And standing behind him was the magician whom he had met for the first time.

It was a woman wearing goggles and distinguished by shark-like teeth.

After stating that "it was not her intention", she said that she was the master of the Servants and Cavalry.

However, although it is not something that should be accepted calmly, it is not something that needs to be particularly surprising to Enkidu.

He had already understood through the quality of the aura approaching here that the visitor had a magical connection with the servant, and he also understood that the other party was not hostile.

Therefore, they were having a light conversation with the hostile existence that they wanted to eliminate even if they fought together - the 'god faction' located in the west of the town.

The so-called indifferent is just a description of the sound and appearance, but the content of the conversation has a prickly feeling that is difficult to hide.

"Isn't it true in this day and age? There are parents who forcefully decorate their children with gems to satisfy their own vanity, regardless of whether the child hates it or not. You can probably just think of it that way. She will treat her children with gems that are clearly just to nourish herself. The actions taken were taken seriously for the sake of the other party. In the final analysis, although the two parties can talk, there is no intention to understand at all, and they do not feel that understanding is necessary."

The female magician was surprised that Enkidu said such words with a cold face, but Enkidu continued without caring.

"It makes no difference whether it's me or the residue contaminated by it on the planet. That's why I have to deny that goddess... that temple."

Then, with a seemingly flowing movement, ‘that’ was created on the roof of the building.

The minerals and trees that grew from Enkidu's feet were rolled up in golden chains, and were constantly being cast into a giant shadow.

It should be a sudden and abrupt combination, but because the process is so natural, from the perspective of an onlooker, it might even appear that Enkidu's words and gestures just now were part of this project.

In fact, the only people who saw this process were the cavalry master, the female magician, Tiny's subordinates who stayed at the entrance to the top floor to look out for the wind, and Enkidu's master's wolf.

However, many people have actually seen the ‘that’ gesture of birth.

Ordinary passers-by standing on the street, even if they look up at the Crystal Hill during a storm, will probably only see "a little light on the roof" at most.

However, the wild magicians who remained in this town were the first to be attracted by the strong magic power, and it would take some time before they could judge what kind of existence would appear now.

As something created by magic, it is very strange, but it is also something that can be directly denied as 'absolutely impossible'.

The goddess in the forest said expressionlessly.

"...That waste, you're going to look down on me no matter where you are, right?"

The magicians in the valley said in stunned silence.

"Wait, are there other such messy guys here?!"

In one of the shady scenes in the desert, someone is laughing.

"Really, this is awesome! Is that a Mesopotamian-style joke?! But there shouldn't be anything like that in Mesopotamia?"

The other shady people who continued to observe underground breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should be said that it's a good thing that we did that after most of the residents closed their windows. I didn't expect to have to thank the storm..."

But it wasn't any of them who reacted most dramatically to 'that'.

Instead, Sigma is moving toward the lakeland area east of the town.

To be precise, it was not Sigma himself, but the 'shadow' of the old captain who appeared beside him.

"...Hey, hey, hey, it's true!"

"?What's wrong."

Sigma asked in surprise when he saw the old captain of 'Shadow' showing an emotion he had never seen before.

Although he also saw 'that' appearing on the top floor of Crystal Hill, he didn't feel that it was something worthy of surprise - at most, it reminded him of the crossbow on his back.

However, the old captain did not explain, but laughed and wrinkled his eyes as if unwilling to give in.

"It's so happens that the directly under that unknown thing! And even though it's a shadow, it's still right in front of me! He actually assembled that thing, and that thing came out!"

In front of the sight of the still smiling old man, on the roof of the tallest building in the town, something seemed to take root and grow -

A harpoon-gun so huge that it even covered the roof.

"As always, really bad noise."

On the roof of the Crystal Hill where such a huge weapon that was so unrealistic appeared, Enkidu narrowed his eyes and murmured in front of the strong divinity overflowing from the west.

"Thanks to that, I can't hear that kid's voice."

The refreshing smile that usually appeared on his face disappeared, as if he was very sad. Enqi strangely narrowed his eyes as if humans were anxious,

"If you impose arrogance and prevent the progress of human reason, you will be a beast."

Keeping his voice clear, Enkidu spoke with pure anger and hatred.

"You are not a beast that is evil to humans. You are not that kind of noble and loving existence. You are just a pest to humans and planets now."

The heroic spirit who kept saying spicy words with a cold expression continued to speak while caressing the 'that' she had given birth to.

"In this sense, this thing may not have been used to deal with 'pests'..."

Among the gaps in earth tones, golden patterns sparkle, reminiscent of the majestic whaling cannon of Uruk's fortress.

Enkidu caressed its base, injecting the magic power flowing from himself, mixed with divinity, into it.

"With the crystallization of wisdom and karma produced by mankind, I hereby declare that the goddess Ishtar..."

No dialogue necessary.

Because that ended thousands of years ago, Enkidu merely asserted.

In order to accomplish what you should accomplish, use words you don't normally use in place of your vows.

" can shut up now."

In an instant.

As the roar and glow enveloped the top floor of Crystal Hill, the storm and heavy rain were deflected away.

What was fired from the whaling cannon was a huge harpoon like a ballistic missile.

As expected, a golden chain composed of huge parts was wrapped around the tail of the harpoon.

The chain, which had the same properties as the weapons Enkidu usually generated, turned into a ray of light with the harpoon, tearing apart the storm and forming a golden rainbow of light towards the western sky.

