Even the lecturers are no exception. He only has expectations for disciples who come from famous families. For researchers like Weber who are of "lower origin", not to mention teaching spells, he is even reluctant to enter the reading room to read magic books. Why does a magician's future expectations depend on his bloodline?

Why does the reliability of a theory depend on seniority and experience?

No one paid attention to Weber's question. Lecturers used rhetoric to deceive Weber's theoretical research, and then pretended to have refuted Weber, then laughed and ignored it.

It's so unreasonable. This anxiety further drove Weber to take practical action.

In order to impeach the corrupt system of the Magic Association, Weber wrote a paper. The name is "Inquiry into the Path of Magic in the New Century". It took three years to conceive and one year to write. A fierce attack on old concepts, a proud work written after hard work, with clear and rigorous ideas without any flaws. If someone from the Inquiry Club sees it, it will definitely stir up a stir in the current situation of the Magic Association.

But——the seance school instructor read it casually and threw it away.

His name is Kayneth.\\nErumeroi.\\nArchipolud. He is the eldest son of the Archibald family, a family of wizards that has lasted for nine generations. He is called Rhodes by the people around him.\\nElmeloi is very popular with everyone. He is engaged to the principal's daughter and has become a lecturer at a young age. He is the elite among the elite. It is also the representative of Weber's most contemptuous and disdainful authority.

"A paranoid person like you is not suitable for the study of magic, Weber." Lecturer Kayneth said condescendingly, with even a hint of pity in his voice.

Webb would never forget Kayneth's cold gaze.

In Weber's nineteen years of life, there was no greater humiliation than this.

Since he has the talent to serve as a lecturer, it is impossible not to understand the excellence of Weber's paper. No, that man probably became jealous just because he understood her. Afraid of Weber's hidden talents, he was jealous of him and regarded him as a stumbling block that might threaten his status. That’s why I treated Weber’s paper so roughly. Unexpectedly - tearing up an academic paper that is a collection of wisdom. Is this the attitude a scholar should adopt?

unforgivable. It is so unreasonable that my talent, which can make the whole world a sensation, should be wiped out because of the arbitrary actions of an authority. But no one shared Weber's anger.

The Magic Association actually...

From Weber's point of view, it has become rotten to the core.

But...while he was unable to let go of his anger, Weber suddenly heard a rumor.

It is rumored that it is the famous Rhodes.\\nIn order to add another glorious touch to his vain resume, Elumeroy decided to participate in the magic competition held in the nearby Far East region.

Regarding the details of the "Holy Grail War" competition, Weber began to check the information overnight and was deeply attracted by the amazing inside information.

The wish machine "Holy Grail" that hides huge magical power is used as a bet to make heroic spirits appear in the contemporary world, and by driving the heroic spirits, they engage in a desperate duel.

Titles, authority, everything has lost its meaning, it is all about the real competition of strength.

That is indeed a bit barbaric, but it is a simple and fair way to determine the advantages and disadvantages.

For unappreciated talents, it is a good opportunity to be proud and an ideal stage to showcase themselves.

Lady Luck finally smiled on the excited Weber.

The beginning of the matter was an oversight in the Financial Management Department. The sacred relics of a certain hero that were entrusted by the lecturer Kayneth and shipped from Macedonia... were entrusted to Weber, his disciple, to be delivered to his mentor along with the ordinary mail. Originally, this should have been the case in the presence of Kayneth himself. Open mail items.

Waver immediately realized that it was the medium used to summon Servants in the Holy Grail War. At this time, he encountered a golden opportunity.

There is no nostalgia for the decaying clock tower. The glory of the gold medal of the chief graduate was nothing compared to the honor brought by Fuyuki's Holy Grail. The moment Waver Velvet won the war was probably the moment when the soldiers and generals of the Magic Association crawled at his feet.

From that day on, Weber left England and traveled all the way to the island country in the far east. The Clock Tower immediately understood who had stolen the items mailed to Kayneth, but no pursuers were sent. No one knew that Weber was interested in the Holy Grail War.

