A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1027 1027 What kind of countermeasure is this?

"Are you going to use this assumption to excuse yourself?!"

"Since you entered the war yourself, don't just say "it's over" so easily."


After listening to Alexandre Dumas' words, the director remained silent and adjusted his breathing several times. All the anger and anxiety on his face disappeared, and he spoke with introspection.

"...Yes. I'm sorry. Even if all the forces on this side, including you and me, are dead, we shouldn't conclude that it's over."

"Haha! I really like the fact that you can calm down instantly, don't you?"

"I'll just assume you're complimenting me...but even if you calm down, the situation won't get better."

"Then, let me give you some good news. The members of the missing police team are currently safe and sound."


Alexandre Dumas raised the corners of his mouth happily and continued to the director who opened his eyes slightly.

"I can still feel the breath of the weapons I have cooked. Although I am not a great person as a Caster in the Holy Grail War, the degree of "existence" or "non-existence" of things related to me in this world is still I know. Judging from this feeling, the items handed to them do still exist somewhere in this world... However, it doesn't seem to be a place that can be reached on foot... To be honest, that's it."

"But, if just the treasure phantom remains, it doesn't mean that the personal safety of the users is guaranteed, right?"

To the surprised director, Dumas further replied.

"At least John is alive."

"how do you know?"

"We'll talk about that later. I just still have the Noble Phantasm that I haven't told you about, brother."

"...Forget it, since I have to explain, let's let it go now. The safety of my subordinates comes first at the moment."

After swallowing what he wanted to say, the director turned his attention to the current problem again.

"But... I don't understand. In some kind of magic barrier... is it an inherent barrier?"

Inherent enchantment.

Thinking of this word, the director pondered softly in his heart.

"What about the inherent barrier? It's a great magic that creates a small world using the mental landscape and forcibly introduces it into this world, isn't it?"

"Although your understanding is a bit rough, it is not completely wrong. ... Well, if it is a unique barrier or similar magic, it can indeed isolate a certain number of people. If it is a heroic spirit, there are one or two It’s not surprising that a guy can use such magical skills... But it basically requires a huge amount of magic power. It’s okay for a short time, but after all, it’s still impossible to capture a disappeared person for a long time.”

In the world of magic, it is called a great magic that is close to magic and has an inherent barrier.

Sometimes even the laws of physics can be twisted, and the act of covering reality with "the world", given the magic power of magicians, no matter what kind of heroic spirit they are, the limit is probably a few minutes.

If there is a magic source that continues to maintain the inherent barrier on top of this, that would be a different matter. But if there is this level of magical activity, it should be possible to detect something in the observation system here.

——Is it possible that Faldius already noticed it but deliberately concealed it...

——No... Actually, there was a sudden powerful magic reaction last night.

——Although the observation system should continue to operate, if it can be hidden even by such a huge flow of magic power, it may be necessary to take a different approach.

Alexandre Dumas ignored the brooding director and spoke while reading the newspaper on the reception table.

"Oh, isn't there a lot of talent here? The typhoon is coming straight towards this side. Could this thing be the work of a heroic spirit?"

"The typhoon happened far to the west, although I would like to think it has nothing to do with this side..."

"Looking at your scowl, it seems like you haven't thought about it optimistically. Isn't that great? Regardless of whether it matters or not, the so-called wind and rain means that it will get wet, wash away, and blow away the original plan no matter what. Things. It seems that the big shots in this country also hung up many of them in one day. This is another storm."

"There are concerns about that matter...but even if I asked Faldius and Francesca (old people), I don't think we can get an answer that satisfies us."

It was precisely because the timing was so coincidental that the director began to question whether all domestic events were closely connected to the city's "false Holy Grail War." However, even if there is indeed a relationship, there is no way to immediately confirm it, which is really heartbreaking.

In the heart of Snowfield, where conditions were deteriorating, the director felt powerless.

——No, I understand this kind of thing.

——Be prepared from the beginning to know that your abilities are not as good as others. Even so, we...

Alexandre Dumas said in a flirtatious tone to the director who clenched his fists.

"So, what to do? Dude."

"How about it?"

"When are we going to rescue people? It depends on where they disappeared to, but if that place is a place that we, as heroic spirits, can sneak into, then let's go there."

After hearing this, the director frowned.

Although he still doesn't understand everything about the heroic spirit he summoned, he has a general grasp of its abilities.

"You were almost surrounded by smoke just now. It would have been impossible to send you to the front line. I have never given instructions for you to do this, and I have no plans to do so in the future. In addition, if you continue to do whatever you want, even if you use I will also restrict your movements with the command spell."

Facing the director with a stern tone, Alexandre Dumas wiped away his usual smile and responded in a serious tone.

"No, you said it. And you said it from the beginning."

"What are you talking about?"

"Brother, the commission you gave me is to make weapons for the police force. It's for those magicians who are just fledglings. Compared with things like heroic spirits, they are even more comparable to those that are rocked in strollers in the nearby park. There is no difference between the little devils and the weapons, give them the "power to fight"."

