According to the information obtained from Friu, an acquaintance of the magician, although there are individual differences, both humans and animals have lesions similar to internal bleeding.

Based on that information, Nisei deduced: "Those who are infected by the disease-like curse, only the spirit of the reconstructor will be pulled into the world here, and the person who is forcibly pulled into the barrier together with the body will be distinguished."

"The latter is most likely being treated as an enemy. The former seems to be a hostile act...but there is no physical damage, and it does not appear that the person being manipulated is used in the Holy Grail War. I'm afraid, he was just involved. It's a very unusual method, but the leader is probably not hostile to it."

"Ah, there are many people in the Clock Tower who can do this. Feel good about themselves, and then cause all kinds of big trouble to the people around them."

"Although I really want to scold you - is it your turn to say this?! But let's avoid it for now. In short, I am thinking of several ways to get out of that world... The method of waiting for the magic power to run out is a bit uncomfortable. It's too realistic. Judging from the situation, defeating the Servant and the Master is the best shortcut. However, since we have formed an alliance with the police in the form of a treaty to 'protect the girl who is the Master', there is no active relationship with the Master. Hand options.”

——Even if there is no alliance, you will find a reason to rule out that method, right?

Bennett and Hansa thought like this after hearing II's lines. However, they knew that even if they pointed it out, he would only change the topic, so they could only shrug their shoulders and continue to listen silently. However, half of the nuns tilted their heads because of a question like "Why not exclude the Master?" which was far more reasonable than what the second said.

"Without harming the Master, negotiate with the girl named Tsubaki to make her voluntarily open the way to the outside... Although there is such a method, the problem is whether she has the awareness that she is the Master. If you use suggestions or other methods If it is enforced, it may be recognized as a hostile act by the servants, and they may become more proactive in excluding you than they are now.”

"What if we are negotiating with a Servant?"

"As I said before, it is more likely that it will be something close to a system than a clear personality. It is best to avoid contact with it until the results can be confirmed. This is natural. Yes, after all, there may be a battle. Regarding the fear of Servants, I have already fully experienced it compared to last night."

After giving him a serious warning so as not to let him get carried away, Ni was more wary of the existence that dominated the space where Flatt and his party were now than the people at the scene.

After all, he had once been with the heroic spirit who rode with him in the "inherent barrier" he possessed, and the violent power was deeply imprinted in his eyes.

"If that world corresponds to the underworld, and the servants are related to it, at least there is nowhere to escape from the inside of that barrier. Death is not just in the underworld, death is everywhere. In magic, even There is also the idea of ​​death in air and water, or in rock and earth. It is the same in that room of yours."

After emphasizing in a heavy tone, II urged Flatt and his party to be more vigilant in a more decisive tone.

"In other words, it has been inside the body of the heroic spirit from the beginning. You are like Pinocchio being swallowed by a whale."

"The belly of a whale. That's so fun!"

"What's so interesting!?"

The second generation angrily scolded Flatt who openly yearned for arrogant things.

However, Flatt didn't care and said with gleaming eyes: "During the class before, didn't I say that a hero's resurrection from death is a kind of return to the womb? Didn't everyone do anything like death when they became canons? A ceremony with the theme of rebirth. There are also stories about people who were eaten by a giant fish and then spat out, and their faith awakened, and they became superheroes to save the streets..."

"Are you talking about the prophet Jonah and Leviathan? Indeed, there are many examples of heroic legends such as giant fish, labyrinths, and the kingdom of the dead that echo the return of the womb... Do you think that's all? Should I just submit this mess as a report!? Forget it, let’s talk about it after we make up for that part.”

Second said in stunned silence, and then directly changed the topic to the specific plan on how to escape.

"If there is a place connected to the outside world in that place, it will probably be in the same position in the real world and have a strong affinity with that world. Although it is most likely a corpse, I don't think so. I wonder what impact a mere ordinary corpse would have on the inside of the barrier. What if there were corpses under the influence of some kind of magic...or someone with a higher affinity with the Servant who created this world? It should be feasible if it is something. You said that the room you are in looks like a workshop. What are its specific characteristics?"

"Well, there's a lot of Mesopotamian decoration."

"...Ah! I see. Assuming that the workshop belongs to that heroic spirit camp, then asking the police chief to go around to the outside for assistance is equivalent to risking death... In this case, we should first search for this heroic spirit from the inside. The specific characteristics of them. Although I think it is a bit unspeakable to use them as bait, if there are heroes from other camps on the street who are fighting Cerberus, they may have taken this opportunity to sneak into the girl's hospital. Ward, or the home of a magician named '瀮秋'——"

Just as the speaker sounded, one of the nuns looking around made a sound.


"What's wrong?"

"Something is rising from below! It's probably a Servant!"

The next moment——

The glass-encrusted wall was shattered, and a shadow slid into the house from the outside.


"What's wrong!? What happened!?"

A panicked voice came from the speaker.

Hansa waved his arms at high speed to sweep the glass shards away beautifully, and said to the shadow that appeared from the window.

"Oh...are you here too?"

"Is this face I saw in the official camp... a foreign priest?"

