
Tia didn't answer.

It's not that I don't want to answer, it's that I can't answer.

Although the man in front of him seemed to have done nothing, even so, he felt an indescribable sense of oppression, as if this man was the 'destruction' and 'terror' itself, making him instinctively think... To tremble.

"Looking at you, it seems that you have indeed been taught a lesson?"

Seeing Tia's fearful look, Xuanhao teased lightly.

Then, he stretched out his hand towards him expressionlessly.

"In this case, let's go back to the original place and reflect."

As he spoke, Tia's eyes suddenly lost their sparkle, and her whole person became like a puppet on strings, an empty shell.

In fact, Tia is indeed only an empty shell at this moment.

"Did this guy...forcibly extract Tia's soul from Flat's body?" Tohsaka Rin seemed to feel something keenly and muttered to himself with some uncertainty.

Because this is indeed something unbelievable according to common sense. Playing with the soul at will is no longer within the scope of a magician, but this man is not a magician... If it is this guy, it seems that he can easily do this. kind of thing.

She seemed to know what this man was going to do.

And the scene that happened next was exactly what she had guessed...

After peeling Tia's soul out of Flat's body, Xuanhao waved slightly to his side.

In the other side of the world that no one can see, both Bennett and Flatt are watching this scene curiously.

After seeing Xuan Hao waving towards him, Flatt's soul was stunned for a moment, then he quickly nodded and returned to his own body.

Resurrection of the dead.

This is a topic that Xuan Hao has been studying for a long time.

Flatt was indeed killed with one shot, but Xuan Hao happened to be watching everything secretly at that time, so before his soul dissipated, he temporarily stored Flatt with the help of Bennett's spiritual base as a medium.

The original plan to resurrect Flatt could actually be simpler.

It is easy for Xuan Hao to repair a body that has just been destroyed.

But who knew that before he took action, the bad boy Tia who originally lurked deep in Flatt's soul had already taken away the body.

Although it is possible to create another body to resurrect Flatt, Flatt still seems to prefer the original body, so there is only one more step.


After opening his eyes, Flatt looked at his body curiously and looked at Xuanhao in surprise.

People who were familiar with Flatt also realized at this moment that the Flatt they originally knew was back.

"Don't look at me like this. Even if I teach you, you won't be able to learn."

Xuanhao smiled softly and casually stuffed the extracted 'Tia' into Flat's body again.

"I'll leave this guy to you. Be careful next time and don't let him go berserk again."

"I know, thank you Mr. Xuanhao and Bennett."

Flatt chuckled, as if he didn't care at all that he died once, or it could be said that this was a magical experience for him.

"What is Mr. Xuanhao going to do next? Summon the Holy Grail?"

"No, before that, I still have some things that I need to talk to someone about."

Xuan Hao waved his hand, turned around and headed downwards.

The next moment, he came to Tohsaka Rin who looked reluctant.

"So... Miss, let's find a quiet place to have a good talk?"


Before Tosaka Rin finished speaking, Xuanhao had already disappeared from everyone's sight with him.

At the same time, everyone was surprised to find that the environment around them had changed again.

It was as if everything had never happened, and Snowfield returned to his original appearance.

"What a... terrible power..."

Such a scene could not help but make everyone feel extremely emotional.

They all knew that what happened just now was not an illusion.

In other words, the city of Snowfield has indeed been wiped off the map.

But now, it is just restored on the spot.

I heard it’s easy to get up there, but it’s such a big city!

To do such a thing quietly can be described as a miracle.


When he came back to his senses, Tohsaka Rin found himself in a blank space like a library.

Why did she feel like she was in a library even though it was clearly a blank space?

Because apart from a chair, a table and a book, there is only an old man sitting at the desk reading, and this old man gives people the feeling of a librarian.

But if he knew the true identity of this old man, Tohsaka Rin probably wouldn't think so.

Because this old man is the legendary gem man.


It seemed that he was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the two people, and the expression on the old man's face was extremely strange for a moment.

"What? I let you watch a good show in vain, can't I borrow your place for a while?"

Facing the confused old man, Xuan Hao said matter-of-factly.

Apart from the Watcher who was summoned as a heroic spirit, this old man was probably the one who had the clearest observation of the Holy Grail War in Snowfield.

However, although his 'observation' can escape the sight of most people, it is impossible to escape Xuan Hao's perception.

Therefore, Gemstone Weng himself knew that this man was here to punish the enemy.

Gemstone Weng might have thought of doing something before, but after witnessing the strength of the person in front of him, he gave up the plan of testing.

"Of course, do you want me to prepare afternoon tea for you?"

The old man smiled awkwardly, and a table appeared inexplicably between Xuanhao and Tohsaka Rin, with some refreshments placed on it.

"Then I won't be polite."

With that said, Xuanhao sat down minding his own business.

"This is……"

Only Tohsaka Rin hadn't figured out the current situation yet, and still stood there blankly.

"This old guy is the 'Gem Man' in the rumors among you magicians. Although you have never seen it with your own eyes, you must have heard of his name, right?"

"Of course..."

Tohsaka Rin felt ashamed for a moment.

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg is one of only five "magic users" in the world and one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles. The five phenomena that cannot be achieved by magic or science are called "magic"; and the humans who can cause them are called "magics". The magic that Zelrich wields is something called the "Second Magic". With this magic, he can roam freely in multiple parallel worlds.

