Just a little bit.

Although it was just a little bit subtle and he didn't know whether he could feel it, but he did feel it.

He felt that in the heart of the 'servant', the same aura as his master, who was chasing him with weapons - hatred and murderous intent were swirling there.

Soon after, the "warm, yet scary aura" surrounding the town gradually became stronger - and the "Servants" began to feel something like sadness in their psychology.

His expression was the same as usual.

His voice and attitude were the same as usual, always protecting himself.

Even on the top floor of the building, the mass of extremely terrifying power approached and the land was enveloped by the storm -

‘Followers’ always stand on their own side.

Now, 'he' finally understands.

He is the prison and chain of the ‘follower’.

It was the same as when he was locked up by a creature called the "Magician" and imprisoned.

‘Servants’ have ‘things they want to do’.

However, because he is here - because he is protecting his own life, the 'servant' cannot do whatever he wants.

The moment he realized this, new emotions surged in his heart.

It is what humans call an emotion similar to sadness.

It can also be said to be anger towards oneself.

He was unable to learn 'anger' even when he was about to be killed by his creator, but now he felt annoyed with himself for doing the same thing as his creator.

At that time, when I was struggling just to survive, I had no time to notice the feelings.

My wishes and dreams have come true.

The way to continue living is shown to me by the 'Servant' and protected by me.

So, what’s next?

He was thinking desperately in his budding self.

If you have such a thing as ‘wishes’…

If you have a reason to live...

That must be the matter of letting the life form in front of you become free.

"He" would never allow him to become a yoke to others.

Therefore, while he wanted to witness it to the end, he extended his claws to the 'Servant'.

In order to tell the 'Servants' about his wish as a 'Master'.

He took a step forward.

It's not to escape, and it's different from instinct. It's to obey a clear will and continue to live.

In order to fight against a world that I still don't understand at all - or rather, to fight against myself.


The top floor of Crystal Hill.

The female magician wearing goggles and Tiny's subordinates were almost blown away by the aftermath of the weapon fire, but the golden chains pouring out from the top floor of the building caught everyone and protected them from falling from the top floor.

"...Is this the power of a heroic spirit that takes it seriously..."

The magician wearing goggles, Doris Lucendra, used her eyes mixed with joy and reluctance, trying to analyze the powerful power in front of her.

She lost to Tohsaka Rin and gave up her rights as Master to El-Melloi Classroom.

However, for the reason that "it would be more stable if the person who originally held the Command Seal could act as a catalyst," she also joined as the last member of Rider's Master.

Needless to say, while strict magical oaths were exchanged, the Command Seals themselves were not shared.

And it wasn't just the heroic spirit's power that shocked her.

There is also a magic supply source that can be constructed at this level.

——Could it be said that after letting this level of magic power flow into the servants, there is still room for it...?

If it were him, he might have exhausted his magic power just by generating that basic whaling cannon.

The existence that can cause the Noble Phantasm to fire continuously is already beyond common sense for ordinary magicians.

Doris thought so and turned her eyes to Enkidu's master.

What he saw was a synthetic beast fixed to the roof by Enkidu's chains just like them.

The silver wolf, Enkidu's master, slowly approached Enkidu while being guarded by the chain, and bit Enkidu's clothes as if he was taking him somewhere.

"...Ah, I'm sorry. Master, I made you uneasy."

Enkidu apologized bluntly, caressing the silver wolf's cheek.

"Please rest assured, Master. I will protect your life. As long as you wish, I will stay here... Even if something happens to me, I can still go to the girl at the top..."

Enkidu, who was still conveying something, suddenly fell silent.

The silver wolf tugged on Enkidu's clothes tightly and stared at Enkidu with an unprecedented tough look.

Enkidu, who understood the intention, bent his knees so that his eyes were at the same level as the silver wolf's, and looked at each other and said.

"There is no need to worry about me, Master. I am a tool, and I was born to be used. More importantly, I am just an existence that will disappear after this ritual is over."

Although his figure talking to the silver wolf looked a bit strange, for those who knew Enkidu's existence, this was a more natural posture for this heroic spirit.

For the heroic spirit named Enkidu, no matter whether his master is a human, an elf, or a synthetic beast, he will always put himself in the position of 'props'.

He is an existence created by the gods as a prop, so he can imitate a 'human' existence that even the gods cannot understand. He understands this.

Therefore, he also understood that there was a bug in him now - and he also analyzed it himself. The reason was naturally the divinity that spewed out from the west of the city and the pillar of heroic spirit that served and followed it.

After knowing this, Enkidu rationally chose the method that could simultaneously achieve "the best for the master" and "can correct the bug".

It should be said that he "should" have chosen this way, but he didn't expect that Silver Wolf, his master, would raise objections.


Aware of Silver Wolf's intentions, Enkidu wove words quietly.

"You should... just consider your wish and continue to live. I only exist here as a tool to realize it. So my Master, before I will fight against this world and against Before your threat is eliminated, please go to a safe place..."

His words were interrupted again.

This time, it was because of the low groan of his master, Silver Wolf.

In the past, he only prayed to 'live', but now his eyes flashed with strong will, pulling Enkidu's silver wolf, what on earth was he thinking.