Indeed, while attacking, a bridge of light was built in the world that was beginning to be smeared by the air of the Age of Gods.

The huge harpoon penetrated the wind disaster, which was a symbol of God's control and tyranny, and just rushed toward the west, toward the west.

It was like a hero tearing apart an endless stream of troops with the power of a single ride.


Temple of Ishtar.

"Hmph... I already have no respect..."

Staring at the opposite side, the goddess Ishtar said this, quietly facing the approaching huge harpoon, raising her hand to cover it within the palm of her hand.

Around her, the space that became the foundation of the temple released an extremely large scale of divinity, gradually smearing and replacing the 'air' of the world more densely.

However, unlike the missiles that flew before, the speed of the harpoon did not slow down.

Enkidu's body was originally a weapon made by the gods, so it had properties that could affect the gods.

In order to allow humans to exercise the power of God, it now turns into the power of rejecting God and attacks Ishtar.

"Too weak, you piece of trash."

But of course Ishtar knew this too.

What she can control through her charm is the exact 'air' itself.

It compresses the wind that flows through the storm in Gugalana, stops it, and turns it into a viscous gas.

She is the embodiment of the sky.

And everything at its source belongs to her and is a part of her body.

Just like a meteorite that burst into the atmosphere, the huge harpoon flying towards this direction was wrapped in high heat, and the air itself changed color.

But even so, the heavy blow conceived by Enkidu's Noble Phantasm 'Age of Babylon' could not be eliminated.

The harpoon was shining brightly, and even though its speed had slowed down, it was still eating away at the 'Age of Gods' newly bred by Ishtar.

Although the harpoon itself has not reached anywhere yet and is merely maintaining a state of confrontation - the mere fact of attacking as a third party is enough to have an impact on the battlefield.


industrial area.

The eyes of Alcides, who kept releasing the poisonous snake's magic arrows from the chimney, caught the lock of light flying in the sky.

"...Not a god, but a relic of it?"

Due to the deterioration of the air itself, the power of arrows that are continued to be released also decreases.

However, Alcides didn't mind, and just used the huge magic power to exercise quantitative violence.

The sight of the nine-headed snakes attacking the temple one after another was like a black flood.

Then, Alcides' next move turned it from metaphor into reality.

Staring at the end of the chain, the temple of the goddess Ishtar, and the 'Bull of Heaven' wrapped around the giant snake he gave birth to.

"Share your fate with Augeas, you beasts!"

At the same time, he activated his Noble Phantasm ‘Kings Order’.

The replica of the venomous snake generated from the arrow shot next shattered like a water balloon exploding the moment it reached the forest.

Then, it truly turned into a black turbid current and began to swallow the entire forest.

One of the difficult journeys Alcides experienced during his lifetime was ‘The Cowshed of Ogeas’.

Being asked to clean a huge cowshed that contains 3,000 cows in one day and has not been cleaned for decades is not so much a difficult task as it is like looking for trouble.

The king who made such a request and then reneged on his promise was eventually defeated by Alcides - but this was not the essence of the legend.

The man was able to clean the cowshed, which was said to have never been seen since it was built, in one day. The method he used was actually very simple, but it could also be said to go beyond common sense.

He tried his best to change the direction of the two rivers near the cowshed so that their turbid currents flowed directly to the land where the cowshed was located.

As a symbol of the power to achieve this great feat, the turbid current he captured also reappeared as the power of the Noble Phantasm. After infusing it with the miasma of the poisonous snake and the magic power of 'mud', it turned into a black flood and flowed into the forest.


? ? ?

‘He’ was temporarily thinking amidst this violent flow of magic power.

He does not know everything in the world.

It’s better to say that there are more things you don’t know.

He doesn't even know what he is living for, or even the reason for living.

In fact, maybe many beings don't know the answer to this question from the beginning - but he has never even considered it.

Just to survive, he burned his body and soul completely.

There is no need to think about any reason, just for the pure desire arising from instinct, he keeps shouting "I want to live".

But what now?

As a result, he is still alive because of the power of the being he called out.

The pure murderous intention disappeared in front of him, and the existence he encountered from many obstacles - the existence called 'Servant' guarded him.

It was only now that he felt peaceful for the first time.

As a result, the neural circuitry begins to hesitate.

He began to think quietly.

Not instinctively, thinking.

Not impulsive, rational.

In this state where he did not feel the 'crisis of life' for the first time since the emergence of himself, he also began to think for the first time.

Who you are and what you live for.

One day, two creatures came to the forest.

It is a creature very similar to a 'Servant'.

However, he understood immediately with his breath.

One of them is the same existence as his benefactor 'servant', but the other is the same existence as himself.

Because he felt that the other party was not hostile, he approached the individual who he judged to be the same kind, while watching the conversation between the 'servants'.

After this, the battle of the 'Servants' began.

Although the people on the side were very panicked, he understood that neither party had any killing intention, so he just looked at the scene in disbelief.

He understood that the 'servants' all possessed extremely powerful power.

He found it unbelievable. Since he had such a powerful force and could freely roam the earth, why not do it?

Afterwards, doubts gradually gave way to uneasiness.

Depending on a certain time, a strange aura appears in the surrounding land.

It was an aura that could simultaneously make people feel a sense of security as if they were being enveloped, and an overwhelming sense of fear.

Ever since I felt that aura, the aura of the 'servant' began to change.

His expression and words remained the same as usual.

It seems that he is breathing his breath into the forest and the land, with a gentle smile on his face, but it feels like he is always enduring something.

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