A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1028 1028 The existence of so-called

When he showed his appearance as a "magician mercenary" in front of the "magician", Sigma imagined that the other party might surprise him, so he tensed up his nerves.

The stalker is now hiding in the corner of the park and watching the surroundings.

Since it is possible to communicate, a certain level of information can be obtained while under mental control - conversely, starting from the unspeakable information, one can discover the intention of the person who exerted mental control. , what Sigma is doing is such a trial.


"Yes. In my opinion, this is a barrier created consciously by the servants to protect the lovely Tsubaki. Although this is outside of my expertise, it may be an inherent barrier."


"Tsubaki's followers are probably the type that embody concepts. I think they are beings who intentionally personalize the concepts of death, nothingness, or disease. In my hometown, Japan. For In order to give the reason for the creaking phenomenon in the house, a monster called "Ka Ming" was created. As a being with a will, it is given a shape and processed spiritually. It is a type of folk magic... only However, if you consider the power of that Servant, that Servant may be a being that is widely known around the world. I think if you investigate carefully, you should be able to analyze the correct place, but in any case, I have given up on the Holy Grail War. , I am living peacefully with my daughter, and I no longer have time to do such things."

Calm, relaxed——

With an indifferent attitude, Minqiu Xihe actually started talking about his views as a magician.

However, on this basis, it can be clearly identified that it is "under spiritual control".

——He...didn't he "keep silence" about magic matters...even speculation about the true identity of the Servant?

——No, is it being manipulated to spread false information?

——But if that were the case, wouldn’t the degree of mental control become more ambiguous?

If Sigma uses the experience and skills of a magician, he is confident that he can deceive mental control to the level of an ordinary person.

However, if the target is a magician - and he hints to himself that he "really believes in such a lie", seeing through it will require more experience, talent, and specialized magic.

——If we can get in touch with Watcher, we can integrate the shadows' information and make a judgment...

Sigma's servants, who collect all visual and audio information about events in the town, are now unable to contact them.

Because of this, information that can be leaked to the outside is needed no matter what, but for this, more information needs to be extracted.

"Have you never thought of leaving the barrier and going outside?"

"Why? Obviously Chun, our daughter is so energetic here."

"What if you have the possibility that your thoughts are controlled by the Servant's spirit?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that's the case, but...is there any problem with this?"

When Sigma heard this, he immediately understood the directionality of spiritual control.

Judging from the situation caused by the followers of Tsunade Chun, I am afraid that the heroic spirit did not act to win the Holy Grail War.

That heroic spirit is real, and its actions center on Tsubaki's existence.

——However, after all, he is a magician who wants to participate in the Holy Grail War.

——There should be some degree of countermeasures against mental control...

Although Sigma thinks this way, he also knows that this is not completely impossible.

In the past, in the auction of historical relics with magical value, although capable magicians gathered, there were incidents where they were betrayed by allies and even used as pawns.

It is said that after the magicians were rescued by a certain monarch in the Clock Tower, while feeling ashamed of their carelessness, they also allowed trustworthy people among their confidants to join that monarch's classroom.

The reason why Sigma remembered this incident was because the monarch had increased his power through friendship with powerful magicians during this incident, and for a period of time, it became a dispute among the magicians and mercenaries. Topic—but the detailed details had nothing to do with the current situation, so Sigma closed the lid of his memory.

The important thing is that if there is some kind of opportunity, the countermeasures of mental control will be easily broken.

——It is impossible to encourage people who are under spiritual control to escape or get rid of spiritual control...

——I originally planned to ask Diver if there was a Noble Phantasm that could remove brainwashing... But as far as I can see, her Noble Phantasm is specialized in killing enemies. There's no way to count on it.

Thinking like this, Sigma decided to find another way forward.

"...Well, your daughter was targeted by someone outside the barrier. Can you understand this?"

"Oh...is that so? That's really incredible."

Jinqiu Xihe didn't look very anxious, but put on a slightly troubled expression and prepared to leave the park and go home.

"Thank you for telling me. However, Tsubaki's servants seem to be turning into a rock-like state, so they will definitely protect Tsubaki."

"Becoming... rock-like?"

"Yes, not long before you woke up - a great watchdog was sent over."


At the same time as Sigma asked the question, the stalker came over.

Although Sigma was concerned about Yuzuru's words and wanted to stop him as he was walking home, but seeing the serious look in the stalker's eyes, Sigma judged what might have happened and stopped, deciding to listen to her.

"What's wrong?"

"...What you just said... seems to have been heard."


"When you said 'Tsubaki was targeted'... 'that' started to act."

As she said this, she turned her gaze in the direction of Tsubaki's home.

Then, Sigma, who also subconsciously looked in that direction - his time stopped.

