "Well... your name is... Sigma?"

In response to Ayakashi's inquiry, the young man answered incorrectly and told the current situation without changing his expression.

"This house...is surrounded."


Meanwhile, inside the budget motel.

There is a motel on the edge of a road with little traffic.

From here, you can see the high-rise buildings in the city center from a distance, but except for some discarded materials scattered here and there, there are no serious buildings around the hotel.

Even so - even if it was before dawn, there were too few people and vehicles here. It was as if time had stopped in this place. At this moment, several figures seemed to seep out from the darkness and appeared in this silent space.

There were nine men and women, each wearing plain suits that were out of place in a place like this.

One of them reported to the man standing in the center of the team: "The spell has been confirmed. There are no barriers around, no traces of magic, and no signs of magic disorder."

"Is this really...here?"

The man who looked like a leader was surprised by his subordinate's report.

If the information obtained in advance is correct, then the person who uses this place as a base is the magician who belongs to "El-Melloi Classroom". In fact, "El-Melloi Classroom" is just a common name for the modern magic department, and some even call it the "Clock Tower" magic cave.

Would a magician from such a place be chosen as the master of the Holy Grail War and live here without even setting up a barrier?

The other party is not a poor ordinary person who was hypnotized by a magician into a spy.

The countless experiences accumulated over the years in the combat troops tell the leader that the opponent may have designed some kind of trap, and the tactics should be carefully re-formulated.

Everything is designed to achieve perfect results for them in the name of "Zutzwenk".

Chuczvink is a magic group created by the Einskaya family in Eastern Europe.

They were originally subordinates of the Yggdomirenia clan based in Romania. For hundreds of years, they had been used as an early processing force, responsible for dealing with the pests that were ready to move around the monarch clan.

However, more than half a century ago, Yggdomirenia's power began to decline, and the clan eventually disbanded. So Chuczwink is now taking on a variety of invisible jobs as a member of the Free Magic Group.

Although their magic abilities are average, they are highly praised for their crisp and ruthless methods of doing things. Therefore, everyone from magicians to politicians and financial people who know nothing about the world of magic will come to them for work, and they make a living by accepting various commissions.

Yes, it's "barely" a living.

Although the pay for the killer job is not low, for magicians like them, this level of remuneration cannot allow them to live a luxurious life.

Just then, Chuczwenk encountered a good opportunity.

The reward given to them by the other party was several zeros more than the previous commission, and the content of the work itself also interested these magicians very much.

"Seize the master's authority and participate in Snowfield's Holy Grail War."

Chuzwenk was a little skeptical at first, but after the sponsor showed them the video of the familiar - the fierce battle between two heroic spirits and the huge crater they created, they had to believe it.

This land has set off huge waves that can shake the magic world.

Even if there is danger, it is also a great opportunity.

They spent a day laying out an intelligence network in the city, and finally found a master's hiding place.

However, Chuczwenk did not know this.

They thought they had found out the information about the Master through their own abilities, but in fact it was Faldius who knew the information first and intentionally leaked it.

They were just fighting dogs pushed out by the masterminds behind the scenes in order to evaluate the target master, Flat Escardus.

"Zhu Zwenk" who doesn't know the truth is now quietly preparing to go to hell.

"First of all, we need to confirm the correct location of the target. Soldiers (Pawns) one to three go to the second floor of the hotel to find it, and soldiers four to six go to the first floor. Soldiers seven and eight go with me to suppress the hotel's office and use hypnosis to ask the administrator Get rid of him as soon as the information comes out. The same goes for witnesses."

Magicians inherit magic seals from their families.

They boldly divided the seal, half of which was inherited by the leader called "King", and the other half was divided into eight parts and each was embedded in the body of his subordinates called "Soldiers".

Generally speaking, the magic seal is divided to this extent and can only perform a negligible function - to strengthen the magic power. But their magic is very special: starting from the "King", everyone's engravings are synchronized. By greatly reducing the versatility and lifespan of the magic circuits of the "soldiers", their abilities are forcibly raised to the same level as the "king".

The "King" was about to reveal the magic mark branded on his arm and activate the magic - at this moment, he saw "that thing".

"Reveal the magic mark on your arm, and I will upgrade your abilities to the same as mine as usual."

A man who looked exactly like him was standing in the center of the group, saying what he usually said.