The two just fell into silence for a brief moment, staring at each other.

As Silver Wolf and Heroic Spirit.

As a synthetic beast and a divine weapon.

And, as a master and a servant.

Although it only lasted a few seconds, it was enough.

Enkidu, who understood everything, hugged Silver Wolf and said.

"I'm sorry, Master. Indeed, in front of that ancient goddess (trash)...and my ancient friend, I almost forgot that I was a tool."


"But you are... not because of this, but because you are angry that I want to become a prop again, right?"

Speaking in that gentle voice mixed with a little sadness and joy, Enkidu confessed to his master in a language that contained gratitude and repentance.

"Thank you, Master...I'm leaving."

It was the same soft smile he had when he met Silver Wolf.

As the master, Silver Wolf was unable to see this expression properly because he was in a near-death state.

In other words - the silver wolf felt that the aura was the same color as when they met, and understood that Enkidu showed the same expression as when he met him because "this may be a farewell".

At the end, the silver wolf stared at Enkidu again, and then let out a loud distant bark toward the sky that was starting to become violent.

"I hope... your life can be as you wish."

Just saying these words, Enkidu jumped up and flew into the air.

The silver wolf watching him neither wagged its tail nor growled, just stared at his back.

Looking at the existence that they had lived with even though it was only a short moment, and now the figure that flew up in order to 'live' freely.

Silver Wolf already understood.

No matter what path the world takes, your own destiny will not change much.

Just like Enkidu, who just said that he would disappear soon, he also cannot live forever.

Maybe months, weeks or even days.

After all, to Silver Wolf, who doesn't even know the concept of time units, these units are all the same.

What was more important to him was that Enkidu showed him a 'alive' figure.

Family, friends, master and slave.

Silver Wolf, who was born as a synthetic beast, had no idea of ​​these concepts and had no intention of understanding them.

All he knew was the relationship between 'Master' and 'Servant'.

I don’t know who is up and who is down, and I have no interest in it.

Although Enkidu once said "use yourself as a prop" - but now, Silver Wolf himself has denied the meaning of the words "servant".

The meanings of the two words "Master" and "Servant" have completely disappeared and become a simple arrangement of words. But even so, for Ginlang, 'just, stay with him' is the only thing he can do. And an absolute relationship.

As a reason for living, it is sufficient.

As a reason to live, it is sufficient.

Therefore, Silver Wolf just wanted to take a look.

A servant named Enkidu is one who only 'lives' for his/her own reasons.

One day, when I end my life, my last words will not be 'we were by my side', but 'we were together'.

He did not have any adventures that could be recorded in history, nor did he develop a deep love.

Even so, still——

The silver wolf who looked after the existence that he had only lived with for a few days could see a little pride in his standing posture.


East of Snowfield, Lakeland area.

"When I was still alive, that thing was... I can't say that. That thing was made with the power of God, so even if I used that thing to ravage that guy, it wasn't mine. …The victory of humanity.”

Hearing the old captain's 'shadow', which was slightly regretful but seemed to come from the heart, Sigma was thinking, 'Although I don't quite understand, such joyful laughter is enviable' and so on. things.

"Oh, our 'Shadow' is just a copy, a product of 'Watcher' reproducing, 'If I were here, I would react like this'. That guy is doing detailed calculations, it's just a pure magic mechanism Just stuff like that.”

"... From my (third party) perspective, it feels like talking to me in person."

Then, the 'shadow' of the winged young man spoke as if sending a warning.

"Isn't that true? If you really think so, if our fakes created by others using illusion magic appear in front of you, you might be easily fooled?"

“If the intention of a third party is mixed in as a reason for deception, then it’s a different person.”

"I see, that's how you think?"

"Even if it's genuine, it will betray when it's time to betray. Although I don't intend to discuss issues such as philosophical zombies, my magic literacy is also very thin. For me, instead of caring about whether the other person is the original or a replica, in that How the other person affects me in an instant is everything."

Saying this, two completely opposite people appeared in Sigma's mind.

One person is a living human being - Lambda who has grown up with him since childhood.

The other person is, like the 'Shadows', an existence copied from the seat, a Servant Assassin.

The former would betray Sigma without him noticing at all, and he would retaliate to him without emotion.

As for the latter, it was clear that not long after they met, the two parties reached the result of jointly defeating monsters based on her own beliefs or convictions.

He was almost killed by her when they first met, but when they parted yesterday, he was able to say "Please save people until the end" and smiled in front of him.

There is no difference between the replica and the original.

What's more, compared to the 'mentors' of his childhood, the shadows as replicas have far more humanity than them, this is what Sigma feels.

Real or fake, or just a replica of a soul.

Anyway, I can't understand such a complicated thing.

Then, no matter what the background of the other party is, the result based on the relationship with the other party is the real thing.

Sigma, who had already watched the videos of comedians around the world to the point where the tapes were worn out, suddenly thought of it.

Many of those videos are, to the extreme, just copies.

Moreover, those performances followed the direction of the script, so it should be said that they are not genuine in both senses.

However, as a comedy lover, is the self standing here now a fake?

If the self is formed based on fake goods, how should one's own feelings and self be judged?

After thinking briefly, it was all in vain, Sigma shook his head.

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