There are also facts that Weber doesn't know. In everyone's opinion, judging from the ability of Webber Velvet, a student, he hid Kayneth's things just to vent his anger at best. No one expected that he was so ignorant that he risked his life to participate in a magic competition. Regarding this point, the people in the Clock Tower did underestimate the character of Weber.

In the countryside of the far east, in the land that decided his fate - Fuyuki City, Weber was now hiding on the bed, wrapped in a blanket, trying desperately to hold back the snickers that kept coming. No, I can't bear it. Through the sunlight shining through the cracks in the curtains, he raised his right hand every few seconds and let out a snicker.

He has the holy relic in his hand, is in Fuyuki, and has enough qualities as a magician. How could such a person miss the Holy Grail? Sure enough, from last night, the patterns of three command spells clearly appeared on Waver's right hand, which was proof of the Master who summoned the Servant. He didn't even notice the rooster that had been crowing in the courtyard since dawn.

"Webber, it's time for breakfast."

The voice of the old woman calling at the top of the stairs sounded different from usual this morning, and it didn't seem that annoying.

In order to start today's memorable day safely, Weber quickly got up and changed out of his pajamas.

Although it is the land of a closed island nation, Fuyuki City unexpectedly has many foreign residents. Because of this, Weber's appearance, which is completely different from that of Oriental people, is not particularly eye-catching here. However, Weber erred on the side of caution. Or he cast a magic trick on an old couple who lived alone, and used hints to make them mistakenly think that Weber was their grandson who had returned from studying abroad. He successfully used his fake identity to live a comfortable life here. And you don’t have to pay for hotel accommodation, which is really a double benefit. The matter was resolved satisfactorily, and Weber began to admire his adaptability more and more.

In order to fully enjoy this cool morning, Weber deliberately excluded the crowing of chickens in the courtyard from his consciousness while going down the stairs to the kitchen and dining room on the first floor. The common people's dining table, enveloped by newspapers and TV news and the steam of food, today welcomes the sojourner without any warning.

"Good morning, Weber, did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, yes, Grandpa. I slept until this morning."

Weber replied with a smile as he slathered orange peel marmalade on the toast. The bread, which only cost 180 yen per pound, was soft and chewy. I have always been dissatisfied with this, so I have to make up for it by spreading more jam. "

It has been more than 20 years since Gulam Makaki and Masa moved to Japan from Canada.

But the son, who had difficulty adapting to life in Japan, returned to his home country and started a family. My grandson, who grew up in Japan until he was ten years old, also returned. Not to mention showing up, not even a letter came.

Ten years have passed like this - the above information was obtained by Weber from the old man through hypnosis. This family structure was ideal for Weber. By applying hints, the old couple replaced the image of their grandson in their imagination with their own image, and they successfully transformed into the two old people's beloved grandson "Webber Makaki".

"But, Masayo, the cockcrow has been very noisy since dawn today. Do you know why?"

"We have three chickens at home. Where did they come from..."

Quickly trying to make up an excuse, Weber hurriedly swallowed his mouth full of bread.

"Ah, that's right... I have a friend who has kept his pet chicken at our house for a few days. It seems that he was away on a trip, so he left it here temporarily. I will return it tonight."

"Ah, so that's it."

They didn't seem to pay much attention to this matter, so the two believed it easily. It can be said that it is a blessing for these two old people that their ears are not very good. The non-stop crowing of the three chickens almost annoyed the neighbors to death that day.

But if we say the one who was most seriously affected, it would have to be Weber. As soon as he learned that there were traces of the Command Seal on his hand last night, Weber excitedly began to prepare the sacrifices for the ceremony.

I didn’t expect that finding a chicken farm nearby would be so difficult. , finally found a small chicken farm, but it took almost three hours to catch three chickens. When the sky turned slightly white and brightened, I finally got home. By now, I was covered in chicken manure.