Although the "King" made a sound, none of the "Soldiers" looked at him.

Probably hindered by some kind of magic, the others didn't even realize there was an extra "king".

This scene made "Wang" wonder if his soul had left his body. I saw the man with the same face, using perfectly imitated movements to overlap the arms of the "soldiers"——

--not good.

——Stop it, you guys! Put your arms away!

The "King" noticed the weak flow of magic power, but it was too late when he issued a warning.

However, even if he speaks in time, will his voice reach the ears of the "soldiers"?

The moment this doubt appeared in the "King's" mind - the man with the same face as the "King" said something.

"Three, two, one, starting to gather." "Ah..." "Wow!" "Woo..."

In an instant, the eight "soldiers" whose arms were overlapping the man's were convulsed as if struck by lightning, and they rolled their eyes and fell down in front of the motel entrance.

Taking advantage of everyone's synchronized timing, the man disguised the "King"'s magic engraved wavelength and directly injected a powerful curse into the bodies of the "Soldiers" - the "King" made this judgment and at the same time understood that they were in trouble.

Unfortunately it was too late, the man disappeared.

"King" only felt someone's finger poke him on the back of his head - when he reacted, he was lying on the ground like the others.

As the leader of Chuzwenk, although he maintained consciousness, it was blurry. It took him a few seconds to understand that they were heading towards failure step by step.

His right ear was pressed against the cold asphalt road, and a man's calm voice came from his left ear: "So that's it, the magic you used is quite interesting. It actually divided the magic seal and made you the king of the group. This is what it should be." It’s a kind of miracle…”

As soon as the man who was mumbling strange words finished speaking, a leisurely voice sounded from behind him, which eased the tense atmosphere in front of him.

"Is everything going well? Wow, it really looks the same."

"Although it is difficult to completely copy the memory, the superficial things and the habits formed over the years can still be read. For a magician of this level, I can 100% reproduce his techniques."

"Ban Berserker, it's very rude of you to say 'this level' in front of others."

"Sorry, because this man's character seems a bit arrogant. By the way, did you just want to say my real name?"

Berserker——The assassin (magician) understood when he heard the man who could be called a boy say this word. It seems that the person who wiped out all of them "Chuzwenk" is the "heroic spirit" in this ritual - the Holy Grail War.

And that boy is probably their target, the magician Frater Eskaldes.

——A miserable failure.

——Is this the so-called heroic spirit? There is no chance to compete.

At this point, the "King" is also very clear that his fate has come to an end.

Is there any way to turn defeat into victory now? As a magician, or as an assassin who has completed countless tasks skillfully, he has considered various methods. But when the curse was eroding his whole body, he couldn't even make a sound to beg for mercy, so he knew that there was nothing he could do.

If there is any good opportunity, it is probably when the other party asks for information about the employer. However, without his "soldiers", what can he do to this magician backed by heroic spirits?

——I see, the Holy Grail War... can become the nourishment of great magic, which is not bad for a magician.

Unable to even commit suicide, the "King" could only pray that his death would be less painful - but then, he heard a surprisingly leisurely conversation.

"Master, what should we do next?"

"Well, let's tie them up with ropes first and throw them into the hotel room we booked later. But now there are nine more people... Would it be better to book another room?"

"It should be okay if you squeeze in. I'll move people while you wait."

"It's okay. I can strengthen the repelling barrier they set up and use it directly."

The Master and Servant spoke as if they were chatting casually.

The "King" didn't understand what was going on, so he desperately moved his eyes upwards - standing in front of him was a young blond man and a man who looked the same as himself.

The man suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, a muscular man over two meters tall appeared on the spot.

The strong man first carried the eight "soldiers" on his shoulders, then extended his hand to the "king" and moved the "king" and his men away in three moves.

A few minutes later--

The "King" of "Zutzwenk" was stuffed into a motel room, and his "soldiers" were all alive.

"Why don't they kill the soldiers? If they want to torture them to extract information, just keeping a few of them would be enough. Is it... could it be that they keep people to make magic crystals like the Scladio family did?"

Remembering that he had heard about such an inhumane magic mechanism (system) before, the "King" broke into a cold sweat.

He looked up and saw several other magicians lying in the room.

"Are they, like me, magicians who make a living from espionage and assassination?"

