A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1062 1062 People with the same name

The next moment, Enkidu rushed forward at lightning speed, aiming at the goddess standing in the temple.

However, all this was stopped by the berserker named Humbaba.

Its movements were so agile that it was hard to believe that such a huge body could do it, but it did not fight back.

Both Harley and Berserker felt Enkidu's power firsthand and chose to defend themselves.

They know that if they reveal any opportunity, they will be cut into pieces immediately.

The pressure brought by Enkidu forced the Berserkers, who could shoot down even modern weapons like raindrops of missiles, to enter defensive mode at this moment.

A "weapon" created as a wedge for the gods to drive into the human world, Enkidu said while looking at the protective posture that the other party made to protect the goddess Ishtar.

"This is going to be difficult...I'm not very good at protracted battles."

Recall the unforgettable past.

The words flowed from his mouth as he recalled the duel with his best friend Gilgamesh.

"At most, we can only fight for three days and three nights."

It's not irony or sarcasm.

For Enkidu, this is what he really thinks.

If possible - I really hope that the duel lasts forever instead of three days.


Valley area.

"Things have changed."

Someone in El-Melloi's classroom muttered this after seeing something fly out from the roof of Crystal Hill, carrying a huge amount of magic power, and running on a golden chain that stretched all the way to the sky. .

The situation is the same as this sentence in this valley.

Almost at the same time, two horses, the police team coming from the city, and Tini's men in suits appeared on the east side of the town.

"...You even got on the line with the organizer of this Holy Grail War, are you serious?"

The woman was Tiny Cherk's secretary. She looked back and forth between the students in El-Melloi's classroom and the police team with surprised eyes.

Then, Vera Levitt, who came as a representative of the police force with about twenty subordinates, said with an understatement on her face.

"In terms of relationship and status, isn't this what we should do?"

"...I said too much"

She seemed to want to say something more, but she probably judged that any further sarcasm would damage the dignity of her master Tini. So out of the magician's consciousness, she stopped herself and returned her gaze to the faces of everyone in El-Melloi's classroom.

However, her eyes were quickly drawn to the direction of the two horses.

The man wearing armor that seemed to have no sharp edges lifted the shoulders of the panting woman who hugged his back tightly, and looked around with his sparkling eyes.

"Oh, so awesome! I can tell at a glance that all of you are top-notch magicians! You look even better than that Saint-Germain guy who calls himself my court magician! Ah... compare you to that one Old liar, I’m really a little rude..."

Seeing this swordsman who easily revealed information about himself, several magicians even suspected for a moment that he was not a servant but a street performer from somewhere.

Although Tini's subordinates knew that he was a Servant, their eyes widened at this outrageous statement, while Hansa laughed heartily.

The police officers who knew the swordsman's situation to a certain extent could only look at him with a wry smile.

Among the people in El-Melloi's classroom, some frowned in disbelief, while a few others were seriously whispering to each other about the swordsman's possible true identity.

"He said Saint-Germain?"

"In other words, it's Louis XV...?"

"Maybe it's Alexander the Great..."

"From the Raccozzi family...?"

"Be bold, maybe it's the Queen of Sheba..."

Seeing these young people guessing in low voices, the swordsman moved his horse to a position where he could see the woods to the west more clearly, and laughed heartily.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Saint-Germain! How unscrupulous is that guy!? He claims to be immortal, and then he arrogantly drives what seems to be a common thing in my time, called a 'car' It’s funny, but do magicians usually do such extraordinary things?”

"Did the Count Saint-Germain escape from the Atlas Court...? He got extra information..."

After hearing what the big man wearing glasses said, the swordsman shrugged.

"That guy's mere presence would cause me all kinds of trouble. However, even though he was a court magician, the only magic he taught me was the 'Gem Scar Repair Technique'" "

Upon hearing this, the eyes of several magicians flashed, but they also knew that now was not the time to ask about this matter, so they did not speak.

"Oh! There's such a big noise over there!"

The swordsman paid no attention to the surrounding atmosphere and stared at the situation in the forest from the edge of the cliff.

At the other end of his sight, there was something descending from the forest swallowed by the dark flood, with giant snakes wrapped around its huge legs. There were also continuous golden explosions that appeared earlier, and a huge rock plate. He also flies into the sky from time to time.

"To fight together, do you mean to fight against the 'something' over there? If I appeared as a cavalryman, I might be able to use the army to share the pressure for you, but now I am a swordsman..."

The swordsman looked at the scene that was out of touch with reality at the other end of his line of sight, and analyzed his combat power excitedly.

Then, as if he had just remembered, he turned around and announced his name to everyone present.

"Then, please allow me to be rude and introduce myself on horseback! I am a Servant participating in this Holy Grail War as a swordsman! The reason why I don't dismount is not so much because of my identity, but actually just because the Master is exhausted. It would be a big help if anyone could help me pick her up!"

"Ugh... I'm not, it's okay. I should be able to go down if you just let me relax for a while..."

While moaning like this, the girl slowly raised her head and looked around.

——Mr. Father of the church... So he is okay?

She hadn't seen him since the church collapsed, but seeing that the priest wearing an eyepatch was still so energetic, Ayaka let out a sigh of relief.

--Very good. Miss Vera and the others are okay too...eh?

At this time, Ayaka noticed something strange.

