A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1020 1020 The spreading storm

In fact, these policemen are indeed ordinary humans holding Noble Phantasms. And these humans are gradually approaching Alcides.

It was impossible for the police not to be afraid, but they overcame this fear and wanted to block the Alcides called death.

"The courage is good. The eyes are much more presentable than the bird brothers (Calais and Zetes) on the Argonauts."

At the moment Alcides raised his bow with a rare happy smile, intending to use all his strength to slaughter them all——

Someone appears to diffuse the tension.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Loud laughter echoed down the main road.

The police and archers looked up into the sky and saw the golden archer, the Hero King Gilgamesh, descending from the sky.

He looked at Alcides, who had grown horns and wings, with a smile on his face, and said: "How can I say this? You have become very manly, bastard! Even though you are a low-grade bastard, you are so chaotic. The appearance is still beyond my imagination!"

Gilgamesh landed on the bell tower of the church, overlooking the entire street, and said loudly as usual: "I saw that something wonderful was happening, so I came to see it. I didn't expect to see such a pleasant scene. I Now I understand, maybe you have the talent to be a clown."

It seems that Gilgamesh noticed the commotion in the hospital on the roof of Crystal Hill and came here to see the battle situation. Although the police knew he was at the top of the Crystal Hill, they had planned to operate in secret without alerting anyone, so Gilgamesh's appearance disrupted their efforts.

"You are here, O mighty king."

Alcides grinned and drew his bow without paying any attention to the other party's provocation. Just when he was about to activate the Twelve Glories again——

The main road in the central region has welcomed a new uninvited guest.

"Hey - what's going on?"

A leisurely voice came from the shadow of the church. After hearing the news, the police saw a familiar face among the new people.

This group of people did not appear through special means, but came to the hospital in an extremely ordinary way. One of them was a swordsman, with blond hair mixed with red hair fluttering in the wind.

Alcides turned to alert, and Gilgamesh glanced at them, seemingly uninterested, without saying a word.

The swordsman looked at the two heroic spirits, the big hole on the ground, and the fallen policemen, and asked the baby-faced soldier beside him: "Don't you think there is a discrepancy with the information you heard? What about the agreed-upon confidentiality operation?"

The soldier he asked, Sigma, had no expression on his face and replied calmly: "The situation changed while we were moving."

"Really? Then there's nothing we can do."

When the hero and the soldier were asking and answering questions like daily chats, a hooded female stalker naturally appeared behind them.

When the police saw her, they all frowned in surprise - only one person on the hospital rooftop had a different reaction.


"Hey, who are they?"

Seeing the appearance of the stalker, Jesta was about to scream with joy at this fate - but before speaking, she cast her eyes on the two men beside her.

The expression completely disappeared from his face, he glared at the two men and murmured, "Why are they around my stalker?"

The cold gaze was filled with pure anger, and the vampire continued quietly:

"And... why is the beautiful stalker, her body not tainted by my magic?"

"Are you okay, Mr. Bennett! I will use the healing technique now..."

In the square behind the church, Flatt said at a loss. Bennett didn't answer him. He just felt the auras of the heroes gradually gathering and laughed.

Not only the archer, but also other heroic spirits who had never met before used this city as a stage, striding on it, competing with each other for their own legends.

Although Bennett laughed at himself in a low voice, it was ridiculous for a guy like him who was even given a name to be mixed in such a team, but there was still a glimmer of hope deep in his eyes.

"I see... I did come from hell. However, this is a gentle hell."


There was another hero who set off a little behind them, heading to the main road in front of the hospital.

It was his first time out since he was summoned, but he walked in the middle of the road with his head held high and a familiar attitude.

"Oh no, writers shouldn't be allowed to do manual labor." Alexandre Dumas complained, but he walked honestly towards the hospital.

Of course, Orlando didn't know this.

If he knew about it, he would definitely use a command spell to recall Dumas immediately.

However, Orlando was so busy after hearing about the murder of his subordinate that he had no time to care about Dumas's movements.

It is precisely because he knew this that Alexandre Dumas walked to the scene in person. When Alexandre Dumas reached a distance where he could see the entire battlefield from a distance, he stopped and stopped walking forward. He smiled his usual fearless smile and unfolded the long roll of paper that suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Since the actors are willing to show me their courage, then I will help them change their route a little bit." Alexandre Dumas looked at the policeman wearing a prosthetic leg, John, from a distance, and pursed his lips and smiled, "I won't let you just be responsible for the surprise. Characters. People like you... are the ones who deserve to be heroes."

Alexandre Dumas was talking to himself and writing "stories" on a long scroll of paper.

As a small bouquet, dedicated to his favorite actors.

"Musketeers' Masquerade, Gunners."

Even the actors themselves didn’t know what this story meant—at the same time, the tragicomedy stage quietly but without hesitation opened the curtain for the next scene.


Early morning on the third day.

"The weather forecast will be broadcast next. The low pressure that occurred west of Las Vegas a few days ago——"

There was something banal coming from the TV. Citizens hurried to their places of work as the weather forecast for the next few days varied between good and bad. The city of Snowfield remains free of any alarming incidents.

Faldius is relatively satisfied with this result.

It has been confirmed that he can quell most unrest, and if it is larger, he can rely on Francesca to smooth over some of it.

"How to deal with the case in the hospital last night...Mr. Stalker should start assassinating Galvaroso..."

