"Oh? So you have seen me before? Things are getting more and more interesting."

Listening to Francesca's speech, Xuanhao murmured to himself with interest.

"We haven't met? Or, you don't know me? But you know who I am? It's so strange... It's so interesting, so confusing! Is time and space confused on you, or are you confused on time and space? Or... ...You and the person I saw are not the same individual at all? It's really curious! You really want me to show you what's in your stomach!" Francesca listened to Xuan Hao's muttering. This is He became more excited and said some strange things to himself.

"Who wants to see what's in your stomach?" Do it yourself?”

"Is that okay?" Francesca's face was flushed and full of anticipation.

"Ah, you seem to be a pervert."

Xuan Hao realized his gaffe, shook his head helplessly, and glanced at the heroic spirit summoned by this guy, Francois.

He summoned himself, but it was still a different gender.

In any case, no matter from any angle, the guy in front of him is a complete pervert.

"Forget it, you two, commit suicide."

After the helpless words fell, as if they were an absolute command, the bodies of Francesca and Francois in front of Xuan Hao began to move uncontrollably, tearing each other apart, happily killing each other.

"When suicide is committed here, it turns out that 'oneself' kills 'self'?"

Seeing the farce-like scene unfolding in front of him, Xuan Hao turned around expressionlessly and lost interest.

If Director Orlando were here, he would probably be extremely surprised by this scene.

What a terrifying existence this old witch is. He is probably the person who has the deepest understanding of Snowfield at this moment. After all, she is one of the masterminds behind this Holy Grail War, and he is just a character in this war game. Just a chess piece.

However, even if Francesca exists like this, she is still like a toy in front of this man and can be twisted at will.

No...or maybe Francesca seemed to enjoy being treated like this?

What a confusing scene.

In any case, another heroic spirit has withdrawn from this meaningless Holy Grail War, and the magic power in the Holy Grail has become fuller.

In other words...according to the construction theory of the Holy Grail, there have been so many heroic spirits as sacrifices, so the Holy Grail should have already been formed.

But until now, the Holy Grail still has no intention of coming.

It makes people feel a little suspicious. Is this Holy Grail War really a fake? Can't summon the Holy Grail?

Or... is the Holy Grail summoned at this moment a super wishing machine that is filled to an unprecedented degree, even to the point of being abnormal?

No one knows the answer.

At this moment, everyone can only follow this man's footsteps and witness this answer.

Next, Xuan Hao came to the same strange person.

"You seem to be looking forward to me doing it to you?"

Looking at the excited swordsman in front of him, Xuan Hao couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

There are indeed a lot of problem children involved in this Holy Grail War. Under normal circumstances, the fear like Jesta just now should be the behavior of these people, right?

"It's expectation... rather it's curiosity, right?" Richard I smiled as he faced the man in front of him.

I have to say that judging from his performance at this moment, he does have the demeanor of a king. At least even when facing such an unreachable enemy, he can still hold his head high.

But in the eyes of a proud person like Gilgamesh, he is somewhat incapable of observing the situation.

"Expectations?" Xuan Hao looked at the man in front of him with interest.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to what kind of power I will feel next." Richard I chuckled and explained matter-of-factly, "Look, you can't resist anyway, so it's better to just accept it calmly, right? ? And as a heroic spirit, I will no longer be afraid of things like 'death'. This kind of 'fear' is also unreasonable, right?"

"indeed so."

Xuan Hao nodded slightly in approval, "Not to mention that you are still considered a 'king'. Even if you only have the status of a heroic spirit, it would be a bit embarrassing if you are afraid of things like 'death' and 'failure'. At least in my opinion, if you can't even die generously and face your fate calmly, you are not worthy of being called a heroic spirit."

"Right?" As if he was very happy to be recognized, Richard I nodded with a smile, "Even the warlock who seemed to have no fighting ability left the stage calmly. As a king, if I fall behind, I will Too shameless to face my idol."

"Is the idol you are talking about King Arthur?" Xuan Hao asked with a smile.

"Do you also know about the deeds of the ancestor?" Richard I was stunned for a moment, and then became more excited, "I didn't expect that even someone like you knew about it. I thought that the young lady over there had already seen the ancestor a lot. It’s a coincidence, but it’s a pity that I don’t seem to have time to know more about it.”

"Indeed, it's time for you to exit." Xuan Hao smiled slightly.

"Is there no discussion at all?" Richard I smiled awkwardly.

"No. Or, as a heroic spirit, do you have any last words to say?"

"Last words don't really count..."

With that said, Richard I looked at Sajo Ayaka who looked a little confused.

"I'm just a little worried about my Master. You seem to know what kind of existence Ayakashi is, so... can I ask you for help from now on?"

"Are you making such a request to me, a guy who is ready to destroy human ethics?"

Xuan Hao asked a little funny.

Richard I nodded affirmatively.

"Then, I beg you, if you have the chance, say goodbye."

As soon as the words fell, Richard I also turned into a spiritual light and disappeared.

Looking at the dissipating swordsman, Xuan Hao smiled slightly.

It seems not everyone here disappoints him.

At least the seemingly inconspicuous Lion-Hearted King in front of him saw the current situation clearly than anyone else.

From the moment he appeared, this man didn't seem to regard him as an enemy. He released the Noble Phantasm towards him as a challenge out of curiosity.

It's not because Xuan Hao seems to be a good person, it's just that what Richard I saw was very simple.

He only saw this mysterious man who had no ill intentions towards his master, Sajo Ayaka. What's more, the other party even refuted Tia's words for Ayaka.

