A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1070 All 1070 can do is pray



Enkidu avoided the aftermath of the Bull of Heaven's attack. Although he had not yet been captured by the earth, he still landed on the huge harpoon floating in the air. He felt that the silver wolf connected to him through the magical path activated Command Seal.

However, this has no effect on his spiritual base.

Rather, Enkidu was certain that the huge amount of magic power would pass through his own magic pathway and return to the city.

Did Silver Wolf activate the command spell unconsciously and use it somewhere?

Enkidu carefully checked for a few seconds and grasped the specific situation. He looked back at the city and whispered.

"Thank you."

"...I sincerely thank you for being my Master."



Tini felt the brilliance of Silver Wolf's command spell, and at the same time, exaggerated magic power flowed into her body.

——You... gave me the power of the Command Seal...? !

This is an act that goes against the common sense of the Holy Grail War.

Logically speaking, the power of the command spell is used on the servants. It cannot be used to strengthen other Masters without magical connection.

However, Tini remembered that she was an exception now.

Tiny continued to activate her magic power in order to prevent the collapse of Gilgamesh's dead body.

In order to prevent her from damaging her own body in the process, Enkidu temporarily connected his body to the Silver Wolf's magical pathway.

Thinking about it calmly, it was really unusual for Enkidu to do something like that just by putting his hand on the girl's shoulder. However, as a result, Silver Wolf successfully transferred the magic power of his command spell to Tiny through Enkidu.

It is said that the power of the Command Seal can achieve spatial transfer close to the magical realm.

The magic power of the Command Seal instantly expanded the magic circuits of Tini's body that was fused with the earth, and turned it into a strong circuit so as not to destroy the girl's body.

As a result, the size of the magic barrier expanded greatly, blocking all the approaching thunder and tornadoes of the turbid current, and the attack of the Bull of Heaven was neutralized.

Three seconds later.

The disappearance of the barrier and the cessation of the breath of the divine beast happened almost simultaneously.

Although it was the power of the Command Seal, building a barrier that could resist that divine attack, even for a few seconds, was the limit.

"……Thank you."

At the critical moment, Tini was sure that the beast had stopped breathing. Then she expressed her gratitude to the silver wolf beside her.


Silver Wolf looked at the girl, as if he wanted to say something.

Something that Tiny wanted to protect.

The girl's eyes seemed to be worried about the person lying on the top bed, who was a 'servant' to her.

Tini, who noticed Silver Wolf's intention, knelt down beside it, hugged its body and continued.

"I've done everything I can do...I think I've done it all."

While thinking about her 'certain behavior' a few minutes ago, Tini suppressed her uneasiness, narrowed her eyes, and murmured as if she was confessing something.

"Although there is an element of gambling...but after this, the fate will be decided by the earth."


Around the Temple of Ishtar.

The Bull of Heaven whose own breath was resisted.

What surged in its heart was not confusion, but pure anger.

Gu Jalana was summoned to this world where the mystery is fading and disappearing.

Unable to perceive the divinity associated with Sumer other than Ishtar, the divine beast's loyalty to the mistress of the sky is the meaning of its existence and its joy.

Despite this, he was unable to carry out the goddess's orders.

His hatred for the 'prop' called Enkidu, which was a 'clod' that once destroyed him but did not hate the gods, was nothing compared to Ishtar's order.

It is for this reason that the Bull of Heaven trembles with intense rage.

The anger was not directed at anyone, but at himself for failing to carry out Ishtar's orders.

The beast raised its head and let out an angry roar.

That sound reached the back of the planet in various forms. In the East, it was considered to be an unexplained earth roar, and in Europe, it was considered to be Apocalyptic Sounds announcing the end of the world, which was terrifying.

At Snowfield, which lies at the foot of the mythical beast, the roar of the Bull of Heaven manifests itself in the form of hundreds of thunderclaps and howling winds.

In just ten seconds or so, more than 10,000 lightning strikes occurred in the surrounding area. Most of the people observing through the windows passed out. Mobile phones and video equipment without magic protection were struck in this short ten seconds. Everything inside was destroyed.

Then, the Bull of Heaven began to take a deep breath.

Not only the surrounding typhoon, but also the divinity itself that makes up his body was injected into it by the divine beast, and he wanted to exhale a breath that was several times more powerful than before.

The mythical beast understands that no matter what form it takes, Ishtar loves humans.

Therefore, it was decided that the number of humans killed should be kept to a minimum within the scope of the goddess's orders.

However, there is no need to be so obstructive now.

Sealed by the gods who protect Akkad, it was released to the ground in response to the wish of the goddess Ishtar, the embodiment of the concept of destruction.

In order to complete 'complete destruction', this divine beast is using all its strength to strike with all its strength.

If we use the analogy of heroic spirits, it is equivalent to the great deeds of heroic spirits’ noble phantoms. The mythical beast converts its entire existence into a strong wind and spits it out, recreating its existence in the place where the strong wind hits, and moving at a pseudo-super-speed.

To explain it in one sentence, it is a beast that maintains the huge mass and energy contained in a typhoon and pounces towards the opponent at a speed of 396 meters per second.

While breathing out, the divine beast uses its huge body as a weapon to directly crash into the enemy.

Typhoons move at the same speed as the winds that rage in Jupiter's stratosphere.

When that kind of existence becomes reality, its impact will not only stop here, but will have an irreversible impact on the entire earth.

However, if it is the temple of the goddess Ishtar, it is a different matter.

No matter how the mythical beast acts, it follows the established rules. The attack of the bull in the sky will not harm the goddess or the temple.

Precisely because the mythical beast understands this instinctively——

As the agent of God, the Bull of Heaven has become a system that exercises destruction, risking its entire existence with the intention of destroying the 'enemy'.