Unlike the police force and the group of people in suits, these young people who were not uniformly dressed all opened their eyes when they saw Ayaka's face, and they were watching the situation here as if they were on guard.

"It's Shatiao..."

"Ayakashi from the plant family?"

"Did you dye your hair?"

Hearing their whispers, Ayaka's body trembled. She even forgot about losing strength and paused her breathing.

"Eh...wha, what?"

From Ayaka's point of view, she didn't know anyone here.

The Japanese-looking woman squinted her eyes at me, but I still had no impression.

Not only Ayaka felt uneasy, but the young people over there were also communicating with each other while tilting their heads.

"But Shatiao is in Romania now, and we have confirmed it."

"That's true..."

"Really? I don't think it looks like it at all. The smell of sand sticks is round but undulating and layered."

"That's just because you don't judge by appearance, right?"

"But...if Sven said that, we can be sure that they are not the same person."

People who didn't know each other seemed to be talking about their own affairs.

Ayaka, who had recalled for a long time the feeling of being 'played by fate while applauding', got off her horse with renewed energy and spoke with strong self-will.


The young people turned their heads when they heard Ayakashi's voice.

Facing this unimaginable sense of oppression from her peers, Ayaka staggered subconsciously.

However, the swordsman who got off his horse at some point supported her shoulders.

"It's fine."

"...Well, thank you."

Ayaka calmed herself down and asked the young people questions.

"You seem to have been talking about something since you saw my face just now...Who are you? Do you...know me?"

The person who came forward after hearing this was a woman who looked quite strong even among these young people.

"No, we don't know you. To be precise, although we learned about your existence a few days ago..."


"But we are the ones who want to know who you are. For people who cannot be trusted, although there are cases of cooperation on the premise that the other party will betray... But if you are really some weird unknown existence, then it is not It’s no longer a question of whether to alert you or not.”

Then the woman waved to her companions as if telling them to go back to their respective places.

"Okay, okay, I will confirm her situation, so you don't have to worry. Let's start observing the forest quickly. The world may be destroyed while we are wasting our time, do you all understand?"

Following her words, the others shrugged and began to unfold various magic props and magic circles towards the changes in the forest.

The woman in red clothes stared at Ayakashi and asked straight to the point.

"Then, let me ask again, who are you? Why do you have the same face as Sajo-san?"


Ayaka's vision tilted and twisted for a moment.

Even so, Ayaka, who did not understand the other party's words, asked vigorously.

"Why...because I am Sayou Ayaka...wait, is there anyone who looks like me?"

"My answer to your question is 'YES'. Although the hair color is different, the other styles are exactly the same. So let me change the question. Do you know the word 'Fuyuki'?"

"...Of course, it is my hometown after all."

"Hmm... Then where do you live in Fuyuki City? Xindu? Miyama Town? Suigunhara?"

"Huh? Is it...?"

My head hurts.

Worn by the past.

Memories are distorted.

After a moment of delusion that her brain was shrouded in thick fog, Ayaka finally remembered the name of the place after going through all kinds of hardships.

"The… Chancai… apartment in Gengizaka?"

The moment she said the name, the woman in red narrowed her eyes, but it was not Ayaka but the swordsman who discovered it.

When Ayaka came to this city, when she reported her name to the police station, the other party just said "we will investigate" without asking about her past in detail.

Or, if you continue to stay in the police station, you will be questioned fiercely about the differences between the actual situation and the information sent from Japan.

But it didn't turn into that. Ayaka still stayed in this city as 'Sajo Ayaka from Japan'.

Because of this, she did not have much doubts about—not anyone else but herself, Ayakashi. She continued to live and investigate, but so far no one had appeared.

"Can you name a few of your friends in Fuyuki?"

The woman in red continued to ask questions in a business-like manner that was neither reproachful nor affectionate. It’s not that she was malicious, I’m afraid she was asking the question in a very sincere and friendly way for a magician. The swordsman judged this.

Because of this, when faced with the woman in red's questioning, the swordsman did not stop Ayaka, but at the same time he was ready to help immediately if something changed.


The fog in her mind became thicker, but Ayaka didn't want to escape.

——Now, there is absolutely no escaping.

——If you give up here, this fog will definitely never clear up again.

While groping in her own memory, Ayaka reached out to the "Fuyuki's memory" that she had been deliberately ignoring.

"Yes...I have, I have. I have friends..."

In her vague memory, Ayaka remembered something.

Thinking of it, people who couldn't remember their faces shouted their names.

"Name, call me Ayaka, call me Sajo Ayaka..."

Let me know the names of people whose name I call Sajo Ayaka.


"Huh?...Huh? Are you serious?"

The moment she said those names, the woman in red showed a very different expression of surprise from before.

"I really didn't expect to hear these names here... Because you mentioned Chancai Apartment, I thought you were going to name Himuro, or you were trying to trick me into naming Mizu and Saegusa... ...Tsk...if it's to mess with my judgment, you're really capable."


"No, no matter how you look at it, Ayaka is more confused, right?"

The swordsman relieved Ayaka and immediately continued.

"Hmm... So in general, Ayaka and your friend look exactly the same, even their names are the same, but they are indeed two completely different people... Is this why you are suspicious?"

"Is this normal?"

The female magician in red clothes was wary of the two of them, but she was also communicating with them on an equal footing.

It's because as a master or as a magician, I look down on the servant who is a familiar... It's not the same feeling as the former - the swordsman immediately judged. ()

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