As soon as Faldius thought of this, he received a special secret communication. The news did not come from within Snowfield, but from his backers - the "real masterminds" - the special department in Washington.

"I am Faldius. General, what can I do?"

"Did you watch the news?"

The man known as the General made a deep male voice. Faldius heard the sound and looked at the news being broadcast in the city, but there was nothing important. So the channel was tuned to a wide-area program outside the city, and it was discovered that a strong candidate for the next president had died of illness.

"Sigh... Everyone says he is the next president. He is really unlucky. However, this is not directly related to the general's department, right?"

"This matter...has nothing to do with you, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Not just him, just yesterday afternoon, thirty-five people, ranging from big figures in the financial world, anchors of large media, to leaders of large parliamentary press corps, suddenly died of accidents or diseases. And the people who died were all Deep ties to the White House.

"The autopsy report proves that there is nothing suspicious about their deaths. Because of this, some people speculate that this coincidence cannot be unrelated to magic. At this time, there will be people who suspect that this matter is related to your rituals, and it is understandable Bar."

The general hinted to Faldius that "you are very suspicious", then he sighed and ended the topic in a businesslike tone: "I haven't reported it to the president yet. If you know anything new about the Snowfield ceremony , contact me immediately.”

This day later became known as "American Curse Day" and became an urban legend.

Faldius thought for a moment and investigated online alone. After connecting the death places of the thirty-five people on the map according to the time of death, it was found that they were connected in order from nearest to far, centered on Galvaroso Scladio's base camp. It was as if a god of death set out from Scladio's base camp, killing every target he saw as he walked.

Faldius could neither insist that "this has nothing to do with Hassan Sabah" nor was he thick-skinned enough to pretend that he had not seen anything.

The key is that Galvaroso is still in a state of uncertainty. Even if he died, Scladio's magicians could keep the matter hidden for the time being.

"Hassan...what exactly...are you doing...where?"

At this moment, Faldius finally realized two things: first, this "ritual" is no longer limited to Snowfield - its curse has begun to spread to the entire United States; second, Francesca may have started from a I have been looking forward to things developing to this point since the beginning.

Just when Faldius was in panic, the panicked voice of the newscaster gave him another blow.

"Continue to report the weather forecast to everyone. The low pressure that occurred west of Las Vegas is now rapidly intensifying and is expected to develop into a very large typhoon soon."

From the satellite images broadcast on TV, you can see a super large typhoon with a diameter of more than 800 kilometers.

"There has never been any precedent for such a situation in history——"

"A sandstorm has occurred in Death Valley National Park..."

"Expected to head straight to Snowfield..."

"...We are really going in a straight line...Is this reasonable?"

"It's almost as if the typhoon has a mind."

"This is no time for joking."

A chaotic vortex of intelligence began to flow.

Faldius' intuition made him realize the truth. He looked at the ceiling in despair and murmured: "Who did this...? Which camp is it from? What on earth did this person... want to call?" Come to this city (altar)..."


Snowfield is twenty kilometers above the ground.

"Okay, come here quickly."

This super huge airship is Prelati's workshop.

Filia stood on the airbag and looked to the distant southwest.

In front of the semicircular horizon is a cloud that is huge even on the scale of the Earth. Filia looked at it and nodded contentedly: "Well, even though it was pulled from a 'branch' that is not connected to anywhere, it shouldn't matter if it only disappears for a short time, right? The 'me' of that era probably also Can barely use a little power."

Like a beloved pet, she stretched out her hand to the clouds hundreds of kilometers away and said to it: "Don't worry, I won't take action before you arrive. Let's complete our revenge together, shall we?"

There was a smile on her face, but there was no trace of humanity. In a sense, this expression has a completely opposite sense of terror to Bazdilos.

Then, she looked down, with a murderous intention that could only be described as evil in her smile: "Looking for revenge on those two... ungrateful and ungrateful guys."


Francesca's workshop.

"The man on the airship is so scary——"

"Don't worry about her, it's not us she's staring at, but the two on the ground."

Although Francois comforted her, Francesca still puffed up her cheeks: "I hate it - don't blame others, can you leave quickly... Even playing with broken goddess data is not fun at all. None!"


Regarding Francesca's complaints, "that thing" attached to Filia did not know anything about it. In a self-pitying tone, she called to the typhoon far away in the west: "When you come here, I will help you restore your original appearance (shape) right away...

"Look forward to it, Bull of Heaven (Gu Jalana)!"


Summer, 1842, on the Mediterranean Sea.

The water carries the bright and intense sunlight, and the gentle waves depend on each other.

A ship cut through the light on the water and moved forward.

Although this ship cannot be described as luxurious, it is still a sailing ship with a style and courage that matches its appearance.

A man on the boat asked loudly: "...What island is that island?"

In front of the man's sight, there was the shape of an island.

The island has a beautiful gently sloping island shape, but also has a surface of tawny rocks mixed with light green. It is a monotonous island.

"Oh, that island... uncle, there's nothing on that island, it's just an uninhabited island."

After hearing the answers from the nearby crew members, the man asked the crew members with interest:

"Oh? But I saw something that looked like a building on the island. Is there really no one there?"

"Huh? Uh...is there one? In fact, I don't know at all. I have never deliberately looked at it by boat before...Indeed, what is that?"

After the crew members who tilted their heads in confusion turned back to continue their work, the person who came over was a man holding a wine glass in one hand.

"What's the matter, brother? Are you in love with that island?"