The assassin who appeared glared at Hansa, then looked around and towards Flatt, who had something like a command spell floating on his right hand.

"Let me ask..."

"Hey, ah, there! Ah, are you a servant? You're so awesome!"

"Are you one of the magicians seeking the Holy Grail...?"

Flatt, who was asked, after a moment of panic, answered after a moment of consideration.

"Well, how should I put it? I thought that one was very handsome at first, so I wanted to get one, but now... the people who are my servants are in trouble. It would be nice if I could use the Holy Grail to solve that one first. What should I do next? What? After all, it’s a valuable thing, so wouldn’t it be better to donate it to a museum?”

The assassin who was asked in reply squinted his eyes to peek at Flatt's situation.


He wasn't lying, nor was he provocative.

Although it was hard to believe for a moment, it seemed like he was really hesitating whether he should donate it to the museum.

"Are you...a magician...?"

It was difficult to decide what to do, and he stared at Flatt's assassin with such a face.

In order to help in that situation, Hansa clapped his hands and asked them to look at him.

"It seems that you may be a seeker on a different path of teaching. So... I am telling you this as the supervisor of the Holy Grail War - now they don't seem to have any intention of fighting. At least they are escaping. This barrier world was like this before. So now, as a supervisor, I have conveyed my words for the purpose of mediation, but of course, my words will not have any restraint or coercion on your actions."

Hansa said with a shrug.

And I'm afraid, if the assassin really came with the intention of killing, he might not even be able to save his own.

If the opponent is a vampire, you can rely on the compatibility to fight back and forth, but if the opponent is a fighting spirit, the compatibility will be very poor.

Despite this, he greeted the assassins openly and fulfilled the "supervisory officer role" that his master ordered him to fulfill.


The assassin cast a wary look at Hanse. However, there was no animosity.

Fortunately for Frater and Hansa, she now bears the negative emotions of "appearing as an evil monster's magic power" and has even formed a relationship with a swordsman who is not a compatriot──with the "Lionheart King" The status of the agreement has become much more tolerant towards others than on the first day.

However, despite this, she still has her own bottom line that she will never give in to.

"...I want to ask you something. How do you plan to open the way to the outside?"

She asked in a solemn voice.

Even Flatt thought, "Ah, this person is the guy who will raise a death flag for me if I answer wrongly." He hesitated in his answer for a moment.

However, before Flatt could answer, someone answered on the other side of the cell phone placed on the altar, which was in loudspeaker mode.

"The policy of avoiding violence will never waver. If you still insist on going out even if you don't hesitate to hurt that girl, there is nothing we can do to stop you, but please allow me to disclose that there are other possible methods. .”

"...Who are you?"

"I am like a guardian to the young people there. If you can believe what I said without being there, it will be a great blessing for us..."


After thinking for a while, the assassin who asked the question did not completely disarm him.

"If there is a way to save his life, it is the guidance of the great will. Let me hear what you have to say."

In short, Flatt and Bennett in watch form were relieved after seeing the assassin in a state where he could listen to people's words.

However, at this moment, an inappropriate voice suddenly came.

"─That's impossible, big sister."


All of them turned their attention to the direction of the sound.

Then, there was smoke like black mist, and soon various colors emerged, imitating the figure of a person.

"That kind of 'road' doesn't exist in the world created by Tsubaki-chan, right?"

A small man with the appearance of a young boy.

However, the ominous magic wrapped around that body showed that it was not what it seemed at all.

Seeing this scene, Hansa deliberately smacked his lips and raised the corners of his mouth.

"That's true. Aren't you going to keep hiding your magic power like you did when we were in the hotel? You came all the way to uncover the mystery yourself. How calm you are."

"After all, just now, I felt the aura that was noticed. I have been warning you, agent. Besides, I don't think that the same method can be used twice to succeed, and..."

The boy showed an annoying smile, turned his gaze from Hansa to the assassin, and weaved words with an intoxicated expression.

"Because I wanted to see the various expressions on the assassin sister's face as soon as possible, so I just...right?"

The moment he said this, the assassin had already taken action.

When you see the magic power and expression wrapped around the figure, you will understand that it is the vampire that summoned you──named Jesta Caltore.

The man in black rushed away as if sliding across the floor, and the hand knife he released caught the boy's head.

However, the sharp blade-like fingers penetrated Jesta's body without a doubt, but he could not feel any touch.


The boy's body, which turned into mist and melted in the air, was reconstructed a little further away.

However, when he was reorganized, he was no longer a boy, but a young vampire who appeared in front of the police station and the hospital.

"Hahahahahaha! Do you think I will show my true self in front of you as an enemy? Cute, so cute, assassin. Of course I want to come in person! The answer is correct! Although it's your intention It’s the same, but I still betrayed your expectations! I’m really sorry for you, lovely assassin! However, I also sent the fake body here with heartbroken feelings, so I ask for your understanding, okay?”

Jesta continued to speak in a narcissistic way while mixing intoxication and sadness.

Probably thinking that he was not provoking but being serious, a confused voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, Frater, what did I hear just now!?"