Alexandre Dumas was flipping through the newspaper, pointing to the pages of short stories serialized by a writer who lives in Las Vegas, tapping his fingers and began to speak.

"We are writers, man. What is the "power" that we can give you? What is the "weapon"? It is the power of the "Noble Phantasm" that came from somewhere when we became a heroic spirit. Is it a kind of thing? Or is it a Skill thing made of props like side dishes? Hey, although this is one of the answers, it is not locked at all."

Dumas temporarily stopped tapping his fingers and picked up the newspaper.

"There is only one thing I can give others! That's right! It's "story"!"

The next moment, the stack of newspapers was flying in the air, and in the rain of words floating around, Alexandre Dumas was singing loudly.

"Whether it's fiction! Be it reality (Non-Fiction)! Be it an adapted play! Be it my autobiography! Starting from scratch, be it a delusion born in my own mind! Use the noble way of human and historical survival It’s a novel that’s been reworked! It’s a summary of the history of cuisine that’s been woven around the world! This is the so-called “story” that encompasses everything!”

With a sonorous voice, Alexandre Dumas seemed to be narrating the scene of the drama.

Although there was no scream, the sound was like hearing the cry of a giant whale at close range, and it rang through my heart.

Even if it is just an illusion, it is enough to cause such an illusion. The director who has come to such a conclusion will naturally no longer ignore the words of the heroic spirit in front of him as ordinary nonsense.

Seeing the director's appearance, Alexandre Dumas continued in a relaxed mood.

"When Mr. Garibaldi said he wanted to launch a revolution, we did support ships, money, and weapons. But it is also a "story." Whether it is money, guns, or reputation, the story of human hands is changed by others. When you know it, it means a lot. Alexandre Dumas, the author of "The Three Musketeers", funded this world-shaking hero! This may not have a big effect on me at that time, but it was enough It fully affects a person's life. We did some research on the Internet and found that the story has survived! At least, it will not be forgotten in this 100 years."

After listening to Alexandre Dumas's speech like a performer in a drama, the director sorted out various emotions in a brief silence, and then spoke out his words.

"...I understand what you want to say. However, the relationship between this and your adventure is-"

However, that sentence was interrupted by Alexandre Dumas.

"John Wingard..."


The director was stunned for a moment by the proper noun that Alexandre Dumas suddenly said.

"Vera Levitt, Anne Quillon, Don Hawkins, Chadwick Lee, Yoke Capote, Adelina Essentine..."

Listening to the other party carefully listing the names while picking up the newspapers that were flying in the air, the director immediately noticed.

Those are the names of all the police officers of the execution force named "Clan Calatin".

Although it was just a list of names, the director felt an indescribable power from the words and continued to listen attentively.

"——,——,...Sofia Valentine, Eddie Plander...Finally, it's you, brother. Your Excellency, Director Orlando Levy?"

"...Although I know that you have investigated it in detail, did you actually memorize it one by one?"

"Isn't it just the name? You know everything about your appearance, your voice, your upbringing, your favorite types of vanilla, etc. Rather, you are the kind of guy who remembers all the names of his subordinates, right? ?”

It was by no means a boast, but a calm declaration. After Alexandre Dumas put the neatly arranged newspapers on the table, he walked towards the director's desk.

Putting his hands on the table and leaning his tall body on it, the heroic spirit told his master "his words".

"The names just listed are the so-called 'list of main characters'. Those guys are already the main characters of our work."

Alexandre Dumas smiled slightly, raised his arms and ended his speech.

"We are neither pretending to be gods, nor do we want to control. However, this is probably the first and last time that brothers will participate in this once-in-a-lifetime performance called the "Holy Grail War." In other words, We provided them with part of the script in the form of weapons and strength."

"I changed the actors' settings, and I don't know what it will look like in the end. This is a great script (life). Aren't you watching it from the front row, ah?"


Within the boundary.

"Is this a fake world?"

Passing through the door of the church and looking at the vast world under the blue sky, Sajo Ayaka murmured to herself in disbelief.

It's like cutting out the cover of a tourist brochure and turning it into a realistic, beautiful street.

Although there is no heavy sense of history, the calculated building complex presents a harmonious scene, with the casino hotel and the city hall building being particularly majestic in the center of the street.

A street scene without any changes.

However, she can also understand the "abnormality" of the current situation in an instant.

One reason is that you can’t see yourself and the police on the street.

Another reason was that a few hours ago, the main road in front of the church and the hospital, which had been exaggeratedly damaged, was repaired as if nothing had happened.

"All fixed...why?"

"No...it's not so much that it's been repaired, but it looks like it was never damaged from the beginning."

To Sajo Ayaka's words, the swordsman with whom she was magically connected - Richard the Lion-Hearted King replied.