The man was well-dressed and well-proportioned. Although he has a steady appearance, there seems to be a solemn intellectual brilliance beneath his eyes.

"However, I advise you not to be obsessed with islands or the sea. Those are scary women who will be very scary once provoked, and will leave you impoverished if there is a flaw. Maybe they are men."

The man said with a shrug. The man who looked at the island at first shook his head and replied:

"...You called me 'friend' on the first day we met. I just wanted to say that on the way to the boat, I heard you call me 'best friend', but on the way back, you called me 'brother', 'Prince'?" If others hear it, they will shout that I have violated the crime of disrespect and throw stones at me."

"What are you talking about? Although I have feelings for you that are more than a friend or a best friend, if I want to describe my feelings as something other than a relationship between men and women, I can only treat you as a compatriot who grew up together." The man named Prince drank the liquid in the glass easily and smiled meaningfully: "Anyway, you never had that kind of formal respect for me from the beginning, right?"

"Well, to describe it in an article is to talk to you in a more approachable way. Do you want to switch to a more formal way of talking like a letter?"

"The person that the public will sincerely respect is not me, but people like you... who can bring joy to others. At least as far as I am concerned, I cannot bring joy to the public, just like that romantic drama Give people the joy of sending the play "The Alchemist" or the novel "The Chevalier de Armandale". The only person who can accomplish this great feat is Alexandre Dumas - only you, no one else can do it. Not me, the nephew of the former emperor. Something that a person of his status can do.”

The man who was flattered with what could be described as excessive words - Alexandre Dumas could only shake his head and smile bitterly at the man in front of him.

"Spare me. I am actually able to receive such praise from the nephew of the famous Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Although I am grateful, please do not let me live under house arrest on the island just now."

The person who asked Alexandre Dumas to say this - Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte raised the corners of his mouth happily in response to the rocking of the ship.

He was the nephew of the French Emperor Napoleon I, equivalent to the cousin of Napoleon III.

Because his father Jerome was the king of the Kingdom of Westphalia that once existed, he had the nickname "Prince" and "Plon-Plon", and he was a nineteen-year-old young man.

He became close friends with Alexandre Dumas, who was already the best-selling author at the time, while traveling in Italy. At Jerome's recommendation, he and Alexandre went to Elba Island together. After enjoying the hunt on the island where Napoleon I, Uncle Joseph's uncle, was once exiled, they were now on the return boat, bumping and undulating with the waves.

"Let me tell you, brother, I want to ask you..."

Joseph showed a gentle smile and asked Alexandre Dumas, who was more than twenty years older than him:

"Don't you even hate my uncle?"

After listening, Alexandre Dumas shrugged and replied:

"Haha! Tell me, what do I hate about the French Emperor Napoleon?"

"I heard that your father was severely treated coldly by my uncle. I also heard that he refused your application for an annuity."

"Okay, okay, it's all in the past. Well, that's right. Those things caused me to live a long life of poverty, and also caused my mother to suffer a lot. I even think that even if I beat him on my behalf, Dun will not be punished by God. But..."

After Dumas thought for a while, he slowly listed his words while looking at the island shadow:

"I don't think I ever said that I once met your uncle... I must have met Napoleon I."

"This is the first time I've heard it."

"I don't remember if I was thirteen at that time. I went to watch that man's triumphal procession."

There was a slight pause at this point, and the ship tilted greatly.

"At that time, I still had a pistol hidden in my arms."


The words spoken in the gap between the waves shocked Joseph's ears like a scene in a drama, but he continued to listen in silence.

"Originally I planned to duel with him, and I also wanted to throw my white gloves into the carriage he was riding in. His Majesty the Emperor insulted my parents first, so it makes sense for me to choose the weapon, right?"

"But my uncle did not die there, and great writers are still alive like this."

"Yes. When the crowds around were shouting "Long Live the Emperor," I must have approached him with an expression like a ghost. I saw a pale face through the gap in the carriage. It was an unrequited man. The dwarf was affected by the noise around him and was exhausted from the fatigue of the war. Look, how simple it is. All he has to do is throw out the white gloves that replaced the duel book. If I had accomplished that kind of thing that day, he would have given the order It is absolutely true that the soldiers around me will attack me and either kill me or drive me away. However, that guy will undoubtedly escape from the duel. That guy is best ridiculed by the people in the city as His Majesty the Emperor who escaped from the duel with an imp!... Like What do you think he did after taking out his white gloves in the next moment?”

Accompanying the rocking of the ship, rhythmically and like an actor singing his lines on the stage, Dumas continued to elaborate on his past.

"...The answer is, he kept waving that glove. He lifted the object he was planning to throw very high, and when he came back to his senses, he was already shouting "Long Live the Emperor" together with the people around him... Yes Yes, my lord prince. Your uncle is indeed a hero, but on the other hand, he is also hated by many people. Apart from me, there must be more and more people who want to throw gloves at the emperor. I don't want to rely on duels, but want to shoot bullets directly. The guys who entered the carriage must have gathered a large crowd. However, those same-sex people still let the pale and tired man bathe in applause. Although I don't know what made them willing to do this, his Majesty was indeed People's dreams are their aspirations. Once I realized this, I could no longer take action. Those who can point their guns at the object of their dreams as if nothing was wrong are only excellent soldiers. However, I am definitely not a soldier. . It is precisely because he made me aware of this matter that I can now use a pen instead of a gun and continue to fight."