"I don't quite understand it, seems like a confession of love!"

As if he had not heard the conversation between master and apprentice, Jesta was still facing the assassin, with his back to the broken window and happily opened his arms.

Then, just like a conductor greeting the audience before the performance, Jesta bowed deeply.

So behind him, the world twisted.


The world of dreams, at the center of the crossroads.

"What happened!?"

Surrounded by Cerberus and the black aliens, the swordsman and the police were in a stalemate.

Before, they were engaged in an offensive and defensive battle with those "beasts that repeatedly chanted creepy words". However, after the swordsman conducted a question and answer with them, the opponent began to attack these beasts inactively. Bian, just intending to prevent a group of people from leaving the intersection.

But──from tens of seconds ago, this state began to change.

In fact, it can no longer be said that the situation has begun to change. Rather, it gives people an impression that the world itself has begun to change.

Rats swarmed out of all the cracks in the new concrete streets, and the building wind roared like a visible black sandstorm.

The crows flying around remind people of death not only at the intersection, but also on all the streets in sight.

At the same time, the frequency of attacks by the monsters became more intense──

The chant-like words came from between the shadows on the street, and now they started to chop at the ears of Ayaka and the others like roars.

It was almost as if the world itself was screaming in agony.

Or──it sounded like a cry of rebirth.

"This is..."

"The way to die is..."

"The underworld is also..."

"The Yellow Spring Road is also..."

"It is a ruling..."

"It is the gospel..."

"Eternal peace is also..."

"It's painful..."


Above the dream world.

The world of enchantment that revolves around Chunqiu Chun.

Because it is a closed space limited to the city, its sky is also limited.

The blue of the sky is only reflected on the boundary line of the barrier. Even if you try to escape from the ground by plane or helicopter, it is just like walking out of the city on foot, swaying back and forth in the twisted space.

However, this "sky" is now being quietly eroded.

Just like the raindrops from a leaky roof on an old roof slowly get bigger, the change continues to spread bit by bit, but surely.

Soon after, part of the sky was cut away.

At this time, a man and a woman appeared together holding hands and began to fall freely.

"Ah! Are you a little late? Come on, hurry up!

"Indeed! The festival seems to have already begun!"

The two shadows that appeared, Francesca and Francois from the true Caster camp, held hands like lovers, and continued to fall in opposite postures.

Snowfield reflected in the eyes of the two of them was reproduced like the inside of a mirror.

But the world has completely turned away from Snowfield.

The color gradually disappeared from the center of the street, and a pitch-black darkness began to spread.

The dark shadow that stood up from the ground turned into dark clouds and began to cover the sky above the street.

The two of them broke into the dark cumulonimbus clouds that were constantly emerging, and continued to laugh happily in those clouds.

What is echoing in the space instead of the thunder on one side is the cry of the barrier world itself.

"Give peace..."


"Take Huangquan Road as my servant..."

"Protect my lord..."

"Give me the Holy Grail..."

"Give me the Holy Grail..."

"For my lord..."

"For my friends..."

"Seize the Holy Grail..."

"Great! It's really good! This is a world worth deceiving!"

In this case, Francesca called out from the dark clouds with shining eyes. Soon after, the two men's falling speed slowed down sharply, and finally they floated lightly in the air.

It was a foul act that used the highest level of illusions that heroic spirits can perform, and was close to deceiving the physical laws of the world.

"Ahaha! It's so easy! The world was deceived so easily! It really is because the foundation is a dream!"

Francesca smiled at Prelati's words and gave her advice.

"But you must be careful? Precisely because the foundation is a matter of dreams, everything will depend on the child. She can change how she wants."

Breaking through the clouds and looking down at the world as dark as night, Francesca smiled with a child-like face full of anticipation.

"I wish I were still alive, Lionheart! Big fan of King Arthur!"

The two of them breathed out the last line at the same time.

"Will you fall into despair or be trapped by anger... It's so exciting to start looking forward to it now!"


The world of dreams, crystal hills.

"I am the sword..."

"I am a beast..."

"I am thirsty..."

"I am hungry..."

"I am the one who brings death..."

"I am the one who plays death..."

"I am dead..."

"I am dead..."




The emotionless shout filled the space around the top floor of the building.

The shouting, as if the world itself was a living entity, dyed the streets black.

The assassin's eyes widened in surprise. Flatt's eyes were shining while he was shouting something to his watch and cell phone. Hansa gave instructions to the team of nuns with gestures and said to himself in a solemn voice.

"This line...could it be..."

As a Hansa, I couldn't help but think of a section in a certain prophecy.

If we think of it as a historical figure with similar anecdotes, a speculation will flash in our mind along the lines of the word "concept" described by El-Melloi II just now.

"The embodiment of the bearer of pale death (PaleRider) among the four horsemen of the apocalypse...?"

The assassin on the side yelled at the Jesta clone who continued to smile happily in this situation.

"what have you done……!"

"Huh? Ah, I didn't do this, right? You already understand, right? I didn't create this world. Then, the changes that caused this beauty are also──"

"I'm not asking about that kind of thing!"

The assassin already knew what Jesta wanted to say.