His brain was unable to grasp the situation, and his consciousness fell into a blank space of a few tenths of a second.

What put Sigma, an experienced mercenary and magician, into this state was——a huge dog.

There may be differences of opinion on whether it should be called "one head".

Sigma had seen the existence in the direction where Xihe walked nonchalantly in Jianqiu.

However, for a moment, Sigma couldn't imagine that the two were the same creature.

Because the "one" who was supposed to have been killed on the main road was, at best, no bigger than a huge beast like an elephant.

Sigma and Diver, who were sweating a little, looked up and saw what they saw——

Its body grew larger than the house, and it looked like a watchdog from hell with three heads moving.


Snowfield Industrial Estate.

"Could it be that your Noble Phantasm... can also control birds and dogs?"

While the members of the Sculadio family were busy repairing the workshop, Bazdilot Cordelion spoke while maintaining his pistol-shaped attire.

Alcides, who had released his spiritual form, looked at his hands while answering the question.

"...There is no problem with Asuka. It's just that it's difficult to make Cerberus operate."

"Are there any limits on individual regeneration?"

"No, based on your magic power, it would only take a day for it to function again. ...But, it is not possible now. The spiritual base including the three horses seems to have been chipped away by the "black mist" and Taken away.”

"You are the one who holds the Noble Phantasm that will be taken away, but the Noble Phantasm is taken away from you. However, if it is only the level of a dog or a horse, there will be no problem even if it falls into the hands of the enemy. "

Bazdilot said calmly while continuing his work - but Alcides shook his head quietly.

"That's not necessarily the case."

"...Is there anything you're worried about?"

"Although it was taken away, the end of my king's life is the foundation of this spiritual foundation. Even if it is taken away, I can still understand if any changes occur."

The Archer of Vengeance frowned under the cloth while carefully exploring the changes in "connection" with his spiritual energy.

"But...this is..."

After thinking for a moment, Alcides clenched his fists vigorously.

Then, magic mixed with blood and mud dripped from the cracks in his fist, and he muttered with quiet anger.

While gradually getting closer through the subtle magical connection, I recalled the nostalgic darkness of the other side.

"The manipulator of the black mist... could it be that he is a member of the family of the underworld (Hades)?"

Soon after, he unclenched his fist and muttered in a slightly pitiful voice that even Bazdilot couldn't hear.

"If this is the case...even if I don't take action...that Master will face the fate of being hunted sooner or later."

"To protect the people... hunted by the hands of true heroes."


Closed street arterial.


The police team was not the first to react to the swordsman’s words——

But there was Ayaka Sajo who was listening as if it was none of her own business.

——"If you are sure that the little girl is the culprit, can you take action against that child?"

Sajo Ayaka understood the meaning of the swordsman's words.

If that girl was the reason why he was involved in this uninhabited world, then he would most likely be able to return to his original world after "getting rid of" her.

When she was still sorting out her thoughts——

With a plop, something jumped.

Sajo Ayaka adjusted her breathing and blinked slowly.

However, just as she gently opened her heavy eyelids that she had just closed——

In front of that line of sight, "she" is there.

Through the gap in the police line, at the end of the road.

Although the distance was too far to distinguish the face, Sajo Ayaka immediately understood who it was.

It was red and only red. The face was covered with something red like a cloak—a young girl.

His age looks like he is about 3 years old, and he feels like he is about 6 years old, or maybe a little older.

Unable to identify height and age.

However, only the color information of red penetrated the pupils and ran rampant in Sajo Ayaka's brain.

——Why, there...

Then, the next moment——

Before I knew it, Little Red Riding Hood was already very close.

He definitely didn't come here running away.

When she came to her senses, she was already behind the police team.

Just now, it was only at a distance that could only be seen from a distance, but now it is clear.

That was indeed the "Little Red Riding Hood" that Ayaka Sajo continued to fear and became one of the reasons why she came to this country.

——Obviously not in the elevator, obviously not...

It's an existence that should only appear in the elevator, and it's not even clear whether it's an illusion or reality.

However, after arriving in this city, the "only show up in the elevator" rule began to go awry.

Whenever she thinks of something in this city, she feels her getting closer.

Although I was sweating all over my body, I couldn't take my eyes away.

The little red riding hood's cloak moved and she slowly looked this way.

——Ah, ah, no.

——Although I don’t know the reason. but.

——I will die (end). If I see the face under that cloak, I will definitely die (end).

However, even if he wanted to scream, his lungs were so stiff that he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

In front of Sajo Ayaka, whose whole body was so tense that she couldn't turn her face away or even close her eyes, Little Red Riding Hood lifted her cloak even higher - until she saw the upward twisting smile at the corner of her mouth. , the figure of Little Red Riding Hood disappeared from Sajo Ayaka's sight.