This long line begins with seriousness and ends with relaxation. Dumas closed one eye and smiled faintly at his friend who was more than twenty years younger than himself.

"So, describing it in this way, does it meet your expectations, Mr. Prince?"

"What I just said are your creations, right, brother?"

"Really? However, if there is a guy who wants to do that kind of thing, I will neither confirm nor deny him, that's all. The truth is dim in the face of interesting lies. On the contrary To put it bluntly, even if it is boiled or roasted, it is unpalatable. The existence of meat called real meat can only be seasoned with history, left to wake up for a few years, and then sprinkled with a little seasoning called lies. It will become something that is a little bit more edible.”

Seeing Alexandre Dumas speaking in this way, he seemed to be happier than describing his own past. Joseph said dumbfounded:

"However, if it becomes like this, it will also make people care about the true taste of meat, brother."

"The truth of this situation is...well, that's it. Now, I no longer hate Napoleon I and his blood relatives. After adding the story just now, it doesn't matter whether it is true or a fictional creation. ,Right?"

"I see. So for you, even uninhabited islands are worth trying. Having said that, there are many uninhabited islands, so why would you care about that island alone? You shouldn't "Has some connection with that island"?"

In response to the words of Joseph who chuckled and asked, Alexandre Dumas shrugged:

"It's intuition. Pure intuition."

"Intuition? Intuition may be very important for the profession you are engaged in."

"Because it was an island that I glimpsed when I was on a ship with His Majesty's relatives like this. I thought it would be good to make that island famous as a memorial to our acquaintance."

After listening, the nephew of the former French Emperor looked up at the island shadow like a noisy child and said in a passionate voice:

"Yes, I have always felt that there is something on that island! There is a character whose name is exactly the same as that island. I heard rumors about that person a few years ago. Don't tell anyone... A long time ago, too I have seen strange actions by those lurking in the darkness of the church."

"The... dark side of the church?"

"Oh, forget this. Because even my father, who was once the king, did not intend to reveal the true story of the church. Anyway, there are indeed various treasure legends on that island from a long time ago. Rumors like miracles and legends. Because it is an island with nothing, all kinds of people will project their dreams on the street, including children, hunters, adventurers, and religious figures. Go to that island. However, just because they are afraid that if they go there, they will know that there is nothing on that island, so almost no one wants to go to the island to find out."

"Hey, hey, are you going to take away my responsibility? It's my job to describe things related to that island! Stop talking and tell me the name of that island, brother."

Joseph, who was happy that Dumas called him his brother, thought that Dumas would write this story in the future. While he was excited about the stories he had yet to see, he recited the name of the island.

"The name of that island is - 'Mount Cristo'! It is an island with nothing, so it can contain everything and is full of possibilities!"


"Next news. Yesterday, members of the House of Lords and business leaders passed away suddenly due to accidents or illness. Faced with this situation, the stock price in the NY market is in chaos——』

Should "that" that happened at Snowfield be called a "test from heaven"?

Regarding this issue, the more accurately a person observes the development of the situation, the more the pointer of the scale in his heart will tend to be negative.

Because for the city, or for the United States as a whole, those unprecedented series of events - the "Holy Grail War" - were inevitable and triggered events.

The city called Snowfield itself was an experimental site that someone chose to build on the American soil for ritual purposes—and from the beginning, “returning the land to zero” was woven into the urban fabric.

However, this is the view of the person behind the test after all.

From the perspective of ordinary people who don't know anything about magic, that kind of thing has nothing to do with it.

From the perspective of citizens who do not know the "reason" of darkness, it is undoubtedly a sudden disaster.

Holy Grail War.

Even among magicians, it is a restricted ritual that only some people know.

Multiple magicians summon heroic spirits whose existence is carved into the "seat" of the world as their familiars, and they compete with each other to obtain the universal wishing machine - which is truly a stepping stone to the "root".

Although it is said that there were other intentions at first - the Third Holy Grail War that was held half a century ago and was full of intrigues by most forces behind the scenes, and the Fourth Holy Grail War that was held more than ten years ago. During the war, the Clock Tower lost a monarch, which aroused the intense attention of a handful of magicians who had overcome layers of false information. However, looking at the overall situation, it is classified as a "suspicious ritual held in the Far East" - but the "one" performed in the United States this time, even if it is regarded as the Holy Grail War, is beginning to appear too heterogeneous and distorted. Condition.

First of all, there are too many summoned heroic spirits.

It is said that the normal Holy Grail War is a war between seven heroic spirits. It was indeed carried out with this number of people in the beginning, but——

Ever since the heroic spirit presumed to be the "Swordsman" appeared in front of the cameras of a local TV station and declared that he would compensate for the damage to the theater and the losses suffered, around that time, this war began to have a huge impact that was different from the original Holy Grail War. "deviation".

Magical rituals that should be handled discreetly.

But for those who use magic or are exposed to all mysteries, this absolute norm was broken not long after the start of this hypocritical Holy Grail War.

Or, it can be said that this is what the masterminds behind the ritual expected.

In the desert, there is a single challenge between "Archers" and "Lancers".

The aftermath of the conflict between the two Noble Phantasms caused vitrification in part of the desert, resulting in the formation of huge craters. When this incident was announced to the public, it was handled covertly on the grounds that an explosion occurred in a pipeline installed by the natural gas company.

In addition, there was an attack by an "assassin", and it was speculated that the target was a "swordsman" inside the police station.