It was probably a provocation based on knowing what happened here and having some control over it.

But even if only provoked, the assassin could not help but be angry.

"What did you do to that girl!"

After hearing the angry cry, Jesta put his hands on his chest, looked at the assassin with blurred eyes, and bowed respectfully.

"Ah, thank you... It's really, really so gratifying! So gratifying! Whether it's hatred or something else, your thoughts make me feel that they are your truest cry as a human being. You are now You are definitely looking at me. Although your eyes will immediately turn back to Minqiu Chun, this will be over soon."

"What did you do!"

"You didn't do anything?"

Jesta told the assassin with a twisted look on her face.

This is just like a confession of love, injecting emotion and spying on the other person's every move.

"I just pushed her from behind for her sake."

"Let her child be able to chase her big dream like a real child."


The street of Jingqiu Di was blocked 10 minutes ago (inherited barrier dream world).

Sigma was confused.

I went to look for her with the idea of ​​talking to Tsubaki for a while, but at some point she seemed to wake up and disappeared from the living room.

While Tsubaki's father, Yuzuru, went to the second floor to look for her, Sigma was looking for Tsubaki on the first floor - suddenly, he looked at the door that was hidden by magic and remained open, and just entered directly inside.

As a result, Tsubaki was found in the underground workshop, but there seemed to be a strange being in the same room as Tsubaki.

Wrapped in red attire, he is clearly out of touch with the atmosphere of modern America.


Is this the true posture of the guy named "Mr. Black"? Sigma thought this way, but the atmosphere was too different. The red figure made Sigma blurt out a word in his mind.

To be more precise, what came to Sigma's mind were the faces of his compatriots when he was a child.


After killing the man he called his "good friend", he watched the comedy movie about the religious trial. Thinking of these things, Sigma felt the discomfort mixed with sand in his heart and put his finger on his right hand. On top of the magic costume on the waist.


"Oh, you are not 'trapped'. So let's confirm first. Are you the enemy of this girl? Or a companion? Of course, there is no clear boundary between yin and yang, and it may happen depending on the situation. Change... So suppose I am a thug, will you save this child?"

"Based on the current situation, I intend to protect her."

Sigma remained alert and answered honestly.

While he reiterated in his mind that this was to successfully form an alliance with the assassin, he slowly moved to a position where he could protect Tsubaki.

Then, the beauty in red said as if she was relieved.

"Ah, great! How should I put it? The look in your eyes that looks more like a murderer than a protector of the ruler worries me. If that's the case, I'll feel at ease! I'm hers too. Companion, please feel at ease. You can feel like boarding a big ship. It’s better to say that I am the one who sank the ship, but please don’t worry about it! There is also a precedent of sinking in Poseidon Water Mansion. In modern popular terms Does your name mean Dragon Palace?"

Looking at the beauty who chattered like a comedian, Sigma felt an inexplicable affinity for her.

——If it is a normal job, this is a situation that needs to be solved or escaped just in case...

——Now, because the mission is to move freely.

Sigma, who was thinking this way, decided to listen to her for the time being without completely lifting his guard.

Because he believed that more intelligence was necessary in order to be able to act freely.

"Let me tell you, who are you?"

"Ah, how nice of you to be so sensible! But what a shame, I'm almost sinking again."


"The monster is coming here. If that guy comes, the incarnation of disease will naturally look at Tsubaki. If that happens, my presence will no longer be hidden."

Regarding the beauty who kept saying strange things, Sigma wanted to ask what was going on - but when he noticed that her figure began to become thinner like a mirage, he took a breath of cold air.

"What’s wrong with you!?"

To Tsubaki who showed a surprised expression, Reito said with a tolerant smile.

"Ah, it's okay, I just want to play hide and seek a little bit more."

After she said this to reassure the girl, she turned to Sigma and pointed at the crossbow held in Tsubaki's arms and continued.

"Let you or someone who is often with Tsubaki hold that crossbow. Don't let that crossbow leave Tsubaki's side. As for me... By the way, just call me 'Same'. As long as there is That crossbow might be able to lend you the power to protect that girl in this world."

"It's so baffling. Who are you?"

"It's too lengthy to explain it clearly. To put it simply...? Wait, why can I feel the faint aura of 'that' from you? Could it be that 'that' flying in the sky of the outside world and you Does it matter?"


Sigma gasped again.

——Does she know...? The existence of "Watcher"...

"Ah, oh no, this is the limit. Show that crossbow to the clever magician. In that case, my...things will be...ah, ah, I have indeed entrusted it to you. Oh! Put the desire to protect Chun————”

Before he could finish his words, the figure and traces of the beauty named Same disappeared.

Chun turned around in confusion and looked around, while Sigma was thinking complicatedly.

——Who is she? It seems that I know what "Watcher" is...

Regarding his Servant, Sigma himself has no clue. This should be important information that must be extracted, but now that he has disappeared, there is nothing he can do.

——Anyway, should I bring this crossbow...

Sigma gave Tsubaki a fake smile, and said, "I'll take it," and put away the crossbow.

But he didn't know.