Not only that, he was also the ancestor of the gem magic she studied.

Flat seemed to know the other person, but she had never met him in person.

However, as long as the opponent's name is a magician, it will probably be well-known to everyone.

But...even such a being can only be respectful in front of this man.

"I can't speak of a famous name...but I didn't expect that as a transcendent, you would actually know about me?" The old man looked a little surprised when Xuanhao revealed his identity.

After all, the man in front of him is different from people like me who can wander in multiple parallel worlds, but are always limited to the parallel world within the current world. He is a truly transcendent person, coming from all the parallel worlds he has visited. the outside world.

Logically speaking, the other party should not know the contents of this world, nor should he know his own existence.

Unexpectedly, he knew everything.

Even this made him feel a little scared.

Yes, even Gem Man, one of the only five magicians in the world, still feels instinctive terror when facing the unknown.

This man was far more terrifying than anything they knew.

"I know you, but I'm not interested in you."

Xuan Hao replied calmly, "Whether it's magic or so-called magic, it's just child's play to me. You'd better not think about learning anything from me. If you don't want to get into unnecessary trouble, just be good. Sit there and read your book, do you understand?"

"Uh...I said too much." Hearing this, Gemstone Weng had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, and he was so embarrassed that he no longer paid attention to the two people in front of him.

"So...what did you bring me here to do?"

Tohsaka Rin sat awkwardly opposite the man in front of her and asked warily.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to get some information from you."

Xuan Hao smiled faintly.

As far as the information he has summarized so far is concerned.

People from different time and space in this world seem to have something to do with him, and the girl in front of him is one of them.

He wanted to know how the other person knew him.

"Come on, tell me everything you know about me."

"What...does this kind of thing need to be so serious?"

Tohsaka Rin was slightly relieved when he heard this.

"I thought you wanted to do something to me..."

"Do not talk nonsense."

"Okay, okay, you are a family man and you are not interested in me, I know that."

"You even know this?"

"How should I put it..." Tohsaka Rin sorted out his thoughts with some distress, as if he didn't know where to start.


"I see... So the reason why we know each other is because you summoned me during the Holy Grail War?"

After briefly understanding the causes and consequences, Xuan Hao asked with interest.

"It's not so much that I summoned you, it's better to say... that you forced yourself here by following the summons."

Rin Tosaka corrected helplessly.

"In short, it seems that some kind of time and space paradox has appeared in you. If I am not wrong...are you going to respond to the call of 'me' in the past as I said?"

"I do have such an idea. After all, I can't think of a way to return to that time and space. And if I want to understand everything, I have to go back." Xuan Hao nodded slightly.

He understood what Tohsaka Rin meant.

I went back to that time and space specifically to find the answer.

But in Tohsaka Rin's impression, the self she summoned was not here for this.

The two conflicted with each other.

To put it simply, the ‘other’ and ‘consciousness’ of that time and space seems to be further ‘in front’.

In other words, he should not have appeared in this time and space, or the self who should have appeared in this time and space should have experienced the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City.

He doesn't know what happened in the middle, causing him to have no memory of that time and space.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the ‘he’ in that time and space is not him at all. This involves the theory of parallel universes.

In fact, Xuan Hao has thought about this situation.

He even once wondered whether the 'god' who guided him on his current path might be himself in other time and space.

as well as……

If the two of them met again, would they be enemies or friends?


As if he thought of something interesting, Xuan Hao stood up and prepared to leave.

"Are you really planning to go back?"

Tohsaka Rin looked helplessly at the back of the man in front of her.

Although the other party's return to the past will not affect her in the present, according to the theory of parallel worlds, at most it will only create another world line.

But she still has some sympathy for her 'past' self.

"Of course, don't worry. As a reward for telling me this, I will take good care of you."

"Thank you..." Tohsaka Rin rolled his eyes.

Being cared for by such a monster is not a good thing.

She was already mourning for her other self, and she didn't know what trouble she would get involved in.

"Before that... I have to complete the original purpose of coming here."

After the words fell, Tohsaka Rin found himself back with his companions.

And that man has disappeared without a trace.

In a chaotic space somewhere, Xuan Hao calmly looked at the filthy things in front of him.

If Gilgamesh were here, he would probably be familiar with this.

Because this is the tainted Holy Grail.

"Although it's a contaminated Holy Grail, maybe it's just right for you, right?"

Xuan Hao teased Bennett who came here together.

"Maybe..." Bennett looked at the Holy Grail in front of him with emotion, "I am originally born from human malice, and this filth can only be said to complement each other?"

"If you want to become a human being, of course you must also understand the dark side of human beings." Xuan Hao said matter-of-factly, "Of course, after understanding it, I don't want to see you go astray, otherwise I will be responsible for it." I will take responsibility and bury you with my own hands."

"Hopefully that time never comes?"

Bennett smiled and said, "Then...thank you for bringing me here, Mr. Xuanhao."

"No need. Go ahead." Xuan Hao smiled and shook his head.

"Yes." Bennett nodded slightly and walked towards the chaos. At the end, he turned back and asked, "Will we have a chance to meet again?"

"Maybe? Don't forget the 'meaning' of your name. I hope that when we meet again, you will already be a 'person' as your name suggests."

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