During the process, a vampire presumed to be the master of the "assassin" also appeared to disrupt the situation. Although it turned into a scuffle involving Father Hanse Cervantes, who was sent by the church to supervise the Holy Grail War, it was ostensibly handled covertly on the grounds that terrorists were attacking a police station.

Then, the archer camp based in the Crystal Palace was attacked. Although the surrounding buildings suffered damage with glass windows broken at the same time, the incident was handled covertly, citing the appearance of a tornado. Then, at the meat factory located in the corner of the industrial area - centered on this magic workshop protected by the Squartio family, the powerful two-pillar heroic spirits and other "something" caused widespread destruction.

In this part, under the influence of the large-scale illusions cast by the sorcerer-type heroic spirits, the scenery seen by the residents may still maintain the illusion of being deceived.

It had only been a few days, but the ceremony had already been severely distorted.

The magician and his familiar—not just a familiar, but many heroic spirits embodied by the mystery itself—engage in a magic ritual of "fighting each other."

No matter how careful and perfect the preparations for that ceremony are before it is held, if exceptional circumstances such as city street collapse continue to occur, concealment will be pushed to the limit.

But not to mention that the situation is expected to come to an end, we are even beginning to see signs of irreversible intensification.

A huge typhoon appeared on the west coast, regardless of the climatic conditions required for its formation.

Centered in Washington, the United States, unusual incidents occurred one after another in which important figures in the financial, political, and intelligence circles died one after another.

Anyone who knew the circumstances behind these events would realize that they were all man-made disasters.

The city of Snowfield has now set off a "big wave".

One side of the world is being dragged inexorably into the abyss of that dim cavern.

If we want to call this situation a "test given by the great being" -

Then this test is like throwing people into an endless maze where you can't even see a step before you talk about the end position.

Because those people didn't even realize that they were being imprisoned in the maze.


A private channel on a social networking software.

Furu: "Well, roughly speaking, that's it... I'll just talk about the conclusion.

Snowfield is super bad.

To be honest, it was so bad that I wanted to run away as soon as possible.

Moreover, it is basically completely different from what I heard at first.

Uh, no. It is true that people who are closely related to magic will not tell the truth without any restrictions, but even taking these things into consideration, it is still unreasonable.

The root of the ritual may have been inherited from Fuyuki's "that" one, but in terms of scale and foundation, something was completely wrong.

First, there is the realm record tape [Ghostliner].

This is what you "people who have come here" call the heroic spirits [heroic spirits]. According to what you said, when it was held in that place called Fuyuki, the Seven Pillars of Heroic Spirits fought against each other, right?

But, when I used my astrology to find out the situation, it didn't show the level of seven pillars. It’s nearly a multiple—no, judging from the chaotic star that I don’t know if it’s a heroic spirit or something else, there’s something sinister above it. Last night, I monitored the situation in front of the hospital. Only then did a dog with three heads appear, and then two hundred monsters that looked like phantom species appeared and started fighting with the heroic spirits who looked bad just by looking at them. Later, the magic was in chaos, and I couldn't continue to monitor it properly.

Don't tell me if it's a three-headed dog from hell or a demon. No matter what he is, a monster that shouldn't exist on the outside is now strutting on the streets of American cities! If it was a dream, I almost wanted to wake up. The person who allowed the world to see such a dream must be a rather childish magician.

What happened next is difficult to explain clearly.

I will encrypt the file that is suspected to be an image record and attach it to you. You can use magic to decrypt it yourself.

Ah~...But ah, if you think I'm making all this up, then that's the end of it.

Even if you doubt it, I won't be angry. If I were in the opposite position, I might yell "Stop it", "Pay me back", or even curse the other person.

Anyway, you are different from me, so you should be able to view it from a different perspective, the destroyer of the magic world. "

El-Melloi II: “This nickname is really surprising.

El-Melloi II: "Having said that, thank you for your report. The situation has deteriorated more than I expected."

Furu: "It's true that I didn't expect it. When the crater appeared in the desert at first, I thought it was the worst situation, but I didn't expect that the record would be set every half a day, dragging the city into a worse abyss. .”

Furu: "But what's going on with the part where there are too many heroic spirits?"

Furu: "Although this is indeed a land with perfect spiritual veins, it is still a step away from the Fuyuki I heard about. Even so, more heroic spirits than usual have been summoned. These Doesn’t it make sense logically?”

El-Melloi II: "Probably it's an inducement."

Fu Liu: "You actually said it was an inducement."

El-Melloi II: "The first few heroic spirits summoned intentionally disrupted the spiritual veins of the land, causing the land to attract magic from other parts of the continental United States. It's like giving first aid in order to activate immunity. Treatment as intense as physical harm.”

Furu: "You mean that in order to summon the seven-pillar "Realm Record Tape", they first summoned the other six pillars to sacrifice? Use that messy "Realm Record Tape" as a catalyst? Even if it is a means It’s a bit arrogant, there should be a limit, right?”

El-Melloi II: "Just like pushing the seven stationary pendulum balls toward the surface, it probably took five or six pendulum balls to hit them hard from the inside. Originally, it only needed to push the same number of pendulum balls like Newton's pendulum. Just use the pendulum ball to operate it. If you want to push even the seventh pendulum ball out of the surface, you can ask the managers who make up this land to add more. Those original heroic spirits who have no use anymore may be lost due to To achieve a balance, it will be absorbed by the land after a while.”