That is, no, that was the "catalyst" that the Minqiu family prepared for the Holy Grail War - an existence that greatly deviated from the magicians' intentions and became one of the introductions to Tsubaki's heroic spirit.

Nowadays, the fate of Snowfield, where various existences gather, is complicated and sometimes directly intertwined.


Whether fate is good or bad, it makes no difference.

"Tsubaki-chan, who is that big brother?"

Sigma heard an innocent voice from the direction of the stairs.

Looking back, there was a boy there.


--who is it? There is no appearance of being dominated by the spirit...

Sigma observed the boy nervously.

Because as long as you are not under spiritual control in this world, it is enough reason to be vigilant.

Contrary to Sigma, Tsubaki said calmly.

"Ah, Jesta-kun! You're here!"

Sigma felt a chill go down his spine.

The experience of being trained as a magician made Sigma's body tremble before his memory was awakened.

Soon after, a voice echoed in Sigma's head.

That was the sound I had heard in the evening before I was involved in this enchanted world.

——"My name is Jesta! Jesta Caltore!"

Although the sound and appearance were different, Sigma was not optimistic enough to think it was a coincidence.

The moment he remembered to tell the assassin the name - the boy was already standing next to Sigma.

(You’re so lucky. I can’t kill you in front of Tsubaki.)

Jesta kept smiling and muttered in a voice that only Sigma could hear.

(Shut up, please. I am that child’s “friend”. If you attack me, “Mr. Dark” will immediately eliminate you, and I don’t know what he will do~)

While Tsubaki was explaining what had happened, the boy Jesta listened with a smile and gave a warning voice to Sigma.


Sigma was silent, with cold sweat breaking out all over his body.

The fact that he can take on the form of a boy was something he learned from Watcher in advance.

But he did witness a complete "transformation" that was beyond imagination. If Tsubaki hadn't called his name, he would definitely not have been able to connect with him immediately.

Even with this alone, he had a solid feeling that the boy in front of him was a being far beyond his standards.

──What's the purpose of this guy...?

In front of Sigma, who couldn't understand the opponent's intention, Jesta, who transformed into a boy, looked around with a refreshing smile.

"Hey, this place is awesome. It's like a secret base."

"Yeah, yeah. This is mom and dad's room."

Looking at Tsubaki who answered shyly, Sigma tilted his head.

——About the workshop, are there no hints of keeping it secret?

——Is it because the comatose state has been lifted, or is it because of other factors.

Sigma was thinking incoherently, feeling disgusted with himself for being unable to do anything but think.

Even though it has nothing to do with the success of the mission, it has a lot to do with the possibility of your own survival.

To sleep and eat peacefully, in other words, Sigma, who hopes to survive comfortably, should try to avoid being killed miserably by vampires.

However, if you don’t know the other party’s purpose, you can’t act rashly. Although Sigma thinks so, but——

The actions of vampires are extremely simple.

Talk to Tsubaki.

If you just look at the results, that's it.

So - it was the result of this simple act that brought the world to an end.


Brother Sigma, why don't you speak?

Where is that beautiful person just now hiding?

By the way, let’s go look for it with Jesta-kun later!

"Hey, Tsubaki-chan."

"What's wrong? Jesta-kun."

"I heard from my father. Your father and mother are very good magicians."


what should I do.

What should I do?

After all, it is said that magic is a secret.

"It's okay, I know this is a secret to be kept from everyone. Yes, this is a secret between me and Tsubaki-chan!"


"Ah, it's true. There's no problem with the big brother over there, because he also knows magic."

"That's right!"

Brother Sigma said "hmm".

That's right. It looks like you have a good relationship with your father.

Brother Sigma turns out to be a "magician" too.

However, Jesta-kun is indeed very gentle.

He has been my first friend since birth.

Could it be that Jesta-kun is also a magician?

"Hey, Tsubaki-chan."


"Tsubaki-chan wants to help dad and mom, right?"


"What can I do to make Tsubaki's parents happy?"


"If you're nice to Tsubaki-chan, then you have to be a good boy."


I must help my father and mother.

Is it really okay to rest all the time?

They read picture books to me and made me delicious cakes.

I have to work hard. Be good and use it well. me.

"Let's think about it together? What do Chun-chan's parents and Chun-chan talk about every day?"


──"We, there will always be one day"

──"Yes, Chun. That is our great wish."

──"That's right, just like that jewel man───"

──"That's too unrealistic no matter what. It's a conclusion that the framework has been abandoned, right?"

─ "No problem, the Word Spirit will give you power. No matter if it's impossible or not, just make it your goal."

─ "It's almost like a hint."

─ "Ah, yes. Tsubaki, this is the first hint given to you."

──"Both father and mother hope that the Minqiu family will be born one day─────."

What is it.

Dad and the others are talking about difficult things to understand.


By the way, I remembered it!

Magicians are very powerful people!

The one who turned Cinderella into a princess!

"That's right! I know!"

"Oh, you already know? Tsubaki-chan is very powerful."

"Well, what about me..."

"For mom and dad, I want to become a magician!"

"That's it. This is really good. Everyone must be very happy."