Both hands were pecked bloody.

Small animals used as sacrifices are always ready at the Clock Tower. But here, why would a genius magician like me end up in such a miserable state just to catch a mere three chickens? Thinking of this, Waver almost cried with regret, but he stared at the command spell in his right hand until the morning, and his mood gradually became better.

It was decided to hold the ceremony tonight. Those pesky chickens can only live for that long at best.

Then Waver wanted to get the strongest Servant. The holy relic hidden in the closet of the bedroom on the second floor...that will be the medium to summon a great heroic spirit, Waver already knows this.

A dry, half-rotted piece of cloth. It was a corner of a cloak that once hung on the shoulders of a certain king. The legendary "King of Conqueror" who annihilated the Achemes dynasty of Persia and established the world's first great empire spanning from ancient Greece to northwest India... His heroic spirit will come through summons tonight. At Weber's feet, to guide him to the glorious Holy Grail.

"...Grandpa, grandma, I will send the chicken back to my friend's house tonight. I may come back late, so don't worry."

"Well, be careful yourself. Fuyuki hasn't been peaceful recently."

"That's right, the legendary serial murderer is said to have appeared again. This world is really terrifying."

Eating slices of cheap bread at the long dining table, Weber is now surrounded by the greatest happiness in his life. The noisy cries of those chickens were just a little harsh.


That darkness is surrounded by delusions that have accumulated for thousands of years.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel accepted the call from the clan leader and rushed to Einzbern, the most magnificent and darkest place in the ancient city sealed by ice - the chapel of Einzbern City.

This is certainly not the place to praise God’s grace and find peace of mind. In the city where magicians live, the so-called prayer hall refers to the sacrificial room where magical rituals are performed.

Therefore, when I looked up at the stained glass above my head, what was painted was not a portrait of a saint, but the long history of the Einzbern family, which was wandering in pursuit of the Holy Grail.

Among the "Three Founding Royal Families", the Einzbern family has spent the longest time on the Holy Grail.

Seal themselves in the frozen mountains and stubbornly cut off any contact with the outside world. They began to search for the miracle of the Holy Grail almost a thousand years ago. But their quest was fraught with setbacks and humiliations, as well as painful countermeasures. These situations go back and forth to no avail.

Finally, he began to despair of pursuing the Holy Grail alone, and had to establish a cooperation agreement with external magic families such as Tohsaka and Matou two hundred years ago.

In the subsequent Holy Grail War, since the Master's combat effectiveness was always lagging behind others, he was never defeated - the final result was that mages who were good at fighting could only be brought in from outside. This decision was made nine years ago.

It can be said that Emiya Kiritsugu was the last trump card played by the Einzbern family, which has always been proud of its pure blood. For this reason, they did not hesitate to change their family's creed for the second time.

Walking through the corridor, Kiritsugu's eyes accidentally fell on a relatively new painting on the painted window.

What is painted there is Lislaihei, the "Winter Saint" of the Einzbern family.\\nStessa, and the two magicians who serve her. All three of them reached for the Holy Grail in the sky. From the composition of this painting and the balance of the creative intention, we can see how the Einzbern family tried their best to belittle the Tosaka and Matou families two hundred years ago, and how they felt when they had to rely on their help. That sense of humiliation. All of these can be glimpsed through this painting.

If he is lucky enough to win this war and survive - Kiritsugu secretly smiled sarcastically in his heart - his appearance will be painted on this stained glass according to that composition even if he is unwilling to do so. Bar.

The old magician who is the Lord of Winter Castle is waiting for Kiritsugu and Irisviel in front of the altar.

Yubusta Kuhaid.\\nVon.\\nEinzbern. Since he inherited the position of the eighth generation patriarch, he has been known as "Ahad". By continuing life, almost two centuries have passed. Leading the Einzbern family from the Holy Grail "Quest" to the Holy Grail "War". ()

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