Just as "King" was thinking about this problem, the blond boy suddenly made a clapping sound.

"Please listen to me! Ah - I'm sorry for doing such a rude thing to you! I always feel that you are all murderous, so I will let the berserkers arrest you first! If there are any magicians who are just passing by, then ……Sorry!"


Seeing the surprised expressions on the magicians' faces, Frat Escardus asked at a loss what to do with the tall man next to him: "Berserker, what should I do? They seem to be very wary. Why don't you become a little kid?" Kids or clowns or something, just to let them loose.”

"Well..." The tall man - the Berserker groaned and disappeared, and then a young girl appeared in the same place.

"Wow! I told you before, why do you wear something like a swimsuit as soon as you become a child?"

Flatt panicked and tried to cover him with the sheet at hand, when the girl-like Berserker replied: "Sure enough, no matter how many times I try, I will become this kid. Did I come into this world accidentally?" Was he affected by some kind of force? This is really strange."

"You can't make people relax at all! Look! Everyone is looking at you strangely!"

The berserker heard the sound and looked around. Although the magicians were bound by tapes with magic sealing effects, they were trembling and staring at themselves as girls. They themselves don't know why, but it seems to be some kind of instinctive and fundamental fear that makes them tremble.


After humming like a child, the berserker disappeared again, and what appeared next was a British nobleman.

The Berserker asked telepathically: "So what does this look like?"

"What's the story behind this look?" Flatt asked.

"The owner of this look is called Jack the Ripper. How about that? He's quite a gentleman, isn't he?"

"So do you have some misconceptions about being relaxing?"

Frater shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, their conversation was through telepathy, otherwise these people would probably be scared to death.

Flatt stopped talking to Bennett and said to the other magicians: "Let me introduce you to everyone. Mr. Lekusam is by the shower, Mr. Kotcheff is in front of the refrigerator, and Mr. Kotcheff is in front of the sofa. Mr. DeCairo, the one in the corner who dyed his black hair blonde is Mr. Sagara. And now, there are nine more people...what do you call them?"

Frater asked the berserker a question, and the latter replied based on the surface memory he had previously read: "Chuczwenk. The nine of them are a whole, so just call them that."

"Okay! Chuzwenk! That's it. We are preparing to leave the hotel, so everyone's seals will be automatically released together this evening. But I don't want you to start killing each other as soon as you release the seals, so the magic circuit will be sealed for three more times. About a day or so.”

Seal the magic circuit.

Hearing Flatt say such words in an understatement, and his attitude of not intending to deal with the magician, all the conscious magicians frowned.

"Master, there are nine people in Chuzwenk. The situation is favorable to them, right?"

"Ah, yes. Then put the four people from before into the room where we live and release their seals thirty seconds in advance. Thirty seconds should be enough time to escape or take countermeasures."

Flat said this in a cheerful tone, which actually made several frowning magicians angry.

A thing that doesn't even have the determination to become a magician can easily turn us into useless people simply by controlling a weapon called a Heroic Spirit - the reality makes magicians angry in their hearts.

But soon, their mood reversed.

The berserker glanced at the magicians who were glaring at Flat, and while stroking his chin, he asked the Master: "Master, do you really don't need to eradicate them?"

"Do you really want to kill someone? This is not good. You will become a bad boy. Mr. Xuanhao will beat me if he finds out."

"No... I don't think Xuan Hao cares about the life and death of these people now, just like I don't have much idea about the life and death of human beings."

"This is exactly the reason why he asked you to study with me... I will not kill them, Mr. Berserker, the weight of human life is far heavier than the earth."

Although it was unclear who Mr. Xuanhao was in the exchange between the two people, this sentence sounded laughable to the magician. The prisoners were all shaking with anger, but——

The real trigger is the next sentence.

Although this group of magicians recognized Flatt's magic talent, they still considered him "a young master with no magician temperament and only empty magic circuits" and "a defective magician who is as naive as a human being." But in the next moment, the words Flatt said and the color of his eyes caused the magicians to change their views.

"Because human life is an indispensable part when flying over the earth, including them."

When Flatt said this, his eyes were neither those of a magician nor that of an ordinary human being.

It was a "filled void", as if something had disappeared from his eyes, or that he had seen through everything in the world.

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