Wow, Jesta-kun looks very happy.

Great, that’s it!

"I want to work hard to become a magician!"

"Yes, I will definitely become a magician. 'Mr. Black Pitch' will also help."



What's wrong?

Brother Sigma... seems to have a very scary expression.


That is, a system without any will.

It is a machine that has no desires of its own and only exercises its abilities for its Master.

A heroic spirit that is very good as a tool, but not so good as a familiar.

However, precisely because it has no self-will and can only exert powerful power as a manifestation of a part of the world's principles, "that thing" officially accepted the Master's wish at this moment.

——Want to become a magician.

The heroic spirit guarding Chun truly realized it.

The long-standing wish of his own master——Zu Qiu Chun.

I want to live happily with my parents.

I want to keep an animal.

I don’t want everyone to leave this city.

Want to evacuate people involved in the fire.

All these short-term "wish" can be dealt with by the heroic spirit's own power.

However, the desire to "become a magician" greatly exceeds the capacity of its own system to handle.

Magic words are feasible, but magical achievements are not feasible.

If it were an ordinary familiar, no matter how profound his wisdom, he would answer "impossible".

However, the heroic spirit that is Tsubaki's servant and guardian - the Pale Knight is different.

Because he was given knowledge as a heroic spirit, he found possibilities.

The possibilities brought about by the "Holy Grail".

That's not a reliable path.

However, no matter how low the probability of success is, the Pale Knight, a follower of the concept of "death", will show that path.

When the Great Holy Grail was completed, the third magic was lost from the world.

Because magic exists outside of reason, it is impossible to reproduce it even using a wishing machine inside of reason.

However, the third magic itself connected to the Holy Grail——is possible.

By integrating the Holy Grail into Tsubaki's body, he allowed the logic to operate.

If the magic circuit that became the "container" in the Great Holy Grail design could be recreated, maybe...

The possibility is extremely low.

Almost a daydream.

However, the Pale Knight recognized it.

The "Dream Story" of Master Tsunaki Chun.

And from this moment onwards - with the self merged with "Tsubaki's Dream" as the foundation, the Pale Knight used his maximum resources to reorganize the world.

the means necessary to achieve an end.

Win the Holy Grail War and collect the Great Holy Grail.

The heroic spirit that first descended on Snowfield——

At this moment, the smoke of joining the war finally ignited.

Everything in the world is surrounded by the breath of "death".


Francois Prellati became involved with the Holy Grail War when he received a commission from an organization in the United States to analyze something during World War II.

Although the members of the Diorland family who originally infiltrated the Clock Tower participated in the war and were defeated, it was reported that "this ritual called the Holy Grail War is too unique even if it is a local ritual in the Far East." As a result, the plan to "build and develop the land accepted for the country's magical development into a town" is also progressing - however, the report of the Third Holy Grail War is asking "Can that land, Reproduce the same thing?” This method is used to move forward.

As a result of the detailed investigation for this purpose, a group of very capable magicians who had no connection with the Clock Tower were finally gathered together, and Francesca started by being recommended by people who had a bad connection with them. collaboration.

——"They even went so far as to investigate Fuyuki through aerial bombing. What a fuss out of a molehill. Is it necessary to do this?"

Just like this, Francesca didn't have much interest in participating at first, but after actually observing Fuyuki's Holy Grail War, her - and then his - attitude changed drastically.

The Fourth Holy Grail War.

In the end, the situation turned into a situation where even the monarch of the Clock Tower was brutally murdered, and fighter jets that had no connection with the magic world also mysteriously disappeared. It is said that it was a complicated incident that made the Temple Church work hard to hide the ritual.

Although Francesca's "interest" is to use the intelligence network spread from various places to observe places where strange things seem to occur, and then deliberately put this intelligence into events occurring in other areas to cause chaos, But this far-eastern ritual stood out as an anomaly even among the strange incidents she (and he, physically speaking) had collected over the years.

The realm recording tape (Ghost·Liner) that is constantly being observed is the magicians and magicians, and even the conspiracy involving the Holy Church.

And, the existence of two "familiar faces".

One is the form of a "king" who is said to be guided by a man of the Dream Demon type who is cared about by the elves who are his magic mentors and can be said to be a master's master. Although it has nothing to do with Francesca, I have only seen that figure in the murmurs of the masters.

However, this place is not something that can arouse much interest for Francesca.

Because, although he was surprised that "this is a ritual that can even summon the Holy Sword User of the Stars?", but considering that it would disappear after the completion of the ritual, he could not confirm whether the other party was Even the personality has reappeared.

However, when he confirmed the figure of another acquaintance through the far-sighted ritual - the figure of "the noble knight of Brittany" Gilles de Ray, Francesca immediately collapsed in surprise, and then He even went on the journey from Antarctica to Japan wearing his original clothes.

Although he had forgotten all the other tasks he was doing at the time and rushed over - perhaps it was retribution for being poorly prepared. The Holy Grail seemed to have been destroyed without him being able to intervene at all, and Frances Ka ultimately failed to meet the man who was his ally.

There may be some factors that underestimated the strength of the family leader of Makiri who was an insect envoy.

