A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1033 1033 Knight’s Triumphant Song

However, this is a strong man worthy of the opponent of the group known as the Burial Agency, which is respected and loved by the Hanseatic people.

Since he didn't know when the other party would intervene, Hansa continued to remain vigilant, but the other party seemed to see through his thoughts and spoke to Hansa over the phone.

"Did you call Hanse? Don't worry. I'm just like the monarch in the Clock Tower. I'm just a spectator commenting on the battlefield from a safe place. You don't need to worry about this."

"This is really unacceptable. From the church's perspective, we are looking forward to your donation."

"A check should be fine."

Completely unmoved by Hanse's provocation, the overlord of the financial world said in a steady voice.

"Recently, I've become quite interested in ecology. This is enough energy consumption for long-distance calls."

After saying something that was either a joke or serious, Van Feim just said goodbye lightly and hung up the phone.

The fact that he did not have a direct conversation with Jesta until the very end means that he has completely severed ties with Jesta.


"Well, what's that... Mr. Feim, you seem to be very angry, is that okay? If you want to reconcile, it's better to use email? After all, even if the call is refused, the secretary still needs to confirm all the emails. Just once."

Flatt delivered a critical blow to Jesta, who was kneeling on the ground motionless for a long time.

After Hansa judged that the clone in front of him had no power, he gave instructions to the nuns with gestures.

"Unfortunately, if you have time to type an email, it would be better to go to the church and say some words of repentance. From now on, let us attack your true body."

——Was that one of the leaders of the monsters just now?

——You can tell just by the sound that he is a terrifying enemy...

——But, thinking about that guy will have to wait until later.

After the assassin was slightly confused about his actions, he probably made a judgment that he had no time to fight against the clone, and then walked out through the broken window - towards the place where Minqiu Chun was. .

However, as if to stop her, the shattered window was covered by a huge shadow.

It is neither a smoke-shaped monster nor Cerberus, but a more pure symbol of "death"——

The whole body skeleton was burned to carbon by the black fire.

If we were to take a more distinctive part from it, it would be that the entire length of the skeleton is probably as high as this building.

"Wow! Is it a giant monster!?"

While Flatt was as surprised as a primary school student, Jesta, who was originally kneeling, slowly stood up.

"Wow, is it a vampire monster?!"

Flatt was even more amazed by this.

Bennett kept his watch in shape and made a sound of surprise.

"The technique should still be taking effect..."

Although he is a clone, this does not mean that he cannot attack at all.

While Jesta was alert to all aspects around him, he lowered his head and remained silent——


What emerged from it was a thin chuckle.

"Really...have I been abandoned as a Death Apostle?"

Jesta maintained a ghost-like pale face, and a smile that seemed to be full of madness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Then, please come with me, my beloved assassin."

"what are you saying?"

Zesta said to the assassin who frowned as if he felt something uncomfortable.

"You, who hold a belief stronger than anyone else, were abandoned by the leaders of the sect, and I, who showed you a love more noble than anyone else, was abandoned by the mainstream of the human affirmation sect because of this! That’s it, that’s it! Is this what you saw? I understand it with my soul! Sure enough, our mutual attraction is destined!”

"Don't say such lines as if you were a stalker who alerted the police and got fired."

Hansa looked bored, but he had no time to listen to this now.

He stared at the giant skeleton, debating whether to fight it off or run away.

And then, a huge impact hit the building.


It's very obvious what happened.

It was caused by the huge skeleton waving its giant arm and starting to directly hit the building.

"Oh! I didn't expect it to reach this point! It is indeed a world based on dreams and death. It is self-evident that this nightmare will never end!"

Jesta seemed to be more interested, even ignoring the pain that hit his body and continued to laugh.

"Very good, very good, Lord Vandelshodam! Let me prove it to you! I will seize the Holy Grail with these hands together with my beloved assassin. With this power, I will indeed wake up the spider. Let mankind be completely destroyed! When the last remaining human reason is only an assassin, I can return to my original identity of affirming mankind! At that time, please prepare a feast of blessings for us! Brahma Duke Delshodam!"

"Is this person a little bit broken?! Maybe the technique is a little too strong..."

Hearing Flatt's cry, Hansa replied.

"Don't worry, this guy felt like this as early as the beginning."

Like him, the assassin who knew Jesta's method of destruction from the beginning tried to confront the skeleton without any hesitation.

In an instant, the flames flying from the mouth of the huge skeleton flew towards the assassin.


And she shot it down with one of her Noble Phantasms, "Zabaniya".

She restrained him with the moving hair blade, but upon closer inspection, he saw a huge skeleton of the same size appearing on the other side of the building, almost completely blocking the way out.

"Hahaha! It's true! This is a plan to destroy the entire building! Well, don't worry, as long as the owner of this dream wishes, no matter how much this street is destroyed, it can return to its original shape! However, this It’s just the building...Ah, how pitiful you are, even though you are here, you can only die at the hands of the miserable priests, nuns, and magicians!"

"You bastard……!"

