Chapter 1076: Putting Lots

Ishtar looked at the situation in front of him seriously and waved his hand slightly.

In an instant——the air and walls around Ishtar, which had charmed the space itself, were twisted, and the stone steps above the goddess began to bloom like soft petals.

"Wait a moment, I'll go play with this rude assassin."

"Lord Ishtar!?"

Facing her believers, the goddess always wore a fearless smile and told a ridiculous piece of information.

"That's right. You have to be careful too. If you touch that shadow, I will die too!"


"This forest has been surrounded by shadows..."

Then, the shadow began to eat the light of the world.

The noise in the forest surrounding the temple died away, and silence and darkness seeped into the world.

From under the shade of the tree, from the back of the rolled bark, from under the droplets of the black turbid current, from the gaps in the sand that Ishtar has been charming and controlling before—

It's as if the 'shadows' everywhere are increasing in size, as if to say that's what's right.

But the shadow with the color of death did not even take away the life of a single clinging insect.

The 'shadow' of the earth illuminated by the sky negates only one thing.

For there is only one Mistress of the sky, and she seeks to cover the earth with false light.

"Going to fuck, Myanna!"

Ishtar shouted, and he jumped from the open roof into the looming sky.

As a result, the lapis lazuli and gold decorations that made up the temple moved together, floated in the air, and gathered towards the goddess.

Those treasures turned into a bow-shaped boat depicting two beautiful arcs, carrying Ishtar's body high into the sky.

However, 'Shadow' did not sit idly by.

As if there are shadows wherever there is light, they appear in the world and chase the cluster of brilliant "shadows" called Ishtar that dazzles everything.

Rather than so much black things rushing into the sky, it was more like darkness eroding the sky, chasing Ishtar flying in all directions.

The surrounding space and terrain, even the flow of the wind and the density of the air are all charmed and controlled by the goddess. She constantly avoids the clusters of 'shadows' that cannot penetrate the power of God with just a hair's breadth.

Elegantly, gorgeously, and boldly.

But this chase can't last forever.

Maanna was originally a celestial ship that could soar around the world as she pleased.

However, because it has not yet completed its transformation into the Age of Gods, the range where it can maintain its maximum speed is limited to temples and forests.

On the contrary, the shadow is the existence that competes with that new world, and the 'shadow' exists until the end of the world.

If the shadow persists in pursuit, it is self-evident that Ishtar, who has exhausted his spirit and magic power, will be caught up sooner or later.

However, this assumes that Ishtar does not fight.

"Oh, I'm in a hurry!"

Seeing the giant snake entwining Gugalana below, Ishtar stretched out his hand like a schoolboy trying to pick up a stick that fit in his hand and waved it back and forth.

"Come on, Sheeta!"

It was the cursed giant snake shot by those who challenged the gods, the incarnation of Hydra.

However, somehow, the reverberation of the goddess who gradually regained all her power even charmed the giant snake's existence, turning it into a completely different existence.

The aura that imitated the poisonous snake gathered in one place, reversing all the curses and taking the form of a small snake.

Ishtar, who was driving Maanna speeding through the sky as if avoiding a 'shadow', stretched out his hand, and seven snakes wrapped around his fingers, intertwining with each other to form a 'sacrifice'.

It was a stone mace imitating the seven snakes.

Ishtar gently held the vicious-looking weapon with one hand.


Before she finished speaking, Ishtar drove Ma Anna high into the sky.

The Sky Boat keeps rising, seemingly pointing directly at the sea of ​​stars and Venus.

Then, the ‘shadow’ also extended.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the shadow of Ishtar himself said, “If you touch it, the god will die.”

Like the Tower of Babel, soaring, a dark tower rises from the ground just to reach the gods on high.

Maanna, who was turning sharply on a roller coaster-like track, began to dive towards the top of the shadow tower in the blink of an eye.

The goddess Ishtar is one of the gods and is not allowed to approach the tower in the realm of gods.

No, that's not the case.

Not the gods.