I'm afraid the familiar is allowed to move freely for the time being. Many insects were placed on the road on his way to that town, and in the end he was directly attacked by a devil in the form of an old man, which resulted in Francesca needing to discard his body at that time.

——"After all, using illusions on insects won't have any effect~"

——"If we were more fully prepared, we could have deceived even the land..."

——"Ah, ah, Gil, Gil, are you enjoying the war?"

That dazed posture was witnessed by Faldius who was about to go to the clock tower.

The fifth plan was to intervene, but due to the overlapping of several factors, it was not possible in the end.

One is that Matou Zouken, who hindered him the fourth time, strengthened the barrier used against outsiders, so he couldn't even observe the thing itself.

One is that the methods used by foreign enemies against the priests of the Holy Church are extremely good.

One is that when I planned to investigate Fuyuki during the preparation period, I felt "the strange aura of more than seven magic eyes being located on the same line", so I did not approach the town easily.

Above this, his research on this land only stopped at the minimum level.

To make matters worse, that was the time when his body was being continuously killed by a crowned magician named Aozaki Orange.

Therefore, Francesca did not know the outcome of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Although she overheard the final result, she was still not sure what kind of "war" happened in the land called Fuyuki, and which camp ushered in what kind of end.

But this is enough.

Francesca patiently observed the composition of the Holy Grail, and combined various elements, such as the fragments of the magic power of the Great Holy Grail that she finally obtained before the fifth event. The "mud" and other materials excavated from the ruins of "The Great Disaster" created the Holy Grail on the land of Snowfield.

Even so, fakes are just fakes after all.

It would be impossible to completely reproduce the Great Holy Grail without using the complete form of the magic circuit of the ancestor of the Holy Grail War named Justeza as the material. No matter how far it goes, it's just a fake.

But - Heroic Spirit, Servant, Realm Recording Tape (Ghost·Liner).

Somehow it was blessed by some miracle, but this land, which was the basis of the Pseudo Holy Grail War, had reached a stage where the "power" with the plural names mentioned above could be manifested.

Well, Francesca started thinking.

From now on, this Holy Grail War will simply become a matter of trial and error.

If we repeat this process thousands or tens of thousands of times before the destruction of mankind, we may be able to achieve the ending desired by our employer during this period, and we may also be able to achieve the desired outcome of "the development of human technology". "The destruction of magic".

François Prelaty, the magician, is not so much a magician as he is a monster who does not follow the laws of heaven but only his own will.

That's why she considers it this way.

After summoning the heroic spirits, you must use those heroic spirits to achieve the highest enjoyment.

And now, her heart was jumping for joy.

The legendary Holy Sword user who is rumored to have appeared several times during Fuyuki's Holy Grail War for some unknown reason.

And the person who appeared on his behalf in this pseudo-Holy Grail War was a king who longed for that hero.

Therefore, François Prelaty would have no idea if he wanted to tarnish that "vision."

When a person who shines with brilliance is stripped of his brilliance, what will be left behind?

Just to confirm this, Prelati kept falling deeper into the dream.

How ugly, how painful, and how pitiable will be the things that appear there -

Just us, go and love it in human form, they made up their mind about it.


Past, 1189, western France.

"Well, you really like King Arthur."

The man who was tinkering with something under the strange self-propelled boxcar and dressed in an outfit that was incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere asked.

Richard answered this question with a boyish smile.

"This is wrong, Saint-Germain! Not only King Arthur, I also like the Knights of the Round Table, and I also like the legend of Charlemagne! I am very moved by King Beowulf's dismissal of Grendel, and I don't think about it again and again. I’m going to the Kingdom of Shadows to practice!”

"Alexander the Great is not bad either. I'm afraid he will fight with you on the battlefield while laughing."

"Really!? This is really glorious!... Well, indeed, if there is a legend that I will swear to be loyal to, it must be my ancestor, King Arthur's Song of Triumph."

"Even though you were betrayed and destroyed by the people around you in the end, you still think so?"

Facing the man who poked his face out from under the boxcar while speaking words that seemed sarcastic, Richard replied as if nothing had happened.

"Of course. I also like Lord Mordred, right? After all, he was a powerful knight who defeated that powerful King Arthur. A person who can end legends can also be regarded as a legend."

"Ah, really. That's right."

Saint Germain looked around and nodded with a wry smile.

In the scene where a large group of knights and infantry were lined up neatly, a fraudster who stood in a position like a court magician whispered in a voice that Richard could not hear.

"After all, you are going to prepare to attack your biological father next."

The life of King Richard I the Lion-Hearted coexists with his longing for King Arthur.

There are countless anecdotes that show his dedication to the legend of King Arthur. Regardless of his unrestrained personality, it is not an exaggeration to say that his code of chivalry was cultivated from those countless legends. .

He also traveled many times to personally collect the relics of heroes, and it is still unknown whether the Excalibur he was said to have discovered at Glastonbury was the real thing or a phantom that showed his delusion about the legend.

It's just that - regardless of the contents inside, only the "scabbard" was actually found, and someone said this in front of the French court nobles hundreds of years later.