"What's wrong, Ayaka? Are you looking livid?"

At the same time, the body of Sajo Ayaka, who was in a state of "ghost pressure", was also liberated.

She moved her body sideways in a panic and cast her gaze behind the swordsman, but there was nothing there.

"...Ah, um. It's nothing. I just saw an annoying phantom."

"Ayaka, you sometimes behave like this. Are you cursed? If so, maybe I can help you break the curse."

"...Thank you. But, I don't think it's that..."

After refusing, Ayaka looked at the swordsman's face again——

Determined to pursue that sense of dissonance that may have led to the appearance of "Little Red Riding Hood".

The sense of disharmony and uneasiness that suddenly swelled in her heart reflexively moved on her vocal cords.

"...Compared to that, swordsman. What...that girl I just mentioned is the unconscious child, right?"

"Yes. But she did become the Master in some form..."

"No, it's not that..."

Ayaka asked uneasily while approaching the true form of the dissonance that arose in her heart.

"Why...you don't ask 'Are you going to kill me?'...but 'Are you able to do it?'?"


"Uh...I can't tell...it's not a matter of killing or not killing, how to put it...if I didn't make it clear, I'm sorry...because it sounds like you are saying 'if you can't kill' , I’ll do it’ means..."

Facing Sajo Ayaka who was organizing her words and asking questions, the swordsman fell silent for a while - and later, as if he was embarrassed, he smiled and said to Sajo Ayaka.

"Really, Ayaka is really perceptive sometimes."


"Ah, wait a minute. Don't worry. I'm not going to say 'killing that girl is the right thing to do', nor am I a murderer who deliberately makes her die. I want to save her, which is consistent with yours. of."

"Yes, yes..."

Although Sajo Ayaka looked relieved, she continued to ask after slowly calming down.

"Then why did you ask like that...?"

Although the meaning of Sayō Ayaka's question was not conveyed very well, the swordsman understood her thoughts. At the same time, he answered Sajo Ayaka with carefully selected words.

"It is true that I want to save the little girl, and I don't intend to give up. However, no matter how I stop it, if they want to kill the girl to save someone else... I may not be able to stop it until the last moment. I can defeat them. Maybe then I can only try my best to defeat them, but there is no other way."

That face looked completely different from the swordsman who had been so indifferent to his own life and death.

Neither as a knight nor as a swordsman - but as the embodiment of "something" that Sajo Ayaka did not know, he continued.

"So... if the cycle of cause and effect comes to a point where someone must do this kind of thing - then, it will be me."


Sajo Ayaka couldn't help but screamed.

She understands the truth.

If "sacrifice" is necessary no matter what, then someone must be the "sacrifice".

To compare with others, if others told me "the girl can be saved, but I will be left in this deserted city forever", I would be at a loss as to what to do.

——No, I must...

——It is possible to sacrifice that girl whom I have never met...

——No, it will definitely happen.

dyed red.

--because I……

dyed red.

——Even people I know well...

dyed red.

——Fear death without saving...

Dyed red, crimson, blood.

——The color of "Little Red Riding Hood"'s cloak was deeply imprinted on the inside of her eyelids.

She tried to scream, but couldn't.

If you fall down here, you won't be able to talk to the swordsman.

There was no way to stop him.

Thinking like this, she squeezed her words out from the depths of her throat while enduring the dizziness of dizziness.

"Why...? You obviously don't have to do such a thing...you obviously don't have to...why do you--"

The language was choppy and almost didn't sound like a question.


However, the swordsman tried his best to understand what Sajo Ayaka meant and answered.

"This means that even in the end, I still failed to become the kind of knight I longed for."

Then, the swordsman puffed out his chest and said to the police officers who were not as confused as Sajo Ayaka.

"However, you are different. You are excellent knights."


Vera's surprise was interrupted by his words. The swordsman, who was the "king" in life, continued to bless the police officers with his words as if praising his subordinates.

"You fought against that terrible archer, risked your own glory, and survived! Just to save a girl who is not even your own family, or even a girl you have never met! In this case, you should continue To protect innocent people! No, we must continue to exist like this! In order to protect other ordinary people or society itself, we must never interfere in this matter."

The swordsman closed his eyes slightly, holding a moment of silence under his eyelids, as if staring somewhere.

"Once you get involved, you can never look back... I am the one who can take on this responsibility."


Sajo Ayaka shouted again.

"No, no. You are not that kind of character... You are the one who must keep smiling at all times and never leave anyone behind!"

Why was she shouting so emotionally? Sajo Ayaka couldn't understand.

But this doesn't make sense.

She felt that if she didn't shout out her words now - the swordsman, the heroic spirit who laughed with her just now, would disappear somewhere like this.