Let the world understand that the sky is its own and Ishtar’s domain——

Ishtar just followed Ma Anna's momentum and smashed down.

‘Seven-Headed Warhammer Sita’.

It is said that Ishtar has held a war hammer imitating the Seven Serpents since she was born.

It is said that the war hammer can destroy enemies as long as it exists. The goddess Ishtar poured all her strength and divine energy into it and smashed it against the top of the Shadow Tower.

What a dazzling light, at that moment, the observer looking up at the sky from a specific area murmured.

Venus increased to two.

Leaving a moment of light, Maanna and Warhammer Sheeta defeated the shadow and pressed it to the ground.

When the goddess landed on the temple again, she tried her best to dissipate the shadow together with the assassin's spiritual base.

Ishtar forgot one thing.

That is definitely not the Tower of Babel.

Since it is Hassan Sabah, it is impossible to build such a tower.

The so-called Tower of Shadows is nothing more than an expression of the height of arrogance generated by Ishtar's own brilliance.

Therefore, the brilliance cannot be eliminated.

"...Really, the things in the underworld are so incompatible with each other!"

As the goddess said this, she pinched the 'shadow' and looked up. Her attention turned to the mythical beast in the sky.

To completely eliminate this shadow, I'm afraid it would take all the power of the temple.

In order to deal with this matter, the instability factors must first be resolved.

"Gu Jalana!"

This is what the goddess told the Bull of Heaven, who had been protecting the temple from the swarm of giant snakes.

"While I'm suppressing this guy - destroy the source of the 'chain'!"

This is not a forced order.

His tone was very relaxed, as if he was telling his beloved dog to ‘pick up the thrown ball’.

However, this is the truth of the new world spoken from the mouth of the goddess.

At this moment, multiple weather observation systems in the United States, including the government, observed the abnormal dynamics of Hurricane Inanna, but deleted these results from the database within a few minutes.

However, even if there is a record, it will obviously be regarded as a fabrication or a hoax.

Because it is a clear ‘action’.

Even a magician would not believe it immediately.

The typhoon, which had been in a strange stagnant state, took a back step and retreated two kilometers. This happened.

Several arrows stuck in the feet of the giant beast.

Starting from the wound, the aura of the giant snake surged out.

On the outside is the bloating of pitch-black mud, and on the inside is the poison that has killed many heroes and monsters. It has captured the hind legs of the giant beast of the gods, bound it to the earth, and rotted away along with its divinity.

However, this kind of thing cannot be a reason to refuse the goddess's order.

The Bull of Heaven didn't care that part of his leg was torn off, so he backed away as hard as he could.

Just flying behind it left deep wounds on the ground, and the fierce wind howled in the forest.

The giant beast in the form of a typhoon leaned down and inhaled with its mouth wide open, condensing the concept of the storm into its body.

Snowfield, which should have been in the middle of a storm, was now shrouded in an incredible sense of clarity and silence.

However, people who stayed behind closed doors did not notice this abnormality.

Some hard-headed people looked outside through the windows and tilted their heads in confusion, but that was only temporary.

Because——all the uneasy atmosphere disappeared, and the dream-like scene where everything was peaceful only lasted four and a half seconds.

The next moment, a turbid current of death formed by thunder and heavy rain was exhaled from the mouth of the giant beast.

Starting from the mouth of the mythical beast, a huge tornado formed at an alarming speed, rushing towards the roof of the tallest building in Snowfield.

A physical phenomenon that has been exhausted on a scale equivalent to "from west to east".

If the storm unleashed by the mythical beast swept across the ground like this, the city would probably have ceased to exist before the shady plot could succeed.

Even the aftermath was more powerful than an ordinary typhoon, blowing towards forests and urban areas. The bless body of the typhoon moved at a speed of two hundred meters per second, enveloping the blade of the vacuum and water droplets that turned into ice cubes, and even struck by lightning, engulfing the top of the Crystal Hill.

"Uh...did you get the lottery...?"