The assassin murmured, and Jesta accepted her murderous intention as if she was very comfortable.

"Ah, no, no, no, no, the altar!"

Constant shaking hit the building, and the simple altar built by Flatt collapsed.

"Hey! Flat!? Something happened-"

At the same time that the voice of King El-Melloi II was interrupted, the building was violently impacted.

Soon after, the Crystal Hill Building began to tilt violently, and the skyscraper that was the symbol of the town was making a loud noise and collapsing.

And Flatt and others at the top——


Fuyuki City in projection.

In the genjutsu, the collapse of the Fuyuki Hyatt Regency Hotel was beautifully reflected.

Although that happened during the prologue of the Fourth Holy Grail War, it was compiled by Prelaty and overlapped with the climax of the "Fuyuki Great Fire", turning it into a more tragic performance and ultimately a genjutsu. It's closed.


The illusion ended, and the world returned to Fuyuki's forest.

No one has appeared, and no human breath can be felt from the castle.

In the cold wind, although Ayaka felt she needed to say something, she couldn't even turn her face in the direction of the swordsman next to her.

Although the "illusion" that the young girl saw seemed to be a joke-like performance that was continued with the utmost prank, she also understood that it might also be a carefully calculated performance to offend the viewers.

I don’t know the story of King Arthur.

However, even if she looked at Richard, who had grown up with the legend as his pillar instead of King Arthur, she could feel how noble, brave, and majestic the being was that was being sung about.

In fact, just listening to Richard's longing on the road these few days was enough to plant a seed in the heart of Ayaka, who didn't know the legend of King Arthur at all, "Although I don't understand it very well, he is a very powerful person anyway." impression.

But, because of this——

Ayaka couldn't confirm what kind of expression Richard had when he saw King Arthur in the illusion just now.

Just speaking from the conclusion, it should be said that it is definitely not a slanderous attempt to make the existence called King Arthur disappear into nothingness.

King Arthur was neither described as a vicious murderer nor a despicable villain, but was indeed described as a truly noble being, and Ayaka understood this.

However, judging from the final result, even if she has such noble and righteous aspirations, there are things she cannot do no matter what. This is the reality.

He was denied his own path by the other kings, and he had a huge disagreement with the Master who entrusted his destiny to him.

In the end, because of the Master's betrayal, he used his own power of the Holy Sword to shatter the Holy Grail.

As a result, it caused an unprecedented disaster in the town of Fuyuki... This was the situation.

Ayaka couldn't bear the final scene that the genjutsu showed, with them standing on a mountain of burned corpses, and she could only keep her head lowered.

Ayaka was thinking about a certain scene she saw in the genjutsu.

Those were the words spoken by each of the three kings when they were drinking and drinking.

The golden hero king said so.

——"The path that a king should follow is exactly the law he has set."

The red-haired conqueror said so.

——"A king is a person who uses his own body as a starting point to conquer and ravage all the wealth and principles spread across the earth."

Then, Cang Yin’s King of Knights said this.

——"A king is a person who martyrs for the relief of the people and the "road" leading to the realization of correct ideals."

The King of Knights even declared his wish to entrust the Holy Grail.

——"Let time go back to the ceremony of the Chosen Sword. If there is a king more worthy of me, then I will rewrite the history of Britain by handing over history to that being."

It was heard from the beginning of the bedtime story that Richard's mother told him, and it was said to be the ceremony of choosing the sword that made Arthur king.

If there is a better person than himself who ultimately destroyed the country, he should be allowed to take charge of the country. This seems to be what the King of Knights is thinking.

However, upon hearing the words of the King of Knights, the Conquering King unleashed his calm anger, while the Golden King smiled as if this was funny.

The King of Conquerors rejected the King of Knights who "responded to the people's prayers for relief" with words full of anger, "A king without desires cannot lead the people, and the people will never look forward to a true slave." .

——"Sacrificing one's life for the right path and giving up everything one has is not human at all."

——"King of Conquerors, why can you insist that giving up ruling the world as a human being will be inferior to ruling as a human being?"

——"Haha. King of Knights, your way of existence will one day push you into the realm not of human beings, but of gods."

——"What are you laughing at? King of Heroes. If you can do that as a human, is there any reason to hesitate?"

——"Really? But the goddess I know is the incarnation of being unreasonable and forcing her own righteousness on her people."

——"Hey, King of Knights. Although I, who is called a descendant of Zeus, am a little bit..."

——"Pursue the right path like a god, but in the end it will become a matter of choosing your people."

After that, the question and answer session continued for the time being - but before the King of Knights could finally say something, the attacker's appearance declared the end of the question and answer session.

It was actually a longer conversation than this, but Ayaka didn't remember it all.

This was because I was overwhelmed by the oppressive power of the red-haired king and the strange fear of the golden king, and it was difficult to concentrate and listen.

If there hadn't been that attack, what kind of rebuttal would the King of Knights have said?

From the positions of Ayaka and the swordsman, the expressions of the King of Knights could not be seen.

What expression she now wore could only be supplied by imagination.