Therefore, she followed her heart and continued to roar.

I thought that what she said during the Holy Grail War, when she didn't even know the word "holy", was just the willfulness of a simple peaceful idiot - nevertheless, she still racked her brains and said the words that came from deep within her heart.

"Honestly, when I heard your real name, I knew nothing about history! However, even if I don't know history, I know who you are now! Although we only met for a few days, I was saved by you many times..."

"...You praise me too much, Ayakashi, I'm just..."

"It's not because I am the master's agent. Even if they are children passing by, the swordsman will help them very normally. I still understand this! You and I are different! Different! I don't intend to do anything to them. You said such willful words as 'Never kill anyone', and I am not qualified to say that! But..."

Then, although the words were temporarily choked in her throat, Sajo Ayaka gritted her teeth and poured out her screams and emotions directly.

"It doesn't matter even if you don't live a clean life in the end. The fact that you saved me will never disappear! But... you actually said, 'Just play the villain yourself'... I don't allow you to say that... "

Finally, she ended her passionate outpouring by uttering the words that crossed the line.

"So...if I need to play the villain...I'll do it."


After the swordsman heard the words of Sajo Ayaka that seemed not to blame himself, but to blame herself, he saw her sad expression - and unknowingly, her figure was superimposed with that of his former subordinates.

—Why, O king! Richard!

——You have no need to feel guilty! Why not leave it to us!

——You are the man who should be a hero! Why are you pretending that you don't know what to do?

——Ah, ah, King... your lion heart is so swollen that you really don’t know what fear is!

As if squeezed into that memory, the words of the man who was entangled as a court magician also came to life.

——Oops, I knew it would be like this.

——I tried to stop you, right? However, the result still turned out like this.

——Well, if it doesn’t turn out like this, it might just be eliminated by the police.

——Also, I, Saint-Germain, was also very hit. Even Mahatma (the great soul, Mahatma) is surprised by you.

——Ah, really! Indeed! You are indeed very brave! Lion Heart!

——Because of this, you won’t feel scared. Nothing will happen in the face of everything!

——Whether it is tens of thousands of enemies, a general whose abilities far exceed his own, a mysterious revenge, or a monster beyond human intelligence——.

——Or your own hands will be stained red by the blood of countless innocent people——

Finally - it was like a curse cast from ancient times, the words of blood brothers came to life in his mind.

——Ah, what are you still worried about? Brother.

——No matter how dirty your hands are, the people of this country will still be captured by you.

——It seems that it is my duty to accept my brother’s filth and get stoned for some reason.

——How about this? Aren't I quite ridiculous? Then please smile, brother!

——...Smile and tell me how lucky you are. Are you a national hero?

——If you are a hero... just make me laugh.


The swordsman lowered his head and was silent for a while.

Then, when he slowly opened his eyes, the despair-like brilliance like dark flames in his pupils disappeared, returning to his usual look.

"Ayaka still cares so much about these little things... Although I really want to say that, it doesn't seem to be the case now."

"Of course. For me, meeting you is no longer a trivial matter."

"...I understand, let me take a step back this time. But I won't lose next time, right?"

"Is there any chance of winning or losing?"

Richard spoke loudly in a normal tone while ignoring the words of Sajo Ayaka, whose eyes widened in confusion.

"It's impossible for me to let Sayou Ayaka do the dirty work, but if I'm not allowed to do the dirty work... I'll have to risk my life to help that girl! Then everyone get out of here safely!"


Facing Sajo Ayaka who was confused by the swordsman's sudden return to form, the swordsman responded with a smile on his face.

"Okay. In this enchanted world, the church is our starting point. Then let us usurp the expertise of the supervisor and replace the priest to protect the straggler girls."

"...Yes, I will also assist you."

A relieved smile appeared on Sajo Ayaka's face——

But suddenly he felt a strange commotion in his heart and tilted his head.

"...the church...protects..."

"What's wrong?"

The conversation between the two came to an end, and Vera, who had been silent, asked Sajo Ayaka, who was in a very wrong state.

Sajo Ayaka was thinking and weaving the words in fine pieces.

"The guy in the golden armor and I... feel like we've seen each other before..."



Sajo Ayaka wanted to remember something.

That golden spirit that almost killed Richard from the church roof really felt familiar.

Then, the keywords "church" and "protection of children" began to violently shake her brain, which seemed to be imprisoned by an old lock.

However, she can strongly feel the aura of "Little Red Riding Hood" every time, and the fear of "I can't think about it anymore" has always closed the door of her memory.

——You obviously have to remember it...


Sajo Ayaka desperately pursues her memory.

I felt the presence of "Little Red Riding Hood" directly behind me.

It seems to be telling something.

