A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1079 1079 Tohsaka Rin: Don’t get close to him, he will become uncomfortable

"Is there any fun in this?"

Looking at the blankness around him, Sigma felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness for the first time.

In the face of absolute power, all his efforts so far seemed like a joke.

"Ah, you've done a good job. This was an unexpected accident. You can't blame anyone..."

The shadows shook their heads helplessly.

"Then what should we do now?" Sigma asked with a wry smile.

He had tried his best and even completed the great deeds of the Fallen Angels. He never expected that besides gods, such unimaginable monsters would appear in this Holy Grail War.

"There is no other way. Let's gather all our strength and work together to fight."

The shadows answered in unison without hesitation.

Because this is not their answer, but the 'watchman's' judgment.

Even if they gather all the existing forces and launch an unprecedented heroic battle with the surviving heroic spirits, they will only be struggling in front of such an enemy. This is the so-called absolute power that can destroy human reason.

The other place is where the Crystal Hill Hotel was originally located.

Tini's face was filled with tears at this moment, and her mood was very complicated.

The tears were a mixture of sorrow and joy.

The land they believed in had returned to its original appearance, but except for her, all the believers disappeared with the city of Snowfield.

If you look at it solely from the perspective of faith, this does not seem to be an unacceptable result, as long as it is regarded as a necessary sacrifice.

However, Tini knew that the current situation was not something to be thankful for.

Because he intends to destroy the entire human system by returning this land to its original existence.

If human principles no longer exist, then their beliefs are meaningless.

Therefore, the disaster that is about to happen must be prevented.

And this seemed to be the reason why the other party only kept her as the Master.

That man spoke boldly and planned to become an enemy of the world and accept the challenge from humans, heroic spirits, and everything about human nature.

Even, in order to give mankind a chance to maintain human ethics, he created such a miracle.

"King, you are awake."

Tini looked at the golden king who opened his eyes and stood up slowly, feeling extremely excited.

She tried her best, but still only retained the king's body, unable to make the king appear to the world again.

The king's awakening at this moment is undoubtedly a miracle.

And this miracle was actually created by a being that destroyed human nature.

Although Tini didn't feel that the other party had done anything, she was very sure that Wang's awakening must be related to it.

Because nothing else is possible.

Regarding this point, the king in front of him also agreed.

"I have seen your efforts from my seat."

Gilgamesh spoke calmly, responding to Tini's salute as if responding to the expectations of a courtier.

At this moment, his face was full of joyful expression.

"Although it seems to be a useless move, thanks to you trying your best to keep my body in the world, I can be forcibly dragged back from the 'seat' by that man again. Thank you, Tini, for giving me the opportunity to be with the most beautiful person in the world." Awesome best friend reunion.”

"It's so scary!"

Tini looked at the golden king in front of her in surprise.

Before this, she had never imagined that one day she would be thanked by the king.

Is the joy on Wang's face at this moment because of the man who destroyed human reason?

Do they know each other?

Still...a best friend! ?

The amount of information was too huge for Tini to analyze for a while, and she was completely stunned.

Until the king's imperial order was issued again.

"Next, you stay here."

Gilgamesh said calmly, and at the same time stepped into the air.

"It's time to risk everything for the land you believe in. I want you to offer everything here! Help me rush to the banquet!"


Tini nodded without hesitation, the expression on her face became extremely excited.

She would risk everything to provide the king with magic power so that he could fight without any worries.

This was the Hero King Gilgamesh, and the banquet that this king went to did not originally exist in Tini's memory.

No one is qualified to entertain this king because no one can stand on the same level as him.

But now such an existence appears.


That man was even on a higher level than Wang.

Wang seems intent on going all out.

Because if you don’t go all out, you may have no chance of winning.

After all, the king asked her to risk everything for the land she believed in.

She is connected to this land, and as long as the land still exists, the magic power will continue to flow. Because Snowfield, a human creation, has disappeared, the magic power she can get from the land at this moment has become even purer.

However, Wang judged that he still needed to risk everything.

‘Gamble’ is a word that should not have appeared in Wang’s mouth.

Because even when he was in the casino, Wang just treated it as a joke.

For the king, everything in this world belongs to him, and there is nothing that he needs to sacrifice everything to obtain.

And the victory of this war is an uncertain 'big gamble' in which even the king needs to put everything he has at the moment!

In an instant, Gilgamesh had arrived on the battleship above everyone in El-Melloi's classroom.

However, this time, he did not stand on the battleship suspended in the air and look down on him as usual. Instead, he jumped off the battleship, folded his hands, and looked at the man surrounded by everyone with a grin.

"Jill, are you here too..."

Another voice sounded.

It's Enkidu.

He also came here from his original location in the forest and looked at Gilgamesh in surprise.

Logically speaking, Gilgamesh, whose spiritual power has dissipated and only his body is left, has already retired.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that you can understand it.

If it were this man, he could indeed pull him off the Throne of Heroes.

Enkidu also looked at the man in the center.

Yes, he seemed to know Xuan Hao, but he had never been aware of his existence before.

It was too easy for this man to hide himself from them.

"Yes, this time, we may have to join forces again after a long time."

Gilgamesh responded to Enkidu's words and made a rare suggestion.

These words surprised everyone present.

Even the oldest king, when facing this man, does he need to fight together? ?

Who is this man?

This is probably the doubt of everyone present at this moment.

Except Tohsaka Rin.

"It's really terrible..."

Tohsaka Rin covered her face with a look of despair.

She didn't want to participate in this game at all.

Yes, this is a game.

Based on her understanding of this man...what destroys human principles? It's just the other party's whim!

This is just the most troublesome farce caused by the most troublesome person finding the most troublesome toys.