It is not certain whether he deliberately refused to show it, or whether Francesca and the other two observers failed to see the expression of the King of Knights.

Was it like Ayaka, who was overwhelmed by the angry voice of the Conquering King?

Or is it an expression of calmness and composure, thinking that one's royal path is as clear as a mirror?

The golden king said something sadistic like, "The troubled King of Knights has a great face." Could it be that he had an expression of distress? If that's the case, what exactly is she worried about?

Ayaka doesn't understand.

Do you understand what the swordsman said?

While she was thinking this, the scenes were constantly changing. As a result, Ayaka did not know until the end whether the King of Knights raised objections to other kings.

However, Ayaka also felt that this was correct because of the words of a swordsman who lived for the people. If this would arouse the anger or ridicule of other kings, it would bring a lot of blow to Ayaka.

Because this would make her feel that she was also rejecting the Lionheart King who saved her even though she was not one of his subjects.

The image created by the illusion truly reproduces the scene observed by the familiar.

There are also scenes where the information obtained is reproduced through the magic eyes of past vision hired at a huge cost.

However, as the manager of Fuyuki's Holy Grail War, Magiri's barrier made of insects was too tricky, so he couldn't see through everything completely.

Of course, everyone’s state of mind cannot be peered into.

On the contrary, there are many parts that although they knew it, they deliberately did not convey it to Lionheart King and others.

Francesca knew that Fuyuki's Holy Grail was contaminated by "mud".

Because she could not observe the actions before and after the destruction, Francesca could not fully understand what King Arthur's master was thinking.

However, it can be inferred that destroying the Holy Grail can be called the right choice in a sense.

However, the illusion they fabricated would not let Richard and the others understand this.

All Lionheart and Ayaka saw were images.

From the viewpoint of the familiar far away from the town, the light at the moment the Holy Grail was destroyed and——

As a result, Fuyuki City overflowed into a hellish scene.

The fact that the Command Seal was used to destroy the Holy Grail is just a conjecture.

However, since it is unimaginable that King Arthur would choose to destroy the Holy Grail on his own, there is no reason to deny this explanation.

Then, the most intuitive feeling from Ayaka is——

The "way" that King Arthur has followed so far is a terrifyingly real "battlefield", something far different from the "story of chivalry" told by Richard's mother in his dream.

That was a magnificent scam.

It is the figure of the king who was denied by the Master.

It's a scene where female companions from one's own camp take hostages and use guns to beat their defenseless opponents into hives.

Then—there was the figure of the king who chopped off the heads of the dying magicians.

If it were a war, it would be natural to do this.

However, even so, this is far from the image of "a war of heroes" that Ayaka holds. What kind of battle she was involved in now, this matter was placed in front of Ayaka, she was trying her best just to hold back the vomiting feeling caused by fear.

——In such a cruel fight...were children around my age fighting in it...?

After all, what was the expression of King Arthur galloping on that battlefield?

In any case, the face of King Arthur in distress was not projected, and it was impossible to tell from Ayaka whether she was struck by this or completely turned a blind eye.

But...no matter which side it is, isn't it far from the heroic legend that Richard longed for?

It's okay to be confused by a cruel fate, but if you accept this cruel fate naturally - then, as the other kings said, it is indeed not a human being, but a mechanical "system".

Then, even if he made it to this point, he was betrayed by his master in the end and got nothing.

"This happened to Fuyuki...although I have also heard about big fires..."

It was indeed a miserable situation just like this, but what Ayaka cared about was that it was edited to make King Arthur look like a miserable loser.

Therefore, while suppressing the rising feeling of vomiting, Ayaka stared tightly in the direction where the voices of Prelati and the others came from before the swordsman wanted to say anything.

"Ah - well. Anyway, now I understand very well that you guys are really terrible."

"Ahaha! Don't praise us like that, you'll be embarrassed~"

"...Don't worry about it, swordsman. This is an illusion, isn't it? It must be all nonsense! That kind of communication between the King and the Lord must be a lie!"

"Ah? Is it really okay? If everything is a lie, then the part of the King of Knights' rebuttal will also become a lie?"

Francesca said this in a playful tone, while Ayaka choked.

"That, that's..."

"Well, how is it? How is it? Although people are creatures who only believe in what they want to believe... In the end, do you have the image of King Arthur that you want to believe in? If you insist on saying it, it doesn't lose at all. Give him the image of the Lion-Hearted King who protects you, the perfect and handsome King of Knights whose existence no one can deny, right?"

"This, this kind of thing... after all, the ending is too strange. As a Master, there is no reason to destroy the Holy Grail! Maybe the Lord Knight King obtained the Holy Grail properly! In the end, that way A powerful king shouldn’t wish to make history repeat itself by letting someone else become the king..."

"Ah, just right! That's great, your reaction! The opinions of people who have no knowledge of the Holy Grail War are very attractive! But, isn't it... What will happen if Alto-chan gets the Holy Grail? What happened? This is also very interesting! If you are not careful, you may make Mud travel through time and space... No, how could it happen~"

Ayaka felt displeased with Francesca who kept saying strange things, and she fell silent for a while.