As he said, there were no signs of repairs on the road. The tire marks and stains that had been stuck many days ago were just left.

Still not completely convinced, Sajo Ayaka continued to question the swordsman.

"If it were really a fake world magic, could it even do this?"

"This is already close to the realm of magic. Well, if you invest all your time, technology, and assets like a fool, you can barely reproduce it. It's not magic after all, but magic."

To the swordsman who spoke in a leisurely tone, Sajo Ayaka sighed in half surprise.

"Now, I think this is a very serious abnormal situation..."

"Ah, yes. But at the same time, it also aroused my curiosity. Isn't it exciting to think about what kind of person can perform such a great magic? What if the great magician Merlin comes out? ? If we look at the values ​​of today’s era, I think I should get a signature.”

"I don't know. I don't know Merlin that well."

Sajo Ayaka answered perfunctorily.

"Ah, but if it is an enemy, then it is a powerful enemy. What should I do, try to throw him to the moon...? No, it should be my mother's magic modification. But, if the legendary magician can be captured alive If so, how about grabbing your foot and wielding it as "Excalibar (My Noble Phantasm)"...? Maybe it will turn into a powerful magic sword... If we actually meet, then there is value in trying to ask for it. ah!"

Looking at the swordsman who was quietly getting excited and smiling while talking about weird things one after another, Sajo Ayaka continued to move forward with the thought "Ah, the idea is indeed inherited from the mother." Take a step.

"Compared to that, is it really impossible to leave without defeating the magician...? Isn't there a safer way to leave quietly...?"

After the swordsman was seriously injured, Sajo Ayaka tried to avoid the dispute as much as possible, but negative words came from different directions of the swordsman.

"Well, it's very difficult. Although it's possible, without clues, we don't know how much time it will take to find a way."

The female police officer’s expression was like that of a robot (Android) with no set emotions, telling her calmly.

"Is that Ms. Vera? Thank you very much for the reminder."

A sparsely populated world.

However, now there is an exception around Sajo Ayaka and the swordsman.

Because in the police team that met at the church, ten people were walking around two people.

After being told by the police that this world is part of a "blocked closed space," Sajo Ayaka takes the form of a temporary joint fight to defeat the culprit who created the space.

For Sajo Ayaka, it was much better than being arrested, and the swordsman had no reason to oppose the temporary alliance, so the two decided to act together without hesitation.

Vera Levitt.

Sajo Ayaka looked at the female police captain who announced her name just now and asked with her guard down.

"Are you also the master of the Holy Grail War?"

"No, I am not the Master. Although I cannot disclose the details, I am a person involved in the Master's camp... You can think of it this way."

"In other words, the police and the magicians who launched the Holy Grail War have joined forces. However, the guys who took my confession don't seem to be that way, so it's not all police officers."

The swordsman continued to express his speculations openly and openly as usual.

"However, judging from the battle in front of the hospital, most of the forces should have been sent there. Judging from the fact that "no support came", there are only a few people guarding your superior, the Master. There are about thirty companions of the police, right?”

"...I think this information is not necessary to escape from here."

"You are so honest."

"What are you talking about?"

The swordsman said this to Vera, who was expressionless and surprised.

"Indeed, there is also the possibility of deploying more than a hundred people in other more important places... But judging from your brief silence and the movement of your eyes, I immediately understood that I was absolutely right."


Vera was silent.

"You went out of your way to say something like this and give me some advice. Do you have such a bad character?"

The swordsman hurriedly denied Ayaka Sajo's general statement that "I'm really impressed by you."

"No, no, no! I'm not mocking or boasting! The reason why my immediate reaction was so frank is because my nature is very upright. Even for a magician, integrity is a virtue. After all, the one who is pestering me is named The magician named Saint-Germain only says things that are difficult to distinguish between true and false all day long."

Then, the surrounding sounds started again.

"Saint Germain?"

"That one, the alchemist's?"

Officers walking around whispered to each other.

"Ah, he is indeed famous, that guy. He said that he would appear in front of various human beings... I really sympathize with those people who are entangled. No, if it is a big shot who is famous in history, maybe he will accept it. That guy’s wonderful way of being.”

One of the police officers asked the swordsman, who shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

"Are you really a heroic spirit? I think you are too lax..."

The young police officer was too focused on the battle with Alcides to carefully observe the battle between the swordsman and the King of Heroes.

Therefore, compared to the heroic spirits he fought against - Assassin and Alcides who attacked the police station, his attitude towards the swordsman's questions seemed too unnerving.

The surrounding police officers said: "Hey!", "What if it is regarded as a provocation!" They advised the young man.

Starting with the words of the young police officer, a certain character's voice reappeared in the swordsman's mind.

——"Brother, you are always like this."

——"Obviously on the battlefield, he is galloping and killing like a demon, but he is always so unnerved at ordinary times!"

——"Do you have the consciousness to be a king, brother!"

The swordsman asked the young policeman, remembering the cries of his relatives before his death.