Furu: "I don't feel that way. Although I doubt your statement, the guy in the shining armor is indeed the "King of Heroes" of Akkad. Through the magic of far-sightedness, I When I observed the fate of that guy, I felt dizzy, as if my brain had been directly disturbed. Including that guy, it turned out that it was not even used as a material for the Holy Grail, but as a bundle of straw for burning. It’s crazy to just throw it away.”

El-Melloi II: "Yes, you are right. Whether as a magician or as a person who has almost nothing to do with mystery, this kind of thinking can never be called normal. That kind of behavior is not treating mystery as Only mysterious guys can do it. That’s what truly deserves the title of ‘Destroyer’.”

Furu: "Although this is a private group, as you are using social software to analyze mysteries, do you have the right to say such things?"

El-Melloi II: "The current situation is that those magicians who are desperately studying electronic hacking technology have limited communication methods to magic communication. Although every method is accompanied by risks, within the scope of my ability, I It can be said that the method is safer. Even if it is secretly seen, most people will only regard it as a joke. If the other party is from our side, there is no need to hide it. No, if the other party uses concealment magic the more A serious magician who puts his creed first will probably work harder to eliminate it when he sees such a stupid report."

Furu: "If a magician hears this kind of report, he will immediately think it is nonsense."

El-Melloi II: "Anyway, this situation should change in a few years. Recently, portable devices called smartphones have begun to appear on the market, and they may even become popular enough to affect the world of magic. With that, As the risk of mysteries being recorded increases, the concealment methods have to be changed to different methods from the past. For example, insisting that the news is fake, or adding false information to confuse the audience, this approach will make it easier to hide the magic, right? . Because of this, I hope this large-scale and wasteful ceremony can avoid as many flaws as possible."

Furu: "You are still the same, talking endlessly as soon as the topic starts. No, what can't stop in this situation is your fingertips, right? It took less than a minute. It's a shame that you were able to list so many things by typing. That’s a lot of words. Could it be that the previous article contains some magic that even I can’t understand?”

El-Melloi II: "You praise me too much. It's because in hobby games, it is sometimes necessary to exchange compressed information with other players in an instant."

El-Melloi II: "Besides, I can't make up a high-level concealment technique that you can't detect. However, should I say it is on the Internet? Even the tone between the lines is exactly the same as your choice of words."

Furu: "I'm not used to it. On the contrary, just like you don't use a pseudonym as a nickname, it's a matter of the way you respond. If you mix an awkward image into a situation that you are not used to, it will be like a curse and make yourself uncomfortable. , it would be very troublesome, wouldn’t it?”

Furu: "Oh, don't care about those things. I will inquire for a while, and if something happens, I will escape from the city. Although those residents who plan to leave the city are all affected by a strange curse and are mentally controlled. , turned back to the city, but I will try to rely on stargazing and find a less cursed route to escape."

El-Melloi II: "I'm sorry. You were in that city a long time ago and you really helped me a lot."

El-Melloi II: "Although I have made contact with the person behind the scenes, the police chief, and have formed a temporary common front, the information I have obtained is only a small part. According to my conversations with him It seems to me that he may not have been informed of anything deeper than what was going on behind the scenes. Because of this, I would be grateful to have objective information from you personally."

Furu: "It's nothing. I just came here because I thought there might be a lucrative job. If the mercenaries who use magic are too lazy to move, they will have nothing to eat. In the end, selling your favors seems to be the most profitable. It’s commonly known as going with the flow.”

Furu: "...Let me ask first, will there be any other Lord [Lord] here besides you?"

El-Melloi II: "That's not the case. Rufresius of the Spiritual Department has left the clock tower because of something, but he is not someone who will go to the scene of the incident in person. So even if something goes wrong on your side, He would just shrug and say, ‘It’s just what was supposed to happen, it happened’ and be fine. However, he seems to be somewhat interested in realm records.”

Fuliu: "Okay, it's enough to know that nothing worse than what is happening now will come to this city. This place is already full of peers, how can I be careless and let them see my special skills."

Furu: "By the way, there is a relatively famous Asian colleague who seems to be participating as the master. But compared to the real veterans, it is nothing... That person is called Sigma, and he is a In terms of magic power, he is weak, but his ability to survive is outstanding. He looks like a doll. Remember to tell your cute apprentice not to get close to him."

El-Melloi II: "Thank you for your advice."

El-Melloi II: "I regret not warning Frat properly. I should have warned him more strongly about the dangers of the Holy Grail War."

Fu Liu: "Oh, this sentence sounds very harsh to me who comes here for money."

El-Melloi II: "Sorry, I didn't mean to be sarcastic."

Fuliu: "I understand, Your Majesty."

Furu: "That's it, I'm in a state where I can't stand it anymore. It's time to turn off the communication."

Furu: "In addition, there was a strange "guidance" in the stars just now. I have attached this part to the file of the report."

Furu: "Anyway, I will contact you again when I know. Please add some bonus to my reward."

——Fu Liu has logged out.


Snowfield Town Hall.

"Next...it was all right to show off just now, but the current situation is really not good."

There is a bottomless magic turbulent on Snowfield Avenue, which has been paved with a driving barrier.

A man in the city hall building shrugged, looking at the street in the center of the city, where the hospital and the police station were mixed.

This man, who until now had been exchanging articles with his "client", Lord El-Melloi II of the Clock Tower, in an online private chat room, quietly looked up at the stars outside the window.