Then, I saw the expression of the swordsman who had been silent until now.

At the same time, Francesca and the others also cheered as if provoking the swordsman.

"So, what do you think? Lord Lionheart! The heroic legend of the king that you have always longed for is actually the king himself who wants to start over from the founding of the country... What do you think when you know this? What if? If I get the Holy Grail, I plan to make your history nothingness. What do you think when you see such a tyrant?"

"The story of the legendary King Arthur that you longed for. Even though he kept fighting and winning, he still couldn't get anything! What do you think when you see such a story! See the posture of the king who is constantly denied by other kings. , what do you think?"

"Shut up! These are all tricks you are playing, aren't they! Swordsmen won't be fooled by things like that..."

Ayaka started to get scared.

The swordsman, who usually kept chatting away, never said a word about this matter since the king in blue attire appeared.

There was no sigh, no surprise, and he couldn't even feel the presence of the swordsman beside him.

The king who failed to obtain anything was driven as a lackey of a magician even though he was a king, killing weaklings who were on the verge of death. In the end, even the wish he had to achieve at this point was betrayed.

Ayaka thought about what the king's swordsman would think after seeing him like that. Although she felt that she had to say something to him, she still couldn't find what she should say.

However, beside Ayaka, the swordsman who was so silent spoke up.

"Francesca Prellati."

Ayaka turned her head unconsciously when she heard the voice. What was there was the swordsman's face whose expression had completely disappeared, but it seemed as if he could see something sparkling from his eyes. That was an illusion. .

Or maybe she shed tears of despair after receiving too strong a shock, Ayaka thought, but——

In fact, quite the opposite.

The swordsman just stood there, offering the most advanced gift to the world of illusion.

"The weight of a gift given by a person with the title of king...if he is the one who compiled this illusion, he will understand it."


In front of Ayaka, who was staring at him in confusion, the swordsman spoke the words that sounded from the depths of his soul.

"But let me express my heartfelt thanks for conveying to me... the great King of Knights, the latest heroic legend...!"

Not only Ayaka, but also the observing Francescas also felt doubtful as they noticed the emotions gradually rising up around those words.

It was - overwhelming, joy.

Even if the thing that shone in your eyes just now was tears, they were probably shed as a result of extreme gratitude and celebration.

"Swordsman...what are you talking about..."

"Ayaka...when you see that King of Knights...do you think that he is not a hero?"


"Ayaka, for me, in the legend of the Knights of the Round Table... whether it was the betrayal of the king, the unreasonableness, or the fact that he became tattered and lost everything in the end - I know everything. But , I am looking forward to everything including these.”

To Ayaka, who tilted her head in confusion, Richard slowly began to speak with an expression as if he was a boy talking about his favorite baseball team.

"And... in the question and answer at the banquet, the King of Knights was not denied by the other two kings."

"Eh? But... (Alexander) roared like that..."

"Think about it carefully. Alexander the Great was just angry, and he definitely did not deny the kingship of the Knight King. Although he said a lot of decorations and being bound by the idol of the king, that did not mean that the idol itself was given to Denied. It was just a simple statement of 'I agree with your achievements, but I don't like it'."

Ayaka asked in surprise because of the words of the swordsman who was not panicking and was even calmer than usual.

"Is that so?"

"Although I'm just paraphrasing my mother's words. 'A king is not a person who walks on the royal road, but a person whose way is called the royal road by his subjects.' Depending on the time and land, the mood of the people and ministers, things will change. Good and evil will simply shift. Therefore, to put it bluntly, there is no correct answer to that question and answer, not to mention that the three people who asked the question there probably understand this best. What they intend to measure is its principle, not its is it right or not."

Richard stood there upright and said to Ayaka as if he was joking.

"Yes, our Knight King is indeed a little inferior to other kings! It's just that his voice is too quiet! I will both agree with every king's intention and also deny it! He is in a different area from me, It is natural that kings born in different eras have their own kingly opinions! But, a guy who can say loudly at the end, 'I am the right one!', with such an expression is very powerful. Philip of the Crusaders That’s how Philip (Philip II, King of France) felt.”

After seeing his appearance, there was a hint of confusion in the voices of Prelati and the others.

"Ah - you actually want to go there? We obviously think that you will become more arrogant, and then belittle the other two kings, or in turn despair of Alto-chan and shed your still-sounding layer. The extra skin comes from——"

"...by the way, are you not surprised at all that King Arthur is a girl?"

The emotion in their voices disappeared, and the two of them spoke as if they were convinced.

"...Sure enough, you know, right?"

"The magic-ridden, real King Arthur... no, it's the legend of Arturia Pendragon. You somehow found it... right?"

Putting the puzzled Prellati and others aside, Richard stretched himself greatly on the spot.

"As expected. Is this the real purpose? Do you want to know how far I have stepped into the history of the King of Knights? It's a pity that I couldn't find the tower where Merlin is imprisoned."