It seemed like I heard Little Red Riding Hood's voice.

While enduring this horror, she continued to think——

When she saw the swordsman and police officers looking around, Sajo Ayaka realized that it wasn't just her brain that was shaking.


While she was still muttering to herself in surprise, she could already clearly feel the vibration of the earth on her soles.


——No, that's not right.

——Something is approaching...


Where the shaking gradually became louder, "that" appeared from behind the building.

A dog that is easily over 15m tall, a jet black giant dog.

Miasmic smoke emitted from his body, and black inflammation the same color as his body hair continued to flow from his mouth.

The three-headed monster protected by Hades, it——


A few years ago, somewhere in Europe.

"Are you going to get involved in that matter? I also think that I should stop you for now."

This smooth-talking magician looks like a young girl.

The temperament that can be called the daughter of a boudoir, and the crow on her shoulder, form a wonderful sense of coordination, exuding her extraordinary aura.

Although she belongs to the Clock Tower, she is one of the magicians who hates power struggles and keeps her distance from them.

Although it has a cute voice, its tone sounds like that of an elderly person. Some people say that it is because the actual age is indeed over eighty. Some people say that it is the result of passing on knowledge and magic circuits to children, but the correct answer has already been was hidden.

The person the magician with such a sophisticated aura was talking to was a young magician girl with a youthful temperament befitting her age.

"...Is that because you want to protect the magic world?"

"Haha! If it can be destroyed by just one ritual, then the magic world should have disappeared from this world a long time ago... Although I want to say this... According to recent reports, the rituals in the Far East seem to have gone quite deep. It’s getting out of hand. Ten years ago, even though one monarch died, I found it strange that no one noticed the Holy Grail War. It seems that the information flow has been manipulated to a great extent. Bar."

Holy Grail War.

Although according to rumors, it was just a small ceremony in the Far East, the "fifth ceremony" that was given great importance was held a few months ago.

It is impossible to find out the details of what was done there and what happened.

However, there are rumors that if you act improperly, it may become what the hermits of Atlas Academy call "the end".

"Recreating the Holy Grail War in the United States is simply ridiculous, and if the Magic Association is not even responsible for the backing, no serious magician would even think of participating. The reason why I tell you this is because although you have a good bloodline, you are not interested in it. The Magic Association has a grudge...that's all. What I value is your talent, and as for that monster...for Francesca, personal talent is just a secondary thing."

"...I think this is enough."

The girl standing in front of the magician with the crow was not yet 15 years old.

Despite this, her eyes were filled with despair for everything in the world, and the only glimmer of light in her eyes was the dark flame caused by hatred.

At least, that's what the magician who wields the raven is sure of.

"...Although it is something that is not allowed to be told outside, when I participated in the auction of the Magic Eye Train before, the realm record tape (Ghost liner)...I have seen the so-called heroic spirit. It is not something of the level of familiar, it is compiled in The shadow of human reason on the earth itself. If you only intend to use it to settle personal grudges, I'm afraid you won't end up well."


The magician holding the raven continued to speak to the girl who clenched her fists and gently closed her eyes.

"If you want to destroy something huge, you need to pay a corresponding price. Destroying the Magic Association is almost equivalent to treating the magic world itself as an enemy. Although there are countless people who have done it well and finally came to their senses, but you have to remember it carefully, okay? You The same goes for Grandpa who is no longer a human being... The order is reversed. The bigger the thing you want to destroy, the more you will collapse first. In other words, you will pay the 'deposit' first. "

The cunning female magician with a young appearance continued to speak to the magician girl who took the initiative to become her guardian.

"Look at those guys called magicians who destroy the common sense of the world and try to reach the root. Aren't they just bad people?"

After smiling slightly masochistically, the magician lost his expression and asked the girl who had become a ward of her own will.

"Harley, are you broken as a human being? Or are you broken as a magician?"

"Neither of the two, sensei."

The girl known as Harley gave a clear answer to the magician who was much higher than her.

"I've been broken for a long time. The guys from the Clock Tower gave me..."


"Both my father and mother were just magicians... However, in order to seize the research results inherited from my grandfather who gave up his human body, he was forcibly labeled as a heretic, and everything was taken away. Got it!"

"...But your life was not taken away, right? Even though it was only a part of it, the Bolzac family still had the foresight to allow you to inherit the mark and escape. But, if you are handed over to that...F. With Lanchesca, all efforts will be in vain.”

Although her voice was slightly heavy as she spoke, Harley's expression did not change at all.

The magician who saw this scene sighed softly and shook his head.

"If you were a magician, you would regard the usurpation inside the Clock Tower as a 'common occurrence' and give up... If you are not praying for a revival as a magician, but if you are eager to avenge your parents, you are no longer a magician. You're not broken. It's enough to start everything from scratch, hide your identity, and use magic to make your life a little more comfortable."