"However, it feels like Boss El-Melloi is furious."

When I was communicating in the chat room just now, I really didn't see any written curses or things that magicians would use in the articles.

But, he did feel it. In the heart of this man, El-Melloi II, there was a quiet yet boiling anger.

"It's not as simple as the mystery of magic being played with."

"It must have been dirty to the extent that a place that was important to me was dirty."

"Really, who taught him how to expose other people's magic when he is clearly not a magician at heart? I think that gentleman has already planned out the sequence of dismantling this crazy ritual in his head. .”

"He is not scary if he uses magic to challenge him, but I will never fight him as a magician. Within this range, his ability is indeed enough to become one of the twelve tops of the Clock Tower." This A man with a beard and a strong build caressed his fingertips at the Arab headscarf that was used to protect against sand and dust, which was incompatible with the city center far away from the desert. He looked down from the window of the empty room of the city hall to the already deserted Main road.

"Forget it, before it turns into a situation where stargazing from the city is impossible, the scouts should continue to do what the scouts should do."

The man's name is Furuka.

He is both a mercenary who uses magic and an astrologer who has been labeled as a "killer".

After he heard the news about the Holy Grail War being held this time, his original plan was to sell himself to magicians in various fields instead of directly receiving monetary rewards, intending to expand interpersonal relationships and establish deep friendships, so he came to this city—— —As a result, when he saw through everything and knew that this matter was related to the Squartio family, which was notorious among "magic users", he received another contact from the Clock Tower Lord who he was familiar with before, and he directly took over the matter. Entrusted to become a person who investigates intelligence.

"Judging from the cycle of the stars, it is indeed a mixture of good and bad. Although I understand the principle of high risk and high reward, is there really a reward worth being in this situation?"

He sighed loudly, and after the wry smile could no longer be removed, he took out several knives from his arms and threw them into the sky.

"Lead [Lead me.]"

Then, several knives stopped evenly in the air like a circle, and as if they each had consciousness, they actively inserted into the floor around Fuluka.

Even though the floor was made of stone tiles, half of the dagger's blade was still deeply inserted into the floor.

Furuka waved his fist at the center of the "magic circle" formed by the knives, letting his magic power circulate through the earth and sky.

"Lead me, now! [Now, guide me!]"

After saying that, the dagger kept moving like the dorsal fin of a shark in the water, and then floated again in a form that defied gravity, floating around Fuluka.

Then, the tips of all the daggers swayed like compass needles, pointing in different directions, and then stopped one by one.

But - several of the daggers were like magnetic needles whose magnetic field was disturbed, they just kept spinning violently without any sign of stopping.

"The number of heroic spirits has decreased? No..."

What he just did was to observe the flow of cause and effect based on astrology, and to judge the direction and distance of the heroic spirits who were originally heterogeneous.

If the heroic spirit dissipates at this time, the dagger will just fall to the ground and the divination will end.

However, among the daggers floating in the air, there were still several that were still spinning fiercely. It seems to express the contradictory phenomenon of "although it still exists, it is not anywhere".

"...Oh, I'm just a scout, I won't interfere with the truth of fate. What's more, solving puzzles is the proud domain of Professor Clock Tower..."

Then, Fuluka looked out the window at the main road again.

The scene exposed in the sunlight showed clear signs of destruction.

"What exactly happened there after that?"

It was as if there was a disaster that only passed through that big road. On the asphalt road, guardrails from surrounding hospitals and the remains of vehicles originally parked on the roadside were scattered. The water pipes seemed to be broken, and water could be seen gushing out from the sunken ground everywhere.

Compared with craters that appear in deserts, this damage may not be serious.

However, the destruction in the center of the city where people live will undoubtedly make residents more heartbroken than the tragedy in the desert.

Rather, there is a strong possibility that this destruction will lead people to connect it with the big explosion in the desert and other mysterious phenomena.

However, this scout, who was hired by Lord El-Melloi II and could use magic, was concerned about another thing.

That is - in the scene where a heroic battle probably took place, there was not a single body left, not even the slightest trace of blood.

It was as if the very existence of life itself had completely disappeared.


clock tower.

"Are you okay, teacher?"

"Well, it's okay."

Lord El-Melloi II frowned, looking tired. He responded to the boarding disciple's question with such a clever expression.

The female apprentice, who knew that this was just a show of force, also wanted to find a solution to the teacher's worries. So she made a proposal:

"How about... how about contacting Miss Tohsaka? She is someone who has experienced the Holy Grail War, and she might want to find a way to let Mr. Flatt survive."

"No. If you want to listen to the advice of others, I can replace her. What's more, her relationship with [Fuyuki] is too deep. In such a heterogeneous Holy Grail War, her knowledge is likely to cause trouble. "


"Speaking of which, what do you think will happen if you tell that 'lady'? She might go to the United States immediately. The same goes for Spencer and other graduates. I can't tell them about Flatt. I can't let those who are about to Graduates are in danger."

At this moment, what Ni was holding in his hand was not the usual trademarked cigar, but a mobile phone instead.

While talking to the boarding disciple, II had already pressed a certain number several times, but the other party seemed not to answer the phone at all.

Moreover, the person that Nisei wants to call is not a graduate, but the young man with the longest experience among his current students - Flat.

As Flatt's face appeared in Ni's mind, he finally complained about the phone call that had not been returned a few hours ago.

"That idiot...if he just fell asleep and didn't answer my call, I really wouldn't let him go!"