"Who are you?"

"John Wingard, you can call me John."


After hearing this, the swordsman's eyes widened in surprise.

The police and Sajo Ayaka were all surprised by the swordsman's sudden change of expression, but he himself did not care about it and said so with a joyful expression on his face.

"Really...is your name John?"


"This must be some kind of fate. Get along well, John. I admit that this is a sign of my laziness."

The swordsman approached the policeman friendly and patted him on the back.

John didn't understand the reason for this and showed a wary expression.

"Why suddenly!? What happened to my name!?"

"Ah, no, um."

After hearing this, the swordsman looked away in confusion.

"Have you noticed my real name? Depending on the specific situation, I will explain it next, and the things that I won't explain will change. ... No, wait a moment. Doesn't this make it seem like it has been exposed? Is the name "John" related to my real name? Well, let me think about how to fool it, just wait a minute."

"It's no longer possible, give up."

Sajo Ayaka said with a sigh, but she didn't look angry.

Although Sajo Ayaka understands the importance of a real name, the heroic spirit in front of her has a history of giving her name even if she said "I don't want to hear it." In the end, she doesn't have anything special in mind. I'm planning to hide my real name.

If you are an official Master, even if you use a command spell, you must prevent the leakage of information related to your real name. However, Sajo Ayaka does not have the consciousness of being a Master. She is simply in a "what if (swordsman) herself" If it's exposed, there's nothing we can do about it."

Despite this, the swordsman still ignored the speechless Sayō Ayaka and said everything that came to his mind.

"Yeah... I heard about some really great modern music makers yesterday... Elton (Translator's note: Elton, Sir Elton Hercules John, Originally named Reginald Kenneth Dwight, he was born in London, England on March 25, 1947. He is a British singer, songwriter, piano player, actor, and philanthropist.) and Lennon (translator) Note: Lennon, also known as John Winston Lennon (October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980), was born in Liverpool, England in 1940, a member of the British rock band "The Beatles" , rock musician, poet, social activist.), Williams (Translator’s Note: Williams, aka John Towner Williams, was born on February 8, 1932 in Long Island, New York, USA. Pianist, conductor, composer, film scorer.), Travolta (Translator's Note: John Travolta, born on February 18, 1954 in New Jersey, USA, American actor , producer.)….I think you, with the same name, may also have musical talent.”

"Elton John, John is his family name..."

One of the police officers complained, and the swordsman whistled in a modern musical style as if he was trying to fool him, and it was so good that it was a waste.

Seeing that look, Vera showed a rare expression of confusion and whispered alone.

"Although I don't think these are the words of a heroic spirit who should conceal his real name..."

In the past Fuyuki Fourth Holy Grail War, there were heroic spirits who declared their true names loudly to the opponents they met for the first time. Vera, who had no way of knowing such a case, could only make two speculations: This sword The warrior is a very special being, or he has already calculated everything in his mind and is just a cunning servant pretending to be stupid.

However, the possibility of making a declaration to compensate for the damage to the opera house in front of television cameras, or performing strange behaviors such as turning into a spirit and disappearing in front of a policeman who is not a magician, is probably higher.

On this basis, Vera boldly came up with some information that she knew.

"The director seems to be guessing your real name."

Although Vera shared information with the chief, it was not leaked to the police force.

Because the director is still at the stage of making analogies from "blond hair mixed with red" or his words and deeds at the opera house, if information is disseminated without certainty, if something goes wrong, it may inevitably lead to fatal consequences. situation.

Therefore, it is not pointed out that the other party is the Lion-Hearted King here, but it is left with the level of "I know your affairs".

John listened to his boss and asked Richard again.

"Even so, are you too lax for a hero? You believe so easily and turn your back on us. What are you going to do if we attack the little girl as your Master?"

"What an interesting question. ...What do you think should be done? Sajo Ayaka"

"Hey, you ask me?!"

"In this case, your life is being targeted. Let me hear your thoughts on dealing with the enemy now. What if you accidentally counterattack and kill, and you say sadly, "I didn't let you kill." "If so, I will be very troubled."

Richard's words seemed to mean that handling the matter itself was very simple. One of the police officers whom he had slighted shouted with an unhappy look on his face.

"It's very calm. If we were our opponents and showed mercy——"

Then John stopped him with his hands.

"What's wrong, John?"

"Didn't you notice? We're being watched."

The police officer who was informed was startled when he saw John's face.

His expression became serious in these few seconds, and he looked around in a cold sweat.

Richard, on the other hand, looked at John with admiration.

"Surprising, did you notice it in a moment? No matter how you think about it, I don't think you are the despicable man who killed Sayou Ayaka from behind... Ah, you are not only a good police officer, but also a good knight. "


Sajo Ayaka on the side tilted her head and didn't understand what they were talking about. The police team and John were watching the surroundings, with cold sweat appearing on their alert and surprised faces.