Based on this alone, he did not regard Xuan Hao as an enemy.

He didn't believe that this man was really ready to destroy human nature.

To Richard I, this was nothing more than a farce.

It's just a lesson from the elders to the child, just like when he was still alive, he was often taught by his elders.

"So this queen from the Amazon, what are you going to do?"

After letting Richard I withdraw, Xuan Hao continued to come to the cavalry Hippolyta.

The young Amazon Queen was clenching her fists unwillingly at this moment, seeming to be unable to accept that her best efforts still had no effect.

But soon, she seemed to be relieved and shook her head slightly.

"This Holy Grail War seems to be meaningless. That guy has also withdrawn. There is no point in me staying."

With that said, Hippolyta confirmed towards the Masters behind her, "Master, can I leave now?"

"Of course...what else can we do?" Tohsaka Rin sighed helplessly and waved his hand to hurry up.

Now she just wants to see everything end soon. After all, staying around this man is too depressing.

"Then let's continue our conversation later, shall we?"

Xuanhao smiled and said hello to Tohsaka Rin, and then pointed his gaze at the remaining participants in the sky.

"I don't want to continue talking..." Tohsaka Rin curled his lips slightly, but he knew that he had no right to refuse.

She watched the man in front of her walk step by step into the air, reaching the highest point as if he were ascending to a god, and there was only emotion in her heart.

Didn't this scary guy disappear after Fuyuki? Why do you suddenly appear here, and it seems like... you don't have that memory?

This is also the doubt in Xuan Hao's heart at this moment.

And Tohsaka Rin's intuition told her that the next conversation between them might be about finding the answer.

However, this will have to be after everything is over.

"King of Heroes, Gilgamesh and... Enkidu?"

After arriving in mid-air, Xuan Hao calmly looked at the two people standing there calmly waiting for his arrival.

"I think it's the first time we've met, right? At least for me."

"Is this your first meeting?" Gilgamesh frowned slightly when he heard this, but he soon seemed to accept this setting, "I see, is this your starting point?"

"You seem to be able to understand the logic?" Xuan Hao looked at Gilgamesh curiously, "Can you explain it more?"

"If you beg me, I might be willing."

"Let me summarize it. Combined with the inexplicable words before, Gil said, 'Actually, I don't really understand what's going on, but I'm very happy to see you in distress.'" Enkidu said with a smile.

"It seems we have a good relationship?" Xuan Hao asked Enkidu with a smile.

"Maybe it's just our unilateral view?" Enkidu answered uncertainly, "Anyway, I don't think you can find the answer you want here."

"Indeed. Although I am very knowledgeable, no one in this world can give the answer to everything about you. After all, even the 'clairvoyant' cannot see things that do not belong here." Gilgamesh snorted coldly. , shrugged slightly and reluctantly admitted that it was just a joke.

"In that case, then you two..."

"Hmph, we will leave without you having to say more." Gilgamesh curled his lips slightly, "Since you are not the 'you' I know, there is no point in reminiscing about the past. Goodbye."

As he spoke, Gilgamesh turned around and turned into spiritual light and dispersed, without any sloppiness at all.

"Please don't worry about it. Gil is probably a little disappointed at not being able to see the familiar 'you', so he has a little temper." Enkidu explained with a smile, and then said goodbye with a smile, "Then, I also It’s time to go. By the way, destroying human principles must be your joke, right?”

"Really?" Xuan Hao did not give a clear answer, but just smiled.

After the two of them left one after another, his eyes gradually became cold.

Look elsewhere.

There are two participants left there.

One is the pale knight who came here but made no movement.

As a simple concept, the Pale Knight has no reason to protect human nature.

In other words, He, as the white horse knight "Plague" among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, also exists to destroy human nature.

It's just that in this Holy Grail War, He acted to protect Minqiu Chun.

As a participant in this Holy Grail War, Xuanhao did not erase Jiuqiuchun from this map. There was no fundamental conflict between the two.

In this way, the Pale Knight came here just because of the changes in the surrounding environment.

He was looking for the problem. After all, the problem of "entire cities disappearing suddenly" was quite serious and would even affect Chun's dreams.

However, before he could decide whether to regard the person in front of him as a threat and eliminate him, this man was already coming towards him.

At this moment, the pale knight, who was not supposed to have emotions, actually felt an emotion called 'fear'.

This is not a feeling, but the trembling that occurs when anything faces ‘destruction’.

"Free yourself from the dream."

This is a sentence that is completely inconsistent with "destruction" and is even a little too gentle.

But for the Pale Knight itself, it represents absolute 'destruction'.

At this moment, His concept itself was erased from this world without any resistance. At the same time, on a bed somewhere in Snowfield, a sleeping little girl woke up from her dream.

The girl who was forcibly pulled back to reality and had to face reality should have cried.

But for some reason, the girl didn't cry.

In this sentence, in addition to "destruction", there seems to be other powers that bring hope to people.

But at this moment, except for the girl herself, no one knew what the man in the sky who was walking toward Tia expressionlessly was doing at this moment.

Because in people's sight, this man was just walking leisurely in mid-air, heading in the direction of Tia, who was locked in mid-air and unable to move, muttering inexplicably to himself in the middle.

Finally, the man stopped in front of Tia.

To this human figure who should have no idea of ​​fear like the Pale Knight, but was trembling inexplicably at this moment, he asked words that were like soul torture.

"——Now, do you still think...that you alone are qualified to be an 'enemy of mankind'?" ()

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