Then, Richard's expression suddenly disappeared, and he fell into deep thought while looking up at the sky.

"Ah... But, it's so awesome... So is Alexander the Great, so is that Jin Shining Shining, so is our ancestor king... Everyone, they are all 'kings' above my imagination."


Worried about the swordsman who stopped moving and muttered to himself, Ayaka spoke to him worried that he had indeed been struck.

Then, the swordsman slowly lowered his head and said.


"What, what's wrong?"

Facing Ayaka, who tilted her head in confusion, the swordsman said.

"Ayaka's determination just now...I really should accept it."


In front of the confused Ayaka, the swordsman opened his arms openly without concealing his broken armor.

"One more time... I want to repeat the first meeting with you."

After bowing exaggeratedly, Richard raised Ayaka's right hand with a natural movement.

"Just a question."

The king and the maiden fighting in front of the majestic castle standing in the forest blend beautifully into the scenery.

It can be said that it is like a section of a hero's biography that is sung in many legends.

"Are you my master?"


"Cheer up! Cerberus is immobile, think of a way to eliminate it!"

Now that Cerberus is covered by the rain of candy wrappers, the police officers led by John are desperately trying to re-establish their formation.

However, no matter how many of the small-scale aliens other than Cerberus were defeated, they would continue to pour out from all over the street.

There were some police officers who wanted to use healing magic on their seriously injured comrades, but the rats gathered around the officers' wounds and hindered them, leading to such a miserable situation.

And as if to push them further into despair - a sound like the earth was shaking enveloped the surrounding area.

"!That is……"

Vera looked up and noticed that.

The huge skeleton, which was as tall as the Crystal Hill Building, broke the building and forced it to collapse.

Debris from the building poured down, and although the police officers who could still move tried desperately to guard against it, there was a limit to that. One after another, the officers fell to the asphalt.

"Damn it...is it over here..."

John shook his head at the words of a police officer.

"Not yet! Don't give up if you can still move!"

Changes have been happening in this world since the beginning, this is true.

Then, as long as you persist, there may be other changes.

Although the current situation is that except for Candy Rain, everything is developing in a bad direction, which is terrible——

However, there was a shadow falling above John and the others, and it was the feet of the huge skeleton that had just destroyed the building.


——Is this the end?

With hatred, John and the police officers stared at the dark skeleton wrapped in black flames.

And above them, the skeleton's huge feet stepped down——

The next moment, a band of light stretched out from nowhere, turning the Lord of Bones into flying dust.


The band of light was released from the gap in the building two or three times in succession.

Only a few seconds later, the skeleton with a huge body like a building had turned into pitch-black bone powder fluttering in the wind.

Then, some people in the police team felt that the light strip looked familiar.

It seemed to be something released from the swordsman's Noble Phantasm that fought Gilgamesh above the church during the battle in front of the hospital.

"...Sorry, I just fell asleep for a while."

Along with that voice, the swordsman emerged from the shadow of the building.

John said with a wry smile after seeing his appearance.

"You seem to be in a good mood. Did you have a good dream?"

"Ah, it must be a dream that will come true."

After answering him with a shrug, the swordsman said to Ayaka coming from behind.

"Hey, Master."

"Just call me Ayaka. So, what's wrong?"

The swordsman said to Ayaka who also shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm really sorry. From now on, I will say some willful words like a child."

"Wilful...what do you mean?"

The two of them were talking to each other while looking at the sky.

What was in front of his sight was a huge black skeleton that appeared in place of Cerberus who was greedy for candy, rising straight into the sky.

Although it was the same size skeleton as the one that the swordsman blew away just now, wasn't it appearing in a way that was more numerous than the high-rise buildings on the street, and heading this way?

However, the swordsman's expression was very cheerful, and although Ayaka's expression was a little nervous, it did not mean that he was planning to escape, but was looking at the group of monsters from the front.

"I want to use the Holy Grail for a super selfish reason."

"No problem. Is it the desire to bring modern rock music back to the 'seat'?"

"No, it's a little different."

After shaking his head, the swordsman said loudly.

"Although it is also a song, it is a song of victory! In short...I want to use the power of the Holy Grail...to make the song of victory resound."

John and the others looked from behind the swordsman who was having a conversation, their eyes widening in surprise.

Behind the swordsman and Ayaka, five shadows appeared following them.

Two of them were the knights and archers with spears they had seen not long ago.

There is also a hunter-like man who was previously thought to be hiding in the shadows, hiding his face with a hood.

Furthermore, there was a strange knight carrying countless swords on his back, and a floating ball of water that seemed to be clinging to the man.

"What...those guys are..."

Ignoring the officers' words, they slowly walked towards the group of aliens.

"Sorry, the Cerberus Fang I used just now was broken into pieces... Can you lend me a sword?"

Hearing the swordsman's words, the knight carrying countless swords lazily shrugged his shoulders and threw a decorative sword that looked like it had been used many times, including the scabbard, to the swordsman. .


The swordsman who caught the sword pulled it out and said.

"The enemy is the terrible god of death, and his power is the world itself."