Vera, the only calm one, asked while lowering her consciousness to the pistol on her waist.

"Two... no, three people. Are they your subordinates? Can you think so?"

"Eh? What?"

Sajo Ayaka looked around again - and finally noticed.

Standing on the building was the man covered in bandages that he had seen a few days ago - in the gap in the alley, a man on horseback, holding a cavalry lance, was peeping here.

"That person is!"

"Ah, the archer introduced him to Sajo Ayaka once. Locke, who had hidden his figure...even noticed the aura of Assassin. It's amazing, Ms. Vera."

"I didn't notice the aura. But according to my judgment, if you want to protect Sayō Ayaka and Sayjo, one more person is necessary to completely block the blind spot."

"That's even more powerful. I see, if you lead it, the people around you will become more dazzling in the battle."

Richard said in a relaxed tone, as if the fog dissipated, the archers and the others disappeared.

John asked without releasing his tension.

"What's going on? What is that?"

"He is my partner. If I am sure that you will not harm Sayou Ayaka, please introduce me with my real name."

"Did the partner be summoned from outside the barrier?"

Richard shook his head in response to Vera's question.

"It's like semi-fusion with my spiritual base, it just follows automatically."

"...It's really careless to use this as a containment. We are speculating on your real name. With the current information, don't you think we are one step closer to getting to the core?"

"Are you worried about me?...Well, as expected, you are closer to knights than magicians."


Facing the expressionless Vera, Richard answered in a cheerful tone.

"Ah, I'm sorry if I make you unhappy. Isn't this an insult? Although I value chivalry, I don't despise magicians. But based on this, if I evaluate your humanity: Although you are calm and composed, you are also Not heartless.”

"...You didn't answer my question. You were too defenseless against us from the beginning. Although you devoted all your efforts to protecting Sajo Ayako Sajo, after the common battle, you yourself will eventually knock us down... ...I think you lack such a perspective. As someone who fights with us, this is worrying?"

"That is to say...it seems like you have some agenda, so you can't trust me with your back. That's what it is."

"That's not what a swordsman is"

Sajo Ayaka protested, but the swordsman stopped her by saying "It doesn't matter."

"Thank you, Sajo Ayaka. Well, as the person responsible for managing the organization, her caution is understandable. However, in order for us to return to the original world safely, it is best not to have any barriers to fighting together."

As soon as he finished speaking, the swordsman stopped in the middle of the road where there were no vehicles and spoke his words to the police.

"Yes... Indeed, I haven't taken the "Holy Grail War" seriously about concealing my true name... no, I haven't taken it seriously yet. What I have taken seriously is the "battle" between myself and the golden hero."

"Not serious?"

"Ah, I don't mean to act carelessly because I despise you. Although I have told Ayaka Sajo... I just haven't found the desire to entrust the Holy Grail."

"No... wishes?"

Vera couldn't help but be surprised.

The heroic spirits summoned in the Holy Grail War, with some exceptions, all signed contracts with mages living in the world for the purpose of using the Holy Grail to realize their wishes.

If there was no desire at all, why did this swordsman appear like this?

——The Holy Grail is a fake, so...? No, but….

Although it was just speculation, Vera believed that this matter should be left to the director and Caster Dumas to judge, so she remained silent and continued to listen to the swordsman's words.

"When I was alive, I had a wish to pray to God. Although it is difficult to judge whether the wish has come true... I don't make a wish for the Holy Grail, no, even if I make a wish, it means nothing. But since I am summoned here like this , then he must have some kind of desire that even I don’t know about.”

The swordsman shrugged slightly and showed a refreshing smile to the police.

"Well, before I found that wish, I didn't think about actively killing you to win. The top priority now is to let Sajo Ayaka return to her hometown safely."


For some reason, Sajo Ayaka made a questioning sound.

"You are from Japan, right? That's right?"

"That being said, well, I'm sorry to bother you. Just go on."

Sajo Ayaka spoke incoherently, thinking about something.

The swordsman finished his speech to the police team while paying attention to Sajo Ayaka's reaction.

"So, as long as you have no intention of harming Sayō Ayaka, I will abide by this common fight. The exchange of enemies between yesterday and today is commonplace in my era."

What about today's times? Looking at the smiling swordsman who said this, Vera thought for a moment, looked around at her fellow police officers, and nodded.

"I understand. Although I won't blindly believe everything, let's abide by the agreement."

After confirming this sentence, John spoke to Sajo Ayaka.

"Ah... It was my fault just now. Although I was trying to test your partner, I said I would kill you from behind. This is not what a police officer should do. I'm sorry."

"Eh? No, it doesn't matter. ...That's what makes a swordsman."

John breathed a sigh of relief to Ayaka Sajo who answered in a stiff tone.

"Thank you very much, but as a magician, you are really tolerant."

"I'm not a magician."


The policemen headed by John all tilted their heads.

However, it would be troublesome to explain further, so Ayaka Sajo shrugged and stepped forward together with the swordsman.