The divine beast took a big breath, and was about to condense its divinity to a point in its lungs——

"...If it were 'I (Flatt)', I would definitely say this..."

From above the head of the Bull of Heaven, the voice of a small figure came.

"That action has too many holes."

Tia said calmly——

Tia Eskaldes smashed several bowling-ball-sized 'satellites' orbiting around her into the stomach of the divine beast with the help of the strong wind that Gugalan stirred up to attract the surrounding air.

Then, the chain of collapse began.

In other words - this chain has already started.

Before the first round of breathing in Gugalana.

It begins at the moment when the assassin decides to assassinate Ishtar.


Around the Temple of Ishtar.

The 'shadow' has eroded into the underground of the forest.

Ironically, the first people to notice this were the people from the Rider camp and the Saber camp who were in a tunnel that was more 'underground' than the Turbidity Current. Oh, by the way, there is also the vampire who was washed away by the turbid current.

The huge 'shadow' created by Hassan of You Yi has now stopped spreading further.

However, as long as there is light and the form that blocks the light, the shadow will not disappear from this world.

From the gaps in the stones building temples, to the interiors of forest trees, to the human body, 'shadow' silently continues to corrode all places that light cannot reach.

Different from the mud mixed in the turbid current, it is another kind of darkness.

Neither magic nor curse can be felt. It can be described as a block of nothingness moving in the forest.

"why is it like this……"

Seeing this scene in front of Halli, a chill ran through her body.

It is obviously a heterogeneous existence, but it cannot feel any magic power in the "shadow" sea.

These things have been eroded into the forest surrounding the temple in a form hidden in the turbid currents.

Prevented the 'shadow' from directly eroding the goddess Ishtar.

However, that is both the purpose and the bait.

The magic power of the war hammer wielded by the goddess indeed continued to defeat the shadows that attacked her.

However, the goddess cannot erase it.

The void-like darkness began to surround the world at an alarming speed.

The shadows emerging from the turbid current began to surround Mori's dying figure, smearing it into a black shadow whose thickness could not be discerned.

It’s as if the world itself is trying to deny the light falling from the sky.

It was as if the new generation of gods were to be sunk directly into the shadow of the planet, hiding it.


Kurtzman Orthodontic Center.

"...I really didn't expect that his spiritual power could actually devour the gods to that extent."

The heroic spirit that he sent away with just "Do as you like" was exercising some kind of power.

Faldius, who sensed this through the magic channel, understood the current situation based on the observation data around the temple.

The heroic spirit's spiritual core has been shattered.

Despite this, he still exists, which is a contradiction.

Faldius was convinced that this was probably the power of the Noble Phantasm that the heroic spirit had not even told himself as the Master.

As a result of the activation of the Noble Phantasm, the power seems to be competing with the divinity in charge of the temple.

"It's amazing. Normally, the assassin's spiritual power should be very weak..."

Faldius murmured lightly and stretched his right hand with the command spell into the void.

"You are both reliable and a threat... Please allow me to take a safe approach."

Suppose - if the heroic spirit can continue to manifest through the power of the Noble Phantasm while its spiritual foundation is shattered, what will happen?

This situation is elusive from both a magic point of view and a Holy Grail War system point of view, but as a possibility, it should still be imagined.

Faldius activated his command spell to make it shine. At the same time, he issued an ‘order’ to his followers.

It's more of a 'prayer' than a command.

Because the other person is a god.

If you want to defeat God, probably all humans can do is pray.

"I originally wanted to keep these three painting command spells, that's all. I'll dedicate them to you."

"I give this order with a command spell, ordering you to do your best to eliminate the disaster in the western forest!"

The power of the command spell was indeed activated, but even with this command, there was no resistance or rebellion from the servants at all——

"It's really goodbye now, assassin."

Faldius smiled bitterly and said goodbye to the heroic spirit without any regrets.

"I have always maintained the utmost vigilance..."

"Until the very end, I seemed to have underestimated you."


Temple of Ishtar.

The magic power expanded explosively, and the figure of the assassin whose breath had completely disappeared appeared in front of Ishtar's eyes.

The goddess confirmed this and said to the assassin who merged with many shadows.

"It's so pitiful. In the end, your master betrayed you."

Shadow said nothing, but the goddess continued without caring.

"What you feel now is that you are commanded by the Command Seal, right? Your Master ordered you to inject all your spiritual energy into the Noble Phantasm."

Ishtar shrugged, the emotion in his voice more pity than mockery.

"Sure enough, I can't help but take good care of things like human beings. Because humans will soon be confused by desires and make stupid actions."

Even so, the goddess did not relax her vigilance at all, and continued to suppress the emerging shadows with the power of God.

The wandering Hassan did not respond. In the temple that was the starting point for the proliferation of shadows, a skeleton mask continued to emerge.

The shadow said nothing to the goddess.

Death did not answer the Holy One.

It seems that there is nothing left to say.

As if to say, everything is done.

However, the arrogant goddess did not realize this.

Today, not yet.


In front of the temple.

Facing the numerous voids pouring out of the turbid current, Halli was timid for a moment, but she still remembered her mission and issued instructions to the Berserker.

"The Lancer is up there! Berserker!"

What appeared before her eyes was the giant harpoon that was stagnant in the air, bound by the barrier deployed by the berserker and the earth controlled by Ishtar, and the figure of Enkidu standing on top of the harpoon.

Enkidu stretched the countless chains created by his Noble Phantasm into the temple, and then wrapped the chains around the head of the harpoon. Enkidu pulled the harpoon and tried to force it into the temple.

No, maybe at this time, half of the goal has been accomplished.

The goddess Ishtar who filled the temple, the divinity of the Mesopotamian gods, was poured into the harpoon through the chain. ()

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