The swordsman grinned and flew out with great momentum.

"As an opponent, there is no shortcoming!"

As if responding to him, the knights and archers behind them dispersed, and the hooded man also hid his figure at some point.

Beside Ayaka, the water sphere floated lightly, looking as if it was trying to protect her.

Then - their "battle" began.


"Ugh! It seems to have become something special! Are they all heroic spirits?!"

"Quiet down. There is no point in launching the concealment technique."

Watching the battle of the swordsmen from the air were——Flat and Bennett, who were supposed to stay on the top floor of the Crystal Hill Building.

Flat was wearing what looked like a magical parachute, falling slowly at a much slower speed than a normal parachute.

Beside them, Hansa and Jesta also used the same parachute to land. If it weren't for Frater's concealment magic, it would have been like an aerial performance.

"But that's great, Hansa. I found it in the room beforehand."

Hansa replied to Jesta's words.

"Ah... I didn't expect there to be so many parachutes piled up there. And they are not ordinary products. They are good items that are close to gifts with a special magic formula written in them. Although they need to be filled with magic power... I use that workshop Did your camp even anticipate that the building might collapse?"

The parachute is a replica of an actual one that exists in a real-world suite.

It was the King of Heroes who once said, "It's okay to lend you a parachute." True to his word, he gave Tiny and the others real objects for their heads along with the decorations in the room, but Flatt and the others probably wouldn't do it. knew.

Then, Hansa said calmly while observing the battle between the "death" group spreading in front of him and the swordsmen.

"...Be careful not to get involved. It's better to land far away from them."

Then, he added after confirming this while watching the street scene gradually turn dark from the air.

"Well, it seems like there are no so-called 'places that won't get involved' in this street anymore..."


While running through the streets filled with embodied "death", the swordsman's heart was filled with joy.

——King Arthur is indeed the same great man as in the legend.

If he could calm down a little, he would probably shed tears of joy as he was so excited.

——Her behavior is praiseworthy. Because whether the silk thread is woven for others or the silk thread is woven by herself, no matter how many times she will re-weave it, just to let the unbroken flag of our country flutter in the wind.

The body acted unconsciously, cutting off two or three skull-shaped aliens one after another.

——Indeed, if it were me, I would choose another path. If it were me, I might not choose to start over.

Every time he cut off one, his movements became more and more agile. When the number of subjugations exceeded ten, he had reached the highest speed when fighting the golden heroic spirits.

——But, so what? Those are just trivial matters, just differences in values.

Cooperating with the swordsman's fighting, the knights, archers and others following him also smashed the surrounding aliens one after another.

"When praising faith, there is no need to judge whether it is right or wrong!"

When he noticed it, he had already shouted out.

Unable to suppress his overflowing emotions, he rushed up to the building at high speed while singing words of joy.

"Because of this, I will praise you! No matter how angry the conquering king is! No matter how the most ancient hero king laughs at you!"

The significance of Richard actually being angry at the Conqueror is understandable.

For him, although he also had a good impression of Alexander like that, this did not constitute a reason for him to deny King Arthur's will.

That's right, because the royal path that Lionheart King walks is completely different from those three people.

Because of this, he offered his prayer.

Toward the ideals of the King of Knights who shaped his own chivalry, and her faith.

"Even if the results achieved by my subjects return to nothingness, I still have to weave my own ideals. I will confirm that chivalry! The same is true for that tyranny, which is proof of being a king!"

Even though the King of Knights' desire to "die for his ideals" is considered "tyranny", it is precisely for this reason that he must be praised, Richard declared.

The expressions of the police officers who heard his words became surprised, and Ayaka also let out a long sigh and smiled like "It really sounds like what that guy would say."

"...But, great King Arthur! There is only one thing, you are too worried!"

The swordsman's expression was slightly gloomy, as if he was worried about it.

Then, as if trying to express something to someone who is not present, he shouts his thoughts out loud.

"Our ancestor of chivalry, you don't have to worry! There is absolutely no need to start over the country that was formed on the Round Table and was destroyed by the Round Table!"


"Ah - ah - you really spoke freely. It's really hard to be expected after Alto-chan's death. I don't know what the masters would say if they saw it."

Prelaty quietly poked her head out of the building where part of the side wall collapsed, looking at the swordsman as if she was stunned.

"Tch, having said that, I originally thought he would allow us to see more ugly parts, but it turned out not to be the case. That guy is out of his mind. He is the type who really thinks he is living in a hero's biography. Ah. If that kind of person chooses the only direction, I'm afraid he will become someone like Jeanne d'Arc."

Then, the girl who appeared from the side spoke as if she was very happy while twirling the umbrella in her hand.

"Well, that's good~ isn't it? I like that king very much! After all, that guy will continue to muddy the water in various ways~ Well! After all, I don't know if it's a god or something else. There’s no point in being ravaged and massacred unilaterally! As the organizer and audience, it’s not okay if we don’t prepare for the best and most interesting fight!”

"I didn't say I hated him. It's just that because of this, I also wanted to see his twisted, sad face."