——Sajiao Ayaka.

Although Vera didn't show it on her expression, she thought about the existence of Sayō Ayaka again.

Although the heroic spirit in front of him showed no defense against them and was even willing to tell his real name, there was no guarantee that he was not lying.

Because there are still many doubts about his master, the girl named Sajo Ayaka.

As for who she is, they still have no conclusion yet.

Judging from the records retrieved, she was a visitor to Snowfield City, but——

After investigation, it was found that her entry record was forged.

Although it must be a fact that I entered the country illegally through some means, I am strangely unaware of it.

Furthermore, there was also a piece of information that I heard from the director, but was not conveyed to the members of the "Twenty-Eight Monsters" in order to avoid causing confusion.

——Somewhere outside this city, there seems to be a magician with the same name...

Moreover, the current activities of that person...Ayaka Sajo in Romania have been confirmed.

Because of this, they were unable to determine whether the girl who looked exactly the same as him was Sajo Ayaka.

After looking at the photos, they are exactly the same except for the color of their hair and eyes.

If it's fake, what's the purpose? Why did you change your hair color if you wanted to replace it?

Instead, why imitate her face if you don't want to replace it?

It seems that Ayaka Sajo has a sister, but there is no information about the existence of twin sisters.

Or is it that this girl is actually Sajo Ayaka herself, and the person operating in Romania is just a cover-up left by the other party?

But what is the purpose of doing this?


No matter what, we can only continue to be vigilant.

Now that she was unable to contact the director, Vera, who had become the de facto leader of the unit, decided to act together with the swordsmen and the others while maintaining a minimum of vigilance in her heart.

Although many "Noble Phantasms" have been brought here, if one considers personal combat effectiveness, it is not the best idea to be hostile to the swordsman.

Then—the swordsman asked a question as he walked.

"I said so."

"?What's wrong"

"You said you want to eliminate the culprit magician or servant, right?"

"...Yes, I think this is the most reliable way to destroy this enchanted world."

The swordsman thought about it for a moment, then whispered as if talking to himself——

"...Ah. That's right. "Caster" among my friends also said that it's the easiest way to do it."


"Please recognize it as the same existence as the bandaged archer just now."


Although he is not as good as a formal Servant, he is a mysterious being who possesses a spiritual foundation that is far superior to that of a mere magician. I am afraid that it is also a part of the spiritual foundation of a swordsman. Vera speculated this, and became even more alert because "it even has a part that plays the role of a magician."

However, the swordsman's next words poured cold water on everything - whether it was Vera's vigilance or the police team's determination to risk their lives in order to escape. "But, surprisingly, there are a lot of negative people among my "companions"."

"?why is that?"

"Why? Tell me why...have you missed any important possibilities?"

The swordsman did not show the relaxed atmosphere before, but showed a serious expression as a heroic spirit, stopped again and said.

"The girl you want to protect is Xiao Chun, right?"


"I also heard about it from the mercenary I met yesterday. Even if it's just a hearsay... but considering the situation, there is a possibility that the person who sealed us in this world... is her servant, isn't it?"


Vera and some of the police officers, who were already prepared to face this possibility, lowered their gazes slightly. Several people like John, who had only realized it now, had various expressions on their faces after being stunned for a moment.

"Well, maybe it was the bad guy who fought against the golden archer at the end, or maybe it was the good thing done by a servant that I haven't seen yet..."

He paused for a moment before launching a cruel question in a flat tone.

"If that little girl is the culprit, can you kill that child?"


At the same time, the street was blocked and the interior of the Crystal Hill Tower Casino

Just as the swordsman and the police team were walking along the main road——

There was a group operating separately from them very close to there.

It's not another police force divided into two groups.

These are guys who never joined the swordsmen or the police team from the beginning.

One of them turned the disc of the turntable with his hand and said with twinkling eyes.

"Wow, that's amazing! Although I just took a look at it in Mr. Feim's casino and didn't understand it. But when I actually turned it, I found that this wheel is surprisingly light!"

To the young man who speaks like a child - the words of Flatt. The watch on his wrist made a sound: "In this case, you are the only one who cares about that kind of thing."

Then, the heroic spirit transformed into a clock, Berserker Bennett, expressed his thoughts while observing the situation around him.

"Hmm... there is no noise and silence in the casino, which is a bit unpleasant."

"Huh? Mr. Bennett, do you know about casinos?"

"As far as knowledge is concerned, I know it. The knowledge given by the Holy Grail, or because I am something similar to human will, so I understand everything about human beings. In any case, judging from this gorgeous decoration, it is also You can guess how crowded it usually is."

The "traveler" who was watching the conversation between the two of them shrugged and joined in the conversation.

"Ah, it does feel strange. It seems to have electricity, but would it be so quiet if no one was gambling?"

The priest's clothing and eyebands are very distinctive, making him look like a man in his thirties.