Although he said this, he did not show a tougher attitude.

Since he is not a master and apprentice, nor is he an ordinary guardian, and there is no magical restrictive relationship, I can judge from this that if I go deeper, there will be no intersection with my own path.

Although she has a certain sense of loyalty to the descendants of the Bolzac family she is familiar with, this does not make her easily emotional.

Although she keeps a distance from the Clock Tower, she is also a magician.

"If a monarch like El-Melloi II whom I saw on the Magic Eye Train were to set up a classroom, you would be able to accommodate even those who are not compatible with the magic world. But if you try to save him, you will just It’s just that you don’t know what’s interesting.”

Making the crow's eyes glow strangely, the magician began to step towards the night.

The girl who corresponded to her seemed to be lost on the night road, but the eyes of the crow perched on her shoulder were very sharp and kept staring at the girl named Harley.

"——You have to remember it, Harley"

Did the sound that echoed before it completely merged into the darkness come from the girl's mouth, or did it come from the crow's wings?

The girl, whose eardrums and back were trembling, could no longer tell the difference.

"No matter how strongly you feel that you are ready to go bad—"

However, only these last words remained in the heart of Harley, the magic user.

"There's no point in the flow of enlightenment in front of a guy who's really broken from the beginning."


Now, Snowfield Senior Housing.


In the real Snowfield, there is a beautiful woman's voice echoing out of reality.

"I thought he would fly over to me right away... The sun (Utu) has risen so high, but there is still no movement. It has obviously destroyed its good friend. It is really unexpectedly cautious."

This is an exclusive residential area located in Snowvik.

The largest of the houses is the private property of the owner of the Casino Towers in downtown Snowfield.

At least that's how it looks to the outside world.

In fact, the owner was a stand-in arranged when the city was built, just pretending to be an entrepreneur who died of illness at a young age as someone who is still alive.

The actual operator is one of the magicians on "that side". When he has to appear in public no matter what, he pretends to be the industrialist with magic tricks to deceive the eyes of the world.

Therefore, this elegant mansion that looks like it was built by a Hollywood star has only minimal maintenance personnel and no actual owner.


Now, a group of forces is using the mansion as they please.

On the pure white sofa, which had a high-end feel that could buy a small house alone, there was a woman sitting in a casual posture.

However, even though it is just sitting casually, it gives people a "beautiful" feeling. No matter from which angle it is viewed, it looks like a painting.

"Forget it, anyway, I want Gugalanna to do the job of erasing that waste from this world."

Moreover, the only one who could properly imprint this impression on her eyes was the teenage girl.

The goddess also saw the girl in the corner of the spacious room - Harley Bolzak - staring at the woman on the sofa - Filia - with dark eyes.

"What's wrong? You look so depressed."

Hearing Filia's words, Harley asked with a voice filled with warning and fear.

"……Can you tell me your name?"

"Ah, you didn't say that until now? Didn't you already say it? If you notice my charm, there is no need to know other things."

"Now...it's not just your charm, I'm also scared. Although I said that except for the fact that you are my benefactor, nothing else matters...but I still want to know the real names of the people who fight together."

Although she was a little timid, she looked into the other person's eyes and asked clearly. Filia smiled seductively and answered.

"Oh? Have you become eloquent?"

"...To Bazdilot and the others, you call yourself a 'goddess'. Although as a magician, I can't believe it...but at least you are different from a magician and something more 'higher', right?"

"It's very difficult for me to ask you a question when the facts are so clear. I can only give you a boring answer like 'yes'."

Filia was drinking a drink from a glass on the sofa and shrugged. Even this action gave people the illusion that "this is the most perfect way to relax."

"Ah, but that's right. I've almost taken care of Gilgamesh, and there's no special reason to hide my name... If you get involved, you'll probably die, so I'm asking you to stay away from the hospital. It’s me too.”

After thinking for a moment, Filia slowly stood up from the sofa and spoke to Harley again.

"What I said to those Avengers was not a metaphor. I am not a human being called a goddess, but a real goddess."


"Speaking of the goddess of beauty who controls the harvest of the earth, brings luck, praise and destruction to warriors with the brilliance of Venus, and protects mankind... As a magician, you should know this, right?"


Harley couldn't help but gasp when she heard that the word "goddess" was taken literally.

But since half of it was expected, there was no doubt or confusion.

If it is possible, even though it is an expectation that I don't want to be guessed, but since I am the one who has entrusted my life to it, there is no point in resisting now.

Moreover, from the many fragments she said, a name can be derived.