"Ah, I thought so too!"

Francesca's eyes narrowed, a devilish smile appeared on her face, and she stared at someone intoxicated.


What she was staring at was not the swordsman, but the figure of Ayaka who had accepted her position as her master.

"This time, it's the other way around, and it seems fun to let that child fall...☆"

After seeing Francesca like this, Prelati shrugged and looked to the sky with a smile.

"So, what should we do? It seems that the vampire's aura has become weaker for some reason. Do you want to get rid of him?"

"Yes, no matter what, no matter how many huge skeletons are knocked down, there is no way to escape from this world..."

Francesca was looking at the darkened world, and when she was about to continue speaking, she suddenly noticed something strange and stopped talking.

"Hmm? Ah?"

"It's a lie. It's so powerful! So powerful! Lord Lionheart, even though it's only the size of a street...could it be said that he will overwhelm the 'world'?"


After running to the roof of the second tallest building after the Crystal Hill Building, the swordsman temporarily adjusted his breathing.

"Our great ancestor! Let me prove it!"

What stood in front of him was an extremely huge dark skeleton.

Its body was born from the fusion of countless skeletons, just like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin, with countless bones spread out behind it.

In front of the monster with a strange posture, the swordsman showed no fear at all, and just continued to engrave the words of praise for King Arthur on the world.

"The royal way you walk is definitely not wrong!"

Then, the swordsman stepped on the roof and flew high into the sky.

"The remaining kingship and glory of the Round Table gave birth to us! Tragedy and destruction have tempered our souls! Humanity, the flower of glory of chivalry will never wither in the future, let me sing this song Show it to you and the round table!"

Passing through the approaching black flames, the swordsman used all his strength to strike with a flash of lightning.

"We only admire you! From now on, please continue to watch over us, our ancestor King Arthur!"

While singing his wishes loudly and loudly.

"Although I have lost this qualification..."

Then, after showing a self-deprecating smile for just a moment, his eyes and voice were filled with the brilliance of conveying hope to someone he had never met before, and he shouted loudly.

"But one day, someone who is not me will arrive in the Utopia! Ah, that's right! The history of the stars you have spun will definitely bring the wind of peace to you! I just, for This will sound the sound of blessing!”

"I will use the power of the Holy Grail - to sing the triumphal song of mankind to the deepest part of the distant Utopia!"


— "Child, child. Listen carefully, son of your countrymen."

——"The things you should attack and destroy are those who want to take something from us."

When Sigma thinks about the past, the words of his "parents who raised him" will definitely come to mind.

Sigma knew very well that these meaningless words were intended to be brainwashed, but even now he could not forget them.

He felt neither hatred nor sadness at these words.

It's just the fact that "I was told those words repeatedly" that remains in my memory.

However, Sigma always thinks when he thinks back to those old memories.

What impact did those words have on my way of living?

Whenever I think about it, I will think about it.

After all, apart from my life, is there anything else that can be taken away from me now?

What is it that makes people feel that it is impossible to destroy it because it has been taken away by others?

Without being able to find that thing - Sigma would just live as a passive existence.

He doesn't even have the thought of being on the outside of the world, he just keeps moving around on the inside.

This is true even in the midst of the Holy Grail War.


The street in the dream, Congqiu Residence.

Go back in time a little.

"Jesta-kun! Jesta-kun! What's wrong with you!?"

When she saw the boy Jesta suddenly lying on the ground, Chun ran over in panic.

Seeing Jesta like that, Sigma began to observe his physical condition.

——Is this a magic attack?

——Probably, the strange magic power running rampant in the opponent's body has disrupted the magic circuit itself.

There was obviously no Gandr or anything like that flying over, so what happened?


Looking at Jesta moaning in pain, Tsubaki looked so panicked that she looked like she was about to cry.

...Can we get rid of him now?

However, it would be better to lure Tsubaki away from here first.

Rather than saying that Sigma didn't want children to witness the miserable scene, it's better to say that if Tsubaki recognized Sigma as a murderer, he thought he would most likely become her servant "Mr. Black Pitch" Attack object.

"Xiao Chun, go and ask your father and mother to come over."

Sigma said to Tsubaki. Tsubaki trembled and muttered "Uh-huh!" and then quickly ran up the stairs.


After watching her leave, Sigma took out a magic tool from his waist.

This is a limited-purpose medicine syringe used when fighting against vampires and special summoned beasts.

This liquid has the same effect as holy water. Generally speaking, it may not have even the slightest effect on vampires of Jesta's level.

However, if it is the current state, it is worth trying.

Sigma, who made a judgment, put his hand on the boy Jesta's neck as if he was making a diagnosis.

"...Tsk... Ku-ku haha, it's useless, big brother. Even if you use that, what will die is just the conceptual core of this child."

"Maybe, but it's worth giving it a try."

"Wait - wait, it's quite troublesome to regain the appearance of a child. It's not forced... because it can't be done without full consent..."

Jesta painfully revealed the truth about his magic, but a magician would not reveal his cards. That's probably just nonsense and worthless information.