Behind him were four young women in strange costumes, each looking around with serious expressions.

The priest's name is Hanse.

Although he was a supervisor sent by the church, he and his nuns were swallowed up by the "black mist" in front of the hospital and were locked in this world.

"However, I think the police officers are here too. Don't we need to meet up?"

For such a supervisor, Flatt spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Although the Church provided assistance, if this is also part of the Holy Grail War at the hands of Servants, then helping them escape would be excessive favoritism. Of course, for you, we will share information like this. But To destroy this barrier world together... I don't intend to help to this extent."

After Hansa found himself pulled into the barrier that imitated the city, he met Flatt and others who were investigating alone outside, and they joined together to investigate the streets.

"That's it... there's nothing we can do about it. Winning the game with the support of the referee is not satisfying at all. If this is the case, the people from the Holy Church may also take away the Holy Grail in the end."

Flat regretfully told him about his negative impression of the Holy Church, and Hansa nodded with a wry smile.

"Ah, yes. If there was such an instruction from above, I might do it. Originally, it is obvious that it would not be a good thing for a magician to get his hands on something like a wishing machine."

"After all, the supervisor of the Holy Grail War... was originally just what Fuyuki said, right?"

"However, it is also true that we used that excuse to intervene in the Holy Grail War in Snowfield. If we understand that the Holy Grail here has deviated too much from Fuyuki, the above policy may also change."

Whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, I couldn't tell which side it was, Hansa turned his attention to the nun.

"how's it going?"

So one of the nuns shook her head and answered in a polite tone.

"No. The existence of the magical core that forms the barrier cannot be observed nearby. It may be cleverly hidden. In this case, it will be difficult to find it with our rituals."

"Really... I think that since the city itself has been reproduced, it may be that the power of the Holy Grail is directly used... But I don't know where the key core is... Whether it is the Holy Grail or the core of the barrier world, it feels like it is located in The tallest building in the middle of the street looked suspicious, so we headed there, but it seems that our expectations were dashed.”

"Is there electricity here?"

Flat asked and Hansa looked up at the chandelier on the ceiling.

"Yes. But since we don't know where the supply comes from, we don't know when it will stop."

"I...want to take a look at the top while the elevator is running."

"Huh? Are there nuclear weapons there? Indeed, areas have been opened up and down the building. Is there any value in investigating..."

Flatt, however, waved his hand in denial.

"Ah, no, it's not that. You'd be lucky if it was there."


"I just wanted to say that if you were there... you could see the whole street."


"So, do you have any countermeasures?"

Flat nodded slightly, patted his cheek as if to cheer him up, and then spoke.

"If I observe with my eyes... maybe I'll understand something..."

"What kind of countermeasure is this?"

"I mean, if there is a way to find weak defenses, maybe we can contact the "outside world"!"

Although no one else could understand it, Flatt seemed confident in his own powers.


At the same time, Los Angeles United States of America.

"...Report...Zi...§#...Special warning...Rebroadcast...Zi..."

"...hurricanes that occur usually...move...inwards......"

"The Bureau of Meteorology...should...be...outside of the usual naming list......"

"...Special...its name is...Zi...§..."


The sound of the disaster radio was duller, and only noise filled the small space.

The driver's seat of a truck that rolled over on its side of the road.

Due to the storm and heavy rain, water started seeping in through the broken windows.

The radio ignored this situation and continued to make noise as it pleased. It was only a matter of time before the cabin was completely submerged.

The driver seemed to have gone to seek refuge long ago. Fallen signs and broken trees could be seen everywhere, but no one could be seen.

A record-breaking typhoon suddenly appeared, ignoring weather forecasts.

In the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles, only a few cars and some buildings were damaged after that, but——

In the center of the storm, people endured the beating of raindrops while looking up at the sky. They later described what they saw like this:

Four huge tornadoes fluttered from the sky to the earth.

The scene of striding across the earth wrapped in lightning was simply like——

It was like the feet of a giant beast that crushed the entire world and broke through the sky.


"Big brother, big sister, it's great that you are all so energetic!"

The innocent girl's voice rang out in the courtyard where the warm sunlight shone in.

On the beautifully manicured lawn, squirrels and kittens ran back and forth, and there were countless birds singing on the branches of the trees planted in the yard, holding a small concert.

If the word warmth could be embodied, it would probably be this scene.

In fact, this scene, which may only be seen in picture books, is unfolding here.

But——the two people being spoken to by the girl were completely out of tune with the atmosphere here.

One is a young man in black.

In terms of age, although he is a young man, his appearance still maintains a childish appearance, even if he is a teenager. However, contrary to this appearance, the holster it is equipped with contains guns, knives and other items, which looks very dangerous.

The other person is a girl covered in black clothes.