"The goddess of Venus...Aphrodite...Venus...Astarte (a goddess worshiped in the Pan-Mediterranean region, especially by the Phoenicians). Well...closer to the original...Inanna …”

"Although these are also 'I', but I have to say which one, I prefer to use the name called in Sumerian. It depends on my mood when I appear."


"Yes, the answer is correct. Very good, nothing wrong."

Putting the remaining glass on the marble table, Filia walked briskly while holding the TV remote control to turn on the TV.

After pressing the channel selection button a few times, she saw a gem sales program on the shopping channel and started talking about it with interest.

"Cutting is also a beautiful thing. Although the magic has declined, but if it is seen as a result of the specialization of technology in this side, it may not be a bad thing. The decorative Sense itself is the work of Uruk craftsmen and is more suitable for the skin. Forget it. In this regard, let’s respect the values ​​of this era.”

While she was saying this, she was playing with the gem-like jewelry she found at home and smiling happily.

“No matter what the technology or aesthetics, it all depends on whether it suits me.”

It may be used as a deception for guests, or it may be something prepared by the real owner as a catalyst for magic, but even so, if it were placed in an ordinary jewelry store, it would probably cost more than $50,000.

However, in Harley's eyes, price is irrelevant.

Even cheap gems, glass handicrafts, and glass beads, as long as she owns them, they will become the standard of beauty, and it will make people feel that their existence value itself will be elevated.

"Beautiful, goddess..."

Indeed, it is a beauty that is intimidating even when you look directly at it.

At the same time, Harley was scared.

The beauty of completion in the true sense is itself a great magic that is close to magic.

For example, rumors about the authoritative magicians of the Clock Tower's Creation Department - the Golden Princess and the Silver Princess of the Iseluma family - also reached Harley's ears.

It is said that after generations of magic research, these twins have the ultimate beauty that has been arbitrarily produced. Even just existing here is enough to refresh the understanding of the people around them - the "beauty" of completion that is so praised.

Harley had never seen the faces of those two people, but she speculated that the goddess of beauty in front of her was probably something else.

If magicians, starting from the point of view of "beauty", have accumulated and researched in order to get closer to the source, and have reached a height that can physically reflect the universe itself, it is the princesses of Izeluma, then this goddess's Sole The word "beauty" is also used, but it should be classified into a completely different category.

The "beauty" goal of the Izeluma family is just a means to reach the source - if it is reached, it should be the realm of beauty in another dimension.

Although it is a bit ironic, the self-proclaimed goddess in front of me is exactly the opposite. She has implemented the "beauty" of the other-dimensional realm that is supposed to exist in the sky into the form of the world. It can be said that the story is told in a realm close to human beings. The ultimate meaning of "beauty".

A "finished product" that is dropped from an unreachable height and paints the surrounding area with its own color.

The existence of the self-proclaimed "goddess" means that "the golden ratio means "defining what you own as popular" and fixing this understanding around you." It is indeed a foul way of existence.

If human aesthetics is a crisis-avoiding and joyful device cultivated for survival, her beauty is the complete opposite. The beauty she possesses belongs to the "giving side" of human beings.

That goddess owns her own completed beauty and knows that she is the benchmark of beauty. Therefore, for her, beauty is something that must exist around her, and it is unrelated to the behavior of self-exploration.

You can guess this just by standing in front of him, so while Harley longs for that true freedom, she also has the fear that if she deviates even slightly from the standard of the opponent's "consciousness of beauty", she will be excluded. .

The emotion corresponding to awe surged into her heart, resisting the urge to kneel down right now, but Harley still expressed the question that was rising in her heart.

"In the Holy Grail War, there should be no beings who have reached godhood summoned..."

"Yeah, that's right. The Holy Grail generally doesn't work. Although there are some ways to get close to the evil way, but with such a small local ritual and a fake Holy Grail that has lost its original function, is it possible to summon a god like me? It's possible. Ah, but...for example, if the Holy Grail is used as a wishing machine at the end of the ceremony, maybe it can at least make you hear my voice, right?"

"Then why..."

Harley asked again, and the goddess in Philia answered calmly.

"I will appear here only because the power that has been in this world from the beginning has been activated."


"Yes. It is my blessing to this world."


I am here because I am a blessing to the world.

Facing the confused Harley, Filia shrugged and continued.

"It might become a curse to those who are disrespectful."

"In other words...that 'container' contains the power of God Ishtar?"

"It's not just power, but also personality. Hey, it's the same for existences like us... What's loaded in this body is just some programs. It's very simple to cover. Maybe she was originally a She must be a shrine maiden who prepares sacrifices to receive the terminal power of the Holy Grail."

Perhaps because she was not interested in the vessel itself, the goddess happily looked at the decoration of gems while returning to the topic of describing her own way of existence.

"Although there is an era when we can appear in our original form, but in that era, the people in this city would have already split into pieces and died."