Standing on the top of the building was Doris Lusandra, one of Hippolyta's masters, breaking into a cold sweat. At the same time, she caused the magic power to flow throughout her body.

She then picked up the silver wolf that was left next to the Harpoon Cannon on the roof and gazed at the western forest area.

Silver Wolf wanted to resist - but realized that the other party was not hostile, so he stopped struggling.

"Although I didn't expect that the object of the alliance would be a synthetic beast, it would be a headache if the ally's master dies."

Although the injuries from the previous battle with Tohsaka Rin have not yet healed, Doris forcibly expanded the path of the magic circuit to accelerate the hardening of the entire body.

"No... he probably won't die. Sorry~"

Although she had realized that she would probably die here, Doris still used her whole body to protect the silver wolf. At this moment - the breath of thunder and wind reached the roof.

This is the power of the divine beast.

This is the great work of the sky.

As if convinced of the victory of the goddess Ishtar, who controls all things, he struck out with a mighty divine punishment.

This is undoubtedly the gospel announcing the restoration of the age of gods under the rule of the goddess.


There is another person who resists the changes of the times.


Wordless chants echoed on the roof, and the sudden magic barrier caused the strong wind to dissipate.


Doris turned around and saw a girl standing there.

She is still childish and can only be said to be a girl who is still a child.

When Doris first came here, she felt that it was impossible to fight with herself.

Although she is a child, she uses all her magic power to 'maintain the remains' of her servants, and continues to forcibly prevent them from turning into spirits and dissipating.

Doris considered that she was still young and could not let go, so she just told her followers to go to the valley area, while she stayed with the Lancer Master (Silver Wolf).

Therefore, the girl's arrival here means that the remains of the heroic spirit have finally returned to the spirit child.

Doris thinks so, but——

Tiny Cherk.

As the Master of the King of Heroes, she was also the girl who became the first loser in this Holy Grail War.

There was a strong light in her eyes, and Doris immediately changed her mind when she saw this scene.

She is a magician, standing here to challenge the 'god' in the forest to the west.

"My on this land..."

As a sacrifice, the twelve brothers and nine sisters were offered to this land.

Although Tini accepted the fact that she would live as a 'connection' to the curse of dedicating herself to the land, her memories of her family were not completely absent.

My sister taught me a lot of clumsy but human-like games.

The elder brother tried his best to let his younger sister Tini escape from her fate.

There is no time to think about these things on the battlefield.

Although she knew it was a taboo, but her mind was filled with such things, Tini shouted with clear anger.

"So, that land... land... my people! Can't be taken away by anyone anymore!"

But, just, driven by desire, the girl let out a cry that was unreasonable in the eyes of a third party.

"Even the gods will never allow it!"

——If you are a young child, you will have this habit to some extent.

How ironic, Tini thought.

I am now like a child having a tantrum.

Originally, this earth belongs to this planet. To assert that we, as humans, should protect the earth is just to cater to the human side.

When King Gilgamesh said, "The whole earth belongs to my courtyard," was that statement the arrogance of the King of Heroes, or did King Gilgamesh see himself as a mediator between humans and the planet?

At this point, the girl no longer understands the meaning of that sentence, but one thing is certain.

Even if Tiny is not for the land guardian clan, but out of arrogance and willful anger - the girl is standing here now to resist the 'god' with her own will.

As a child, her magic created a strong magic barrier that covered the upper level of the Crystal Hill.

This protective barrier is strong enough to withstand impacts powerful enough to destroy the building.

That huge magic power not only comes from its own magic circuit, but also uses the power flowing from the earth's veins.

However, the amount of magic controlled by the girl was too huge, and the speed of replenishing magic from the earth's veins could not keep up with the consumption. The strength of the barrier only lasted for a few seconds before it began to decay.

The Bull of Heaven's breath did not stop, and just when the girl and Doris thought it was inevitable to break their fate, the Silver Wolf let out a loud howl.

Then - the command spell engraved on Silver Wolf's body glowed red, and even more exaggerated magic power emerged.


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