Sigma decided that he was buying time and planned to stab him with a syringe calmly, but——


The screams of young children came from upstairs.


Seizing that momentary gap, the boy Jesta took a deep breath and kicked Sigma in the abdomen.


Sigma pulled away, but the screams continued.

Although the boy Jesta looked in pain, Sigma saw him standing up and concluded that he could not be killed at this stage.

Sigma immediately changed his actions. He grabbed the crossbow placed on the table and jumped straight towards the stairs.

——If there is an emergency, can it be used?

Although the crossbow was well repaired, it was not clear whether it could be used for shooting immediately.

Nevertheless, because the strange beauty in red specifically asked him to do so, and considering that this might become a determining factor in something, he took the crossbow with him.

——Although there is a possibility that it is a trap... but the more information, the better.

Although it was half a gamble, since most of the commissions I received from Francesca in the past were the option of "if you find some interesting props, bring them to me", so I didn't take it seriously. Have a sense of avoidance.

——It doesn’t look like there is any curse-killing spell.

——But, this gift is too luxurious...

While thinking about the crossbow, Sigma ran up the stairs in one breath.

Then, he saw Chun looking in the direction of the window, and he collapsed on the ground in fear.

"What's wrong?……!?"

He soon understood that a sudden change occurred.

The world seen outside the window became a completely different scene from just now.

The blue sky was covered with dark clouds, and there were countless huge monster-like skeletons wandering around in the streets.

The lush lawns and trees in the yard were withered, and ominous black steam rose from the ground everywhere.

"What are these..."


Tsubaki is not afraid of "Mr. Black", but is timid of the huge group of skeletons.

——Didn’t she interfere with these phenomena?

The next moment, the "Mr. Dark" emerged from the yard and wrapped up the girl's body as if he wanted to hug her.

"Mr. Black...?"

To Tsubaki who calmed down and called out that name, the shadow that seemed to be a heroic spirit did not make any reply, but swayed while hiding the "horrible world" from Tsubaki's sight.

"...This is...as expected"

I want to be a magician.

Sigma remembered what Tsubaki said.

According to Minqiu Xihe's words, the servant seems to have become a guardian of Chun.

So, what if the servant responded to Tsubaki's wish to become a magician?

Ever since Jesta asked the question as if to induce him, he had a bad feeling.

And when that bad premonition came true, Sigma couldn't help but grit his teeth, and then he asked Chun.

"Hey, Xiaochun, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Eh? Uh-huh. It's scary, but it doesn't matter."


From this point of view, the depletion of magic power is indeed impossible.

Then - from the courtyard, Chun's father, Miu Qiu Xihe, appeared.

"Oops, Tsubaki. What's wrong?"

"Ah, daddy, daddy! There are so many monsters outside...ah, um, yes, Jesta-kun, Jesta-kun...!"

Tsubaki's eyes filled with tears and she ran towards her father.

Then, the mother who came after said with a calm smile.

"It's okay, Tsubaki. Because those big skeleton gentlemen, they are all Tsubaki's partners."


Tsubaki looked up at her mother with glazed eyes.

Her father also said in reaction to this.

"That's it, Tsubaki. Because those skeleton gentlemen and the black gentlemen are the same thing."

"But, but Mr. Hei Qiqi is different? Mr. Hei Qiqi would not do such terrible things..."

In front of Tsubaki's sight - there was a huge skeleton figure, which seemed to be fighting "something" while destroying the building. Judging from the occasional sight of light slashes, there is a high possibility that he is a heroic swordsman.

"Ah, Mr. Black and that one are the same. But Mr. Black's mission is to protect you, and those skeleton gentlemen are weapons. No wonder Tsubaki is afraid."



Looking at Chun who was confused, Sigma tried to stop the Minqiu couple from continuing.

However, the words stopped midway.

A shadow fell to the ground with an momentum that seemed to emerge from the sky.

That was the wounded assassin.


Sigma yelled, and she continued without caring about her injuries.

"Is the girl okay? Is the vampire here?"

"Ah. But the way he suddenly became in pain..."

"Did those magicians' spells succeed... Where is that guy?"

Tsubaki spoke to the assassin who was looking very aggressive and wanted to kill the vampire immediately.

"Sister 'Assassin'?"

Tsubaki, who thought the assassin was her name, approached her worriedly.

"Are you okay? You are injured...there is blood..."

When the assassin saw Chun's crying face, he pulled up his clothes and hid the wound while comforting her in a gentle tone.

"Ah, I'm fine-"

The body was blown away by the black alien that appeared from the side.


The assassins responded with shadows extending from the gaps in their costumes, but the aliens appeared one after another, trying to suppress the assassins with numbers.

If there is something like the enemy's true body, that is, the core, the assassin can use the corresponding Noble Phantasm to subvert this trend in one fell swoop.

But Sigma understood immediately.

The barrier world itself is integrated with the enemy's body.

In other words, in this case, the core - indeed, there is no one else but Miu Qiuchun.

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