"Modern human bodies...cannot withstand the magic of the Age of Gods."

Harley had heard this before.

After the end of the era when gods and humans coexisted, in the modern era where the world has gradually lost its magic, humans who have adapted to this environment have become bodies that cannot withstand the environment at that time.

Although I don’t know whether this is evolution or degeneration, just as people cannot survive in an atmosphere with too high oxygen concentration, the people of this world have said goodbye to the magic world.

Not as a cultural aspect—except for magicians and magicians who actually continue to use magic.

"Hey, the change in the environment is not consistent with the reason why I can't appear. Even if you can reproduce the same environment and call me out directly... Yes, although the sacrifice is worthy of respect, if there is no praise My, if there are people who accept my protection, there is no point in being here."

"Then why, especially in this era..."

"I told you. It brought blessings to the world. It just started well."

The goddess narrowed her eyes and showed a coquettish smile.

"It's true...that something like this really happened. I really want to praise myself at that time."


"When I was insulted by the disrespectful king, and when the waste was thrown into the entrails of the divine beast, I branded the world with blessings. This blessing will continue until I melt into human reason and disappear."

Horror is a kind of beauty, and beauty is the underlying horror.

Harley looked into Filia's eyes and had this illusion.

Harley felt that at this point, her face that was sharply sharpened by the frozen heart and refreshed was so beautiful - if the object of this hatred was herself, not only would she not resist, but she would cherish it. grateful.

This is the anger and hatred embraced by the goddess of beauty to such a high degree of perfection.

To be precise, the "residues" of the passion of the gods that once dominated this planet have rekindled the ancient wrath in Philia, the vessel.

"If, one day, 'those two people' will come and meet again on this planet..."

In front of the miracle that is pursued from the infinite possibilities, the existence that calls herself a goddess has a beautiful smile that freezes the heart of those who see it.

"I want to protect humanity with all my heart..."

Then, as if to echo these words, something creaking sound came from the courtyard of the mansion.

Harley didn't look that way.

Because she understood - nothing could be seen there.

The vast atrium was occupied by Harley's servants who were made transparent by magic.

Because it would be a burden to absorb the rubble of the destroyed Bazdirod Factory into his body and transform him into a spiritual body, the current situation is to disguise it by making it transparent and concealing it with magical power.

Even so, the woman who claimed to be Ishtar could clearly detect the figure of the servant. She looked up at the atrium across the glass-like wall and spoke.

"You think so too, right?"

Then, in response to her words, the sound of the propellers of the huge ship squeaked from the courtyard.

"This child seems to think that those vertical buildings (stone towers) are forests of Lebanese fir trees."

The goddess shrank her shoulders and faced the pet dog with a wry smile.

"Okay, I'll take you to the real forest in a moment. Maybe that waste is there too..."

"Now that Gilgamesh has been shot down, the guy who gained reason no longer poses any threat."


In the distant forest of ancient giant trees.

——You need to know.

——What is the so-called human being?

——Utu created "perfect human beings" in Enlil's forest.

——Observe, describe, and then imitate yourself.

——After that, Ninurdo will give you his power.

——Before being thrown into the Uruk Forest, he must be with the "human beings" raised by Utu.

——Finish it and become a doll.

——Because you are the clod that imitates all life.

will of the gods

Let that "mission" turn into an irresistible rest and be engraved on the soul of the clod, and when it wakes up in this world——



The world is surrounded by screams that tear the sky and the earth apart.

That roar has no meaning as language——

However, there are only unconscious emotions involved in it.

The first thing the tool named Enkidu observed in this world was an endless series of roars.

The chain of sounds simply destroyed everything around them, and soon turned them all into dust.

In the "process" created by the gods, he or she was abandoned in the center of the screaming whirlpool.

But - "abandoned" is just an objective description.

In fact, it can be said that the gods devoted all their energy to making that weapon the best it could be.

Artifacts, weapons, and autonomous computing mechanisms created by the gods of Mesopotamia in order to connect children who had fallen into humans with the gods again—artificial humans created by the gods.

Because of this, Enkidu was placed in the Sound of Disaster as a necessary treatment.

Like soaking a newborn baby in warm water and giving it something akin to love, he was thrown into that place with the expectation that it would be a surefire solution.

Enkidu recognized the series of roars as "human voices" when he spent 80 days in the sound.

The computing machine that fell into the world in an untainted state is only input with the mission given by God and the minimum information, so it is in a state of "what is needed for this, what kind of knowledge should be accumulated, all of these are necessary" You have to start from scratch and then accumulate.”

Then, God gave Enkidu the answer that had already been defined as knowledge regarding the identity of "that" who continued to roar.

This is what is called "human" existence.

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