He said that he would not spare Flat, but his tone of voice was full of expressions of sincere hope that everything would be like this.


"Next news. The typhoon that suddenly appeared on the west coast of the United States. Because its movements were unprecedented, the official decided not to use the name on the typhoon naming list as usual and will name it another one.

A few hours ago, the main road along Snowfield Central Hospital.

It was like a fantasy scene.

However, it does not mean a sweet peach land - it means a war of gods or hell - a fantasy scenery with this meaning.

Bennett - a "berserker" who transformed into more than two hundred demons.

After he used overwhelming suppression to slaughter the three-headed demon dog raised by the "True Archer" who called himself Alcides, everyone thought that Bennett would continue to suppress the heroic spirits as well, but

Its "power to become a demon" - also known as the Noble Phantasm, was taken away by Alcides' Noble Phantasm.

Loot the treasure of the treasure.

Alcides, who possesses alien power, makes use of a power that deviates too much from common sense.

After easily defeating Bennett, he grabbed his weapon and planned to continue killing the police who stood in his way.

However, another "Archer" wearing golden armor appeared here. It was none other than the original hero.

Then, with the appearance of the "Swordsman" with graceful blond hair mixed with red hair, the situation became even more confusing and complicated.

"Hey, hey, are you mistaken? Can even the evil ghost Rakshasa be summoned as a heroic spirit?

In a situation where the atmosphere was obviously abnormal, and one wrong move could lead to countless deaths immediately, the swordsman who spoke - Richard I, the "Lion-Hearted King", was calm, as if this situation was just the right place for him. asked the dark-haired young man behind him.

The black-haired young man - Sigma, who claims to be the master of "Lancer Chaplin", and the swordsman are both ignorant in different senses. After listening to the swordsman's speech, he responded calmly: "I have heard that even Fuyuki's Holy Grail War seemed to have anti-heroes. According to what his employer said, as long as the conditions are met, it seems that he can summon that kind of hero. exist."

"I see. Well, I can summon fairies after all. If even the banshee can appear, I would like to see it after a long time, but it seems that she is not someone I can watch leisurely."

After seeing the demon-like heroic spirit, the swordsman glanced upward again.

"The same goes for that magnificent heroic spirit above."

Where the swordsman caught a glimpse, there stood a man wearing golden armor with a strong aura.

The heroic spirit overlooking the swordsman from the church bell tower said with an unhappy expression:

"Know your identity, bastard. Who gave you permission to look up to me?"


Even using this sentence to describe it is understandable.

However, the swordsman immediately understood that this person was definitely not arrogant and complacent, but that he took it for granted.

The golden heroic spirit standing above.

The devil-like archers stood in front of me.

"That 'blingy' gentleman is also an archer?"

"I see. Judging from the situation of the two archers, this Holy Grail War is indeed abnormal."

"Just like the spearman I met in the forest warned me, it seems that this Holy Grail War is anything but normal."

"Nevertheless, the knowledge supposedly given by the Holy Grail tells me that this is a "correct Holy Grail War." There may be some meaning in this."

Richard thought this, but there was no time for him to think deeply now.

That golden heroic spirit was probably far superior to him.

The other party's spiritual power was quite powerful, even rivaling that of the handsome spearman he met in the forest.

It was clear at a glance that the Golden Heroic Spirit was definitely not an opponent that could be defeated in a head-on confrontation.

As for the alien archer with devilish horns who he just talked to -

Richard also understood that the archer was also a powerful heroic spirit whose strength was so disparate that it was almost hopeless.

Richard's spiritual power was nervously telling him of the intense danger.

That warning was issued by the fragments of the Noble Phantasm that accompanied Richard, which had not yet reached the realm of heroic spirits. It was the fragments of the spiritual base such as Loxley, whom Richard called the assassin, and Pie, the archer, who were calmly ringing the alarm bell, expressing the warning "Do you want to die here in vain? Retreat quickly."

Although he could feel the aura of the indifferent swordsman and the magician who only smiled faintly, Richard himself was looking at the "absolutely powerful men" standing in front of him with shining eyes.

"Obviously you are a famous hero who cannot be underestimated and worthy of admiration. Judging from the wording, you should belong to the category of kings. There are very few people in the world who are worthy of respect just by standing here. With my status today I want to thank you for being able to stand here.”

"Bastard, you want to judge me with your eyes? Your thanks are unnecessary. Speaking of which, I have never allowed you anything."

The hero in golden armor did not change his expression at all and said calmly:

"Disappear immediately."

After saying that - the space behind the heroic spirit suddenly became distorted, a cave opened out of thin air, and countless weapons emerged from the cave.

Although the swordsman was dumbfounded and confused, he could still tell that it was an act full of murderous intent.

Those countless weapons, called "Noble Phantasms" and wrapped with magical power, were like arrows released from a fully loaded crossbow, and they were shot at the swordsman's place.

Perhaps sensing the danger beforehand, Sigma had already stayed away from the place and retreated to the dark alley of the church.

The swordsman who was left alone was confused for a moment, and then he said in sudden realization: "When you say disappeared, do you mean eliminated from this world!"

Then, he drew his sword out of its sheath while smiling happily.

"Haha! You're so funny!"

That sword was originally decorated in the swamp mansion where Sigmar was based. It was a decorative sword with a blunt edge.

However, as long as there is still a hilt to hold, it is a superior weapon to Richard. ()

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