But although it is a farce, it makes people all over the world have to be on tenterhooks.

This is the scary thing about this man.

Absolute violence.

Because this man...she seemed to remember him as...a guy that even Gilgamesh could only call a 'tyrant'.

Yes, she remembered correctly, because when she was in Fuyuki, Gilgamesh had also appeared, and she happened to bump into this man.

That was a memory that Tohsaka Rin didn't want to recall. After all, part of the reason why he came to the Clock Tower was to stay away from Fuyuki's unlucky city.

It's fine now. From now on, Snowfield will also be labeled as 'unlucky' by her. If human nature can still exist after the incident, Rin will never set foot on this land again.

She didn't want to have anything to do with this man at all, because that would only make her miserable.

Now on the other side.

Of course Xuanhao would not know what everyone, including Tohsaka Rin, was thinking.

He just stood there quietly and waited.

The strange thing is that it seems that as long as he doesn't move, no one will move first.

People who don't know this man don't understand what this man is waiting for.

But those who know him well know that he is waiting for all the actors to arrive.

After all, not all participants could fly to the scene like Gilgamesh and Enkidu and rush to the scene so quickly.


When all the remaining heroic spirits in the Holy Grail War, which was a mixture of falsehood and reality, arrived, Xuanhao finally took action.

"Well~ This lineup is quite satisfactory, right?"

I saw him looking around at everyone calmly, and then gave this evaluation.

More than satisfying?

Listening to this man's usual arrogant tone, Tohsaka Rin's head was full of black lines.

The lineup for this abnormal Holy Grail War is already the most luxurious lineup since the birth of the Holy Grail War, right?

Hero kings, demigods, disasters, concepts... Ordinary heroic spirits can't be ranked here.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to imagine that someone could fight against these things on their own.

But Tohsaka Rin knew that this man could do it.

Because this man is a being that transcends everything in this world, a transcendent in the true sense!

"Then... let's get started."

Xuan Hao declared calmly.

"Let me tell you first, my time is precious, so... I will only give you one chance."

Here it comes... The expression on Tohsaka Rin's face was extremely nervous.

She looked at their servant, True Cavalry, Hippolyta.

The expression on Hippolyta's face at this moment was extremely complicated.

Because her original enemy should be Alcides.

At this moment, Alcides has turned into a disaster, and he should have been the target of everyone's joint crusade again.

What's ridiculous is that the disaster is not worth mentioning in front of this man who appears out of nowhere.

This is a terrifying existence that must make humans, demigods, and even disasters work together to deal with it.

At this moment, even the irrational true Berserker Babafin, the incorporeal Pale Knight of the fake cavalry, and Alcides, who turned into a disaster and was supposed to lose his sense and fall into madness, all calmed down by instinct.

Such a scene is as if lions, tigers, leopards, wild wolves... and other ferocious beasts appeared on the same grassland. They should have been wary of each other when they met, but at this moment they shared the same enemy because of the sudden appearance of the tyrannosaurus.


Hippolyta gradually understood the current situation and chose to temporarily put aside her hatred and jointly defend human rights.


After all, is it really just human nature that this man wants to destroy?

The connection with Rin Tosaka, one of the masters, vaguely told her that as long as this man is willing, it seems that the entire world will be destroyed.

"..." Hippolyta returned Tohsaka Rin's silent gaze.

Rin Tosaka nodded helplessly and looked at the classmates beside him.

"Everyone... you know what to do, right? That guy destroyed the human order of this land, so he helped us... No, it should be said that this seems to be the result he expected."

"Although I still can't figure out the specific details, but... it just needs to be full output, right?"

The problem children chuckled and responded.

Although there was no communication, the wonderful tacit understanding between the problem children allowed them to understand the current situation in an instant.

Yes, almost everyone in El-Melloi's classroom is a problem child.

At this moment, if Nisei himself were here, he would probably be very happy that these guys are all problem children.

Because while they are problem children, these people are also geniuses or madmen.

There is no doubt that on this battlefield at this moment, their combination is the most powerful combination.

In terms of pure magic power supply, it is probably second only to Tini who is connected to the earth.

As the words fell, the command spells on Tohsaka Rin and others disappeared from their bodies one by one, and a steady supply of magic power was being delivered to Hippolyta at an alarming speed.

There is only one chance.

Then there is no doubt that the only way to fight is with the heroic spirit's Noble Phantasm.

"The military belt of the God of War!"

Hippolyta roared to release the Noble Phantasm, preparing to attack with a solemn expression.

His Noble Phantasm is the product of changing the flag of his father's clone of Ares, the god of war, into a belt. It can greatly increase the user's divinity, strength, durability, agility, and magic power.

Originally, there would be restrictions on the use of this Noble Phantasm in modern society, and improvements beyond a certain limit would make it impossible to use it due to the mysterious weakness of modern society.

This is why they did not use such a trump card on the previous goddess.

It’s not that I don’t want to use it, it’s that I can’t use it.

It only makes sense for them to do this in this land today.

Because in the land we are treading on now, even human principles no longer exist. How can we have a modern society?

Therefore, with the blessing of so many command spells and magic power, the Noble Phantasm that Hippolyta wants to release at this moment is probably the most powerful Noble Phantasm that this heroic spirit has ever released in any place. No, it may be able to touch Touch even beyond her own legend!

Although the 'Military Belt of the God of War' is not a Noble Phantasm used directly to attack enemies, at this moment, with the blessing of such a Noble Phantasm, Hippolyta's strength reached an unprecedented peak.

It wasn't that she was confident, she felt that if she were to go back in time and face Alcides who killed her, she would probably be able to easily defeat him.

However, even though this was the case, she still felt powerless when facing the man in front of her.


"We can only make a desperate move!" ()

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