Under the black coat that tried to cover her face and skin, she looked around with a confused expression. If only that, she looked like an ordinary woman wearing a nikab (Translator's Note: Nikab, a headscarf and veil worn by Muslim women in the Arabian Peninsula that only exposes the eyes). However, under her black clothes, there are countless weapons hidden. It has nothing to do with her clothes, she exudes a suffocating aura.

The young man's name is Sigma.

The girl is a servant summoned as Assassin in the "Hypocritical Holy Grail War".

Although the two finally acted together through various things, they are now trapped in a foreign space together.

"Ah, I'm saved."


Sigma and the Assassin girl each expressed their gratitude.

The young child, Junqiu Chun, smiled happily when she heard their words, and then she ran back to the house with brisk steps.

"...That child is, Miu Qiu Chun."

"Is she the girl who rules the heroic spirits without consciousness?"

The two of them already understood.

The parents of the child who lived in the same house were obviously possessed by something spiritually possessed - only the girl was different.

There is no restraint in her heart and she is in a state of true freedom.

"In other words, the black shadow just now...is her servant."

"Mr. Black", this is how Nuqiu Chun introduced the huge black shadow.

The shadow block was as tall as the trees in the yard. It seemed to absorb the surrounding light into its own color, and a bluish-white glow appeared everywhere.

The shadow block may be huddled in the house now, but in order to prevent its true form from being discovered, it wouldn't be surprising if it suddenly emerged from the ground.

Sigma continued to maintain all-round vigilance while thinking this, while the Assassin girl fell into deep thought.

"Is that... really a heroic spirit?"

"Is it possible that there are monsters or ghosts..."

Sigma answered her in a murmur, but the Assassin girl shook her head.

"No - I'm afraid not. I can't feel any malice or hatred from that being. No, even the fluctuations in magic power..."

She recalled that when she woke up in this courtyard, the two magicians and servants were caught from behind by the "shadow".

If they were hostile, they would have been wiped out long ago——but considering that they were not attacked until they woke up, there may be a possibility that they were not recognized as enemies.

"Although I don't feel the will of that thing, it is certain that it obeys the child."

Sigma speculated on other possibilities based on Assassin's words.

"It may not be a Servant. That "shadow" could also be a familiar...?"

"It is also possible...but the information we are waiting for now is not enough. That monster...that vampire should know something, but..."

Assassin gritted his teeth hard under the veil.

But I couldn't feel the breath of the vampire.

It was already clear what the vampire was planning, but since we hadn't encountered him, it would be difficult to find him here.

The two of them went to take a look at the surroundings just now in the name of taking a walk, but there was very little human presence.

Although people can be seen occasionally, just like Miu Qiuchun's parents, one can feel that they are under the spiritual control of some kind of existence.

Although the dialogue with them can be established, that is all.

Not only did those people show no particular vigilance towards Sigma's clothes, but they also showed no knowledge of the world at all.

After several attempts, nothing was found except for information about ordinary people who had weak reactions.

However, there was one thing in common - the people walking down the street all lived in factory areas and had escaped due to fires or something... and most people were talking about it.

"The fire in the factory...did you hear about the battle between heroic spirits yesterday?"

That was what I heard from "Watcher" before the contact was cut off. Regarding the damage to the destroyed section in the factory area, a third party's heroic spirit hid it through illusion, but there was a fire. It still can't be eliminated.

However, judging from the strange behavior of the people living there, it can be inferred that they should also be in a state of being brainwashed by something like Miu Qiuchun's parents.

Although there is a way to test the reaction of such "human beings" or "towns" through destructive actions, but in today's world where neither the structure of the world nor the capabilities of the enemy are completely understood, this may be the best way to do this. Suicidal behavior.

Sigma thinks calmly and conducts investigations based on the starting point of "dialogue can communicate."

"If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be able to grasp the situation regardless of whether you are mentally controlled or not."

"But... what if it's a magician who knows the inside story of the Holy Grail War?"


"Want to talk to me?"

Minqiuchun's father said with empty eyes.

"...Yes, if possible, let's talk in a place where Ling Qianjin is not present."

Following Sigma's suggestion, the magician who walked out of the entrance first glanced towards home and said.

"It's really difficult. I made an appointment with my daughter to read picture books to her, so I can't travel far away..."

"No, it doesn't matter if it's near the road over there."

"I see, that's okay."

Without showing any resistance, Chun's father simply left the property of his mansion and followed the two of them to a small park in a residential street.

"Although it is really a coincidence that I am in your home, I know you. Mr. Nianqiu Xihe."

"Oh...have we met somewhere?"

"...My boss's name is Francesca. She is Mr. Faldius's counterparty."

Then, Minqiu Xihe's face became slightly gloomy.

"Ah, judging from your equipment, I was wondering if it was a magician, and it turned out to be true. However, as I said to Mr. Faldius, I am not participating in the Holy Grail War at all. Time. If you want to help..."

"No, at this point, I won't ask you to assist me... I just want you to tell me what happened?"

Sigma asked calmly.

He spoke in polite terms, but his tone betrayed no emotion.

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