It is said that King Richard I paid tribute to the great scabbard that protected the holy sword from the erosion of the world, and personally placed the strongest seal on it and hid it in the land associated with King Arthur. .

Then, it became a mere rumor that spread through time, and passed through hundreds of years again——


Right in the middle of the currently closed street intersection

"Hey...the eyes of these guys seem to have changed."

One of the police officers said this with his back soaked in cold sweat.

"Please calm down. We need to consolidate our defense while looking for breakthroughs. This has not changed."

Although he put on a calm expression, Vera, as their organizer, also knew how difficult the current situation was.

"Even if there is a breakthrough..."

Another police officer took Vera's place and voiced her concerns.

"Where can we escape to...?"

All the streets that could be seen were eroded by black shadows, rats were running around on the ground, and the sky seemed to be filled with black wind and crows.

Furthermore, the actions of Cerberus, who had been on the defensive until now, began to turn into an offensive.

In the fierce attack, the reason why the police were still safe is because John can still use the "power" obtained from Caster. Although he is using his bare hands, he can still restrain the monsters headed by Cerberus. They probably didn't exist in my eyes from the beginning.

The monsters seemed to be targeting the Heroic Spirit Swordsman as the center, and the cold, mechanical, and emotionless attacks so far gave people a sense of explicit murderous intent.

"It seems like something happened! It would be great if that girl is safe!"

The swordsman used the claws of Cerberus to defeat the attacks of the black aliens pressing in from all sides.

The giant beast's jaws approached to break through the gap.

Although the upper and lower teeth of the jaws opened far beyond his height closed at high speed, the swordsman dodged at the critical moment.

Cerberus, however, had three pairs of jaws.

It was simply the guillotine of death that kept touring in three consecutive rounds.

The swordsman kicked his fangs as thick as logs, dodged the second blow, and turned in the air to avoid the third mandible that followed.

However, at this moment, another individual approached from behind, and its sharp claws blew the swordsman's body away.


The swordsman's body hit the building covered in black mist, and fragments of glass and cement flew around.


Seeing the swordsman being blown away, Ayaka shouted.


——Compared to the usual swordsman, his movements have become slower!

——As expected, the injuries I suffered at that time in the evening were not yet...!

Ayaka cursed her carelessness.

The swordsman could clearly evade even the golden phantom that the heroic spirit continuously fired like a heavy machine gun, but now his movements were obviously unnatural compared to then.

Although he said that he had recovered using healing magic, it turned out that he had not fully recovered from his nearly fatal injuries.

Since she didn't understand magic, Ayaka took it for granted, "I don't know for sure, but since it's magic, it should be a complete recovery."

Thinking about it this way, could it be that his words that were inconsistent with the image of a swordsman, like he said to Ayaka before, "At critical moments, I'll be the dirty one?" were because he understood that he didn't have long to live?

Along with a series of negative thoughts, Ayaka ran desperately towards the building where the swordsman was shot into in the flying smoke.

However, the eyes of the Cerberos behind the swordsman - no, the eyes of this "world" have turned to the source of magic power that provides the swordsman, that is, Ayaka's figure.


One of the giant beasts approached Ayaka.

However, the jaws of the beast were blocked by the police team standing between them with their large shields and halberds.

"Don't stop, hurry over!"


Although the war is in a state of truce, why do you risk your life to save yourself from the enemy camp?

One of the police officers said to Ayaka who looked like this.

“Because this kind of thing is our real job.”


Ayaka reluctantly squeezed out a thank you and continued running towards the inside of the building.

He glanced behind him briefly—there were the figures of the police officers who had been swept away by the giant beast.

Some of the officers were deeply traumatized and fell to the ground.

In the few seconds it took for the swordsman to disappear, the balance easily collapsed.

Although John and Vera are still fighting hard, if this continues, they will all be wiped out within a few minutes.

Ayaka, who saw such a scene, ran up the stairs in the house while crying, aiming for the floor where the swordsman was struck.

——Why do you do this to me...

——It’s obvious that I can’t do anything.

——I'm not even a Master.

——Master or something...

--wrong. No, no, no.

——It’s not that I failed to be, it’s that I didn’t try to become.

——I escaped again.

——Obviously, I have nowhere to go!

Angry at her own cowardice, Ayaka didn't care that her leg muscles seemed to be torn apart, and just continued to run.

Compared to heroic spirits or magicians, she is nothing more than a weakling, and Ayaka knows this very well.

Then, she also understood that even though she was a human being, she was still weak, and she knew the reason for her weakness.

Regardless of gender or age.

Ayaka understands that for the power mentioned here, that difference is meaningless.

The reason for my weakness is very simple.

——In the final analysis... I have never even thought about becoming strong, and I have never wanted to become strong.

——Because escaping is far easier than that.

Then——when she reached the stairs of the floor where she thought the swordsman was, she saw a red shadow standing on the stairs.

Ayaka held her breath.

This is an ordinary building.

Then of course there is an elevator.

What appeared in front of me was "Little Red Riding Hood" who was either an undead spirit or a hallucination. Ayaka began to tremble.

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